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1、信息技术策略的分类及其对第三方物流的性能3PL在中国的影响外文翻译外 文 翻 译原文:Taxonomy of information technology strategy and its impact on theperformance of third-party logistics (3PL) in ChinaThis paper develops a taxonomy of information technology strategies used by third-party logistics (3PL) firms in China based on a cluster ana

2、lysis of survey data from 105 of these 3PL firms. The information technology strategies have been classified into three major groups: supportive, technological, and aligned.The paper also investigates the effect of information technology strategies on information technology advantage, competitive ad

3、vantage, and financial performance. The results of the study indicate that efforts to improve information technology systems can only be effective if the information technology improvements are properly aligned with a companys overall strategy. It is found that companies that attempt to improve thei

4、r information technology systems without the proper alignment of information technology with the companys overall strategy can achieve information technology advantages relative to their competitors, but not competitive advantages or improved financial performance. This study is the first attempt to

5、 develop an information technology strategy taxonomy for 3PL companies in China. It provides valuable guidance and insights for managers in the development of information technology strategies in 3PL companies.Keywords: Information technology strategy; Third-party logistics (3PL);Taxonomy; Competiti

6、ve advantage; China1. IntroductionDue to growing pressures to reduce costs and provide a better service, and the increased complexity that stems from expanded logistics requirements (Sum et al.2001), increasingly more companies are considering outsourcing their logistics requirements to third-party

7、logistics (3PL) firms. Burnson (2000) reports that manyFortune 500 companies have outsourced their transportation, warehouse, and inventory management functions. Studies have demonstrated that the use of 3PL firms may reduce inventory and lead times, improve customer service, and capture economies o

8、f scale (Sum et al. 2001). Previous studies have reported that information technology (IT) offers a great opportunity for companies to gain competitive advantages, such as logistical efficiency, effectiveness, and flexibility (e.g. Sanders and Premus 2002, 2005).However, due to the high cost of adva

9、nced IT and a lack of expertise, the IT adoption rate of logistics users is low (Sum et al. 2001),which implies that 3PL firms may have ample opportunities to adopt and exploit IT (Bhatnagar et al. 1999).Therefore, in 3PL firms, IT plays an essential role in synchronizing and coordinating complex su

10、pply chain activities between logistics users and their customers.With its high economic growth and huge market potential, China has become a global manufacturing centre. The rapid expansion of Chinas manufacturing industries has lead to rapid growth in the logistics industry. The average annual gro

11、wth rate of the logistics industry in China from 1992 to 2004 was 22.2%, and logistics expenditure accounted for an average of 21.8% of the gross domestic product during this period (Logistic Information Center of China 2005). According to a report jointly published by Mercer Management Consulting a

12、nd the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (2002), the outsourcing of logistics and transportation will continue to expand at a rate of approximately 25% per year.Despite the growing importance of the logistics industry in China, there has been no previous solid empirical research into IT a

13、pplications in Chinese 3PL firms, and there is therefore an urgent need for such empirical studies. The objective of this study is to investigate IT strategy patterns and their effect on the performance and competitive advantages of Chinas 3PL firms. Specifically, this research has two objectives: t

14、o develop a taxonomy to describe different IT strategies in 3PL firms;and to study the effect of IT strategy on the performance and competitive advantage of 3PL firms.In the following sections, the theoretical background and the research hypotheses are presented, followed by a discussion of the rese

15、arch methodology. This is followed by the analyses and results. Finally, the conclusions and limitations of the study are presented.2. Theoretical background and research hypothesesMany authors have found that IT can enhance logistics competitiveness (Kerr 1989,Introna 1991, Daugherty 1994, Bowersox

16、 and Daugherty 1995, Daugherty et al.1995) because IT use can set a firm apart from its competitors (Closs et al. 1997).Moreover, IT is one of the few productivity tools that increase capability while decreasing cost. The proper use of IT in logistics can improve services (Bowersox and Closs 1996, C

17、loss et al. 1997) and enhance productivity, flexibility, and operational competitiveness (Daugherty et al. 1995).Although IT is considered to be a key component of future logistics systems(Dawe 1994) and there is an increasing trend in the use of IT applications in logistics(LaLonde and Auker 1995),

18、 many managers remain cautious about the use of IT due to the high cost of technology, the risks of organizational damage during implementation, and the lack of demonstrated effectiveness (Sum et al. 2001).Therefore, the adoption rate of advanced IT systems is still low. Other reasons that firms con

19、tinue to hesitate to invest in IT include the rapid obsolescence of hardware and software, application redundancy, and the irrelevance of applications to a firms particular industry and information needs (Dawe 1994). Bowersox et al. (1989) refer to the inability or unwillingness of managers to adopt

20、 IT despite its potentially positive impact on a firms success as the information gap. For these reasons, many logistics user firms embrace 3PL firms to harness the benefits of advanced IT systems for the management of their logistics functions.However, IT does not work alone. The mission, objective

21、s, and plan for IT implementation should support and be supported by the overall mission, objectives, and plans of the company (Reich and Benbasat 1996). Lucas and Turner (1982) propose a theoretical model for the role of IT and classify IT applications into three types:. Type I (Independent): IT is

22、 used to improve the operational efficiency of routine transactions and reporting, but companies in this category do not directly link IT to the companys strategy. Type II (Policy support): IT is designed to help formulate a strategic plan but is not part of the strategic plan. Generally, in compani

23、es in this category,IT aids repetitive decision-making. Examples include risk management information and scheduling systems. Type III (Fully integrated): IT becomes a part of a companys strategy and expands the range of strategic alternatives.On the basis of field interviews with executives from 11

24、industries that included banking, diversified financial services, oil, food, hotel, pharmaceutical distribution,industrial products, airline, supermarket, consumer product manufacturing, and office equipment, Johnston and Carrico (1988) also propose a three-pronged model to describe the extent to wh

25、ich IT is integrated into strategy:. Type I (Traditional): the role of IT focuses primarily on improving administrative and operational efficiency, but IT is not strategy related. Type II (Evolving): IT supports the existing business strategy but is not explicitly considered during business strategy

26、 formulation. Organizations in this category define and develop their business strategies without regard for the strategic potential of IT. Once the business strategy is defined, the IT function actively seeks out opportunities to apply IT to support the strategy, which means that the role of IT rol

27、e is reactive. Type III (Integrated): IT becomes integrated into business strategy formulation and is in constant alignment with that strategy. Companies within this category use IT to create new products or services and alter linkages with suppliers and customers, which means that the role of IT ro

28、le is proactive.Venkatraman (1991) also developed a three-type theoretical model for integrating IT into strategy that is similar to the models that were proposed by Lucas and Tuner (1982) and Johnston and Carrico (1988):. Type 1 (Independent): IT design is independent of strategic planning and aims

29、 to improve operational efficiency. Companies treat IT as an administrative expense. Type II (Reactive): IT design is derived from the strategic context, and the status of IT in the company is increasing. Companies treat IT as a business expense. Type III (Interdependent): IT design aims to achieve

30、a dynamic co-alignment between the strategic context and the IT infrastructure, and IT is used to identify and respond to business opportunities. Companies have a more dynamic and constantly changing model, and both strategic managers and technologists have the common goal of exploiting technology f

31、or competitive benefits. Companies treat IT as a business investment.3. Discussion and conclusionsThis study is the first to develop an empirical taxonomy of IT strategies for 3PL firms, and thereby contributes significantly to the IT literature by empirically testing some previous conceptual models

32、 using data collected from 3PL firms in China, and by extending the taxonomy of IT strategy to 3PL firms. This study also contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence of the relationships between IT strategy, IT advantage, competitive advantage, and the financial performance of 3PL

33、firms.Although the three-cluster taxonomy that is developed in this study provides empirical support for the conceptual models of IT strategies proposed by Lucas and Tuner (1982), Johnston and Carrico (1988), and Venkatraman (1991), there are also some interesting differences between this studys empirical findings

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