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1、英语四级翻译题练习题txt1. The students _ (有权进入) the library only in the afternoon.2. (我们都很同情) _the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.3. (如果我有钱了) _, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht. soldiers_ (非常疲累由于没有休息一直向前走) in a blizzard. one likes _ (被当作) a poltro

2、on. dont want to _ (冒险去尝试) this. pronounced not clearly but dont _ (妨碍) understanding. might _ (征税) extra housing owners are prepared to _ (采取武力) if negotiation failed.10. (除了大约半小时) _ for lunch I am here all day. doesnt seem to _ (意识到) the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal. _ (赞成) Golden

3、 Week holidays. drivers must _ (遵守) the rules of driving. (相比较) the two companies,we see two different points of views. you _ (照看) my child?-1. The students _ (有权进入) the library only in the afternoon.2. (我们都很同情) _the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.3. (如果我有钱了) _, I would like to cruise

4、in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht. soldiers_ (非常疲累由于没有休息一直向前走) in a blizzard. one likes _ (被当作) a poltroon. dont want to _ (冒险去尝试) this. pronounced not clearly but dont _ (妨碍) understanding. might _ (征税) extra housing owners are prepared to _ (采取武力) if negotiation failed.10.

5、(除了大约半小时) _ for lunch I am here all day.转自学易网 doesnt seem to _ (意识到) the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal. _ (赞成) Golden Week holidays. drivers must _ (遵守) the rules of driving. (相比较) the two companies,we see two different points of views. you _ (照看) my child?Answer: access to all sympa

6、thized with I were rich very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest be regarded as the risk (of) trying with转自学易网 tax on to force for a half hour or so aware of(=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness) of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right

7、) to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to) comparison of an eye on-1: The truck driver is _(对这起交通事故负全责).2:In the court, the defendant _(声称自己是清白的).3:Unemployed, John _(几乎无法维持生计).4:_(中国政府声明任何情况下都不首先) use nuclear weapons.5:_(要想他人尊重你),you should learn to respect them first.6: _( 我刚刚到家 ) than th

8、e telephone rang.7:The old man regretted _( 一事无成 ) in his life.8:_( 他五十多岁 ), but he looks younger than his age.9:Many big cities in the world _( 正面临淡水资源短缺 ).10:He said nothing, leaving me _ ( 对他的计划毫不知情 ).转自学易网 11: He clenched his teeth to_ (确定事故中遭受的伤口的疼痛).12: Id rather read books in the library _( 也

9、不愿上课 ).13:Our aim is to _( 全心全意为人民服务 ).14:Id like to _( 借此机会 ) to express my heartfelt thanks for your help.15:The court ruling _( 剥夺了他的政治权利 ).Answer: for the transportation accident. himself innocent couldnt live on himself Government declares that under no circumstance will China first转自学易网 you wa

10、nt to be respected by others sooner did I get home nowhere is more than fifty years old facing the problem of lack of water resource no idea about his plan the pain of the wound suffered from the accident go to lessons the people with our hearts this opportunity deprived his political rights=1. That

11、 theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle_( 这是我们应当牢记的一条原则 )2. _ (除了以身作则) , there s no better way to teach children.3. The more things a man is ashamed of, _ (他就越受人尊敬) . wisdom consists not only in seeing what is before your eyes, _ (而且在于预见将来的事情) . until people can completely trust yo

12、u _ (你才能对他们产生积极的影响) .6. If you cant think up a new idea, try finding _. (一个方法更好的利用老的观点)7. _(为战争做好准备)is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. (如果全面考虑), work is less boring than amusing oneself. thought it a pity _(没有邀请她).转自学易网 character will have been completed _(当生命走到尽头时). boss would

13、be angry_ (假如老板发现你经常在办公室打私人长途电话)。 journey took three days_ (比我们原先所预计的多用了)。 old and young should be_ (尊重和照顾)。14. (我为这些话所深深感动) _I used them later for a Christmas card.15. (这就全看) _whether you support me.Answer: should always keep in mind from setting a good example more respectable he is. also in fores

14、eeing what is to come you be able to positively influence them. way to make better use of an old idea.转自学易网 be prepared for war considered to have invited her time your life comes to an end. he should discover you often make personal long distance calls in the office. than we had expected and taken

15、care of was so impressed by these words that all depends on-大学英语四级考试:攻破5分翻译题(七)2008年06月23日 11:20来源:学易网CET频道 club _ (采用一套新的制度) concerning its membership. parents are _ (不同意) our picnic plan. swimmer caught in the whirlpool_ (挣扎着避免溺水 . ) carpet was _ (固定在地板上) with tacks.5. ( 2 天了都没有走出沙漠,又没有水喝 ) _he wa

16、s unquenchable. lot of people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back _ ( 主要是由于工作中的压力和紧张造成的 ).7. More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and _ ( 超过 250 万的家庭已经摆脱贫困 ).8. _ ( 除主席之外的所有成员都投票赞成我的建议 )to set up a branch office in the suburbs.9. The emergence o

17、f e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are _ ( 为中国的国内外贸易提供了新的增长机遇 ).转自学易网 10. The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before_ ( 发达国家尤为如此 ).11. (只要看一眼这封信) _ , will convince you that you have been taken in.12. Please dont stand in the ki

18、tchen, youre_ (挡路了) .13. _ (如果暴露在空气中) , iron will react with the oxygen of the air.14. _ (对听到的事情感到震惊) , he placed both his hands on his mouth.15. Wed better struggle for the future _ (而不是为过去而懊悔) .Answer: a new set of rules to to keep from drowning to the floor转自学易网 been in the desert without water f

19、or two days6. mainly due to stress and tension in their work7. more than two and a half million families have been lifted out of poverty8. All the members except the Chairman voted for my proposal9. providing new growth opportunities for Chinas foreign and domestic trade10. especially in developed c

20、ountries glance at this letter12. in the way13. If exposed to the air14. Shocked at what he had heard15. rather than regret for the past.-大学英语四级考试:攻破5分翻译题(六)2008年06月23日 11:19来源:学易网CET频道 substance does not dissolve in water _ (不管是否加热).2. Not only _ (他向我收费过高), but didnt do a good repair job.3. Your lo

21、sses in trade this year are nothing _ (与我相比).4. On average, it is said, visitors spend only_ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.5. By contrast, American mothers were more likely _ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent is no rush now _ (比赛已经取消了).7. Im not supposed to let anyone in without a card, _ (但对你我就破一次

22、例).8. _ (我们得把休假日推迟) until youre better.9. Dont bother carrying all those things, _ (我本不想给你添许多麻烦).10. _ (我不大想去参加那个聚会), but Id better put in an appearance.转自学易网 (直到失去健康) that people know the value of health. bag was stuffed_( 脏衣服) (很多朋友不在), we decided to put the meeting off. (给我印象最深的) were her livelin

23、ess and sense of humor. engines are_ (不如我们制造的那些发动机功率大) .Answer:1. whether (it is) heated or not2. did he charge me too much3. compared with mine4. half as much (money)5. to attribute their childrens success to6. the match has been called off7. but Ill make an exception in your case转自学易网 8. Well have

24、 to put off (going on) vacation9. I didnt mean to give you a lot of trouble10. I dont really want to go to the party is not until they lose it dirty clothes many friends absent impressed me the most powerful than the ones we have made-大学英语四级考试:攻破5分翻译题(五)2008年06月23日 11:18来源:学易网CET频道 number of the stu

25、dents in this city has _ (增加了6倍) in comparison with 2001.2. _ (有些大一新生打定主意) to pursue a masters degree after undergraduate studies.3. _ (不管任务多么艰巨), we must fulfill it in time. had understood nothing, _ (也没尝试着去) understand.5. _ (随着时间的流逝), they forgot their bitter sufferings. ( 据说 ) the painter used hi

26、s aunt as the model in that painting. of the people who die in earthquakes _ ( 是正在倒塌的建筑物砸死的 ).8. Most people tend to believe that the newer, the better, _ ( 尽管并不总是这样 ).9. _ ( 没有人不称赞他们 ) for their great accomplishment.10. _ ( 毫无疑问 ) he is qualified for the job.转自学易网 11. This leaflet tells you _ (怎样在旅行期间防止生病).12. The book is _ (我够不着); would you pleas

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