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1、高考词汇化蝶学案2第八天1. believe unbelievable belief trust faith doubt doubtful suspect skeptical 记忆:联想:比较:反义:另类阅读:Some people have a faith in Chen Shuipians unbelievable (believe), but more people are (doubt) about it. The international world also s (suspect) his plan.2. bell sell tell cell cellar well fell

2、spell belly记忆:联想:另类阅读: He used to sell bells well before he (fall) and hurt his cells of his mouth and belly. He couldnt tell the customers his name so he had to spell it on a piece of paper.3. bicycle circle semicircle circular circus circuit circulate circumstance cycle cyclist recycle motorcycle

3、记忆:1. 词根cycle表示“圆”re-表示 “又“tri-表示“三”, uni-表示“一”,2. motor马达;3. circle n. 圆, semi -, 半 semi另类阅读: Though the motorcycle runs faster, he prefers a bicycle to go to the circus to enjoy himself. He thinks its better for the environment. He also _(combine) a bike with a bag so he can collect some wastes (

4、recycle) on his circular trip 4. billion million millionaire thousand hundred dozen score记忆:另类阅读: Beer is sold by the _ here. I want five score of bottle, but I have only one hundred yuan. If you can lend me one million, I can have _(thousand) of yuan left. I could say billion, for it is impossible.

5、5. bird third thirty thirtieth thirteen thirsty记忆: 6. birthday birth birthplace born bear 记忆: 联想:另类阅读: Birthday is the day when our mother gives _to us. Our mother bears us for nearly ten month and then we are _ in the birthplace.轻松一刻 The champion athlete in bed with a cold was told that he had a te

6、mperature “How high is it,Doctor?” he wanted to know “A hundred and one” “Whats the worlds record?”第九天1 bit little few beat bite chew suck swallow记忆:联想:背诵课文犹如吞咽食物。 格言: The water that bears boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。另类阅读: After walking so far, he was not a little tired. He wouldn

7、t like to go a _. When he _(bite) a few mouthfuls of apple and chewed some biscuit, he felt his heart beating stronger, so he struggled on.2. black blackboard blackout blackish blacksmith black-market dark dusk dawn 记忆:联想:另类阅读: The black blacksmith is of course a blackie. He bought a blackish blackb

8、oard in the black-market at dawn, _ he couldnt use any more at dark.3 blood bloody bleed flood flow float fly flight flu fluent fluency flee flash flashlight 记忆:联想:比较:另类阅读: The blood _(bleed) from his wound made the head bloody. He tried to float in the flood, but it was flowing too fast like flying

9、 in a flight.4 blouse house mouse shirt skirt apron记忆:联想:另类阅读: The lady with a black blouse and skirt _(sell) mens shirts is afraid of the mouse in her house.5 blow flow slow show snow grow记忆:联想:另类阅读: When the wind _(blow), it often snows. Yet when the grass grows, spring shows. Though a little slow

10、, the river begin to flow.(改出一处错误)6 blue red white pale yellow green gray(grey) brown purple pink colour colorful记忆:联想:另类阅读: This is a really color world: snow white, seas blue; grass green, oranges yellow; ashes gray, eggplants purple; and blood red, soil brown. On the _ hand, we should realize tha

11、t there are still pale faces in the reality. (改出一处错误)轻松一刻: One day, Xiao Ming went to the countryside to visit his friend. When he got to a small bridge, he saw a man with a dog _ looked very fierce. He asked the man, Will your dog attack people? The man answered, Fierce as my dog looks, it never at

12、tacks people. Xiao Ming felt relaxed and began to went through the bridge. Just then, the dog jumped and bit him bitterly. Xiao Ming turned very angry, Didnt you say your dog never attacks? he scolded the man. Yes, but this dog is not mine. the man replied cold. (改出一处错误)第十天1board aboard broad abroad

13、 broadcast skateboard cupboard记忆:联想:另类阅读: The man with _shoulders boarded the plane to study broadcasting _.2. boat paddle beat coat goat记忆: 另类阅读: A goat in a coat beat a boat. Its easy _( tell) a goat from a sheep.3. boil thermos oil oily petrol soil spoil 记忆:联想:另类阅读: The oil begins to boil. Im afr

14、aid it will spoil the soil.4. book order buy purchase pay charge记忆:联想:比较:另类阅读: He book a room, ordered a wonderful meal and intended _( buy) an expensive tie for her father. When he went to pay, the hotel charged him 2000 dollars. (改出一处错误) 5. borrow tomorrow sorrow sad lend记忆:联想:比较:另类阅读: Today Tony

15、wanted _(borrow) ten dollars from Tom , whod like to lend him the money if he could return it tomorrow. Tony was sad, full _sorrow. 6、both either neither all everyone none no one each记忆:比较:另类阅读: Everyone should tell _ of his parents to come to the meeting. If neither of them comes, all the students

16、must stay after school, and none of them can get home _ usual. 轻松一刻TEACHER: Didnt you promise to behave? STUDENT: Yes, Sir. TEACHER: And didnt I promise to punish you if you didnt? STUDENT: Yes, Sir, but since I broke my promise, I dont expect you to keep yours.第十一天1. bottle button battle campaign w

17、ar conflict fighter soldier peace piece记忆:联想:比较:联想:另类阅读: The soldiers fight battle after battle in the campaign. They hope for peace, but they are not afraid of war. Even though they might have only a bottle of water left, they will press the button to blow the enemy off into pieces.2. bowl bow bowl

18、ing plate dish spoon pot pan kitchen记忆:比较:联想:另类阅读: How could he afford to play bowling as he has such a kitchen: a pot for cooking, a bowl for rice, a plate for vegetables, and a spoon for soup? His only meat was a bird he caught with his bow as a special dish.3. box boxer boxing case briefcase ches

19、t breast stomach waist 记忆:联想:比较:联想:另类阅读: The famous boxer often took a briefcase as well as a chest _(fill) with small boxes of drugs in case of his stomachache.4 boy girl kid child childhood toy doll joy enjoy 记忆:联想:比较:另类阅读: To our joy, a child can enjoy _(play) with toys in the childhood nowadays,

20、 whether its a boy _ a girl.5 brave bravery courage encourage discourage courageous inspire inspiration hero heroine heroin heroic heroically记忆:联想:比较:联想:比较:另类阅读: Difficulty can not _(courage) a real hero or heroine but _(courage) them, for they are brave enough to face it.6、bread picnic rice rise ar

21、ise raise lift 记忆:联想:比较:另类阅读: Mary _(raise) a suggestion of having a picnic at the weekend. As no objection arose, we rose early on the Saturday morning and brought some bread, rice, biscuit, sweats and so on with us and set off. On the way, we saw a truck went in our direction. We asked for a lift.

22、 The driver was very kind and offered_( lift) our bags onto the truck.轻松一刻: A girl dated with her boyfriend. Though it was very cold, she didnt put on her overcoat _(deliberate), intending _(give) her boyfriend a chance to show his concern. The girl: How cold it is! I forgot to put on my overcoat. H

23、er boyfriend did up(整理) his clothes and said: All right. All right. Luckily I remembered to. otherwise, I would be suffering terrible cold like you.第十二天1. break breakfast breakthrough lawbreaker记忆:联想:另类阅读:A law breaker wanted to make a breakthrough in his record. As a result, he break his promise an

24、d didnt have breakfast with his friend. (改出一处错误)2 bridge ridge fridge refrigerator 记忆:联想:另类阅读: There is a fridge near the bank of the river over _ a new bridge was built.3 bright clever wise wisdom smart brilliant 记忆:联想:另类阅读:Mr Brown is a wise man with great wisdom. His son is a clever boy with smar

25、t ideas. Both of them have _ bright head and have become brilliant stars in our community.4. band bandage bang belt tape cassette 记忆:联想:另类阅读:Fasten the safety belt when driving. _, you may come back in bandages. Personally, I dont think it necessary to go to the band. You can listen to their tapes5.

26、 bring take fetch carry carriage cart car 记忆:联想:另类阅读:I have no time to fetch the cart carried in a train carriage to the station. _ you take your car there, would you like to help bring me the cart? 6. Britain British England English Scotland Scottish 记忆:联想:另类阅读: Dont mistake the English for the Bri

27、tish. In fact, the Britain is made _ of England, Scotland and Wales, the Scottish would like to be called British rather than English.轻松一刻: The five-year-old son came to his mother crying, Sister pulled my hair! Mother said, Dont be angry, for your sister didnt know it hurt to pull the hair. A momen

28、t later, there came crying again, which was his sisters. The son came out of the room with great satisfaction, Mum, now she knows it!第十三天1. broom mop boom room space spacecraft spade 记忆;联想:联想:另类阅读: They sweep the room with a broom and remove the dust with a mop. The booms sound musical. The rubbish

29、is often buried in the hole dug with a spade. Sometimes it is taken to outer space in a spacecraft.2. brush toothbrush rush rush hour dash run runner escape flee avoid记忆:联想:联想:另类阅读: The runner brushed his teeth with a toothbrush in the rush hour and after escaping being held up in the traffic he rushed to buy the latest watch. Tomorrow he will take part in the 50-meter dash.3. build building brick wall house bungalow skyscraper palace flat suite block construct construction body-building architect architecture 记忆:联想:比较:比较:另类阅读: No brick, no wall; no wall, no flat; no flat,

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