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1、七年级下英语复习资料Unit 1写出下列短语:1.下国际象棋play chess 2.说英语speak English3.弹吉他play the guitar 4.参加游泳俱乐部join the swimming club5.去游泳go swimming 6.什么俱乐部what club7.擅长于. be good at. 8.讲故事tell stories/tell a story9.给某人写信write to sb. 10.和某人交朋友make friends with sb.11.跟.说talk to. 12.练功夫do kung fu13.敲鼓,打鼓play the drums 14.

2、弹钢琴play the pinao15.拉小提琴play the violin 16.和某人玩游戏play games with sb.17.给某人展示某物show sb. sth./show sb. 18.给某人打电话call sb. at. 19.忙于做某事be busy doing sth.20.在周末on the weekend/on weekends21.教某人某物teach sb. sth. 22.教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth.翻译下列句子:1.-你会唱歌吗? - Can you sing? -是的,我会。 - Yes, I can.2.-他会画

3、画吗? - Can he draw?-不,他不会。 - No, he cant.3.-你想加入什么俱乐部? - What club do you want to join? -我想加入国际象棋俱乐部。 - I want to join the chess club.4.你会哪项体育运动? What sports can you play?5.她想加入艺术俱乐部,你呢? She wants to join the art club. What about you? 6.这个男孩英语说得很好。 The boy speaks English very well.7.每个人都可以加入英语俱乐部。 Ev

4、erybody can join the English club.8.我姐姐擅于跟老人打交道。 My sister is good with old people.9.-你能帮孩子们跳舞吗? -Can you help kids with dancing? -是的,我可以。 -Yes, I can.10.那个女孩喜欢音乐。她想成为一名音乐家。 The girl likes music. She wants to be a musician.11.我会吹小号,但是我吹不好。I can play the trumpet,but I cant play it well.12.你想参加游泳俱乐部吗?

5、 Do you want to join the swimming club?Unit 2写出下列短语:1.起床如此早get up so early 2.去上学go to school3.穿上衣服get dressed 4.刷牙brush teeth5.快速吃早饭eat breakfast quickly 6.洗淋浴take/have a shower7.在广播电台at a radio station 8.在下午in the afternoon9.去上班go to work 10.迟到. be late for11.在上学期间on school days 12.在周末on weekends13

6、.回家go home 14.做某人的作业do ones homework15.打扫某人的房间clean ones room 16.散步take/have a walk17.做运动do/play sports&take exercise 18.去睡觉go to bed 19.到家 get home 20.半小时half an hour 21.要么.要么. Either.or. 22.大量,许多lots of/a lot of 23.对.有好处be good for. 24.尝起来好taste good翻译下列句子:1.-你通常几点钟起床? -What time do you usually ge

7、t up? -我通常六点半起床。 -I usually get up at half past six/six thirty. 2.-他几点钟洗澡? -What time does he take a shower? -大约在晚上十点。 -At about ten oclock in the evening.3.-你的父母什么时候做运动?-When do your parents exercise?-每个星期六的早晨。 -Every Saturday morning.4.我叔叔上班从不迟到。 My uncle is never late for work.5.晚上,我最好的朋友要么看电视,要么

8、玩电脑游戏。 In the evening, my best friend either watches TV or plays computer games.6.到家时,我总是先做家庭作业。When I get home,I always do my homework first.7.这个蛋糕尝起来不错。 The cake tastes good.8.我没有时间吃早饭。 I have no time to eat breakfast.9.有时放学后我打半小时篮球。 Sometimes I play basketball for half an hour after school.10.她快速

9、吃完早饭就去上学了。She eats breakfast quickly and goes to school.11.几点了? What time is it?/ Whats the time?Unit 3写出下列短语:1.骑自行车ride a bike/by bike 2.多远how far3.多长how long 4.公共汽车站bus station/stop5.过河cross the river 6.每天every day7.乘火车take a train/by train 8.成百上千的hundreds of9.确信无疑的for sure 10.去上学go to school11.在.

10、和.之间 between.and. 12.乘船by boat/take a boat 13.害怕某物 be afraid of sth. 14.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth.15.实现,成为现实come true 16.到达学校get to school17.玩得开心have a good/great time & have fun 翻译下列句子:1.-你是怎么到学校的? -How do you get to school? -我骑自行车。 -I ride my bike.2.-她是怎样去公园的呢? -How does she get to the park? -她通常乘公

11、交车。 -She usually gets to the park by bus.3.-你到学校要花多长时间? -How long does it take you to get to school? -乘公共汽车大约二十分钟。-The bus ride takes about 20 minutes.4.-从你家到学校有多远呢? -How far is it from your home to school? -大约只有两公里。 -Its about only two kilometers.5.-简是步行上学吗? -Does Jane walk to school? -不是,她骑自行车上学的。

12、 -No,she doesnt. She rides her bike.6.-他们是坐公交车去上学吗? -Do they take the bus to school? -不,他们走路。 -No,they walk to school.7.-从他家到书店有多远? -How far is it from his home to the bookstore? -十分钟的步行。 -Ten minutes walk.8.对于许多学生而言,乘公交车到学校非常容易。For many students,it is easy to get to school by bus.9.有一座桥真的是他们的梦想。 It

13、 is really their dream to have a bridge.10.他们的梦想会实现的。 Their dreams will come true.Unit 4写出下列短语:1.在课堂上in class 2.上课迟到arrive/be late for class3.准时on time 4.在走廊里in the hallways5.听音乐listen to music 6.(在)外面吃饭eat out7.校服school uniform 8.必须,不得不have to9.外出娱乐go out 10.拜访朋友visit friends11.做家庭作业do ones homewor

14、k 12.练习做某事practice doing sth.13.洗餐盘do/wash the dishes 14.帮助某人做某事help sb. do sth.15.做早饭make breakfast 16.在上学期间的晚上on school nights17.太多too much/many 18.整理床铺make the bed19.把某物忘在(某地)leave sth. sp. 20.制定规则make rules21.使某人放松relax sb. 22.在周末on weekends23.对某人要求严格be strict with sb. 24.在某方面严厉be strict in sth.

15、25.记得做了某事remember doing sth. 26.记得去做某事remember to do sth.27.遵守规则keep/follow the rules 28.学习做某事learn to do sth.29.留短发keep ones hair short翻译下列句子:1.上课不准迟到。 Dont arrive/be late for class.2.我们必须准时。 We must be on time.3.我们在教室不能听音乐。 We cant listen to music in the classroom.4.我们总是得穿校服。 We always have to wea

16、r the school uniforms.5.-我们可以带音乐播放器到学校来吗? -Can we bring music players to school? -不能。 -No,you cant.6.我们不必每天都来学校。 We dont have to come to school every day.7.有太多的规矩了! There are too many rules!8.父母制定规矩以帮助我们。 Parents make rules to help us.9.我知道你的感受。 I know how you feel.10.有课的晚上我们不应该看电视。 We shouldnt watc

17、h TV on school nights.11.晚饭后我也不能放松。 I cant relax after dinner.12.不要把脏碗留在厨房里。 Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.Unit 5写出下列短语:1.稍微,有点儿kind of 2.非常a lot3.来自be/come from 4.处于(极大)危险之中be in (great) danger5.砍倒cut down 6.之一one of.7.的象征a symbol of. 8.迷路get lost9.各种各样的all kinds of 10.一种a kind of11.南非

18、South Africa 12.用两只脚走路walk on two legs13.整天all day 14.什么动物what animal15.让某人做某事let sb. do sth. 16.忘记做了某事forget doing sth.17.忘记去做某事forget to do sth. 18.记得做了某事remember doing sth.19.记得去做某事remember to do sth. 20.象牙制品things made of ivory21.有水和食物的地方places with water and food22.为.而杀死. kill for. 23.失去某人的家园lo

19、se ones home翻译下列句子:1.我们先看长颈鹿吧。 Lets see the giraffes first.2.-你为什么喜欢熊猫? -Why do you like pandas? -因为他们真的很有趣。 -Because theyre really very interesting.3.他为什么不喜欢那只猫? Why doesnt he like the cat?4.-那些狮子来自哪里? -Where are the lions from? -它们来自南非。 -Theyre from South Africa.5.大象是泰国的象征之一。 The elephant is one o

20、f Thailands symbol.6.它们可以记住有食物和水的地方. They can remember places with food and water.7.我从来不买象牙制品。 I never buy things made of ivory.8.大象正处于极度危险中。 Elephants are in great danger.9.玛丽最喜欢的动物是树袋熊。 Koalas are Marys favorite animals.10.狗对人很友好。 Dogs are very friendly to people.11.我们必须拯救树木并且不买象牙制品。 We must save

21、the trees and not buy things made of ivory.Unit 6写出下列短语:1.做汤make soup 2.洗碗wash the dishes3.在家at home 4.打扫房间clean the room5.龙舟比赛boat races 6.看报纸read a newspaper/read newspapers7.听listen to 8.在电话上交谈talk on the phone9.客厅living room 10.洗餐盘do/wash the dishes11.看电视watch TV 12.看电影go to the movies13.出去吃饭eat

22、 out 14.喝茶drink tea15.在周末on weekends 16.去游泳go swimming17.去购物go shopping 18.寄宿家庭host family19.考虑think about 20.端午节the Dragon Boat Festival21.给某人读故事read a story to sb. 22.希望做某事wish to do sth.23.希望某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. 24.尝起来可口taste delicious翻译下列句子:1.-你正在做什么? -What are you doing? -我正在看电视。 -Im watchi

23、ng TV.2.-你妹妹正在做作业吗? -Is your sister doing her homework? -是的,她正在做。 -Yes,she is.3.-他们正在用电脑吗? -Are they using computers? -不,他们没有。他们正在打篮球。-No,they arent.Theyre playing basketball.4.那听起来不错。 That sounds good.5.他希望去美国。 He wishes to go to America.6.这是一张我的全家福。 Here is a picture of my family.7.我喜欢在电视上看足球比赛。 I

24、 like watching football matches on TV.8.亮亮也在边看划船比赛边吃粽子吗? Is Liangliang also watching the boat races and eating zongzi?9.对我们来说,它就像任何一个周一一样。 Its like any other Monday for us.Unit 7写出下列短语:1.听起来像sound like 2.拍照take photos of3.捎个口信take a message 4.回电话call sb.back5.没问题no problem 6.现在right now7.高兴做某事be hap

25、py to do sth. 8.在池塘边by the pool9.暑假summer vacation 10.努力学习study hard11.在度假on (a) vacation 12.正适合做某事just right for doing sth. 13.带某人回家take sb. Home 14.去滑冰go skating 15.做某事玩得高兴have a good/great time doing sth.&have fun doing sth.翻译下列句子:1.-北京的天气怎么样? -Hows the weather in Beijing?-多云。 -Its cloudy.2.-情况怎么

26、样? -Hows it going? -不错,谢谢。 -Not bad,thanks.3.我可以给他带个口信吗? Can I take a message for him?4.-你能告诉他给我回电话吗? -Could you tell him to call me back? -当然可以,没问题。 -Sure,no problem. 5.我正在公园里和一些朋友打篮球。 Im playing basketball with some friends in the park.6.她正在欧洲玩得高兴。 Shes having a good/great time in Europe.7.我想打电话给你

27、,但是我的电话坏了,因此我正在给你写信。 I want to call you but my phone isnt working,so Im writing to you.8.夏天多云的下午,孩子们喜欢到河里去游泳。 On cloudy afternoon in summer,the children like to go swimming in the rivers.9.多糟糕的天气!又冷又有风。 What bad weather!Its cold and windy.10.哈尔滨常常下雪。 It often snows in Harbin.11.学生们正在听音乐。他们真的非常放松。 Th

28、e students are listening to music. They are really very relaxing.12.我在加拿大拜访我姑姑玩得很高兴。 Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.13.天气温暖晴朗,在这儿令人非常放松。 Its warm and sunny,and its very relaxing here.14.这儿的天气凉爽,正适合散步。The weather here is cool,just right for walking.15.孩子们现在去游泳,因为天气如此热。 The children

29、 are going swimming now,because it is so hot today.Unit 8写出下列短语:1.邮政局post office 2.离.远be far from.3.沿着go along 4.向右转turn right5.向左转turn left 6.服装店clothes store7.到达get to 8.去购物go shopping9.擅长be good at 10.紧挨着next to11.打扰了excuse me 12.在附近near/around here13.在大桥街on Bridge Street 14.在.对面across from15.在.和

30、.之间between.and. 16.在.的前面in front of 17.警察局police station 18.在第一个十字路口at the first crossing19.和某人一起度过时间spend time with sb.20.观看某人做某事watch sb. do sth. 21.观看某人正在做某事watch sb. doing sth. 22.在生活中in life 23.喜欢阅读enjoy reading 24.爬树climb the tree翻译下列句子:1.-附近有医院吗? -Is there a hospital near here? -有的。 -Yes,ther

31、e is. 2.-银行在哪儿? -Where is the bank? -在学校对面。 -It is across from the school. 3.我怎么帮助你呢? How can I help you?4.-我怎样到公园呢? -沿着大桥街走。在第二个十字路口右转。 -How can I get to the park? -Go along Bridge Street and turn right at the second crossing.5.医院离这里不是很远。 The hospital is not too far from here.6.付费电话在邮局和图书馆之间。 The pay phone is be

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