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1、职高英语高考模拟测试题职高英语高考模拟测试题一、 听力(30分)SECTION ADirections:In this section, you will hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by the correspondi

2、ng letter (A, B, or C ) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 1( )1. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Gardener and guest. C. Teacher and student( )2. Where is the baby? A. In the bedroom. B. In the washroom C. I

3、n the garden.Conversation 2( )3. Which sentence correctly describes the womans work experience?A. She used to be a banker but now is a marketing managerB. She is now a marketing manager and will go into bankingC. She used to be in marketing but now is involved in selling land( )4. What do we know in

4、 the conversation when the woman was a student?A. She was very mean. B. She was quite poorC. She was too careless.Conversation 3( )5. When will the woman see the movie? A. On Sunday B. On Saturday C. On Friday( )6.Where will the womans seats be? AAt the back B. In the front C. In the middleConversat

5、ion 4( )7. When will Miss Grace leave? A. This afternoon B. This Sunday C. Next week( )8. Why does the girl know little about her school? A. She is on holiday B. She has gone to Sydney C. She has been on sick leave( )9. What must the girl do first? A. Go to school B. Go to hospital C. Go to the part

6、yConversation 4( )10. What season is it now? A. It is spring B. It is autumn C. It is winter ( )11. What do we know about the woman? A. She likes sports B. She hates cold weather C. She never does housework.( )12. What is the weather like now? A. It is cloudy B. It is sunny C. It is snowy( )13. Wher

7、e does the man probably come from? A. Japan B. France C. The US( )14. How does a man greet the host in France?A. He shakes hands with himB. He kisses him on one cheekC. He kisses him on both cheeks( )15. What do people usually do in the US?A. They shake hands with the guests.B. They use the guests l

8、ast names when talkingC. They look the guests in the eyes when talkingSECTION BDirections: In this section, you will hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with information youve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS. Youll hear the mini-talk TWICE.PlaceW

9、eatherBritain16. .the southern parts17. .18. .Cold and rainyThe eastern parts19. but coolMany northern parts 20. and a bit cool二、 词汇和语法(10分)( ) 21. Whats the matter with you?After the long walk, my legs _and I couldnt go any further.A . gave out B. gave off C. gave in D. gave up ( ) 22. How much is

10、the T-shirt_ ? 65 dollars.Acost Bworth Cworthy Dpaid( )23. Many farmers have grown rich by raising _. A. sheeps B. chicken C. deers D. geese( )24. You had your teeth pulled out yesterday, _? A. didnt you B. did you C. hadnt you D. had you( ) 25. I cant find my purse anywhere. You _ have lost it whil

11、e shopping.A. should B. can C. may D. would ( ) 26. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.A .will be lost B. lose C. are lost D. will lose( )27. Do you want tea or coffee? _, I really dont mind.A. None B. Neither C. Either D. All( )28. Is that your watch? No, I cant tell _.A. whose is that watch

12、B. whose that watch isC. whose watch is that D. whose watch is( )29. We often hear the song _ . But we never hear you _ the song.A. singsing B. sungto sing C. singingsinging D. sungsing( )30.He talks as if he _ everything.A know B to know C knew D knowing 三、 交际用语(20分)( )31. Would you like to join me

13、 for a quick lunch before class? _, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.A. Id like to B. I like it C. I dont D. I will( )32. Do you mind if I record your lecture?_. Go ahead.A. Never mind B. No way C. Not at all D. No. Youd better not( )33. Is Peter there?_, please. Ill see if I can find him for

14、 you.A. Hold up B. Hold on C. Hold out D. Hold off( )34. Do you know Annas telephone number?_. As a matter of fact, I dont know any Anna, either.A. I think so B. Im afraid notC. I hope so D. Id rather not( )35. May I ask a question after class, Sir? _, but not during my lunch break.A. I am sorry B.

15、Anytime C. Certainly D. Go ahead( )36. I just cant stop worrying about the result of the job interview. _. Theres nothing you can do now but wait. A. Relax B. Go ahead C. Go for it D. Good luck( )37. My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you? _.A. Nice to meet you B. Not at all C. Take it easy D

16、. If you dont mind( )38. Im afraid I cant finish this book within this week. _ . A. Please go ahead. B. Thats all right. C. Not at all D. Take your time( ) 39. We have booked a room for today and tomorrow. _, sir.A. Im sure B. Ill check C. Its all right D. My pleasure( )40. Excuse me, can you tell m

17、e where the nearest bank is, please? _ Oh yes! Its past the office, next to a big market.A. Youre welcome. B. Oh, I beg your pardon?C. Mm, let me think. D. What do you mean? 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。A: _41_B: Im Lixing from Hong Kong.A: Im Xie Rong, the secretary of the Bright Company.B: How do

18、you do ?A: _42_ Im terribly sorry to be late. I was held up in the traffic jam.B: No problem. The traffic is always heavy ta the rush hour. _43_A: No trouble at all. _44_B: Yes . The service on the plane was quite good and we had a very comfortable journey. A: Im glad to hear that . Shall we go to t

19、he hotel before going around our company.B: _45_ A: By the way, did you have a good journey ? B: Im afraid its is a lot of trouble for you to come to meet us. C: Thats a good idea. D: How do you do? E: Excuse me, but which of you is Mr Li? F: How are you? 配对题:( )46. 手持式扫描仪 A .No Honking( )47. 禁止鸣喇叭

20、B. Never lay flat( )48 不宜平放 C. Hand-held Scanner ( )49. 房屋出租 D. Full house( )50. 入口 E Exit F. House for rentG. Entrance四、 完型填空(10分)Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably _51_ they go to learn languages, geography, history, science and all _52_ subjects. That is qui

21、te true, but _53_ do they learn these things?We send our children to school to prepare them for their future work and life. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use _54_ their life, but is that the _55_ reason they go to school?There is more in education than just learning facts

22、. We go to school above all _56_ how to learn, so that when we have left school we can go on learning. If a man really knows how to learn, he will always be successful, because whenever he has to do _57_ , he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the best way. The uneducated person, on the othe

23、r hand, is _58_ unable to do it, or does it badly, so the purpose of school is not just _59_ languages, geography, science, etc, but to teach pupils the _60_ to learn.( )51. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell( )52. A. the B. other C. the other D. others( )53. A. how B. where C. why D. what( )54 A. in B

24、. at C. on D. with( )55. A. best B. only C. just D. first( )56. A. learn B. learned C. learning D. to learn( )57.A. anything new B. something newC. new anything D. new something( )58.A. both B. either C. neither D. not( )59.A. to learn B. learn C. teach D. to teach( )60.A. subjects B. reasons C. way

25、 D. knowledge五、 阅读理解:(30分)(A)Unlike most plants, animals are living beings that are able to move about to search for food. Scientists divide animals into two groups. The animals in the first group are those with backbones and the second group includes those without backbones. Birds, fish and mammals

26、 are included in the first group. Among them, mammals are considered as the most complex animals. Mammals have hair or fur. They nurse their young. Most people use the word “animal” when they are talking about mammals, such as the dog, cat, cow, horse or monkey. Most of the second group live in wate

27、r. The largest animal on earth is the blue whale. A whale often grows more than 30mitres long and weighs more than 100 tons. The elephant is the largest land animal and the ostrich is the largest bird.( )61. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. No plants can move about as animals do.B. Animal can manage to find food by themselves.C. Animals are living things while plants arent.D. All living beings are able to move about for food.( )62. An animal can be included in the first or second group,as depends on whether it has_. A. hair B. fur C. a

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