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Unit 1Module2 Passing test.docx

1、Unit 1 Module 2 Passing test高一英语同步测试(Unit1 Book2 )姓名_ 班级_ 学号_一:单词拼写 ( 20 分, 根据句意做相应的变化)1.Her parents died in the earthquake last May, but she _(幸存).2. Have you seen the latest _(设计) for the new library?3.Who was_(挑选) to take part in the competition in your class?4. He _(想象) he heard footsteps behind

2、 him.5. On the National Day all the buildings were_(装饰) with flags.6. Theres some _( 疑惑) whether John will come on time7. He is_(搬开)the desk. 8. This is an idea thats _(值得) consideration.9. When the bomb _(爆炸) in the bus, many people were injured.10. As we all know, the ship has_(下沉) in water.11.In

3、court,a judge believes _( 证据) rather than opinions. 12. I got a very friendly _(接待) when I arrived there.13. When and where the last emperor died remained a _(神秘的事物)14. The robber who killed a shop owner will be on _(审判)next week.15. At the meeting he gave us much _(有价值的) advice on how to learn a fo

4、reign language.16.We were all _( 惊讶)at the change in his appearance.17. Ill meet you at the _(入口) to the school tomorrow.18. After a long _( 辩论), they came to an agreement at last.19. Following the national news we have the _( 本地的) news and weather.20. The old man is the _( 以前的) world champion.一:单词拼

5、写 ( 20 分, 根据句意做相应的1. survived 2. design 3. selected 4. fancied/ imagined 5. decorated 6. doubt 7. removing 8. worth 9. exploded 10. sunk 11. evidences 12. reception 13. mystery 14. trial 15. valuable 16. amazed 17. entrance 18. debate 19. local 20. former二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 ( 10分)1. There are a lot of _(

6、 culture) differences between the 2 countries. - We can learn about different _and customs when we travel.2. When you travel, youd better not take _ things. (value)It looked like gold, but it was _. You will find this map of great _ in helping you to get round London. There cultural relic are worth

7、_.3. What he did _ me. (amaze)It was _ that she was able to solve that problem quickly.To my _, he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.4. The building is poor in _. (design)The _ of the building failed to take part in the meeting.A new highway between the two cities has been_ now.5. This b

8、ook is _.( worth ) . Why did you buy it ?6. We will face the university _ exam after two years.(enter)With Chinas _ into WTO, English plays a more important part in our daily life.He always knocks the door twice before he _.7. Your _( select) of the presents should be based on the interest of the re

9、ceiver.8. -During the big fire, only one little boy _. -The _ of the accident described their experiences .9 We are warmly _when we arrived there.( receive) Thank you for your warm _ .10 The _( sail ) was _ north when the ship sank.11 . We should mind our manners on _(informal) occasions ( 场合) ( 1.

10、cultural , cultures 2. valuable / worthless / value / valuing 3. amazed / amazing / amazement 4. design / designer / designed 5. worthless 6. entrance /entry / enters 7. selection 8. survived / survivors 9. received / reception 10 sailor/ sailing 11 formal 三、翻译短语:( 20 分)1寻找 2. 属于3作为报答 4. 处于交战状态5少于 6

11、. 拆开7看重;器重 8. 为. 设计9被用来做 10.毫无疑问11不见了 12. 仍然是个谜13而不是 14. 使. 惊讶的是15往增添/加 16.某事值得做17风格奇特 18. 对.有价值19用.装饰 20 就. 进行辩论1. in search of 2. belong to 3. in return for 4. at war 5.less than 6. take apart 7. think highly of designed for /design for used to do / serve as 10. There is no doubt that11.

12、 be gone / lost / missing 12. remain a mystery 13.rather than / instead of14.To ones surprise, / To ones amazement,15. add. to16. be worth doing 17. in a fancy style valuable to 19. decorate with20. debate about 四: 用上题的短语的适当形式填空 ( 10 分)1. I wish I could do something for you _. your help .2. Th

13、e old man insisted the vase _ him.3. There is _ that Tai Wan is a part of China.4. You cant visit the two countries because they are _.5. I prefer to cycle to school _ take public transport.6. _, they all got full marks. Its unbelievable.7. The man carefully _ the televisions and repaired them for t

14、he customers.8. I dont think the book _ reading.9. The police _ the lost child with the worried parents at the moment.10. Dr. Bethune_ by the Chinese because he fought against the Japanese invaders and saved many Chinese soldiers.1. in return for 2. belonged to 3. no doubt 4. at war ; 5. rather than

15、 6. To my surprise,7. took apart 8. is worth 9. were in search of 10 .was thought highly of 五、 语法填空 ( 15 分) When Frederick William I first made the Amber House, it was not 1_(design) to be a gift . He made it for his own palace. It took hundreds of workers ten years of hard work 2_( make ) it. Peter

16、 the Great gave Frederick 55 of his best soldiers in return 3_ Fredericks generous offer. The Amber Room served as 4_reception hall later in Russia. There is no doubt 5_the Amber House was one of the great 6_( wonder) of the world. 7_ it is a pity that it 8_ (destroy) by the Russian Red Army during

17、World War II. Only some furniture and small objects , 9_ were not so heavy, were able to be removed from the Amber Room before the German soldier stole it 10_(secret) in 1941. 1. designed 2. to make 3. for 4. a 5. that 6. wonders 7. But 8. was destroyed 9, which 10 secretly 六、用本单元的句式和词汇,翻译下列句子 (25分

18、,每句2.5 分)1. 除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。(clean up, survive)2. 这时目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部。( 定语从句)3. 他已决定去巴黎渡假,而不去伦敦。( rather than )4. 我家门前的漂亮新车是我邻居的,不是我的。 ( belong to )5. 她给我们食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报,这一切都让我们很感激。 (in return; which; grateful )6. 他那么粗鲁地和老板说话,难怪会被解雇。 ( no wonder )7. 毫无疑问文化遗产值得保护, 因为他们很珍贵。8 琥珀屋被认为是世界奇迹之一,它是用

19、数吨的琥珀做成的。 它也是一个用金子和珠宝装饰的珍宝 ( 定语从句)9我们将对就应该怎样花零用钱进行辩论.10 春节,我们用鲜花,剪纸(paper cuts)和对联(couplets)装扮我们的房子。1. Unless we clean up our environment, human beings may not survive.2. This is one of the best films (that )I have ever seen.3. He has decided to go to Paris for his holiday rather than London. 4. The

20、 beautiful new car in front of my home belongs to my neighbour not me.5. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return, which made us very grateful.6. He talked so rudely to his boss. No wonder he was fired.7. There is no doubt that cultural relics are worth protecting because they ar

21、e valuable .8. The Amber Room is considered as / to be one of the wonders in the world, which was made of tones of amber and also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels .9. We will debate about/ have a debate about how to spend our pocket money .10. During the Spring Festival , we decorate our ho

22、used with flowers , paper cuts and couplets .七 附加题 完形填空 ( 30分) My father often works very hard . And he had _1_ to see a film . Here Ill tell you _2_ about him . One afternoon , when he finished his work and was about to go home, he found a film ticket under the _3_ on his desk . He thought he happe

23、ned to have not much work to do that day and _4_ was quite wonderful to pass the _5_ at the cinema . So he came back home and _6_ finished his supper . Then he said _7_ to us and left . But to our disappointment , he came back about an hour later . I _8_ him what was the matter . He smiled and told

24、us about _9_ funny thing that happened at the cinema . When my father was sitting in his seat , a _10_ came to my fathers seat and said that the seat was _11_ .My father was surprised . He took out the ticket _12_ looked at the seat . It was the same . So he asked her _13_ her ticket . She took out

25、the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17 , seat 3 . _14_ ? Whats the matter with all this ? While they were wondering , suddenly the woman said , The design of the tickets are different . so they looked at the tickets more carefully . After a while my father said , Oh , _15_ , I made a

26、 mistake . My ticket is for the film a month ago . Take this seat , please . With these words , he left the cinema . 1. A. little money B. much money C. little time D. much time2. A. a funny story B. a good story C. an old story D. a strange story3. A. box B. book C. glass D. paper4. A. it B. this C

27、. that D. which 5. A. morning B. afternoon C. day D. evening6. A. early B. quietly C. quickly D. suddenly7. A. hello B. good-bye C. good evening D. good night8. A. asked B. explained to C. told D. good night9. A. a B. one C. some D. the10. A. man B. woman C. doctor D. nurse11. A. hers B. his C. take

28、n D. wrong12. A. and B. but C. or D. so13. A. to bring B. to get C. to see D. to show 14. A. Seat 1 B. Seat 2 C. Seat 3 D. Seat 415. A. Im sad B. Im sorry C. Im wrong D. Im worried1-5 CACAD 6-10CBAAB 11-15 AADCB2: Guangzhou, a city with 1.a history of over 2,000 years, is rich in 2.cultural relics.

29、For example, the city has many famous places of interest 3.that are known to people home and abroad, including the Sun Yet Sen Memorial Hall(中山纪念堂), the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees(六榕寺), the Guangxiao Temple(光孝寺), etc. hall for the Clan of Chen(陈家祠), we know the rich history of handicraft arts of our Guangdong Province. Form the Mausoleum for the Nan Yue King(南越王墓), we know the remote history of Nan Yue Kingdom, an ancient kingdom in South China4. that belonged to the Han Dynasty.5.However, the tru

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