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1、M7单词教师版M7U1单词&词汇练习1.John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been _ by a heavy storm.Akept BstoppedCslowed Ddelayed【解析】D考查动词delay的用法。be late for意为“迟到”,因此根据句意,航班应该是受到“耽搁,延误”,故选D项。 2.Ill _ going to Scotland until youre well enough to look after yourself again.Aput down Bput offCpu

2、t out Dput up【解析】 B本题考查短语辨析。put down“写下,记下”;put off“推迟”;put out“生产,出版”;put up“举起”。句意:我要推迟去苏格兰的时间,等到你身体完全康复能照顾自己时再走。3.(2012江苏南京四校12月月考)My daughter volunteered to work in a remote mountain village in West China last year,which is still only _on foot now.Aaccessible BavailableCappropriate DResponsible【

3、解析】A本题考查词义辨析。句意:我女儿去年志愿到中国西部一个偏远的小山村工作,现在去那里仍只能步行到达。4. According to a UN report,one third of the world population have no _ to clean drinking water and health care.Ameans BapproachCchannel Daccess 【解析】D句意:根据联合国的一份报告,世界人口的三分之一喝不到清洁的水且得不到医疗保障。have access to“接近,靠近”。5.Giant pandasTuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan

4、,offered by the Chinese mainland,have _ their new home in Taipei Zoo.Aappealed to Bagreed toCapplied to Dadapted to 【解析】D本题考查短语辨析。句意:由中国大陆赠送的大熊猫团团和圆圆已经适应了它们在台北动物园的新家。appeal to“吸引;迎合”;agree to“同意”;apply to“申请”;adapt to“适应”。6. My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.Atreated

5、BadoptedCadjusted Dreminded【解析】 C本题考查词义辨析。句意:我的照相机可以调节,以便在阴天或晴天拍照。treat“治疗;对待”;adopt“领养;采纳”;adjust“调整,调节”;remind“提醒”。7.Students nowadays should make full use of their time to equip themselves with knowledge so that they can easily _ the competitive society in the future.Asubmit to Bkeep toCadopt to

6、Dadapt to【解析】D本题考查短语辨析。句意:如今的学生应该充分利用他们的时间,用知识武装自己,以便他们能够轻松适应未来的竞争社会。adapt to“适应”。8.To our great surprise,the old lady in trouble _ our offers of help.Arejected BscannedCabolished Dabandoned【解析】A本题考查单词辨析。句意:使我们大为吃惊的是,那位身处困境的老太太拒绝了我们的帮助。reject“拒绝”;scan “扫描”;abolish “磨光,打磨”;abandon“放弃”。9.Some students

7、 _ admitting they were _ computer games.Aresisted;hooked onBaccepted;addicted toCdistributed;involved inDrefused;devoted to【解析】A句意:有些学生拒绝承认自己沉溺于电脑游戏。refuse后接不定式,不接动名词。10. Does the man _ the ideas of political union between European countries?Aobject BopposeCbe for Dbe against 【解析】B本句是一般疑问句,如果选择C、D两项

8、,无需借助于助动词does;object后面接介词to。11.The President _ giving military aid to this country.Ais opposed BobjectsCopposes Dagainst【解析】Cbe opposed to,object to,be against都可以表示 “反对”。12.Jack is late again.It is _ of him to keep others waiting.Anormal BordinaryCcommon Dtypical【解析】DIt is typical of do sth.是固

9、定句型,意为“某人一向如此”。13.A new _ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.Anormal BusualCregular Dcommon【解析】C句意:两个月前天津机场实施了一项新的定点的客车服务。normal“正常的”;usual“通常的”;regular“有规律的,固定的,正规的”;common“普遍的,常见的”。14._ of beginners,he often fails to plus an article before a noun.AOrdinary BUsualCRegu

10、lar DTypical 【解析】Dtypical强调个体能体现出群体的特征。15(东北三校模拟)I think I should wear a dress instead of this jeans.Its just a small informal party,so you dont have to_.Awarm up Bput upCdress up Dkeep up【解析】C句意为:我觉得我应该穿礼服不能穿牛仔服。这只是一个不太正式的小聚会,因此,你不必刻意打扮。dress up 穿上特殊服装,乔装,化妆。来源:Zxxk.Com16(山东临沂)If you keep practisin

11、g your son in football,he _to make a famous player. Awants BhopesCpromises DWishes【解析】C句意为:如果你坚持对你儿子进行足球训练,他有希望成为一个著名的球员。promise 有前途,有的可能。17(杭州模拟)Everyone in the village hoped that he would_after a few days treatment.Apick up Bcome upCkeep up Dmake up【解析】A句意为:村里的每一个人都希望他能在几天的治疗后康复。pick up 好转,恢复;come

12、 up 走上前来,发芽,发生;keep up 保持;make up 编造,弥补,化装,构成。18(山东枣庄调研)He didnt _what I said because his mind was on something else.Ahold on Bhang onCtake in Dget over【解析】C句意为:他没有理解我说的话,因为他刚才想别的呢。take in理解,领会;hold on 不挂断;hang on 坚持,不挂断,靠着,渴望;get over 爬过,克服,熬过,恢复。19(3月济南模拟)Stella was disappointed to find her new pl

13、an_and fell into great depression.Aput away Bcarried outCturned down Dleft out【解析】C考查动词短语辨析。句意为:Stella 看到她的计划被拒绝非常失望,难以振作。put away 收起来,放好;carry out 完成;turn down 拒绝;leave out 漏掉,忽略。20(4月济南模拟)Internet shopping is really_when people are sure of its safety.Ataking off Btaking upCsetting off Dsetting up【

14、解析】A考查动词词组辨析。句意为:当人们确认了它的安全性之后,网络购物真的迅速流行起来。take off 表示“迅速流行”;take up 表示“从事,占据”;set off 表示“出发”;set up 表示“建造,建立”。根据语意选A项。M7U2的词汇练习(C)1. An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons character; however, they are not always _.A. practical B. avoidableC. permanent D. beneficial解析:句意:不

15、快乐的童年对一个人的性格有负面影响,但是,这种影响并不是永久的。不快乐的童年时间有限,当然负面影响不会长期存在。Permanent “永久的,固定的”,故答案选C。practical“实用的,实际的” avoidable“可避免的”beneficial“有益的;有利的”,不合题意。(B)2. We were astonished _ the temple still in its original condition.A. finding B. to find C. find D. to be found解析:考查be +astonished to do sth 的用法,句意:我们吃惊地发现那

16、座庙还是原来的一样。故答案选B.(B)3. As the girl walked off the stage, the entire audience stood on their feet clapping to her honesty.A. apologize B. applaud C. abandon D. awake解析:句意:当女孩走下舞台,所有的观众站起来为她的诚实鼓掌欢呼。Applaud“鼓掌,为欢呼”,故答案选B. apologize“道歉”;abandon“抛弃,丢弃”;awake“醒着的”,不合题意。(D)4. There is no problem if you make

17、 a good_ for the coming interview.A. appointment B. equipment C. encouragement D. arrangement解析:句意:如果你为即将到来的面试做了很好的安排,就一定不会有问题的。appointment“约会,任命”equipment“设备,设施”encouragement“鼓励,鼓舞”arrangement“安 排, 计划”,故答案选D.(A)5. Nowadays, there is a _increase in childrens creativity, for they are greatly encourag

18、ed to develop their talents.A. sharp B. slight. C. natural D. modest解析:句意:如今,因为孩子们被极大地鼓励发挥自己的潜力,他们的创造性有了急剧的增长。sharp“急剧的,锋利的”;slight“轻微的”;natural“自然的”;modest“谦虚的,适度的”,故答案选A.(A)6. Most parents take strong views against computer games which children are_ to and appeal to the closing of all net bars for

19、 such games.A.addicted B. accustomed C. available D. sensitive解析:句意:大多数的家长强烈反对孩子们所沉溺于的电脑游戏并呼吁关闭有这些游戏的网吧。be addicted to “沉溺于”;be accustomed to“习惯于”;available“可利用的”;sensitive “敏感的”,故答案选A. (A)7. One of the things this teacher has done is to _his teaching to contemporary events in a different way.A. rel

20、ate B. consider C. imagine D. adopt解析:这个老师所做的事情之一就是将他的教学以一种不一样的方式和当代的事件关联起来了。relate“关联”;consider“考虑,认为”;imagine“想象”;adopt“采取,接纳”,故答案选A.(C)8. Why not_ your new ideas? Otherwise you will never know whether they are possible or not. A. put out B. wear out C. try out D. find out 解析:句意:为什么你不试行你的新想法?否则,你将

21、从不知道他们有没有成功的可能。put out “熄灭”;wear out“用坏;穿破;(使)筋疲力尽;耗尽”;try out “试行”find out“发现”。根据语义,答案选C.(D)9. Most parents are not the danger of their babies eating habits, which cause many unfortunate incidents to happen.A. well aware to B. very aware ofC. aware that D. well aware of解析:句意:大多数的父母没有很好地意识到他们宝宝的吃饭习惯

22、的危害,这导致了很多不幸的发生。(D)10. After a long journey across the whole country from north to south, they found themselves_ as well as their clothes.A. picked up B. called out C. run out D. worn out解析:句意:在一场跨越国家南北的漫长旅行之后,他们发现自己已经精疲力竭,他们的衣服也破烂不堪了。pick up “捡起;接载;学会;逮捕”;call out “唤起;召集;叫喊;调来”;run out “用光,用完”;wear

23、 out “耗尽,精疲力竭,衣服破烂”。根据句意,答案选D.(A)11.The environmentalist(环保人士)said,” Making money is blameless, but I cant _to unnecessary killing of wild animals for that purpose.”A. subscribe B. tend C. oppose D. suggest解析:句意:环保人士说过“赚钱是很正常的,但是我不同意为了赚钱对野生动物进行无谓的杀害”。subscribe to “同意,赞同”;tend to “朝某方向;趋向;偏重”;oppose“

24、反对,抗争”;suggest“建议,暗示”。根据语义,答案选A.(C)12. In American literature,the eighteenth century was the age of the Enlightenment._ was the dominant spiritAHumanism BRationalismC. Revolution DEvolution解析:在美国文化中,18 世纪是启蒙运动的时代。革命是主要的精神。Humanism“人文主义”;Rationalism“理性主义”;Revolution“革命”;Evolution “演变,进化”。根据语义,答案选C. (

25、B)13.We cannot afford to long ignore Taiwan businessmens strong desire to share _ economic benefits with the mainland. A. abnormal B. enormous C. amateur D. vacant解析:句意:我们不能长期忽视台湾商人想与大陆人民分享巨大经济成果的强烈的愿望。abnormal“非正常的”;enormous“巨大的”;amateur“业余的,非职业的”;vacant“空闲的;空缺的;空虚的;茫然的”。(C)14. The teacher stressed

26、 again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story.A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out解析:句意:老师再次强调学生们在复述这个故事的时候不应该遗漏任何重要的细节。bring out“出版;取出(某物);呈出(某物);说出”;let out“主英出租(某物);非正打骂(某人);使出来;使(火)熄灭”;leave out“遗漏; 省略; 未顾及; 忽略”;make out“理解;假装;辨认出;填写(表格)”。根据语义,

27、答案选C.(A)15. Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an _ for breaking the law.A. excuse B. intentionC. option D. approval解析:句意:对法律的无知不能作为违反法律的理由被接受。excuse“借口,理由”;intention“意图,打算”;option“选择”;approval“赞同,同意”。故答案选A.(A)16. Due to the_ of the filming technology, the cinema is becoming more and more

28、entertaining. A. application B. adaptation C. approval D. appreciation 解析:考查名词辨析。application 应用 adaptation 改编 approval 批准 appreciation 感激。由于新的电影技术的应用,看电影变得越来越有意思了。根据语境,答案选A.(B)17. What he said was too_ for me to understand.A. compound B. complex C. comprehensive D. conventional解析:句意:他所说的话对于我来说太复杂让我难

29、以理解。compound“复合词”;complex “复杂的;合成的”;comprehensive“广泛的;综合的;有理解力的”;conventional“传统的;习用的,平常的;依照惯例的;约定的”。根据语义,答案选B.(A)18. What a _! -Sorry, I will clean it right now.A. mess B. surprise C. sudden D. horror解析:句意:真乱啊!what a mess.答案选A. (B)19. Some high officers were punished by law only because they were_

30、what didnt belong to them. A. in the possession of B. in possession of C. possessed D. possessing解析:考查possess的用法。句意:一些高官受到了惩罚仅仅是因为他们占有了不属于他们的东西。in the possession of 为所拥有;in possession of 拥有 ;be possessed by 被所拥有。根据句意,故选B.(D)20. - Id like a table for six. - Sorry, sir, but we dont have any table_ right now. A. unable B. suitable C. comfortable D. available解析:句意:我想要一张六人桌。对不起,先生,但是我们现在没有任何可以用的桌子。unable“不能”;suitable“合适的”;comfortable“舒适的”;available“可利用的”。故答案选D.M7 U3单项选择1.The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway. A

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