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1、人教版高中英语第一册知识点归纳必修1:Friendship(P1)1. be good to 对好,对和蔼,对友好Whycantshebegoodtohersister?为什么她不能对她姐姐好点?2. survey 调查 a survey of 对的调查,关于的调查 a survey of US businesses 对美国企业的调查 survey shows/reveals (that)调查显示The survey showed that Britains trees are in good health. 调查显示英国的树木状况良好。 carry out/conduct a survey(

2、=do a survey)进行调查 We conducted a survey of parents in the village. 我们对这个村子的孩子父母作了一次调查。3. add 添加、增加、计算、相加 add sth to sth 把加入中Do you want to add your name to the list? 你想把你的名字加到名单里吗? add sth and sth (together) 把和相加。Add 7 and 5 to make 12. 7加5得12。 add to something 增加 What he did has added to our diffic

3、ulties. 他的所作所为增加了我们的困难。 add up to 总计,加起来等于The cost added up to 100 million yuan. 费用总计达一亿元。4. until 直到为止The ticket is valid until March. 这张票的有效期一直到3月份。He waited until she had finished speaking. 他一直等到她讲完。 not until直到才用于强调某事在某个具体的时刻或者另一件事发生以前没有发生 It was not until 1972 that the war finally came to an en

4、d. 直到1972年战争才终于结束。5. finish 停止 finish doing sth停止做某事(停下正在做的事情) I finished typing the report just minutes before it was due. 我在截止时间前几分钟才把报告打完。 finish+ with以为结尾The party finished with a song. 聚会以一首合唱结束。6. help 帮助 help sb with sth帮助某人某事Can I help you with the washing up? 我来帮你洗碗好吗?My father said hes goi

5、ng to help me with the fees. 父亲说费用问题他会帮我解决的。 help sb (to) do sthI helped her to carry her cases up the stairs. 我帮她把箱子拎上了楼。She helped him choose some new clothes. 她帮他挑了一些新衣服。 help (to) do sthShe was coming to help clean the machines. 她要来帮忙擦洗机器。7. plan n.计划、打算;vi & vt 计划、筹划、打算 (planning, planned, plan

6、ned) n.计划、打算;plan for,的计划 (有时候也会用介词of)His plan is to work abroad for a year. 他计划去国外工作一年。Do youhaveanyplansfor the weekend? 你周末有什么打算? make a plan / make plans 做计划、制定计划、筹备;Mary has been busy making plans for her wedding. 玛丽一直在忙着筹划她的婚礼。 carry out a plan(=do what has been planned)实施计划They were arrested

7、before they could carry out their plans. 他们在实施计划之前就被逮捕了。 plan to do sth 计划去做某事/打算去做某事/谋划去做某事Maria didnt plan to kill Fiona. It was an accident. 玛丽亚并非蓄意杀害菲奥娜,那是个意外。8. get vi & vt 获得、到达、收到、购买、取得(getting, got, gotten) 使某事发生在某人身上/某物上 (get it repaired)Youre going to get us all killed! 你会让我们都没命的!Dont get

8、yourself burned. 别烫到自己。9. upset adj. 心烦意乱的、不快的、烦躁的 I was very upset because one of my friend was rude to me. 我很心烦,因为我的一个好朋友对我非常无礼。 be upset aboutShe wasdeeply upsetabout the way her father treated her. 父亲那样对她,她非常难过。 upset thatDebbie was upset that he didnt spend more time with her. 他没有花更多的时间陪自己,黛比觉得

9、不快。 be upset with sb生某人的气,对某人感到不快Youre not still upset with me, are you? 你不是还在生我的气吧? vt.使某人生气;使生气;使心烦意乱Dont do anything that would upset him. 别做惹他生气的事情。His cheating in the exam upset his teacher. 他在考试中作弊,这使他的老师很生气。10. ignore vt.忽视、忽略、不理睬You cantignore the factthat many criminals never go to prison.

10、你不能无视很多罪犯从未获刑的事实。The phone rang, but she ignored it. 电话铃响了,但她只当没听见。11. calm adj. 静的、平静的、沉着的;n. 平静、宁静;vi & vt 使平静Glen was calm and composed at the funeral. 格伦在葬礼上表现得平静而镇定。 remain/stay/keep calm 保持镇静、保持平静;I tried to stay calm and just ignore him. 我尽量保持镇定,不去理睬他。 the calm before the storm n.平静暴风雨前的平静指激烈

11、争论或严重问题出现前短暂的平静局面 calm down恢复平静,恢复正常; calm sb down 使某人平静下来It took months forthingstocalm downafter we had the baby. 我们有了宝宝后过了好几个月,家里的一切才恢复正常。She lit a cigarette to calm herself down. 她点了支烟,使自己平静下来。12. have got to do 必须,不得不; Have you got to go now? 你非得现在走吗?辨析:have got to 和 have to的区别1) 在表示一次性动作时,两者可以

12、互换。I have(got)to be back by 10 oclock. 我十点前必须回来。2) 当表示习气性动作时,特别是句子中有表示经常性的副词(always、often等),则用have to, 而不用 have got toI often have to get up at 5. 我常常要五点起床。3) have got to 几乎不用在过去时态中。In order to catch you, I had to walk very fast.为了赶上你,我不得不走得很快才行。4) have to 在使用时可以搭配助动词或情态动词;也可以用在停止体或完成体结构中,而have got

13、to 不行。I shall have to help him as much as I can. 我将不得不尽我所能地去帮他。7. plan n.计划、打算;vi & vt 计划、筹划、打算 (planning, planned, planned) n.计划、打算;plan for, 的计划 (有时候也会用介词of)His plan is to work abroad for a year. 他计划去国外工作一年。Do youhaveanyplansfor the weekend? 你周末有什么打算? make a plan / make plans 做计划、制定计划、筹备;Mary has

14、been busy making plans for her wedding. 玛丽一直在忙着筹划她的婚礼。 carry out a plan(=do what has been planned)实施计划They were arrested before they could carry out their plans. 他们在实施计划之前就被逮捕了。 plan to do sth 计划去做某事/打算去做某事/谋划去做某事Maria didnt plan to kill Fiona. It was an accident. 玛丽亚并非蓄意杀害菲奥娜,那是个意外。8. get vi & vt 获

15、得、到达、收到、购买、取得(getting, got, gotten) 使某事发生在某人身上/某物上 (get it repaired)Youre going to get us all killed! 你会让我们都没命的!Dont get yourself burned. 别烫到自己。9. upset adj. 心烦意乱的、不快的、烦躁的 I was very upset because one of my friend was rude to me. 我很心烦,因为我的一个好朋友对我非常无礼。 be upset aboutShe wasdeeply upsetabout the way h

16、er father treated her. 父亲那样对她,她非常难过。 upset thatDebbie was upset that he didnt spend more time with her. 他没有花更多的时间陪自己,黛比觉得不快。 be upset with sb生某人的气,对某人感到不快Youre not still upset with me, are you? 你不是还在生我的气吧? vt.使某人生气;使生气;使心烦意乱Dont do anything that would upset him. 别做惹他生气的事情。His cheating in the exam up

17、set his teacher. 他在考试中作弊,这使他的老师很生气。10. ignore vt.忽视、忽略、不理睬You cantignore the factthat many criminals never go to prison. 你不能无视很多罪犯从未获刑的事实。The phone rang, but she ignored it. 电话铃响了,但她只当没听见。11. calm adj. 静的、平静的、沉着的;n. 平静、宁静;vi & vt 使平静Glen was calm and composed at the funeral. 格伦在葬礼上表现得平静而镇定。 remain/s

18、tay/keep calm 保持镇静、保持平静;I tried to stay calm and just ignore him. 我尽量保持镇定,不去理睬他。 the calm before the storm n.平静暴风雨前的平静指激烈争论或严重问题出现前短暂的平静局面 calm down恢复平静,恢复正常; calm sb down 使某人平静下来It took months forthingstocalm downafter we had the baby. 我们有了宝宝后过了好几个月,家里的一切才恢复正常。She lit a cigarette to calm herself do

19、wn. 她点了支烟,使自己平静下来。12. have got to do 必须,不得不; Have you got to go now? 你非得现在走吗?辨析:have got to 和 have to的区别5) 在表示一次性动作时,两者可以互换。I have(got)to be back by 10 oclock. 我十点前必须回来。6) 当表示习气性动作时,特别是句子中有表示经常性的副词(always、often等),则用have to, 而不用 have got toI often have to get up at 5. 我常常要五点起床。7) have got to 几乎不用在过去时

20、态中。In order to catch you, I had to walk very fast.为了赶上你,我不得不走得很快才行。8) have to 在使用时可以搭配助动词或情态动词;也可以用在停止体或完成体结构中,而have got to 不行。I shall have to help him as much as I can. 我将不得不尽我所能地去帮他。13. be concerned about sb 关心某人He knows that you are always concerned about him. 他知道你一直关心他。14. take care of 照顾、照看、负责

21、(take, took, taken)Weonly haveoneearth,soweneed totakecare ofher. 我们只有一个地球,所以我们必须要好好的照顾她。15. walk the dog 遛狗She has to walk the dog every morning. 她每天早晨不得不遛狗。She had to walk the dog every morning last year. 去年,她每天早晨都不得不遛狗。16. take an exam 参加考试;take the end-of-term exam 参加期末考试WhencanItake anexam? 我什么

22、时间参加考试?17. laugh at 取笑、嘲笑The suggestion he made was laughed at by the committee. 他提出的建议遭到了委员会的嘲笑。18. go through经历、经受或通过、经过、穿过 He was going through a very difficult time.他在经历一段非常艰难的时期。 Youmustgothrough customsinorder topass across the border.你要过境, 就必须在海关办理手续。19. set down 记下、放下、登记Old Walter is setting

23、 down his memories of village life.老瓦尔特正在写他的乡村生活回忆录。ToppriorityformeisgettinghimoffthisplanesoIcanfinallyset downmygun.现在对于我来说最要紧的事就是让他下飞机,这样我就能放下我的枪了。20. a series of 一系列、一连串Welearnlanguagethrougha series ofpromptsandfeedback.我们通过一系列的提示和反馈学习语言。21. want to do sth; want sb to do sth; want sth doneI wa

24、nt to go shopping tomorrow morning. 明天上午我想去购物。I want you to find out what theyre planning. 我要你查明他们有什么计划。I want that letter typed today. 我要那封信今天就打好。22. since 自从以来,就一直(通常与主句中完成式连用)Weve been waiting here since two oclock. 我们从两点钟开始就在这里等了。I havent played rugby since I left university. 我大学毕业后就没打过橄榄球。She l

25、eft London ten years ago, and I havent seen her since. 她十年前离开伦敦,此后我再没有见过她。23. hide away 躲藏、隐藏(hid, hidden) hide动词,away为副词,宾语为代词时应放在两者中间She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered.她和她的家人躲了近二十五个月才被发现。As he didnt want his sister to share his chocolate, he hid i

26、t away somewhere under the bed. 因为他不想和妹妹分享巧克力,他把它藏在床下的某个地方了。24. on purpose 故意地 反义短语:by accident/ by chance意外地,偶然地I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon.为了好好看看月亮,我故意醒着直到十一点半。Cinderella left her shoe on the stairs on purpose.灰姑娘故意把她的一只鞋子留在了台阶上。Rockets

27、 were probably invented by accident about 2000 years ago.火箭可能是在约两千多年前无意间被发明的。By chance I came across an article about her.很偶然地,我看到了一篇关于她的文章。25. in order to(+ do) 为了 否定形式:in order not to do sth so as to 可与 in order to 互换,作目的状语,但so as to 不能位于句首 in order that/so that 引导目的状语从句,从句中常有情态动词can, may ,might,

28、could 等,当主句和从句主语一致时,in order that / so that 可以和 in order to/ so as to 互换。We got up early in order to/ so as to catch the early bus.=In order to catch the early bus, we got up early.=We got up early to catch the early bus.=We got up early in order that / so that we could catch the early bus.为了赶上早班车,我

29、们起得很早。26. dare v. 敢于,胆敢 dare 既可作为实意动词,也可作为情态动词;作实意动词时后面常接不定式to do sth, 在疑问句和否定句中to可省略,作情态动词使用时多用于否定句和疑问句。具体用法如下: 肯定句中:实意动词dare to do sth 敢于做某事 否定句中:实意动词:dont/ doesnt/ didnt dare (to) do sth 不敢做某事 情态动词:darent/ darednt do sth 疑问句中:实意动词:Do/ Does/ Did +主语+ dare(to) do sth? 情态动词:Dare / Dared + 主语+ do sth

30、?He dares to speak English before his class. 他敢在同学面前说英语He doesnt dare (to) speak English before his class. 他不敢再同学面前说英语。=He darent speak English before his class.Does he dare (to) speak English before his class? 他敢在同学面前说英语吗?=Dare he speak English before his class?27. happen vi. 发生;碰巧 happen to do/ be

31、 doing/ have done/ be done 碰巧要做/正在做/做过/被做 happen to sb 某人遇到;某人遭到 It (just) so happens that 碰巧 happen作“发生、碰巧”时,都是不及物动词,也不能用于被动语态。此外,take place, break out, occur, come about 这些短语也都无被动语态。Five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.五个月前的一个傍晚,我碰巧在楼上,当时窗户是开着的。I happened to have seen the lost bike. 我碰巧见过那辆丢了的自行车。My m

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