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1、考试开放英语I2复习资料开放英语I(2)复习资料第一部分 交际用语2012年7月1.- When did you first come to China?- 10 years ago.A. Right BWrong2.- Have you ever tried windsurfing?- Its very kind of you.A. Right BWrong3一What does he look like?一He is tall and thin.A. Right BWrong4.- Hello. How was your trip to Shanghai?- Yes.1 went ther

2、e by train.A. Right BWrong5.- Could you help me to book the ticket?- No problem. When are you leaving?A. Right BWrong2012年1月1- Do you like your job? - Im a nurse.A. Right BWrong2.- Have you been to America? - Ive never been there but I hope to go there in the future. A. Right BWrong3.- Where did you

3、 go for your holiday? - Two years ago. A. Right BWrong4.- Hello. Is that Ivydale Guesthouse? - Yes, it is.Can I help you? A. Right BWrong5.- Have you had a good day? - Yes, but Im very tired. A. Right BWrong2011年7月1.-Shall we see a movie tonight?- See you later.ARight BWrong2-Do you like your job?-

4、Im a nurse.ARight BWrong3. -Can I help you?- Yes, please. Id like to reserve a room.ARight BWrong4.-Where did you go for your holiday?- Two years ago.ARight BWrong5.-How often do you go swimming?- About twice a week.2011年1月1.-What would you like to drink, madam?- Can I have a glass of white wine?A.

5、Right BWrong2. - Are you ready to order?- Yes. Ill have a chicken salad please.A. Right BWrong3.- How can I book a cheap hotel?- If l were you, Id phone a travel agent.A. Right BWrong4. - Have you seen todays newspaper?- Yes,I am.A. Right BWrong5-Whats your job?- Im a nurse.A. Right BWrong2010年7月1-

6、Do you like your job?- Im a nurse.A. Right BWrong2.-Have you been to America?- Ive never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A. Right BWrong3.-Where did you go for your holiday?- Two years ago.A. Right BWrong4.-Hello. Is that Ivydale Guesthouse?- Yes, it is.Can I help you?A. Right BWrong

7、5.-Have you had a good day?- Yes, but Im very tired.A. Right BWrong2010年1月1. -Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago.A. Right B. Wrong2. -What are you going to do this evening?-I went there with some friends.A. Right B. Wrong3.-Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?-Hi, Jack. We had a great ti

8、me.A.Right B. Wrong4. -Is there a bank near here?-Yes. I saw him this morning.A. Right B. Wrong5. -How do you like the film?-Jts very good. I like it.A. Right B. Wrong2009年7月1Is there a bank near here? 一YesI saw him this morningARight BWrong2一What does he look like?He is tall and thinARight BWrong3一

9、Where did you go for your holiday?一Two years a90ARight BWrong 4一What are you going to do this evening?ml went there with some friendsARight BWrong5一How can I book a cheap hotel?一If l were you,Id phone a travel agentARight BWrong2009年1月1-一What time will the next train leave?-AFive peopleBAt 819CAt th

10、e iailway station2Hell0,XiaoyanHow was the party?-AIm finethank youBIt was Friday CHi,JackWe had a great time3一What would you like to drink?-ANice to meet youBId like a roast chickenpleaseCA cocacola for me,please4一lm very tiredIve just finished work-AWell,youd better go home and have a good restBOh

11、,great!Congratulations 。C0k。Ill give it to you tomorrow5一l went to a fashion show last night-AWhat was it like,BWhy notCDo you know him well2008年7月1一Hell0,XiaoyanHow was the party?-AIm fine。thank youBIt was FridayCHi。JackWe had a great time2一?Two years agoAWhere did you goBDo you like JapanCWhen did

12、 you visit Japan3一Can I help you?-ANice to see you BYes,please CNot at all4一What do you usually do at weekends?-AI play football with a group of friendsBItS lovelyThank youCI started learning tennis when l was 65一Ivydale GuesthouseCan I help you?,-ASalad,pleaseBYes,pleaseId like to make a reservatio

13、nCIU go there myself2008年1月1Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?-A1m fine,thank youBYas,I amCYes,thatS a good idea2一-?一Yes。I amAWhatS your nameBHow old are youCAre you married3一Do you like your job?-AIm a nurseBYesI find it very interestingCThey are very nice41 went to a fashion show las

14、t night-AWho took away my bookBWhy notCWhat was it like5一-?一YesWhat time is it on Friday?AAre you coming to the meeting on FridayBWhen will the meeting starlCWhat are you going to do this Friday2007年7月1. Its half past seven.A. What time is it nowB. Can I help youC. Where are you going2. - Im a journ

15、alist.A. Whats your nameB. What s your jobC. Where are you from3. - Are you ready to order? A. Yes. Ill have a chicken salad pleaseB. Im sorry about itC. Goodbye4.- Shall we have something to eat before we go?A. Nice to meet youB. I dont think I know youC. Good idea5. - ?-Ive never been there but I

16、hope to go there in the future.A. Where are you going for holidayB. Have you been to AmericaC. What did you do last week第二部分词汇与结构2012年7月6.1 was_my_to school when I saw the accident.A. on, way Bin, way Con, time7. - !That fire is dangerous.A. To stop BStop CStopping8. As shethe newspaper, Granny_ asl

17、eep.A. readwas falling B.readfell Cwas readingfell9. My friend Mary said she - all over the world.A. had been to B. has gone to C. went to10. Shes worried about her lack- experience in designing gardens.A. at B. of C. with11. He told me he _ going to the US on Wednesday.,A. be B. was C. is12. The ho

18、tel is famous -its delicious food.A. with B. in C. for13. My home is far -the city centre.A. from B. away C. to14. Im going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have _ in mind?A. special something B. special anything C. anything special15. My parents have - been to the Great Wall.A. never B. sometime

19、 C. yet16. The new web page can be _- blue - red.A. neither, or B. either, or C. also, or17. Mother told Little Tom not -all the money.A. spend B. spent C. to spend18. The children are enjoying -t the party.A. himself B. themselves C. theirs19. Dont - him. He is writing a letter now.A. disturb to Bd

20、isturb Cdisturbing20. -it rains tomorrow, well stay at home.A. When BAlthough CIf21. - is wrong with the car. It wont start.A. Anything B.Something CEverything22. You-wear a uniform at school. You can wear anything you like.A. have to B.dont have to Cmustnt23. The man is-一He is rude to others.A. pol

21、ite Bimpossible Cimpolite24. A: Which jacket do you like?B: The blue _ over there.A. one Bit Cthat25. The children,we met in the morning, were very good at singing.A. that Bwhose Cwho2012年1月6. He loved_ basketball when he was young.Adoing Bplaying Cgoing7.I have to go now.I have to pick _ my son fro

22、m school.Ain Bwith Cup8. The child was named _ his grandfather.A. after B. in C. to9. A: This skirt is _small for you.B: No. I think its big _.A. enough, too B. too, enough C. too, yet10. They are building a bridge- . theriver. A. through B. across C. in11. Are you familiar -_the bus and subway line

23、s in Beijing?A. with B. in C. about12. He _ me he was leaving on Wednesday.A. said B. told C. tell13. _it is raining, she decides not to work in the gardenA.Because B. Although C. Before14. As a news reporter, James -. many places in the world.A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to15. Who is the m

24、an standing over there?A. thin, tall B. tall, thin C. thin,short16. When I was sitting in a traffic jam, the car - dowmA. was breaking B. broke C. breaks17. We_ in a small village in the countryside. Now we all live in cities.Aused to live Blive Clived18. She answer my phone call yesterday.Adoesnt B

25、didnt Cwasnt19.I_a car if l won the lottery.Awould buy Bwill buy Cbought20. She be over forty. She must be in her twenties.Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt21. Table tennis is_popular sport in this country.Amore Bthe most Cthe best22.Jenny,_ was a hardworking student, was killed in the traffic accident.A- who

26、 Bthat C23.I didnt go_ in the summer.I stayed at home.A. somewhere B.everywhere Canywhere24. With his help, you will have_to worry about.Anothing Bsomething Canything25.I_table tennis quite well, but I havent had time to play since the NewYear.A. will play B.have played Cplay2011年7月6. He stopped_TVw

27、hen dinner was ready.Awatching Bto watch Cwatch7. Tom helped her mother_the cooking.Afor Bon Cwith8.I_ him my bike last weekend.A. lent B. hired C. returned9. He is a good friend of_.A. our B. ours C. ours10.Is it difficult to learn to _ Tai Chi?A. play B. go C. do11. Mary is bored -the same work. S

28、he wants to do something exciting.A. at B. with C. in12. Her article is-in her class.A. better B. best C. the best13. A: Would you like to go to the cinema with me?B: Id _ stay at home.A.rather B. prefer C. like14. This idea hit me when I thismorning.A. awoke up B. woke C. woke up15. She is not very good at _ _ gardens.A. to design B. designed C. designing16. Quick, call the doctor! I think I-my arm.A. have broken B. break C. am breaking17. He hadnt got enough money-he couldnt buy the

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