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本文(高中3500考纲词A开头词汇词形变换+固定搭配+例句3affectamount精品随心.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高中3500考纲词A开头词汇词形变换+固定搭配+例句3affectamount精品随心见微知著,闻弦歌而知雅意2019-2020届备考41. affect vt. 影响,感动,作用,使悲伤等A)Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康Her break-up with her lover has badly affected her.她与恋人的分手严重影响到了她Second hand smoking may affect others health.二手烟会影响他人健康Poor housing and family stress can affect both physica

2、l and mental health.住房条件差、家庭压力大会影响身心两方面的健康B)Affected adj.受到影响的,受(疾病)侵袭的;假装的,做作的Many people are affected by the air pollution in winter.冬天,很多人受到了天气污染的影响People were deeply affected by the death of Jin Zhengri.金正日的死使人们感到悲伤They were really affected by the movie.他们着实被电影感动了Water supplies and other public

3、utilities were badly affected.供水以及其它公用事业受到了严重影响C)Affection n.关爱,爱慕;感情;作用,影响;疾病They two show affection towards each other.这两个人相互示爱The couple show affection to each other by hugging.这对夫妇拥抱对方表达爱意They looked into each others eyes with affection.他们充满爱慕地四目相望D)Affective adj.情感的,表达情感的 affectionate adj.充满深情的

4、,挚爱的This mother has good affective comunication with her son.这个母亲和她孩子有很好的情感交流He held his son in an affectionate embrace.他充满深情的将儿子抱在怀中Women love a man who is affectionate and warm.女人喜欢深情且温暖的男人The couple is affectionate to each other.这对夫妇深爱着对方E)Affectation n.假装,装作;装模作样Give up your affectation!You make

5、 me sick.别矫情了,你真让人恶心He made an affectation of indifference.他装作无动于衷的样子F)Effect n.效果,影响;印象;所有物That lighting effect makes the stage look mysterious.那种灯光效果使舞台看起来更加神秘I like the lighting effects on the stage.我喜欢舞台上的灯光效果What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple?若IBM和苹果公司联手会有什么效果呢?Busine

6、sses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession thats going on elsewhere.企业感受到了别处经济衰退带来的间接影响The drug has one important limitation.Its effects only last six hours.这种药有一个严重缺陷,它的药力只能持续6个小时G)Effective adj.有效的,有影响的,实际的,生效的Makeup is very effective at hiding our physical flaws.化妆对于隐藏我们外表的缺陷非常有效It

7、seems that the way he looses weight is quite effective.似乎他减肥的方面确实很有效Women are sometimes seen to be less effective as managers.女性有时被认为不善于管理42. afford vt. 负担得起,买得起;抽得出(时间); 提供;产生;赐予 vi.买得起,负担得起A)can/could/be able to afford sth/to do sth负担得起.I cant afford a book/to buy the book我买不起一本书Her husband is ric

8、h enough to afford the expensive handbag.她的老公很有钱,买得起那个昂贵包包B)Affordable adj.买得起的,负担得起的He is thinking about whether a bicycle is affordable for him.他正在考虑是否买得起一辆自行车I cant buy an iPhone,I can only buy a more affordable phone.我买不起iPhone,我只能买一个负担得起的手机The company makes wearable,beautifully cut clothes at a

9、ffordable prices.这家公司生产经久耐穿、外形美观且价格合理的衣服There are few affordable apatments in big cities.在大城市里没有几所公寓是便宜的C)Affordance n.可供性43. afraid adj. 害怕的;担心的A)be afraid to do 因为害怕不敢做.The gril is too afraid to sleep alone.这个女孩儿自己太害怕了以至于睡不着To tell you the truth,I was afraid to see him.坦白说,我害怕见到他Dont be afraid to

10、ask for advice about ordering the ,eal.点餐时要大胆征求意见B)be afraid of (doing) sth. 害怕.Be afraid of ones (own)shadow胆小到极点Be afraid of being found out心虚I am afraid of your look.我害怕你这个样子Im afraid of you when you wear that mask.你带着那个面具的时候,我很害怕He was a little bit afraid of his fathers reaction.他有点害怕父亲的反应She wa

11、s afraid to go out alone at night.她害怕夜间独自外出She was afraid of waking him up.她害怕叫他起床44. against prep 对着;反对, 违背;靠着,迎着,衬着;以.为背景A)stand against the wall 靠墙站着Sitting against the tree,the boy is looking at the photo in his hand.这个男孩靠着树,看着手中的照片They rested their heads against the boy and fell asleep.他们把头靠在这个

12、男孩身上睡着了B)Against the wind顶风,逆风Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain.穿上足以防风挡雨的衣服Our ship made head against the wind and waves.我们的船顶着风浪前进The wall screens them against the wind.墙为他们挡风C)Against all odds不顾一切He will succeed against all odds.他将会克服困难获得成功D)Against time争分夺秒,赶

13、时间Well try to get this finished by May,but itll a race against time.我们力争在五月底完成任务,但得争分夺秒地干It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation.为抢救那些即将饿死的人争分夺秒E)go against nature违背自然;违背常理It is a great joy to battle against nature.与大自然斗,其乐无穷All these activities are against nature.所有这些活动都是违背常

14、理的F)Against the law违法Concealment of evidence is against the law.隐藏证据是违法的G)be against sth反对.Only one person stood actively against him.只有一个人站在那主动反对他She is the only person to speak against him.她是唯一发言反对他的人They are strongly against the plan.H)The pine tree were black against the morning sky.松树在早晨天空的衬托下是

15、黑色的45. age n.年龄;时代;时期 v. (使)变老;(使)陈化A)for ages 多年 at an early age早些年,小时候B)at the age of 在.岁时People at any age should do sports.任何年龄段的人都应该做运动Women over the age of 20 can get married in China.在中国,只有20岁以上的女性才可以结婚C)of the same age=of an age同岁People of any age can do exercise.无论年纪多大,都可以锻炼These are people

16、 of different ages.他们的年龄各不相同D)After his wifes death he aged quickly.他妻子过世后,他老得很快E)Aged adj.年老的;.岁的;老年人特有的We may be old and aged,but our lives are great.我们可能年纪大了些,但生活很好Each year,one in 100 girls aged 15-19 takes an overdose.每年,每100名15至19岁的少女中就有一位嗑药过量The Georgian,aged 19,is not one of the games big hi

17、tters.这位19岁的佐治亚州人并不是比赛中的优秀击球者之一46. agree vi. 同意;应允A)agree with同意:后面常接表示人或意见/看法的名词/代词作宾语agree with sb / what you say/your opinion.I totally agree with you.我完全同意你We shake hands and agree with each other.我们握手达成一致表示一致;“ (食物、天气、工作等)对适宜”:The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。The dampness of the fo

18、rest didnt agree with him physically.他的身体不能适应森林的潮湿A verb must agree with its subject in person and number.动词必须和它的人称和数保持一致What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。不能用于被动语态B)agree to:后面接表示提议、计划、办法、安排的名词/代词 the plan计划/ the arrangement安排/ the suggestion建议/the proposal提议C)agree on /upon主要指双/

19、多方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议:We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。After discussion the two sides agreed on a cease-fire.经过讨论,双方就停火问题达成协议Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。They failed to agree on the terms of a settlement.他们未能就和解条件达成协议 They both agree on a peaceful solution.他们就一个和平解决方案达成一致The business

20、men agreed on the new deal.他们商定了新协议We all agree on the solid fact that peace is the only way to prosperity.我们一致认为:和平是通往繁荣的唯一道路D) agree to do sthHe agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。E)agreement n.协议、协定、一致、相合:reach/arrive at/come to an agreement达成一致They came to an agreement and shook hands.他们握手达成协议The agr

21、eement has raised hopes that the war may end soon.那项协议使人们感到战争有望很快就会结束F) I cant/couldnt agree more.再同意不过47. ahead adv./adj. 在前,向前,提前A)ahead of . 提前;超过I work hard to stay ahead of everyone else.我努力保持第一Henry generally stayed ahead of the others in the academic subjects.亨利的文化课成绩通常都优于其他学生I am running ahe

22、ad of the rest of the group.跑步的时候,我领先于小组其他人Mark was out of earshot,walking ahead of them.马克走在前面,听不见他们的声音B)Ahead of time/schedule提早,提前Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.提前搞清楚什么规章适用于你的情况The dish may be prepared a day ahead of time and refrigerated.这道菜可以提前一天准备好并冷藏起来She arri

23、ves a smidgen ahead of time.她比预定的时间仅早到了一点The election was held six months ahead of schedule.选举提前了6个月进行The construction of the building was completed ahead of schedule.这座建筑物提前竣工了We laboured hard to finish our job ahead of schedule.我们努力工作以提前把活儿干完C)go ahead 前进,干吧,说吧The flag let us know when to go ahead

24、 and start the race.这个旗子让我们知道什么时候开始比赛The flat indicates that the car may go ahead.旗帜指示车子可以出发了D)Go ahead with继续The boy still went ahead with the race even after falling.跌倒后,这个男孩仍继续比赛My boss told me to go ahead with my plan.我的老板告诉我继续我的计划48. aid n. 援助;救护;辅助工具v. 帮助,促进A)first aid 急救-I cut myself and I ne

25、ed someone to help me.Do you know first aid?-Yes.我割伤自己了需要有人来帮我,你会急救吗?-会The first aid box was provided to us by the Red Cross.我们的急救箱是由红十字会提供的B)in aid of 支持I am collecting money in aid of deaf people.我筹款以帮助聋人C)by ( the) aid of 借助于,通过的帮助;come/go to ones aid 帮助某人D)aid (sb/sth) in/with ( doing) sth 帮助某人做

26、.I thought a phonetic spelling might aid in pronunciation.我想语音拼写可能有助于发音Calcium may aid in the prevention of aolon cancer.钙可能有助于预防结肠癌49.aim v.瞄准,旨在 n.目标,对准A)Aim at1 瞄准,对准 He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.他用枪瞄准了敌方长官The man aimed at the center of the target.这位男士瞄准了靶子中心He aims qt the bulls eye of t

27、he target.他瞄准了靶心 (向某方面)努力 Shes aiming at ( trying to win) a scholarship.她为了奖学金而努力They aim at quality rather than quantity.他们的目的在于质量而不是数量 针对某人 My words were not aimed at you.我的话不是在针对你His criticism stuck out a mile to aim at us.他的批评显然是在针对我们B)Aim to doThey aim to cut production lead times to under 18 m

28、onths.他们力求把开发周期缩短至18个月以下They aim to clear every dealer fron thr street.他们打算把街上所有的小贩都清走50. alike adj. 相像的,十分相似的adv. 相似地,相同地The two couples are a lot alike.这两对情侣有很多相似之处Their haircut is the only reason why they look alike.他们的发型是他们唯一的相似之处The two monkeys are very much alike.这两只猴子看起来很相像The two guys are qu

29、ite alike when they are playing ping-pong.他俩打乒乓球时简直太像了We are alike in many ways.我们在很多方面都很相像They tried to treat their children alike.他们尽力公平对待他们的孩子51. alive adj. 活着的,存在的,在世的(多用来作表语,可以与living互换,可以修饰人或物;也可以作后置定语)A)The badly wounded soldier was still alive when taken to the hosipital.当受重伤的士兵被送到医院时,仍然活着Hi

30、s beating heart shows hes alive.跳动的心脏表明他还活着B)catch alive 活捉 keepalive存活In those days,they could hardly keep alive,for there is little food.那时候,他们几乎活不下来,因为几乎没有食物C)be alive with= be full of=be filled with充满The lake was alive with fish.这个湖里好多鱼The street was alive with the sounds of the soldiers.这条街道上到处

31、都是士兵的声音D)Alive and well盛行的,仍然存在的,安然无恙的A man who went missing yesterday during a blizzard has been found alive and well.昨天在暴风雪中失踪的一名男子已经被找到,人安然无恙E)修饰名词只能放在名词后作后置定语Who is the greatest man alive.(后置定语)52. allow v 准许,允许A)allow doing/allow sb to doThe green light allows you to go.绿灯(表示)允许你通行 Why should a successful company allow another firm to pick its brains?为什么一个成功的企业就得允许别的公司来讨教呢?B)Allow me允许我,对不起,让我来Allow me to buy you a drink at the bar.让我来请你喝一杯Allow me to refresh your memory.让我来帮你回忆吧C)

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