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1、甘肃省武威市民勤实验中学英语中考复习学案重点词汇短语总结docx2017中考英语复习资料第一讲 七年级(上)Unitsl51. one第一 first次 once6. many-*更多的moref最多的most2. this-* (对应词)that-* (复数)these7. help-*有益的 helpful词3. friend-*友好的 friendly-*友谊8. play-*播放器;选手player汇friendship9. think-*思想 thought-*thinker 思想家拓4. easy-* (副词)eas 订 yf (反义10. know-*知识knowledge知识渊

2、博的展词)di fficultknowledgeable5. relax令人放松的relaxingf感到轻松的 relaxed第二讲 七年级(上)Units610词l.fat-* (比较级)fatter-* (最高级)fattest5happy(反义词)unhappy(名 词)heipp in ess汇2. health (形容词)healthy (副6. music (形容词)musical (名词)musician拓词)healthily7. use-* (形容词)useful展3. sell-* (名词)sale8. five-*第五 fifth-*十五 fiftee五十 fifty4.

3、 art-* (名词,艺术家)artist重1.思考;考虑 think about5.以很低的价格at very low price点2.饮食习惯 eating habits6.举办一次英语聚会have an English party短3 多少钱how much7.玩得愉快 have a good time语4. 一双黑色的鞋子 a pair of black shoes& 玩游戏 play games第三讲七年级(下)Unitsl6词汇拓展l.sing-歌唱家 singer2 write-wrote, written作家 writer3.tooth-* (复数)

4、, run跑步者 runner5.across-* (介词,穿过)across-*十字路口 crossing6.noise-*吵闹的noisy吵闹地nois订y7.sleep-* (反义词)wake-*困倦的 sleepy-*睡 着的asleep8.beautyf beautiful(反义词)ugly9.danger-* (反义词)safety危险的 dangerous重1 .下国际象棋play chess11.乘地佚 take the subway点2.擅长于.be good at12.认为 think of短3敲鼓 play the drums13.在 和 之间 between.and语4

5、.对 有办法 be good with14 听 listen. to5.结交刖友 make friends15.清洗餐具 do the dishes6起床 get up16纟甫床 make ones bed7.穿上衣服get dressed17.对某人严格要求be strict (with sb)&洗淋浴 take a shower1&稍微,有点儿kind of9做作业 do one homework19.砍倒 cut down10.要么 要么 either.or20. rfl 制成的 be made of第四讲 七年级(下)Units712词 汇 拓 展1.manf (复数)men2.chi

6、ld-* (复数)children3.bad-bad 1 y-worse-worst4.Canada-Canaclian 加拿大人5.high-* (名词)height 高度6.act-*actor 男演员actress 女演员7.different-differeneedifferently8 lucklucky-Hucki ly9.visit-* (名词)visitor10.mouse-* (复数)mi ce1 .传话,捎个口信 take a message11.吹灭 blow out2.给某人回电话call sb back12.切碎 cut up3度假 on vacation13.给 带

7、来好运 bring good luck to.重4.邮局 post office14.总的来说all in all卢5在对面 across from15.对 感兴趣 be interested in短6.向右/左转 turn right/left16.熬夜 stay up late语7.中等身高(be)of medium height17.冲.大声喊叫shout at8.点;少量 a little1&搭起put叩9最后 in the end19上上下下;起伏up and down10.世界各地 around the world20.把.弄醒 wake.up八年级(上)Unitsl-3词1 .w

8、onder-*wonderfu 1 精彩的(形)8. decide (动)决定f decision (名)决定汇2. hungry饥饿的(形)饥饿hunger (名9. bui Id (动)修建building (名)建筑物拓词)10. different (形)不同的difference (名)展 (名)健康 healthy (形)健康 的一healthily (副)健康地一反义词加un4.die(动)死一dying奄奄一息的(现在分 词)-*dead (形)死的-*death (名词)死亡 f延续动词be dead6.true-*真正 truly-*真相

9、t(动)表演-* actor (名)演员一 actress (名)女演员f action (名)行动, 活动不同11.wait (动)等待一waiter (名)服务员f waitress (名)女服务员12.swim (动)游泳-*swimming (现在分词)13.little比较级 less-*least 最高级14.相当多,不少quite a few20.多于 more than重15 .当然;自然of course21 关心;在意 care about点16.感受到给 的感觉feel like22.只要;既然as long as短17.因为 because of23.与 不同 be d

10、ifferent from语18.几乎从不 hardly ever24与 一致 the same as19至少 at least25与.不同 be different from八年级(上)Units46词汇拓展1 .comfortable 舒服的uncomfortable 不舒 服的2.choose (动)选择一选择choice (名)选择3.cheap便宜的f (反义词)expensive昂贵 的 关心一careless 粗心的一careful -小心的,仔细地carefully仔细地5.mean 意 思 meaning f 无 意义的 meaningless6.discuss(

11、动)讨论discussion (名)讨论7.success (名)成功 f succeed (动词) successful (形)一successful ly (畐 ij)名)科学scientific(形)科学的* scientist (名)科学家动)获胜winner (名)获胜者(过去式-过 去分词)wonwon10.plan (动、名)计划plannedplanned11.agree (动)同意一agreement 名一disagree 反 义词,分歧12.main(形)主要的-*mainly (副)13.own (动)拥有-*owner物主重14.到目前为

12、止so far22.代替 take sbs place点15.有相同特征 common23.长大 grow up短16各种各样的all kinds of24.确信;对.有把握 be sure about语17.是.的职责;由.决定be up -to25.能够做某事be able to18.发挥作用play a role26在开始 at the beginning of19.编造 make up27.写下;记下 write down20.查明;弄清find out2&学着做;开始做take up21.装扮 dress up29.同意 agree with八年级(上)Units78

13、汇拓展1.pollute(动)污染 pollution(名)污染 polluted (形)被污染的2.peace (名)和平-*peaceful (形)和平的, 平静的3.believe (动)相信f believable4.possible(形)可能的-* (反义词)impossible5.dig(动)挖(过去式;过去分词)dug重 卢 短 语1 参与某事 play a part in2.处于危险中in danger3.数百 hundreds of4.倒塌;突然倒下fall down5.寻找;寻求look for6.在未来 in the future1. 多次 over and over a

14、gain7.切碎cut叩8.打开 turn on9. 用 覆盖 co ver. with10.个接一个地 one by one八年级(上)Units9-10词1.invite (动)邀请-invitation (名)请4.surprise-令人吃惊的是surprising-*感动惊讶汇柬的fsurprised拓2. sad (形)悲伤的f sadness (名)伤心5. advise (动)f 建议 advice (名)展3. open (动)打开一opening (名)开幕式6. solve (动)一解决;办法 solution (名)1.为.做准备 prepare for.7.接到(某人的

15、)信hear from重2闲逛 hang out&分成两半in half点3前天 the day before yesterday9拒绝 turn down短4.照料 look after10.最后;终于in the end语5去旅行 take a trip11 .犯错误 make mistakes6 盼望 look forward to八年级(下)Unit 1- Unit 21. foot (名)(复数)feet 脚6. satisfy (动)satisfied (形)满意的词2. climb(动)爬climber (名)攀登者7. difficult (形)-difficulty (名)困

16、难汇3. important (形)重要的importance8. train (动)-training (名)培训;训练拓(名)重要性9. kind (形)一kindness (名)仁慈展4. knife-*knives (复数)小刀10. understand (动)理解f understanding (形)5. decide (动)一decision (名)决定善解人意的1.感冒 have a cold13.打扫干净clean up2.躺下 lie down14.振奋起来cheer叩3. 量体温 take ones temperature15.分发;散发give out4.发烧 have

17、 a fever16.推迟 put off重5.休息 take breaks17.分发 hand out点6.下车 get off18.曾经 used to短7.立即 right away19.照顾 care for语& 习惯于 be used to20.参加选拔try out9.冒险 take risks21.修理;装饰fix up10.用尽 run out of22.(外貌或行为)像take after11.离开 get out of23.建起 set up12.掌管 be in control of24.影响 make a difference八年级(下)Unit3-Unit4词1. w

18、aste (动)浪费fwasteful (形)浪4. develop (动)发展developed;developing (形)汇费的发展;发育development (名)拓2. usual (形)寻常的unusual (反义词)5. fair (形)公正的-*unfair(反义词)不公正的-*展不寻常的f usually (副词)fairness (名)公正性3. second (序)f secondly (副词)6. argue (动)争吵argument (名词)争吵重1 .倒垃圾take out the rubbish7.浏览 look through点2濒繁;反复all the t

19、ime&解决 work out短3 就.as soon as9.和睦相处get on with语4.目的是 in order to10.删除 cut out5依靠 depend on6照顾 take care of11 比较 compare .with12依看 in ones opinion八年级(下)Unit 5Unit 6词汇拓展1.heavy (形)重的heavily (副词)2.silence (名)沉默-silent (形)沉默的 (动)报告reporter (名)记者 (名)冰一icy (形)冰冷的5.true (形)真实的一truth (名)真相6.wi

20、fe (名)妻子wives (复数)妻子重点短语1.(闹钟)发出响声gooff2.接电话pick up3.入睡 fall asleep4.逐渐变弱die down5看 看 have a look6.无声;沉默in silence7拆除 take down8.首先 at first9.提醒 remind of10.代替 instead of11 .从前 once upon a time12.爱上 fall in love with13.结婚 gel married14.变成 turn.into八年级(下)Unit 7Unit 81. tour (动)-*tourist (名)游客6. natur

21、e (名)自然一natural (形容词)自然的2. protect (动)protection (名)保护7. wake (动)唤88-*awake (形)醒着的词3. achieve (动)实现一achievement (名)8. excite (动)excitement (名)兴奋汇成就;成绩9. weigh (动)称的重量weight(名词)重量拓4. include (动)including (介词)包10. ill (形)生病的illness (名词)疾病展括5. succeed 成功一success (名 词)successful (形容词)成功的1.据我所知 as far as

22、 I know8.绊倒 fall over重2.吸入;吞入take in9. 大约or so点3.面对 in the face of10.满是.的;有丰富的full of短4.即使;虽然 even though;even if11.赶快;急忙hurry up语5.出生时at birth12属于 belong to6.到达(数量 )up to13.自从 ever since7.走路时撞着walk into14.互相 one another八年级下Unit 9Unit 101. peace (名)和平一peaceful (形)和平4. make (动)制造一maker (名)生产者的5. own

23、(动)一owner (名)主人词2. safe (反义词)安全的-*dangerous (形)6. encourage (动)鼓励fencouragement (名)汇危险的一safely (副词)一safety (名7. German (名/形,国人)一Germany (名)德拓词)安全国展3. invent (动)发明-invention (名)发明物1.茶艺 tea art7.察看 check out2.两个;一对a co叩le of8.清理 clean out重3.数以千计的thousands of9.不再 no longer点4. 一方而另一方面 on the one10.放弃 gi

24、ve up短hand on the other hand11.至于 as for语5.全年 all year round12.说实在的 to be honest6.家庭拍卖会yard sale13.依据 according to14.几乎;接近close to九年级 Unitl-Unit 215. pronounce (名词)-pronunciation20. able(名词)-ability词16. create (形容词)-creative21. warm (名词)一 warmth汇拓17. wise (副词)-wisely22. kind (名词)-kindnessTU18- tradi

25、tion(形容词)一 traditional23. die (形容词)- dead展19. touch (形容词)-touching24. at first刚开始,起初35. The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节重25. fall in love with 爱上 36. The Lantern Festival 元宵节点26. look up 查找37. be similar to 与 相似短27. make mistakes 犯错误38. shoot down 射下语28. spoken English.英语口语39. lay out摆开,布置29. be born wi

26、th 天生具有40. in the shape of 以 形状 attention to 注忌 31.connect. with. 连接 与 32.take notes 做笔记33.each other 相互,彼此34.even if即使,纵然41.dress up (as)打扮(成)42.depend on依靠,依赖43.find out 查明 about 关心,在意重卢结构45.refuse to do sth 拒绝做 that如此 以致于 that以便于,为了48.find it adj. to do sth.发现做 怎么样

27、doing sth.通过做 50.spendon花费 在 two weeks 两周后52.the importance of 的重要性53.end up doing s th 以做 结束54.expect. to do sth.希望 做 九年级 Unit 3Unit 41 .centert(名)中心一central (形)中心的12. examine (动)examirmtion (名)考试;审2. humor(名)幽默一humorous (形)有幽杳默感的13. introduce (动)介绍introduction (名)3. Asia (名)亚洲-Asian (形、名)亚洲介

28、绍(人)的;亚洲人14. east (名)东方-*eastern (形)东方的4.Europe(名)-*European (形、名) 欧洲15. convenient (形)方便的inconvenient (形)(人)的;欧洲人不方便的词5. Africa(名)f African 非洲(人)的16. correct (形)正确的一correctly (副)止确汇6. Britain(名)一British (形)英国(人)地拓7. suggest(动)suggestion (名)建议17. polite (形)礼貌的一politely (副)礼貌地展8. speak (动)说(某种语言)-*spoke (过去-*impolite (反)不礼貌的式)一spoken (过去分词)speaker (名)18. direct (形

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