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1、人教版英语七上U5知识点同步练习Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?知识点:1.短语归纳 ball 英式足球 2.a tennis bat 一个网球拍 basketball 打篮球 bat 棒球棒 5. play sports 参加体育运动或比赛 6. be late 迟到 my bag 在我的包里 8. watch TV 看电视 9.on TV 电视上 school 在学校 11. after class下课后 12. 和同学我们一起 with our classmates 13. 去相

2、同的学校 go to the same school2.常考句型:1. - Do you have a baseball?你有棒球吗? - Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I have a volleyball. 是的,我有/不,我没有。我有排球2. - Does she have a tennis ball? 她有网球吗?- Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt. she has a baseball.是的,她有 / 不,她没有,她有棒球3. - Well, lets play basketball. 哦,我们去打篮球吧。 - Thats sounds

3、 great.那听起来不错4. I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. 我没有足球,但是我哥哥艾伦有。5.I only watch them on TV. 我只在电视上看他们。6. Its easy for me. 它对我来说很容易。7.Let sb.(not) do sth. 让某人(不要)做某事8.太棒了!(Thats)great. 单词、词组讲解1、 play “玩,耍” ,在句中要灵活翻译。 pingpong 打乒乓球 tennis 打网球 soccor 踢英式足球 球类名词前面不用 play volleyball 打排

4、球 冠词the a an basketball 打篮球 sports 参加体育运动2.Lets = Let us . “让我们”。 Lets play tennis .让我们打网球吧。Let+宾语(us/me/him/her/them)+ V原 :用于提出一个建议,“让做吧”。 Let Linda _(help) you. Let _(they) play games.3.That sounds good .“这个听起来好。”Sound v. 听起来是_, 其后常跟_.译:你的想法听起来很棒。_拓展1. Sound 还可做名词,意为_ I can hear _.我能听到水的声音。2.常见的感官

5、动词有:听起来_ 看起来 _ 闻起来_尝起来_ 摸起来_That sounds _.那听起来很棒。你看起来很开心_它尝起来很美味 _这件衬衫摸起来很软_4、Its boring / relaxing/interesting . 它是无聊的 / 轻松的/有趣的Interesting relaxing boring 修饰物 有趣的 轻松的;令人放松的 无聊的;令人无聊的Interested relaxed bored 修饰人对。感兴趣的 感到放松的 感到无聊的译:这是一本有趣的书_这部电影很无聊 _(2016.毕节中考) He feels _because he finds the movie i

6、s _. A. bored; bored B. boring; bored C. bored; boring D. boring ; boring 5、sports “ 运动” ,它常用复数形式。 sports star 运动明星 play sports 参加体育运动 sports meeting 运动会6.一般现在时态中have的用法have意为“有”,其主语一般是人,第三人称单数是 _.1.have用于第一、二人称单复数或第三人称复数作主语的句子中;has为have的_形式,用于第三人称单数代词作主语的句子中。例:I have a pen. 我有一个钢笔。 He has a pen. 他有

7、一个钢笔。 2. have / has的一般疑问句:在句首加助动词 _或 _,句尾加问号构成。除第三人称单数用_外,其余都用_.3.have / has作谓语时的转换 (1)否定句式:主语+dont / doesnt +have 第三人称单数后加does,句中的谓语动 词has要变成have.I dont have an eraser. 我没有橡皮。 He doesnt_an eraser. 他没有橡皮。 他有一个茶杯吗? _(2)一般疑问句式:Do/ Does+主语+have 肯定答语:Yes,主语+do / does. 否定答语:No, 主语+dont / doesnt. Do you h

8、ave a ruler? Yes, I do. No, I dont. (3)当have / has后的名词被some修饰时,在否定句和疑问句中some要变成any.I have some good friend.I dont have any good friend.随堂练习一.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. She _ (have) a soccer ball, but she _ (not have) a basketball.2. Lets _ (have) lunch. 3.That _(sound) boring.4. We are classmates. Let _(we) be

9、good friends.5. Lets watch _(they) on TV.6. I have three _ (basketball) 7. Let him _(get) the jacket for you.8. They _(not) have a volleyball.9._ Cindy _ (read) English every morning?10.How many lessons _ your brothers _ (have ) on Monday?2、句型转换1.I have an orange.(改为一般疑问句) _2.He has a sister.(改为一般疑问

10、句以及改为否定句)疑:_ 否:_3.Does he have a tennis racket?(分别作出肯定及否定回答)肯定:_,_ _ 否定:_,_ _4.There are some men near the river.(改为否定句)_5.Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday._3、单项选择1.After class,I play ping-pong _ my B.for D.with2.I like soccer.It is easy _ B.of C.with

11、r3._ your brother _ a bat?A.Do;have B.Does;have C.Does;has4.A:Lets play baseball! B:That _ great !A.sound B.look C.are D.sounds5.A:_. B:That sounds good.A. Have a good day B. Come on,we are lateC. Lets play basketball D. Thank you for your help.6.Jim _ a friend here.A.doesnt has B.doesnt have C.isnt have D.dont have7.I _ two baseballs and my friend _ five baseballs.A.have;have B.has;has C.has;have D.have;has8.I like playing _ ping-pong.A./ B.the C.a D.an9.Does she have _ TV? Yes,she ofen watches _TVA.a;a B.the;the C./;the D.a;/10.I only watch TFBOYS _ TV?A.on C.under

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