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七年级英语下册 Unit 9What does he look like 一课一练带答案.docx

1、七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like 一课一练带答案七年级英语下册Unit 9 What does he look like 一课一练Unit 9 what does he look like?Section A (1a-2d)I.翻译下列单词和短语吗?短头发_ 卷头发_ 长头发_ 直头发_ 高_ 矮_ 中等高度_ 瘦_ 重_ 中等体型_II.单词拼写1.Her father is really tall and h_ and her uncle is short and thin. 2. The American girl has long , c_ h

2、air. 3.Herfriendhasamediumb_.4.He is not tall and not short, he is of m_ h_.5.She is of medium b_means(意思是) she is not heavy and not thin.III.补全对话。 (Tony 与Mike 在谈论Tony的足球队长,你能把他们没说完整的话补充上吗?)Tony : Do you know the captain of our football team?Mike: What does he _1_?Tony: He isnt very tall or short, h

3、e is _2_height. Mike: Is he _3_?Tony: No, he is a little thin. Mike :Does he have _4_ or straight hair?Tony: Oh, he has no hair,Mike : _5_is he .Tony:He is thirty-five years old . Mike :Does he like talking?Tony: No, hes a little bit _6_ , but we like him very much. He is very _7_ in our team.IV根据汉语

4、完成句子 1.你哥哥长什么样? 他高个子,短发. -_ does your brother _ _? 2. 她 总 是 戴 着 一 副 眼 镜 。 She always _. 3.我的 T 恤衫有点大。My T-shirt is _4.我的老师 不 胖 不 瘦 , 中 等 身 材 。 My teacher_-5.我们将在七点见面。We are _知识讲堂1. 1)-What does he look like?他长得什么样? (询问外貌)-He is tall and thin with short hair.2)-What is he like?他这个人怎么样? (询问性格、品质)-He i

5、s kind and friendly. / He is shy.3)-What does he like?他喜欢/爱好什么? (询问爱好)-He likes sports.2. She is of medium build.她中等身材(不胖不瘦)。be of medium build / height中等身材 / 个头1)我们的数学老师中等身材。Our math teacher is of medium build.2)我爸爸中等个,四十多岁。My father is of medium height in his forties. 区别比较: 中等高度/身材 身材:(1) 他 是 中等高度

6、 身材:He is of medium height/build. (是 of, 前用 be 动 是 词) (2) 他 有 中等高度 / 身材 : He has a medium height/build.( 是 a, 前用 have/has) 2. 形容头发时, 可按照先长短, 后曲直, 最后说颜色的顺序说。 (长 形色) Eg: She has long curly black hair.3He is (通常为形容词,包括身高、体形等). He has(通常为形 容词修饰的名词,包括头发、五官). He wears(穿、戴、留。可 以是衣服、帽子、鞋子等,也可以是眼镜、手表、胡须)Unit

7、 9 what does he look like?Section A (1a-2d)I short hair , curly hair ,long hair ,straight hair , tall, short , medium height ,thin , heavy ,medium build II 1 heavy 2curly 3 build 4 medium ,height 5 build III 1 look like 2medium 3 heavy 4straight hair 5 How old 6 quiet 7 welcomeIV 1 what look like2 w

8、ears glasses 3 a little big 4 isnt heavy and of medium build 5 meeting at sevenUnit 9 Section A (Grammar -3d)I.用is或has填空。 1.Lei Hao _ short and straight hair. 2.Dick _ tall,but his sister _ short. 3.Xie Kai _ of medium height. 4.Bettys mother _a medium build. 5.Du Ke _ short and thin. II.用所给的适当动词填空。

9、 1.Does Mary (are/wear)_ glasses? 2.What (do/have)_ the new students look like? 3.Wang Bin (wears/is)_ tall and fat. 4.Mr.Santos (has/does)_ a medium build. 5.(Has/Is)_ Henrys moustache(胡子) black?III连词成句。1.does,what,look like,your friend _?,has,she,medium,a _3.friend,I,a,have,new,in Class Fiv

10、e _4.reading,and,he,playing chess,likes _5.remember,do,you,with,the rock singer,funny glasses_IV.单项选择1._doesyourfavoritesingerlooklike?A.HowB.WhatC.WhoD.When2.He_tallandhe_amediumbuild.A.has;;;isD.has;has3.Shealways_awhiteshirt.A.wearB.putonC.putsonD.wears4.Ourmathteacherismedium_blackc

11、urlyhair.A.highatB.tallinC.heightinD.heightwith5.Hedoesnttellme_theperson_.A.what;lookslikeB.what;looklikeC.that;lookslikeD.that;looklike6.What does Merry look like? _. A. She looked like her mother B. She is funny. C. She has brown hair and black eyes D. She looks like a movie star7.-_?-Hehasbigeye

12、sandsmallnose.A.HowoldisheB.WhatdoeshedoC.WhatdoeshelooklikeD.Howishe 知识讲堂1.询问某人长什么样 What do/does sb. look like?2.描述某人的外表 sb. am/is/are+ 形容词. sb. have/has + 名词.3.怎样描述头发:漂亮+长短+曲直+颜色 have short straight hair have short curly blonde hair have beautiful long black hair have curly brown hair4.tall与 high的用法:high 和 tall 都有“高”的意思。A: tall 指身材的高度,一般用于人和动物,它的反义词是short。1)Mike比Scott个子高。Mike is taller than Scott.B: high 一般表示物体的高度,它的反义词是low。5. She always wears glasses.A: wear是“穿着”,“戴着”的意思,强调状态。常用一般时表示经常的状态,用进行时表示现在的状态。wea

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