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1、Estimates编制估算概算1. Overview总纲 (a) Preparing Cost Estimates编制估算概算 (b) Preparing Cash Flow Tables编制资金流量表 (c) Attending Design Meetings叁与设计会议 (d) Monitoring the Design设计监控 (e) Adjusting the Cost Estimates and Reconciling估算概算调整及检讨 (f) Comparing alternatives替代方案的比较 (g) Value engineering价值工程 (h) Life cycle

2、 costing生命周期成本2. Need for Pre-construction Estimates为何需要概算 (a) Knowing the costs for investment decisions知道成本造价以作投资决定Calculating land bid price计算买地投标价Calculating acceptable rental 计算可接受的租金Evaluating the feasibility of the investment评估投资的可行性(b) Establishing a project (development) budget确定发展项目的投资预算(c

3、) Formulating a design brief which defines the scope and standard of the project制订设计任务书,说明发展项目的范围及标准(d) Obtaining funding获取拨款(e) Borrowing money from the bank向银行贷款(f) Monitoring the design development to control the costs within budget监控设计的深化以控制不超出投资预算(g) Estimating fees估算顾问费3. Characteristics of Qu

4、antity Surveying in Hong Kong 香港工料测量的特色 (a) Full services from inception of project to completion of construction 由项目构思到建造完成的全过程造价咨询服务 (b) Now extending to post completion maintenance until redevelopment现在申延到建造後的维修直至重建 (c) Dynamic management with constant review and updating不断检讨及更新的动态管理4. Best Time

5、to Plan and Control the Costs造价控制的最佳时机 (a) As early as possible during the development process在项目发展阶段中越早越好 (b) Better chances to make design changes to find a better solution较有机会修改设计取得更好的方案 (c) To reduce abortive design costs减少设计返工5. Different names of pre-construction cost estimates概算的不同名称 (a) Prel

6、iminary Indication of Costs初步估算指标 (b) Preliminary Cost Estimates概算 (c) Elemental Cost Estimate 功能分部概算 (d) Rough Indication of Costs大約估算 (e) Cost Plans成本计划 (f) Cost Models (An American term) 成本概算及计划 (美式用词) (g) Pre-tender Estimate标底6. Cost Estimate, Cost Plan and Budget 概算,计划及投资预算 (a) A Cost Estimate

7、reflects the estimated costs of a current design概算反映某个现有设计的估计造价 (b) A Cost Plan is a detailed cost framework for controlling future design成本计划乃控制将来设计的详细造价框架 (c) A Budget is the maximum sum a Developer is willing and able to spend on a project投资预算乃建设单位愿意及有能力投资於某项目的最大金额 (d) A Cost Estimate for now, if

8、 satisfactory and approved, will become the Cost Plan for the future design现行的概算(若满意及获批准) 便作为将来设计的成本计划7. Cost and Price成本与造价 (a) “Cost” and “Price” often used interchangeably ”成本” 与 ”造价” 常常互通使用 (b) Between the two parties to a transaction, the price to the Seller/ Contractor is the cost to the Buyer

9、/Employer就某个交易而言,卖方/承包方的造价即买方/发包方的成本 (c) For the same party, Cost + Profit = Price就同一方而言,成本+利润 = 造价8. Ways to Calculate the Cost Estimates计算概算的方法 (a) Estimates should be done using expedient methods, approximations and shortcuts to reduce estimating time and costs in order to afford more estimates概算

10、应以便捷的方法、框算和捷径以减少编制的时间及费用以便能多做概算 (b) Cost per floor area estimates按楼面积计算 (c) Cost estimates prepared by measuring the most significant cost parameters按最有效应的造价叁数计算 (d) Cost estimates prepared by measuring elemental quantities按功能分部工程量计算 (e) Cost estimates prepared by measuring approximate quantities按分项

11、大约工程量计算 (f) Cost estimates prepared by pricing the bills of quantities ready for issuance or already issued for tendering按工程量清单计算9. Estimating approach四字真言 (a) From big to small由大到小 (b) From rough to fine从粗到细 (c) Focusing on the important重点出击 (d) Making bold assumptions 大膽假設 (e) Verifying carefully小

12、心求証 (f) Comparing with the unlike触类旁通 (g) Conducting self checking自我复核 (h) Reconciling with the previous瞻前顾后 (i) Empathizing with the Client设身处地10. Cost Parameters造价叁数 (a) Floor Area楼面面积(b) Ground Area and Roof Area地、屋面面积 (c) External Elevation Area外立面面积 (d) External Area室外面积 (e) Number of equipment

13、台数 (f) Refrigeration Tonnage冷吨 (g) Other elemental quantities 其他功能分部工程量11. Cost Geometry造价幾何 (a) Appreciating which cost portions should bear more direct proportions to each parameter了解那部份的成本内容与那个造价叁数有较直接的比例关系 (b) Appreciating how changes in the size and shape of a building would change the cost pro

14、portions了解楼宇的大小及形状的变化如何影响造价的分布12. Building up Composite Rates组合单价的测算 (a) Using composite rates to simplify measurement of details用组合单价来简化细项的计算 (b) Allowance in quantities or rates for unmeasured items数量或单价内要考虑不另行计算的内容13. Source of Data数据来源 (a) Quantity Factors含量Other Projects其他工程Analysis by sampling

15、抽样测算 (b) Rates单价Tender Prices投标价Final Account Prices结算价New Enquiries询价 (c) Cost Analysis of Other Projects其他工程项目的造价分析 14. Element 功能分部 (a) An element is a part of a building which serves the same function for different buildings irrespective of the materials and design used, and which costs can easi

16、ly be separated from others 功能分部乃楼宇内不论所用的材料或设计是什麽通常都是在不同的楼宇有同一功能的组成部份,而其计价可容易与其他部份分开的 (b) Classifying the costs of a building (or other construction) into elements would facilitate: 把楼宇(或其他建设)的造价按功能分部分拆可利於:Comparison of the costs of different design options serving the same elemental function达到同一功能的

17、不同设计方案按功能分部的造价比较Comparison with costs of other projects by elements按功能分部与其他发展项目的造价比较Rationalizing the budget allocation between different elements for better use把投资按不同功能分部更合理地分配使用Quicker estimating based on elemental quantities which are easier to measure 使用较易计算的功能分部数量加快估算Analysis of data for differ

18、ent projects on the same basis and classification以同一的基准及分类分析不同项目的数据 (c) Different QS practices and ArchSD have different elemental classifications不同的测量师事务所及建筑署有不同的功能分部分类方法 15. Element groups (example) 功能分部裙组(例子) (a) Builders Works / Structure and Fabric楼房土建 / 结构及框架 (b) Finishes and Fittings楼房装饰 (c)

19、Building Services楼房机电安装 (d) Site and External Works前期及外围工程 (e) Profits and Attendance on Sub-Contractors and Suppliers分包管理配合费 (f) Preliminaries开办经营费 (g) Design Contingencies设计深化增项预留费 (h) Construction Contingencies施工不可预见费 (i) Developers Soft Costs建设单位其他费用16. Builders Works / Structure and Fabric楼房土建

20、/ 结构及框架 (a) Foundation piling基桩 (b) Foundations基础 (c) Basement bottom and sides地下室底板及外牆 (d) Structure结构 (e) External Elevations (External Walls, External Wall Finishes, Windows, Curtain Walls) 外立面(外墙、外饰面、窗、幕墙) (f) Internal Walls and Partitions内间断 (g) Doors门 (h) Roller Shutters and Fire Shutters卷帘 (i

21、) Roof Finishes屋面17. Finishes and Fittings楼房装饰 (a) Floor Finishes楼地面 (b) Internal Wall Finishes内墙面 (c) Ceiling Finishes天棚 (d) Signs, Fixtures and Sundries标志、固定装置、杂项 (e) Sanitary Fittings洁具 (f) Furniture家具 (g) Lighting Fittings灯具 18. Building Services楼房机电安装 (a) Underground Drainage地下排水 (b) Above-grou

22、nd Drainage地上给排水 (c) Sewage Treatment污水处理 (d) Pool Filtration Plant泳池过滤系统 (e) Fountain 喷泉 (f) Gas 燃气 (g) Fire Services消防 (h) Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning暖通空调 (i) Electrical 电气 (j) Security, Telephone and Public Address保安、电话及广播系统 (k) Lifts电梯 (l) Escalators电扶梯 (m) Gondola擦窗机 (n) Turntable

23、旋转台 (o) Kitchen Equipment厨房设备 (p) Special Equipment特殊设备19. Site and External Works前期及外围工程 (a) Demolition拆卸工程 (b) Site Formation 场地平整 (c) Retaining Structures挡土墙 (d) Dewatering排水 (e) Utilities机电主管道 (f) Boundary Walls围墙 (g) Ancillary Structures构筑物 (h) External Paving路面 (i) Landscaping园林绿化20. Profits a

24、nd Attendance on Sub-Contractors and Suppliers分包管理配合费21. Preliminaries开办经营费 22. Design Contingencies/Design Development Allowance设计深化增项预留费23. Construction Contingencies施工不可预见费24. Developers Soft Costs建设单位其它费用 (a) Land Costs and Premium地价及土地使用费 (b) Evacuation Costs拆迁补偿费 (c) Costs of Capacity Upgradin

25、g, Diversion, Connection and Installation of Utilities 市政增容费、改道费、接驳费及初装费 (d) Work outside the Site Boundaries红线外工程费 (e) Production and Process Equipment, Supermarket Stalls, Showcases生产工艺设备、超市货架、专柜 (f) Operating, Office and Back of House Furniture and Equipment营业、办公及后勤家具及设备 (g) Survey and Design Fee

26、s, Expenses and Site Staff Costs 勘察设计费、开支及驻现场代表费 (h) Site Supervisory Costs施工监理费 (i) Pre-Opening Expenses, Administration Costs and Working Capital开幕前费用、经营费用及流动资金 (j) Finance and Legal Expenses财务和法律上的费用25. Contents of A Cost Estimate概算的内容 (a) Grand Summary大汇总Total Cost of Each Section of the Project

27、建设项目每区域的总造价Floor Area of Each Section每区域的楼面面积Unit Cost per Floor Area每区域的楼面面积的单价 (b) Descriptions编制说明 (c) Elemental Summary of each Section 每区域的功能分部汇总Floor Area of the Section该区域的楼面面积Total Cost of Each Element of the Section该区域的每功能分部总造价Unit Cost per Floor Area每功能分部的楼面面积单价% Proportion of each Element

28、每功能分部所占百分比 (d) Detailed Build-up具体项目Arranged by Elements按功能分部排列Item Reference编码Descriptions子目说明Quantities rounded off to tens or thousands拾位或百位整数的数量Rates round off to two significant figures两个有效数字的单价Extension rounded off万位整数的合价Elemental Totals功能分部总价 (e) Possible additional information可能的附加资料Elementa

29、l Quantities功能分部数量Unit Costs per Elemental Quantities功能分部单价26. Descriptions of the Cost Estimates估算编制说明 (a) Project Name项目名称 (b) Project Location 项目地点 (c) Scope of the Estimate估算范围 (d) Areas面积Construction Floor Area / Covered Floor Area建筑面积/有盖楼面面积Ground Area地面面积Site Area地块面积Lease Gross Floor Area地契楼

30、面面积(Non-)Accountable GFA可豁面/不豁面地契楼面面积Bay Window Area窗台面积 (e) Basis of the Estimate估算依据Drawings used依据的图纸 (f) Price Levels价格水平Current Prices现行价格Fluctuations from Date of Preparing the Estimate to Tendering由编制到招标的价格浮动Fluctuations from Tendering to Completion of Construction由招标到竣工的价格浮动 (g) Outline Spec

31、ification of Design and Materials分部设计及用料大纲 (h) Finishes Schedule裝飾表 (i) Exclusions不包项目27. Rate Build-up单价组成 (a) Labour costs人工费Daly rates to include for daily basic wage, travelling and meal allowances, allowances for hand tools and personal accessories, allowances for holidays with pay, MPF contribution, year end bonus, incentive payments, levies and insurances if not priced separately, etc. 日工单价应包括基本日工资、交通及伙食津贴、工具及个人用品津贴、有薪假期、公积金、年终奖金、鼓励性奖金、未另行计算的政府徵费和保险、等等Time to consider taking from stores, ho

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