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1、最新人教版七年级语文下册文常解词一览表名师优秀教案人教版七年级语文下册文常解词一览表人教版语文七年级下册文常解词一览表 题目 选自 作者 备注 从百草园到三味书散文集朝花夕拾 鲁迅 原名周树人,字豫才,浙江绍屋 兴人。无产阶级伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家。 爸爸的花儿落了 城南旧事 林海音 台湾作家 丑小鸭 安徒生童话和故安徒生 丹麦童话作家 事选 假如生活欺骗了你 普希金诗集 普希金 俄国诗人 未选择的路 中外哲理诗精选 弗罗斯特 美国诗人 伤仲永 临川先生文集 王安石 字介甫,北宋政治家、文学家、思想家,唐宋八大家之一 黄河颂 黄河大合唱 光未然 最后一课 都德 法国作家 艰难的国运与雄健

2、李大钊选集 李大钊 字守常,河北乐亭人 的国民 土地的誓言 中国新文学大系 端木蕻良 原名曹汉文 木兰诗 乐府诗集 郭茂倩 宋代郭茂倩编的乐府诗集,是南北朝时期北方的民歌 邓稼先 人民日报 杨振宁 杨振宁:美籍华裔物理学家,1957年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者;邓稼先:中国核武器的领导人,1999年被国家追授“两弹一星”功勋奖章 闻一多先生的说和人民日报 臧克家 闻一多,诗人,学者,民主战做 士 音乐巨人贝多芬 中国现代散文选 何为 贝多芬,德国作曲家。代表作田园交响曲命运交响曲 福楼拜家的星期天 济南文艺 莫泊桑 福楼拜,法国作家,代表作包拉利夫人;莫泊桑,法国作家,短篇小说巨匠,代表作项链羊脂球

3、 孙权劝学 资治通鉴 司马光 司马光,字君实,北宋政治家、史学家;资治通鉴是司马光主持编纂的一部编年体通史,记载了从战国到五代1362年的历史。孙权,字仲谋,三国吴国的创建者;吕蒙,字子明,三国吴国名将。 社戏 小说集呐喊 鲁迅 同从百草园到三味书屋 安塞腰鼓 人民日报 刘成章 竹影 丰子恺文集(艺术丰子恺 原名丰润,浙江崇德人,现代卷) 画家、散文家 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better cont

4、rol costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequa

5、te supply of labor resources: give full play to the companys resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, ren

6、tal advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickl

7、y supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction pr

8、ocedure 观舞记 冰心全集 冰心 口技 虞初新志?秋声诗林嗣环 作者林嗣环,字铁崖,福建晋自序 江人,清代顺治年间进士;虞初新志是清代张潮编选的笔记小说。 伟大的悲剧 人类的群星闪耀茨威格 奥地利作家,主要成就在传记时 文学和小说创作方面。 在沙漠中心 人类的大地 圣埃克絮法国作家。法国最早的一代飞佩里 行员之一。代笔作夜航人类的大地空军飞行员小王子等 登上地球之巅 红旗插上珠穆朗郭超人 湖北武穴人,中国著名新闻工玛峰 作者,前任新华社社长 真正的英雄 世界名人演说经里根 美国总统 典 夸父逐日 山海经?海外北经 共工怒触不周山 淮南子 刘安 西汉淮南王刘安及其门客集体撰写的一部著作。淮

9、南子又名淮南鸿烈。 猫 郑振铎文集 郑振铎 郑振铎,福建长乐人,现代作家、学者、翻译家 斑羚飞渡 和乌鸦做邻居 沈石溪 华南虎 诗刊 牛汉 马 世界散文精华?欧布封 法国博物学家、作家。他用毕洲卷 生精力经营皇家花园,并用40年时间写成36巨册的自然史 狼 聊斋志异 蒲松龄 字留仙,世称聊斋先生,淄川人,清代文学家 解词: 1、从百草园到三味书屋 确凿 确实 长吟 长声鸣叫 轻捷 轻快 攒 凑在一块儿 机关 这里是秘密的意思 敛 收拢 鉴赏 鉴定和欣赏 人迹罕至 少有人来。迹,足迹、脚印。罕,稀少。 方正 正派 消释 溶解 宿儒 书念得很多的老学者 人声鼎沸 形容人声喧闹。鼎,一种铜铸的锅;沸

10、,水开。鼎沸,原指锅里的水烧更多资料XX一下:韩教练各科construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control c osts. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration.

11、8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the companys resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project

12、earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and sc

13、hedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures

14、, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure开了 2、爸爸的花儿落了 骊歌 告别的歌 3、丑小鸭 木屐 木头鞋 7、最后一课 哽 声气阻塞 9、土地的誓言 炽痛 热烈而深切 标直 笔直 嗥鸣 (野兽)大声嚎叫 谰语 没有根据的话 亘古 远古; 污秽 肮脏的东西 11、邓稼先 马革裹尸 用马皮把尸体包裹起来,指军人战死于战场。

15、夐 辽远 曛 昏黄 铤 疾走 亡群 失群 纠纷 交错在一起 萦带 弯曲的像带子一样 12、闻一多先生的说和做 弥高 更高。弥,更加 锲而不舍 镂刻不停,比喻有恒心,有毅力。锲,刻 兀兀穷年 辛辛苦苦的一年到头这样做。兀兀,劳苦的样子;穷年,中年,一年到头 沥 滴 群蚁排衙 这里指整齐的排列着。衙,衙门。 迥乎不同 很不一样。迥,差得远 警报迭起 迭,屡次 13、音乐巨人贝多芬 杂乱无章 又多又乱,没有条理 含蓄 包含 抽搐 犹豫 巴望 指望 磐石 厚而大的石头 14、福楼拜家的星期天 义愤填膺 胸中充满了正义的愤恨。膺,胸。 16、社戏 惮 怕,畏惧 撺掇 从旁鼓动人做某事 委实 实在 更多资

16、料XX一下:韩教练各科construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control c osts. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry

17、 out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the companys resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to prot

18、ect the interests of migrant workers, not workers wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials

19、: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fi

20、t 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure凫水 游泳 依稀 隐隐约约 弥散 弥漫消散 飘渺(缥缈) 隐隐约约,若有若无 楫 桨 17、安塞腰鼓 亢奋 极度兴奋 晦暗 昏暗。这里是迷惘、糊涂的意思 羁绊 缠住不能脱身,束缚。羁,约束 蓦然 突然,猛然 冗杂 繁杂 叹为观止 赞美看到的事物好到了极点 戛然而止 声音突然中止 19、观舞记 本色当行 做本行的事,成

21、绩十分显著 颦蹙 皱着眉头,形容忧愁的样子 粲然 笑容灿烂的样子 嗔视 生气地看 叱咤风云 形容威力极大 尽态极妍 使仪态和丽质最充分地显示出来 惊鸿 惊飞的鸿雁,形容美人体态轻盈 21、伟大的悲剧 拽 拉 毛骨悚然 形容十分恐惧。悚然,恐惧的样子。 怏怏不乐 形容不满意或不高兴的神情 毋宁 不如 吞噬 吞食 语无伦次 话讲得很乱,没有条理 羸弱 瘦弱 告罄 指财物用完 22、在沙漠中心 虫豸 虫子。泛指虫类小动物。这里比喻碌碌无为的人。 23、登上地球之巅 履践 踩踏 崔巍 形容山高大雄伟 26、猫 怂恿 鼓动别人去做 怅然 不愉快的样子 27、斑羚飞渡 进退维谷 无论是进还是退,都是处在困

22、境之中。维,是。谷,穷尽,指困境 苍穹 天空 悲怆 非常悲伤 娴熟 熟练 更多资料XX一下:韩教练各科construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control c osts. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to

23、 shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the companys resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor,

24、imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring cons

25、truction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design

26、 of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure略胜一筹 比较起来,略微好一些。筹,筹码,计数的用具 28、华南虎 抽搐 肌肉不自觉的收缩的症状。这里之心铃音痛苦而颤抖 石破天惊 原形容箜篌的声音,忽而高亢,忽而低沉,出人意外,有不可名状的奇境。这里用来形容声音大得惊人。 不羁 不受束

27、缚 29、马 剽悍 勇猛,强健 慷慨以赴 毫无私心,毫不吝惜的前往 窥伺 暗中观察情况 疮痍 创伤 阔绰 豪华奢侈,排场大 观瞻 具体的形象给人的印象 遒劲 雄健有力 妒忌 对比自己强的人心怀怨恨 相得益彰 指两个人或两件事物互相配合,使二者的能力、作用、好处能得到充分和三角形各边都相切的圆叫做三角形的内切圆,内切圆的圆心叫做三角形的内心.展示。益,更加。彰,明显 (7)二次函数的性质:觑 看 (1) 弧长公式: 弧长 (R表示圆的半径, n表示弧所对的圆心角的度数)韩教练,从事中学英语教学工作多年,有着丰富的英语教学经验,特别是在对偏科学生的辅导方面有着深刻的体会。 (1)定义:顶点都在同一

28、圆上的正多边形叫做圆内接正多边形,这个圆叫做该正多边形的外接圆.核心理念: 重点培养学生“认真能力”,解决学生的五大浮躁习惯: 1、20以内退位减法。(3)三角形的外心的性质:三角形外心到三顶点的距离相等.? 上课一听就懂,其实没有真懂。 看书一看就会,其实没有真会。 ?分析性质定理及两个推论的条件和结论间的关系,可得如下结论:? 题目拿来就做,没看清条件就做。 做完题就上交,没检查就上交。 1.正切:? 试卷题做错了,以为是粗心不改正。 其危害是:一看就会,一做就错,一考就糊。学不会,考不出,改不了。 (6)三角形的内切圆、内心.QQ:2441249768 更多信息可搜索“韩教练英语” dr

29、 直线L和O相离.更多资料XX一下:韩教练各科construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control c osts. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, ac

30、tively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the companys resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earma

31、rked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general cont

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