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1、八年级上学期寒假作业答案语数英2019八年级上学期寒假作业答案(语数英)朋友,在寒假中,你的寒假作业完成得怎样呢?是不是要核对一下答案呢?以下是为大家精心整理的“2019八年级上学期寒假作业答案(语数英)”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读,希望能够对大家有所帮助哦。篇一:2019八年级上学期寒假作业答案(语文)p1一、 f zngyu2.噤砾箧裁谬疟3.C 4.B 5.BP3三、趣味语文:瞒天过海 围魏救赵 偷梁换柱 以逸待劳 趁火打劫 声东击西10(1)百 十(2)万(3)千 三(4)八 百 五 十P43.C 4.D5.B二、渴慕.震悚.霹雳狼籍.滞笨.唏嘘. 烦躁.吊唁.呵斥P6三 1 说

2、出来让大家开心开心2 在放弃之前放弃努力四 背诵积累客 亲前 后生 死祸 福P7一 基础知识cang zi xiaozhou xun zhang榭 镂 帷 凿 壑 伦B DP85.轻捷与潇洒 悲忿而苍凉是的,因为前者的态度达观向上,值得学习。6.中国石拱桥的语言精炼、准确;本文语言典雅、舒和。P9三 趣味语文B C D A四 背诵积累陋室 黄鹤楼 岳阳楼 承天寺P10ni xi lan bo yin yan咎 绮 藩 褶 衍 翩 改错 ;两栖(qi) 殷(yan)红A C DP116.仿生手 生动形象地写出仿生手的神奇,吸引读者7.不可以,这个词表示时间范围,若删去,则句子意思变为任何时候都会

3、做脚,与现实不相符合,这个词体现了说明文语言的准确性。8.列数字 科学准确的说明了我国肢体残疾的人数之多,突出了仿生手的作用之大P1210.二 三 四 五11.(1)落晖 (2)落日 (3)夕日 (4)日暮 (5)落日 (6)夕阳 (7)斜阳p131.yn xi tio y zhun d2(1)阡陌:田间小路 (2)扶: 沿;顺着(3)规:计划 (4)津:渡口 (5)属:类(6)蕃:多 (7)馨:香气,这里指品格高尚(8)鸿儒:博学的人 (9)宜:应当 (10)因:顺着、就着p15(1)田家 (2)渝州(3)江南 (4)东城P161.s tun g qix sh2.(1)奔: 飞奔的吧 (2)

4、属: 动词,连接(3)歇: 消散(4)颓: 坠落(5)但: 只 (6)仅: 几乎(7)沃: 用水林洗 (7)强: 尽力p1811.(1)元旦 (2)春节 (3)元宵 (4)儿童12(1)到(3) 雁 (4)和(5) 燕篇二:2019八年级上学期寒假作业答案(数学)第1页第3页1. 选择题1A 2D 3A 4C2. 填空(1)T=20-6h 20,6 T h h(2)Q=6x105-pt 6x105 p Q t 0t6x105/p(3)S=1.5b (4) 0x7 0y5 5 03.解答题(1)y= Q/a-x Q/a (0xa)(2)y=80-2x20(3) -2x3当x=3,y有最小值为1/

5、2当-2x0,y随x的增大而增大,当0x3,y随x的增大而减小(4)v=800-50t0t16当t=8时 , v=800-50x8=400当v=100时,100=800-50tT=14第5页第7页选择题1B 2C 3C 4B 5B 6A 7B 8D填空(1)1 (2)y=2x+1 -1 (3)m(5)y=x+3 (6)y=64x+48 (7)S=2n+1 (8)y=1/5 x-6 30解答题(1) 设y=kx+b-4k+b=156k+b= -5k= -2 b=7y= -2x+7(2)略(3)表示y与x的关系,x为自变量10时离家10km 13时离家30km12时-13时,离家30km13km2

6、时-13时15km/h第9页第11页1. 选择题(1)A (2)C (3)C2.填空(1)y=-2x (2)my1 (5)y=-2x+100 25(6)93.解答题(1) Q=200+20t (0t30)(2) y=80 (0x50)y=1.9x-15 (50x100)y=1.6x选择方式一(3)在同一直线上 y=25/72x当x=72时,y=25当x=144时,y=50当x=216时,y=75y=25/72 x (0x345.6)当x=158.4时,y=25/72x158.4=55(4) y甲=2x+180y乙=2.5x+140当x=100时,y甲=200+180=380Y乙=140+250

7、=390380390租甲车更活算篇三:2019八年级上学期寒假作业答案(英语)第一页一、1-5 DAABB 6-10 CCBCB.二、11.eyesight 13.secret 14.true 15.want.三、16-20 DCADC 21-25 BACBA.第二页一、1.alone 2.helpful 3.heavy 4.hand 5.kind 6.teouble 7.words 8.push 10.both 11.tired.二、12-16 BDABB第三页一、1-5 ADBBA 6-10 DACBC二、11.keeps secrets 12.the sa

8、me as 13.enjoyed himself 14.learned;by himself 15.took/caught a coach三、16.called 17.girl 18.was born 19.gave 20.cleverst 21.could 22.reading 23.his 24.something 25.swimming第四页一、1. 2.sometime改成sometimes 3. 4.place改成places 5.in改成at 6. 7.In改成During 8.most改成more 9.eat改成eating 10.pupils前加the二、略三、16-20 CD

9、BDA第五页一、1-5 BDDAB 二、6-10 CABAC 16-20 ABBCA第六页一、1-5 BCADA 二、6-10 DBCBD 11-15 ACDAB 三、16.same 17.listened 18.that 19.himelf 20.give 21.good 22.leaving 24.quietil 25.instead.第七页一、1.lent;hasnt given 2.reaches 3.did;do/was;doing 4.have forgotten 5.have;been bring 7.have;finished 8.Have;eaten

10、9.find;Have;seen 10.has;spoken.二、11.At the age dont hurry; will be 13.may be 14.keep working 15.takes;much time to.三、16.In their eyes, we are always little ones and always do wrong things. 17. They only want us to give them good results in the exam. 18. They can talk with us and we can unders

11、tand each other more and more.第八页一、略二、A)1-5DCBAB B)6-10 AADCA第九页一、1-5 BADAD 6-10 CBBBA二、11.widely 12.throughout 13.important 14.If 15.will 16.kinds 17.written 18.useful 19.all 20.together第十页一、略二、1-5 CACBA 6-10 BACCB三、11-15 CDDDC第十一页一、 around the world 2.the best football team in the world 3.

12、a square face activities 5.less than three times a week 6.最多50个学生 7.出席晨会 8.玩一整天 9.休一天假 10.穿校服 二、11-15 BDCDB第十二页一、1.If we dont protect those wild animals any more, there will be no more wild animals in the world.2. If it doesnt rain, I will go out to play football. 3. If is very important fo

13、r teachers to learn to encourage students.4. Millie likes sharing her happiness with her friends.5. I am going to Xiangtan with my parents to see red maple leaves next Sunday. 6. After school,I usually do after-school activities; sometimes I go to the tennis court to play tennis,sometimes I go swimm

14、ing in the swimming pool.7. I would like to be a social worker when I grow up.8. We all like our history teacher because he has a good sense of humors.9. What is a natural disaster? For example, the Taiwan earthquake last year killed thousands of people.10. Our motherland is getting stronger and str

15、onger, more and more beautiful.二、11-15 ABBBBD第十三页一、1-5 ADBCB 6-10 BDBAB二、11-15 CABCD三、16.but 17.ideas 18.welcomed 19.surprised 20.doesnt 23.we 24.visits 25.usually 26.or 27.friends 28.times 29.for 30.saying.第十四页一、略二、1.mine 2.since 3.looking 4.animals 5.found 6.needs 7.enough 8.end 9.except put第十五页一、1-5 CACBA 6-10 CCBAC二、11.his改成her 12.to改成from 13. 14.in改成on 15.goes改成went 16. 17.in改成into 18.That改成It 19.but改成and 20.kind改成kindly.三、21-25CDBBC第十六页一、1-5 CBDCB 6-10 BBBCB二、11-15 CABDA

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