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第十三板块选修七module2highlightsofmysenioryear高考对接题 1.docx

1、第十三板块选修七module2highlightsofmysenioryear高考对接题 1第十三板块 选修七 Module_2Highlights_of_My_Senior_Year高考对接题 语音知识(陕西专用)(建议用时2)1referee 答案:B2angleA/gl/ B/engl/C/dl/ D/endl/答案:A3curtainA/stn/ B/ktn/C/ktn/ D/stn/答案:C4sparrowA/spr/ B/spr/C/spra/ D/spar/答案:B5certificateA/stIfIkt/ B/stIfIkt/C/stIfIkt/ D/stIfIkt/答案:D

2、.单项填空(建议用时8)1The girl is said to have _ gift for teaching deaf and dump children.She is great.I think it calls for _ patience and imagination.Aa;the Ba;不填Cthe;the D不填;a解析:考查冠词。have a gift for.意为“有某方面的天赋”;patience和imagination两个名词都是抽象名词,表泛指,所以前面不用冠词。答案:B2Its not socially _ for parents to leave such sm

3、all children unattended at home.Aadaptable BavailableCaffordable Dacceptable解析:考查形容词词义辨析。adaptable意为“易适应的”;available意为“可获得的,可利用的”;affordable意为“能支付得起的”;acceptable意为“可接受的”。句意:把这么小的孩子独自一人留在家里没有人照看,这种做法无法被社会接受。答案:D3His years of efforts in protecting wild animals werent _.The number of them is increasing

4、 year by year.Ain place Bin sightCin vain Din need解析:考查介词短语辨析。根据“The number of them is increasing year by year”可知,多年的努力并没有白费,故选C。in place意为“在适当的位置”;in sight“看得见,被看到”;in vain意为“徒劳的”;in need意为“需要”。答案:C4Have you informed Mr.Piston about the time of the meeting?Yes._the decision was made.AAt the moment

5、BFrom the momentCThe moment DFor the moment解析:考查名词短语作连词引导状语从句。根据句意,应是由the moment引导时间状语从句,省略了主句I informed him about.,the moment用作连词,相当于as soon as。at the moment“此刻”;from the moment“从那时起”;for the moment“暂时”,这三项均不作连词。答案:C5The idea for the new invention suddenly occurred to Prof.Miller while _to his scie

6、ntific experiment. Ahe was devoted BdevotingCdevoting himself Ddevoted解析:考查devote的用法。由于句子的主语是the idea,故while后面不能用省略结构,因为devote不能与idea构成搭配,从句的主语应该是人,故此题选A。答案:A6Im afraid the _ is short and difficult to meet though we work around the clock.Adeadline BdemandCschedule Dbudget解析:考查名词。句意:即使我们一天24小时工作,恐怕时间

7、短很难如期完成任务。meet the deadline为固定短语,意为“如期完成,按时完成”。答案:A7Was the driving pleasant when you had a holiday in the countryside last summer?No,it _ for four days when we arrived,so the roads were very muddy.Awas raining Bhas rainedCwould be raining Dhad been raining解析:考查时态。过去完成进行时表示过去某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态一直持续到过去某一时

8、刻,而且还有可能持续下去。答案:D8Tom enjoyed himself so much _ he visited his friends in Shanghai last year.Athat BwhichCwhen Dwhere解析:考查时间状语从句。句意:去年Tom在上海拜访他朋友的时候,他玩得很开心。本题是when引导的时间状语从句,when意为“当的时候”。B、D两项可以从句意和句子结构上加以排除。so.that为固定句型,容易误选,翻译成“如此以至于”与语境不符,故选C。答案:C9Tens of trees were cut down during the night,but n

9、o one knew _.Awho Bby whomCwho to do so Dwho does that解析:考查省略句。句意:在夜间几十棵树被砍了,但没人知道是谁砍的。本题为省略句,补全后为no one knew by whom the trees were cut down.答案:B10How will your parents react if they see you playing computer games when you are supposed_?Ato study Bto be studyingCstudying Dto have studied解析:考查非谓语动词。

10、be supposed to do sth.“理应做某事”,根据句意,你玩游戏的时间,理应是你在学习的时间,表示某时刻正在进行的动作,故使用不定式的进行式。答案:B11Stephen Hawking is limited to his wheelchair or bed._,he managed to write the famous book A Brief History of Time.AIf so BEven soCAs a result DSo far解析:考查短语辨析。句意:霍金活动仅限于轮椅或床,即使这样,他努力写出了巨著时间简史。even so相当于even it is so“

11、即使这样”;if so“假如情况如此”;as a result“因此”;so far“到目前为止”,常与现在完成时连用。答案:B12Only when he saw the man was actually telephoning the police _ that they had all been the victims.Adid he realize Bhe realizedChe had realized Dhad he realized解析:考查倒装结构。当only状语从句的结构在句首时,主句部分需要使用倒装的语序。后面一句时态用的是过去完成时,而“意识”动作发生在后,所以排除D,故

12、答案选A项。答案:A13“Dont make any noise,”she _ to the children,“there is a sleeping baby here”Ascreamed BwhisperedCmurmured Dshouted解析:考查动词词义辨析。scream意为“尖声大叫,高声喊叫”;whisper意为“低声地说,耳语”;murmur意为“喃喃细语”;shout意为“大喊”。根据后半句“有个婴儿在睡觉,”可知她低声跟孩子们说“不要吵闹”。答案:B14I just wonder _ that made him determined to quit office?Awh

13、y it did Bwhat he didChow it was Dwhat it was解析:考查特殊句式。根据句法结构,如果把it was that去掉,可看出是对从句中主语的强调,故选D。答案:D15That was a nice jazz concert.Why didnt you go to it?_.I prefer symphony.AIt does you good BThats a good pointCIts not my cup of tea DThats settled解析:考查交际用语。It does you good“对你有好处”;Thats a good poin

14、t“好主意”;Its not my cup of tea“这并不是我所喜欢的”;Thats settled“就这么定了”,根据答语“I prefer symphony”可知,爵士乐并不是对方所喜欢的。 答案:C.完形填空(难度系数,建议用时16)When a sheltie(设得兰牧羊犬) chooses a human companion,he or she will stick with the person whenever there are problems or difficulties.They will not _1_ the presence of anyone other

15、than their _2_ person.So I was _3_ when one day my sheltie,Casey,_4_ an elderly couple he did not know.He danced about them,ignoring me as I _5_ him back.Casey didnt like strangers who were in their twenties or thirties and he even ran away from children.But Casey ran to greet the _6_ enthusiastical

16、ly.Since this was not _7_ sheltie behavior,I began to think that maybe Casey was intended to _8_ something greater with his life.I contacted my churchs nursing home and found out that they _9_ anyone,including dogs,to _10_ the residents.Most of the residents of this nursing home were Alzheimers (老年痴

17、呆症) patients.How could Casey and I _11_ with them?The minute Casey stepped into the nursing home,people _12_ us with smiles and laughter.Casey _13_ did his tricks for themsat,lay down and jumped.People seemed happy with a _14_ in their eyes.Someone else asked me to take Casey to a woman who was unab

18、le to move._15_ the woman petted(抚摸) Caseys head,I observed _16_ of a sharp and active mind behind her bright eyes.She happily responded to my questions with a smile and an elegant _17_ of her hand when we left.I left the nursing home that day feeling very _18_ to Casey for the lesson he had taught

19、me.I had been afraid to step outside the _19_ I had placed around myself and worried about how I would communicate with these people.But I learned that love can be spread without words and no one ever forgets the language of _20_.1A.recognize BacceptCbear Davoid解析:从前面牧羊犬会跟主人始终呆在一起判断,它们不接受陌生人。recogni

20、ze“认出”;bear“忍受”;avoid“避免,躲避”。答案:B2A.connected BdeservedCexpected Dchosen解析:根据前面判断,此处说明牧羊犬只接受自己的主人,也就是自己选择的人。答案:D3A.shocked BoverjoyedCannoyed Ddisappointed解析:当看到自己的牧羊犬的反常举动,作者感到“吃惊”。annoyed意思是“感到恼怒的”,overjoyed意思是“极为高兴的”。答案:A4A.barked at Bcared forCran over to Dwent away from解析:从后面“He danced about th

21、em.”断定,牧羊犬高兴地跑到一对老夫妇跟前撒欢。答案:C5A.begged BledCsent Dcalled解析:根据常识可知,作者呼唤自己的牧羊犬回来。答案:D6A.old ByoungCpoor Drich解析:根据前一句可知,它不喜欢年轻人,从后文可知它比较喜欢老年人。答案:A7A.similar BtypicalCparticular Dpopular解析:作者的牧羊犬居然跟陌生人撒欢,这是反常的举动,不是牧羊犬通常的行为。similar“类似的”;particular“特别的”;popular“受欢迎的”。答案:B8A.change BteachCaccomplish Dtell

22、解析:作者意识到,自己的牧羊犬想完成更加伟大的事情。答案:C9A.approved BpersuadedCwelcomed Dtold解析:根据“.anyone,including dogs.”可知敬老院欢迎任何人包括狗去给老年人以安慰。答案:C10A.visit BcureCunderstand Dremind解析:根据文章内容可知,他们欢迎任何人包括狗来看这些病人。 答案:A11A.share BcombineCperform Dcommunicate解析:根据“Most of the residents of this nursing home were Alzheimers(老年痴呆症

23、)patients.”可知作者还是担心自己和牧羊犬能否跟这些老年痴呆病人交流。答案:D12A.met BgreetedCsupported Dentertained解析:根据语境和常识判断,看到人和宠物来,老人们非常高兴,因此微笑着跟作者打招呼。答案:B13A.patiently BcalmlyCanxiously Dhappily解析:根据“.sat,lay down and jumped.”可知牧羊犬是在老人们面前快乐地撒欢,做出各种惹人喜爱的动作。答案:D14A.tear BlightCsign Dhorror解析:根据前面“People seemed happy.”可知老人们眼中出现了

24、亮光,说明他们内心的欢乐。选“眼泪”不符合逻辑。答案:B15A.As BAlthoughCUntil DWhere解析:根据前后句之间的关系,可知是当老人抚摸牧羊犬时,我观察到了眼神后面敏锐的思维。答案:A16A.problems BexperiencesCindications Dideas解析:老人看到牧羊犬非常高兴,因此敏锐的思维又浮现出来。indication“暗示,表明”。答案:C17A.signal BwaveCrise Dshake解析:从后文“.when we left.”可知她是在挥手和作者道别。signal“信号”;rise“升起”;shake“摇晃”。 答案:B18A.g

25、rateful BcarefulCdelightful Dhopeful解析:从后面牧羊犬让作者领悟了一个道理可知,他对自己的牧羊犬很感激。careful“小心的”;delightful“高兴的”;hopeful“充满希望的”。答案:AXX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我19A.circumstances BsurroundingsCboundaries Doutlines解析:从前面的step outside可知,作者原先一直不敢走出自己所设定的局限或界限。circumstance“情况”;surroundings“周围的环境”;outline“轮廓”。答案:C20A.friendship

26、BhonestyCsincerity Dlove解析:这是作者本文强调的中心,牧羊犬所体现的是一种爱心,选“友谊”,“诚实”,“真诚”都不是作者强调的意义。答案:D.阅读理解(难度系数,建议用时6)Climate change experts from the Tyndall Climate Research Centre in Britain have said quick action is needed to control the rapid growth in air travel if the government is to meet its commitments (承诺) o

27、n dealing with global warming.Falling ticket prices and rising incomes are leading to rapid growth in global air travel.According to the British government,the number of British air passengers,for example,will more than double in the next quarter of a century.Increases of such an order would mean mu

28、ch more aviation (航空) fuel being burned and aviation fuel may be more harmful to the environment than other fuels because the resulting smoke is given out at high altitudes.A group of scientists at the environmental research group,the Tyndall Centre,say that if Britain is to meet its overall aim to

29、cut damaging emissions(排放),other uses of fuel,like for heating homes or driving cars,would have to be greatly cut.The British government wants the use of aviation fuel covered by international agreement on the environment.The difficulty for any individual government is that taxing fuel used at its own airports might push airlines to move their operations (业务营运) to competing airports in other countries.1Which statement is TRUE?AA lot of people around the world have recently stopped flying because they have less money to spend and the pr

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