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1、自考英汉翻译模拟试题第一部分选择题PART ONE1Multiple Choice Questions(20 points,2 points for each)ADirections:This part consists of five sentences-each followed by four different translations labeled A、B、C and DChoose the one that is the most equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness1He is the

2、 last person whom I expected to meet ( )A他是我最后希望见到的人。 B我怎么也没想到会见到他。C他是我最不想见到的人。 D他决不是我期望见到的那个人。2Since World War,the US has been the worlds largest economy country and,in most years,the worlds largest exporter ( )A自从第二次世界大战以来,美国一直是世界上最大的经济大国,在大多数年代中,它又是世界上最大的出口国。B由于二次世界大战,美国成为世界上最大的经济大国,而且在许多年中,它又是世界

3、上最大的出口国。C自从第二次世界大战以来,美国经济成为世界上最强大的,而且在许多年中,它又是世界上最大的出口国。D由于二次世界大战,美国经济成为世界上最强大的,而且在许多年中,它又是世界上最大的出口国。3It was better for you to know that Richard Was,by nature,a mail of new words ( )A对于你来说,知道理查德在本质上是一个话很少的人是再好不过了。B你很清楚理查德生性沉默寡言。C你知道理查德生性不爱说话,这一点很好。D理查德生性少言寡语,这一点你最好知道。4中国有960万平方公里的陆地国土,居世界第三位。 ( )ACh

4、ina has a land area of 96 million sqkm,the third place in the worldBChina has a land area of 96 million sqkm,making it the thirdbiggest country in theworldCChina has a land area of96 million sqkm,which was the third place in the worldDChina has a land area of 96 million sqkm,which ranked the third p

5、lace in theworld5中国的发展与进步,不会对任何人构成威胁。 ( )AThe development and the progress of China does not pose a threat to anyoneBA developing and progressing China will not threat anyoneCThe development and the progress of China will not threat anyoneDA developing and progressing China does not pose a threatto

6、anyoneBDirections:This part consists of five unfinished statements,each followed by four choices labeled A、B、C and DChoose the one that best complete each statement6下列说法中,正确的一项是 ( )A在理论方面,赵景深曾针对当时鲁迅的“宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了“宁信而不顺”的主张。B在理论方面,赵景深曾针对当时鲁迅的“宁信而不顺”的提法,提出了“宁顺而不信”的主张。C在理论方面,鲁迅曾针对当时赵景深的“宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了“

7、宁信而不顺”的主张。D在理论方面,鲁迅曾针对当时赵景深的“宁信而不顺”的提法,提出了“宁顺而不信”的主张。7广义上下文,指该单位的超出句子范围的语言环境,这就是 ,即在该单位的周围,在该单位之外,亦即在与之毗连的各个句子中的语言单位的总和。( )A句法上下文 B词汇上下文C话语上下文 D段落上下文8在汉译英的基本功当中,就使用英语而言,有三方面值得注意,其中不包括( )A拼法正确 B合乎用法C语言流畅 D句子平稳9Several thousand years a90,did not think it necessary to translate word forword,and he pres

8、erved the general style and force of the language。 ( )ACicero BSaint JeromeCJohn Steinbeck DTheodore Savory10George Steiner thought thatis the true road for the translator ( )A.create BparaphraseC.metaphrase Dimitation 第二部分非选择题PART TWOPhrase Translation(20 points,1 point for each)ADirections:Put the

9、 following phrases into Chinese1gleaming eyes2source of power3everlastingly4sovereign nation5property damage6Sir John7the birth and death of the day8on board ship9noise pollution10aaamon groundB.Directions:Put the following phrases into English1无言的呼唤2多功能机器3水坝发电4平均率5雨季6月白色的7拉排子车8人均9经济合作10学术交流Translat

10、ion Improvement(30 points。2 points foreach)A.Directions:Each of the following Chinese translations has one or more inadequaciesImprove the given translations1原文:He would study and work hard,he would d。anything he was asked t。do but return to his old life译文:他一定会努力学习和工作,但是不再回到IH的生活里去,派他做什么工作都行。2原文:Yet

11、 there was a bigger movement in the air by l750译文:到了1750年,进行了一场更大的空中运动。3原文:No other country is SO dependent on a single lifeline译文:没有其他的国家如此依赖着一条单一的生命线。改译:没有其他的国家如此依赖一条唯一的生命线。4原文:The great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity译文:贸易的最大保证是其促进互相繁荣的可能性。改译:极其光明的贸易前景是促进相互繁荣。5原文:Du

12、ring the rainy season,sometimes the storms drench the area nonstop for daysSometimes the storms come and 90译文:在雨季,有时暴雨使这一地区洪水成灾,几天都不停,有时暴雨来了又走了。 改译:在雨季,有时暴雨一连几天不停,有时暴雨瞬间即过。6原文:The pedestrian,after another pace or tw0,halted,and turned round译文:那位步行的男子,在一两步之外站住了,转过身来。改译:那位行人走了一两步之后站住了,转过身来。7原文:The mem

13、ory of odors is very rich译文:气味的记忆非常丰富。改译:气味的记忆实在太多啦;8原文:Both cod liver oil and halibut liver oil are given to sick children and other invalidswho need certain vitamins译文:鳕鱼和比目鱼这两种鱼的鱼肝油可以给缺少某种维生素的患儿或其他病人。改译:从鳕鱼和比目鱼这两种鱼得来的鱼肝油可以给缺少某种维生素的患儿或其他病人BDirections:Each of the following English translations has

14、one or more inadequaciesImprove the given translations9原文:它的弱点,就在只限于知识分子,没有工人农民参加。译文:Its shortcoming was it was confined to the intellectuals and the workers and Peasants did not join in10原文:下雨或阴天回戏,不响锣就不给钱,是那时的规矩。译文:If a performance was cancelled because it was rainy or cloudythere would be no pay,

15、it was the rule in those days改译:If a performance was cancelled because it was rainy or cloudythe rule in those days was:No show,no pay11原文:淡水资源人均占有量仅为世界平均水平的l4。译文:,The amount of freshwater resources per capita is only onefourth the world average level12原文:合营企业的形式为有限责任公司。译文:The form of an equity join

16、t venture shall be a limited liability company改译:An equity joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company13原文:中国在现代化建设中取得了举世瞩目的成就。译文:Chinese people have achieved remarkable success in the modernization construction14原文:她是春天没了丈夫的。译文:She didnt have her husband in spring改译:Her husband

17、 died in sprin915原文:近几年来,我因行动不便,整天过着“井蛙”的无聊生活。译文:In recent years,unable to move easily,I have a dull life like that of“a well frog” the whole day改译:In recent years,unable to move about easily,I have been leading a dull life like that of” a frog at the bottom of a wellParagraph Translation(30 points,

18、15 points for each)ADirections:Translate the following passage into ChineseMonday,the second day of the week,means literally” day of the inoon”Here in Britain,its generally the least popular of days because for most people it means a return to work or school after the weekend breakOften,this prospec

19、t is viewed with a lack of enthusiasma sad feeling thats sometimes referred to as” Monday morning blues”Sometimes the blues may be caused by too much weekend drinkin9;and formerly if workmen overindulged and needed Monday as holiday,this was humorously known as“keeping StMonday”,as Monday was hoped

20、to be a saints day to be observedSomeonewho cant afford to keep StMonday is the housewife,for traditionally Monday wasand to some extent still is“wash day”the proper day for doing the laundryHoweverthe day is not all blues and workIt has some redeeming featuresthat is,if you can believe folk rhymes,

21、its a good day on which to be bern“Mondays child is fair a face .”says one traditional rhyme,while another promised optimistically that if you get married on Monday,you will be wealthyBTranslate the following passage into English平日读报,看到一篇好的文章时,总有把它剪下来的欲望。然而有时拿起剪子的时候,才发现背面的文章也很有意思,或是教你如何养生,或是关照你如何做人处

22、事。只要你剪了正面的文章,这背面的文章就要受到损伤,或是只剩下半块,或是缺了文章的题目。常常因舍不得反而弄得无法下剪子,后悔和遗憾更是在所难免。有时你在一个时间段里,想到两件事可做,两件事情都是好事。然而时间和精力只能使你割舍一件,或留在今后再做。但你知道,那今后的条件和未知的变化,不一定还能使你完成后一件。于是,你往往处在十分忧郁的状况中。甚至奇怪,怎么这么好的机会和想法都赶在了一个点上。有时你真是因为选择了这一样而放弃了那一样,因此彻底改变了你的人生。英汉翻译教程标准预测试卷(二)参考答案11C 2A 3D 4B 5D 6C 7C 8C 9A l0BA1闪光的眼睛2能源3无穷无尽的4主权国

23、家5财产损失6约翰爵士7一天的诞生和消亡8在船上9噪声污染10共同点B1wordless cry2multipurpose machine3power generated by the dam4average rate5rainy season6pale green7pull a handcart8per capita9economic cooperation10academic exchangeA1改译:他一定会努力学习和工作,只要不再回到旧的生活中去,派他做什么工作都行。2改译:然而,到了1750年,一场更大的运动已经在酝酿之中。3改译:没有其他的国家如此依赖着惟一的一条生命线。4改译:极

24、其光明的贸易前景是促进相互繁荣。5改译:在雨季,有时狂风暴雨一连几天不停,有时暴雨霎那间即过。6改译:那个行人走了一两步,站住了脚,转过身来。7改译:关于气味的记忆实在太多啦。8改译:从鳕鱼和比目鱼这两种鱼得来的鱼肝油可以给缺少某种维生素的患儿或其他病人服用。B9改译:Its shortcoming was that it was confined to the intellectuals and that the workers and peasants did not join in10改译:If a performance was cancelled because of bad wea

25、ther,the rule in those days was:No show,no pay11改译:The amount of freshwater resenrce8 per capita is only onefourth the world average12改译:An equity joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company13改译:Chinese people have achieved remarkable SUCPAS in the modernization drive14改译:Her hu

26、sband died in sprin915改译:In recent years,unable to move about easily,I have been leading a dull life like that of” a frog at the bottom of a well”A星期一,一周的第二天,其词面意思是“月亮之日”。在美国它一般被认为是最不受欢迎的一天,因为对大多数人来说,它意味着过完周末得回去上班或上课,对此,人们常感到缺乏热情,甚至感到悲哀,有时这种心情被称作是“周一早上的忧郁症”。有时这种忧郁可能是由于周末纵酒所致,以前如果工人酗酒过度,需要在星期一休息的话,人们

27、便戏谑地称之为“过星期一圣徒节”,因为星期一原本希望是一圣徒节。无法过星期一圣徒节的是家庭主妇们,因为星期一在以前的传统里从某种程度上至今仍是“洗衣日”,适合洗衣服的日子。但星期一并不总是与忧郁和工作相连。它还有一些补救性的特征。如果你相信民谣的话,它是个出生的良辰吉日。一首民谣中唱道:“星期一出生的孩子有可爱的脸。”还有一首歌谣乐观地断言:如果你在星期一结婚,你会很富有。BWhen I come across a good essay in reading newspapers,I am often inclined to cut and keep itBut just as I am ab

28、out to do se I find the article on the opposite side is as much interestin9It may be a discussion of the way to keep in good health,or advice about how to behave and conduct oneself in societyIf I cut the front essay,the opposite one is bound to suffer damage,leaving out half of it or keeping the te

29、xt without the subjectAs a result,the scissors would stay before they start,or halfway done when I find out the regretful consequence that inevitably cause my repentanceSometimes two things are to be done at the sometime,both deserving your attentionYou Can only take up one of them,the other has to

30、wait or be given upBut you know the future is unpredictable-the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left behindThus you are caught in a fix and feel sadHow come that nice opportunities and brilliant ideas should gather around all at onceIt may happen that your life changes dramatically on your preference of one alternative to the other友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!

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