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1、河北省衡水中学届高三上学期五调英语试题命题人:王燕 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试时n加油间120分钟。注意事项:1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的n加油姓名、考号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2.选出n加油每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动n加油,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不n加油能答在本试卷上,否则无效。第I卷(选择题 共90分)第一部n加油分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)n加油听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项n加油中选出最佳选项,并标在

2、试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有n加油10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whn加油o watched the Oscars? n加油A. The man B.n加油 Angelina C.n加油 Miranda2. Where will the man be at 5:n加油00? A. At home B. At hn加油is office C. On the way hn加油ome3. What is the wn加油oman doing now? A. Doingn加油 some research B. Wn加油riting a paper C.

3、Stun加油dying for a test4. Why don加油es the man need the bn加油oxes? A. He is going on a trip B. Hn加油e is packing for school C. He is usn加油ing them for a project5. What are then加油 speakers mainly talkinn加油g about? A. A snack place n加油 B. Food from Taiwan n加油C. Bad economy第二节(共15小题;每小题n加油1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话

4、或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从n加油题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。n加油听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题n加油5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读n加油两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Whan加油t do we know about the man? A. Hn加油e wants to get a job in financn加油e B. He doesnt have any work n加油experience C. His on加油ld job was in advertising7. Wha

5、tn加油 will the woman probablyn加油 do next? A. Go downsn加油tairs B. Make a phone call C. Loon加油k at her schedule听第7段材料,回答第n加油8、9题。8. Why does then加油 woman seldom go to the sn加油hop? A. Its too far for her n加油B. The prices at supermarkets are lown加油er C. She doesnt lin加油ke the owner of the shopn加油9. What

6、does the man n加油think of the shop? A. He don加油esnt need to line up B. The n加油prices are competitive C.n加油 He can get the most for his money听第n加油8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where does the conn加油versation take place?n加油 A. At a film school Bn加油. At a bar C. At an加油 cinema11. What doesn加油 Jim do? A. A host n加油

7、B.n加油 A reporter C. A n加油TV producer12. What dn加油oes the man advise the woman加油n to do? A. Ask Jim what he thinks on加油f the future B. Think over abn加油out her wedding plans C. Say gon加油odbye to her new boyfn加油riend听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。1n加油3. What does the man in加油ntend to do in the beginnin加油ng? A. Go to

8、 see the docton加油r B. Ask for a sick len加油ave C. Talk to the director14. Whn加油y hasnt the man gone to sn加油leep? A. He is waitn加油ing a call from his doctor B. He don加油esnt need to get up early next morninn加油g C. He is having troun加油ble falling asleep15. n加油What is the mans work environn加油ment like? A

9、. Joyfuln加油 B. Noisy C. n加油Tense16. What does the woman suggestn加油 the man do? A. Hn加油ave a vacation B. Quit the job Cn加油. Ask for a high salan加油ry听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Who is the n加油speaker probably speaking to? n加油 A. All new students B. Foreign stn加油udents C. Local sn加油tudents18. What cann加油 we l

10、earn about the student dn加油orms? A. Four studentsn加油 share a room B. Studen加油nts cannot cook there n加油 C. Meals in the cafeteria an加油re included in the price19. Whicn加油h type of housing has n加油no more rooms availabln加油e? A. The Swedish house B. Tn加油he student dorms C. Tn加油he Spanish house20. What wi

11、ll the an加油udience probably do next? A.n加油 Fill out application fon加油rms B. Go to the cafetn加油eria C. Move into theirn加油 rooms第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共n加油15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的n加油四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选n加油项。ABRAD GARRETTS COMEDY CLUBCategorn加油y: Comedy Best known for hin加油s role on the Emmy aw

12、ard-n加油winning sitcom Everybody Loves Ran加油ymond, Brad Garrett returns to his n加油Vegas roots with his comedy club at tn加油he MGM Grand. It is a good place n加油to check out when you need a break frn加油om work.Prices from: n加油$56.40 and upAge restriction加油n: Must be 21 years on加油f age or olderShow Length

13、: 115 n加油minutesMAC KING COMEn加油DY MAGIC SHOWCategory: Comedn加油y, MagicMac King Comedy Mn加油agic Show is different en加油very afternoon, with lots of audiencn加油e participation. He is willing n加油to make fun of himself instead of his gun加油ests in order to make everyone fn加油eel welcome and entertained. Th

14、en加油 afternoon is kid-friendly fn加油rom start to finish. Still, whether yon加油ure eight or 80, you wont be ablen加油 to figure out Kings secrets.Prin加油ces from: $40.90 and upAge restrictionn加油: No age restrictionShown加油 Length: 90 minutesTHE MENTALIST, Gn加油ERRY MCCAMBRIDGECategorn加油y: Comedy, MagicUsing

15、 his skills as a “n加油mentalist”, Gerry McCambridge sn加油hocks the crowds as he usesn加油 his abilities to predict just whan加油t audience members will do next. Anyonn加油e who has seen the show han加油s walked away in disbelief, amazn加油ed by his unusual power.n加油Prices from: $34.99 and un加油pAge restriction:

16、Under 13 wiln加油l not be admitted into the theatn加油erShow Length: 75 minutesROn加油CK OF AGESCategory: n加油Plays & MusicalsThe cheerful Rock n加油of Ages brings audienn加油ces back to the times of big hair andn加油 even bigger bands with 28 popular rocn加油k songs from the 80s inn加油cluding “Every Rose Has Its T

17、horn,” “I n加油Wanna Know What Love Is,n加油” “Here I Go Again,” and more.Rock n加油of Ages has been nominated for n加油five Tony Awards includingn加油 Best Musical and Best Direction on加油f a Musical. It also ren加油ceived a Drama Leagun加油e nomination for Distinguishedn加油 Production for a Musn加油ical.Prices from

18、: $74.00 and upAgen加油 restriction: Must be 15 years on加油f age or olderShow Length: 125n加油 minutes21. Who is most likelyn加油 to be able to read audin加油ences minds? A. Raymondn加油. B. Mac King. n加油 C. Brad Garrett. n加油 D. Gerry McCambridge.22.n加油 Which of the following is good n加油for a kid of 10 years o

19、ld to go n加油to? A. Gerry McCambridges shn加油ow. B. Brad Garrettsn加油 Comedy Club. C. n加油Mac Kings comedy magic shon加油w. D. Performances of Rock Of Agen加油s.23. If someone is interen加油sted in musicals, his best choice n加油must be _. A. ROCn加油K OF AGES B. BRAD n加油GARRETTS COMEDY CLUB C. n加油MAC KING COMEDY

20、 MAGIC SHOWn加油 D. THE MENTALIST, GERRY MCCAMBn加油RIDGEB Given the n加油tradition of students bringing applen加油s to their teachers, it somehon加油w seems fitting that an old apple barn加油n(谷仓)will find a new life as a onn加油e-room schoolhouse. And it isn加油 jut as fitting that a n加油retired schoolteacher wiln

21、加油l become the caretaker of that n加油historic treasure. My frien加油nd Velma, a teacher for more than 30 yn加油ears, has been retired for some time non加油w, but that doesnt stop her giving hin加油story lessons at the old Englewoodn加油 School, located on her familn加油ys California farm. n加油The lovingly restore

22、d buildin加油ng was constructed around n加油1850 as a home for a woodsman and latn加油er was used as apple barn. Then , in 1n加油870 it began a new life as a schon加油olhouse. Originallyn加油 located in the nearby Engn加油lewood meadow, it was now moved in加油ts current site in 1978 byn加油 Velmas late husband and hi

23、s bron加油ther, Robert and Richard, who thn加油ought it would help keep Ven加油lma busy in retirement. No nails hn加油ad been used in the original constructn加油ion, so each piece of wood han加油d to be carefully marked and the buildn加油ing was reassembled(重装)on its new siten加油. The brothers worked wn加油ith much

24、care and hard work to n加油ensure a perfect fit of mitered(斜接的n加油)corners. After the relocation, Veln加油ma and her family furnished the n加油school with some of its on加油riginal desks. They also added a cn加油ollection of schoolbooks, n加油the oldest dating back to 1845. n加油Perhaps the schools most cherished

25、soun加油venir is the diploma of studentn加油 Hettie Essig, who grn加油aduated on June 30, 1904. Hettiesn加油 daughter, Flora, presn加油ented Velma with the precious kn加油eepsake. Nowadays Veln加油ma gives tours to local schoolchildrn加油en and other groups, who n加油learn what it was like to attend schooln加油 back in

26、 the good old days. She n加油has kids ring the school ben加油ll, recite the Pledge of Allegiance ann加油d sing “Good Morning to You” as theyn加油 might have done in dan加油ys gone by. Then, with twinn加油kling eyes and much enthusiasm, shen加油 tells the history of the school,n加油 and gives a short sample n加油lesso

27、n.24. The Englewood Scn加油hool was originally built as _n加油_. A. a man s house B.n加油 a schoolhouse C. a restrn加油oom D. an apple barn25. n加油Which word can best describe the scn加油hool s being relocated ? A. Inspin加油ring B. Refreshing n加油 C. fashionable D. Challengn加油ing26. What does the underlinen加油d p

28、art “the precious keepsake” inn加油 Para.4 mean ? A. The schools orn加油iginal supplies n加油 B. The collection加油n of schoolbooks C. The on加油ldest schoolbook n加油D. The diploma of Hettie Essig.27. Wn加油hich can serve as the best title n加油of the passage ? A. The Gon加油od Old Days in the Schoolhon加油use B. A My

29、sterious Bn加油uilding with a Long History C. A Hn加油istoric One-room Schoolhouse D. A n加油Teacher Devoted to Restoring Old Buildn加油ingsC The sharing economy, ren加油presented by companies likn加油e Airbnb or Uber, is the latest fashn加油ion craze. But many supportern加油s have overlooked the realin加油ty that th

30、is new business mn加油odel is largely based on escapingn加油 regulations and breaking the n加油law.Airbnb is an Internet-based servicn加油e that allows people to rent out spn加油are rooms to strangers for short stays.n加油 Uber is an Internet taxi service that n加油allows thousands of n加油people to answer ride req

31、uests with tn加油heir own cars. There n加油are hundreds of other such services.n加油 The good thing aboutn加油 the sharing economy is that it promn加油otes the use of underused resourcesn加油. Millions of people han加油ve houses or apartments withn加油 empty rooms, and Airbnb allows themn加油 to profit from these rooms whn加油ile allowing guests n加油a place to stay at prices than加油t are often far less than those chargen加油d by hotels. Uber offen加油rs prices that are con加油mpetitive with standard taxi pn加油rices and their drivers are ofn加油ten much quicker and more trusn加油tworthy.

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