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1、中山大学情报学考研历年试题中山大学情报学考研历年试题2005-20102005年 专一:情报学理论 专二:信息组织 复试:C语言程序设计 情报学理论 1月23日上午 一(名词解释(每题4分) 1. 零次信息 2. 竞争情报 3. “大情报观” 4. 布拉德福定律 5. 决策功能学派 二(简答题(每题6分) 1( 我国有哪些主要的情报学刊物,各有什么特点, 2( 信息、知识、情报有哪些联系和区别, 3( 情报学的研究对象和主要的研究内容是什么, 4( 情报交流有哪些主要的障碍, 5( 情报学有哪些主要的研究方法, 三(论述题 1( 试用实例说明情报在决策中的作用(20分) 2( 论米哈依诺夫的情

2、报学思想及对我国的影响(20分) 3( 论网络环境下的情报学研究的新特点与发展趋势(30分) 4( 试评现代情报学理论(严怡民等著,武汉大学出版社,1996年)(30分) 1月23日下午 信息组织 一、名词解释(每题4分) 1( 信息推送 2( 信息检索 3( SGML 4( 主题法 5( 后控制词表 6( 类目从属关系 7( 隐性主题 8( 检全率 9( 复分表 10(类目的关联性 11(叙词交叉组配 二、问答题(每题13分任选4题) 1、HTML的基本标签有哪些,举例说明他们怎样用它们构成HTML文档的基本框架? 2、元数据的主要功能有哪些, 3、标引语言为提高检准率需要采取哪些措施,分别

3、举例说明之。 4、叙词表的词间关系有哪几种,举例说明分别是怎样显示的, 5、体系分类法德主要列类方法有哪些, 三、论述题(1、2题各16分,3题22分) 1、电子商务的哪些方面(环节)需要信息组织,试举例论述之 2、试论传统信息组织与数字化信息组织的差别 3、一般认为网络搜索引擎正由第二代向第三代发展,试论述:第二代搜索引擎的主要特点;第三代搜索引擎所追求的功能及实现这些功能所要做的努力 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, law

4、n water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to det

5、ermine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent

6、intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil ther

7、mal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2

8、) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In Gene

9、ral, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more im

10、portant, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 图书馆学基础 2005图书馆学 (一) 名词解释题(每题6分) 1(巴特勒的“社会说” 2(贮存图书馆 3(图书馆同盟 4(总括登录 5(参考咨询工作 6(个性化定制服务 7(文献流通库 8(数字图书馆 (美国国会图书馆 10(“三无图书馆” 9(二)论述题(每题15分) 1(图书馆学研究的主要内容或具体任务 2(图书馆与信息产业的关系 3(图书馆与知识管理的关系 4(国际图书馆界关于公共图书馆的认识 5(图书馆事业

11、的概念和图书馆事业建设的基本原则 6(图书馆自动化集成管理系统的组成结构与功能 目录学 2005图书馆学 一、填空题(每空一分) 1、下列目录学家的目录学代表著作分别是: 1、刘向撰 2、郑樵撰 3、马瑞临撰 4、章学诚撰 5、余嘉锡撰 、一般来说,书目著录主要有以下三个基本要求: 2(1)、著录的 ; (2)、著录的 ; (3)、著录的 ; 3、我国第一部综合性分类目录七略共分: 、 、 、 、 、 、 等部分,其中 为诸略之总要。 4、写出下列英文缩写的中文译名: (1)、ILL: (2)、AACR: (3)、UNLMARC: (4)、UDC: 二、名词解释(每题5分) 1、地方文献书目

12、2、综述 3、摘要 4、序跋 5、个人著述研究书目 6、地序编排法 三、标点、翻译下段文字;指出这段文字出自哪位目录学家的哪一部目录学著作;并阐述著者所谓“现代目录学”的发展变化(50分) 现代目录学粗视之若大反古代细察之责古代之缺点未及尽祛而其优点且已丧失矣废书本而用活页此体式之异也废四部而用十进此分类之异也循号码以索书此编目之异也而不校异同多寡不辨真伪是非删解题之叙录而古录之优点尽矣知经书之为丛书而不知子集依然则分类仍不能尽改革古人之弊知书目之不足而不知扩而及篇目则编目亦不能补救古人之穷严格论之现代目录学之稍进于古录者惟在索书号码之便利于专科目录之分途发展耳目录之内容分类之纲领研究为适合古

13、籍之需要也 四、论述题(共50分) 1、试列举并简要说明DC元数据的基本组成元素(15分) 2、试述国家书目的特点、类型和作用(15分) 3、试列举我国古代的书目方法,并阐述其中5种书目方法的基本功能。(20分) nts for leaf growth and blossomn plasurface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Law 0mm per week or more. In Genera

14、l, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum6-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-ught period, takes about a week to pay 20rigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other fac

15、tors to determine. General lawn growing season droon irshould be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigati ould lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and

16、so on,and c ge, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion,ot only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchanSun. Ngation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high de

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