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Employee Rules 工厂管理制度员工守则手册中英文版.docx

1、Employee Rules 工厂管理制度员工守则手册中英文版员 工 管 理 制 度Employee rules 为更好地适应工厂快速发展的需要,增强工厂的行业市场竞争力和提高员工工作效率,特制定本工厂员工管理制度。In order to meet the needs of fast-growing, and enhance market competitiveness of industries and factory, improve employee productivity, the management of employee rules is made.1、 按时上下班,不得迟到、

2、早退、旷工,违者。按工厂考勤管理制度处理。1. Work on time, cannot be late, leave early, absenteeism, and offenders will be punished by Regulation of attendance management.2、 请假须提前写请假条交本部部长、主管及考勤处签字可生效。特殊情况须在上班前15分钟通知本部部长及主管批准方可生效。请假三天以上须提前两天写2. The request for leave shall be written in advance and get approval from supe

3、rvisor or manager. Special circumstances is required to notify supervisor 15 minutes before on duty. Leave more than three days is required to get approval two days in advance.3、 请假条交本部部长、主管及考勤处签字后方可生效,以上情况如有违反,按旷工处理。3. The request for leave will be affective after signed by supervisor, or will be r

4、egarded as absenteeism.4、上班时间一律不得会客或带外人参观工厂。违者。前两次。罚款50元,第三次。开除处理。4. Working hours is not allowed to meet with outsiders or bring them to visit factory. Offenders first two times will have a fine of RMB 50, and third time will be fired.5. 下班铃声响后方得停止工作,提前下班者。按早退处理,主管人员应负连带责任。5. Work can be finished a

5、fter the bell rang, those who is off duty in advance will be handled as leave early, and supervisor will be taken joint liability.6. 工作时间内因私外出必须要写请假条,由本人申请、部长签字、主管签字、厂长开出门证方可出厂。6. If need go out factory during working hours must submit written request for leave, signed by the supervisor and the fact

6、ory director then is allowed to leave. 7.休息日没有工厂领导批准不得进入车间。7. Without approval of manager off day is not allowed to enter into workshop.8.上班时间不得穿托鞋、赤背或衣冠不整,不得酒后上班。8. Working hours shall not to wear slippers, wear no top or go to work after drink.9. 车间内不允许吸烟,吸烟须到指定的吸烟区,吸完的烟头须确认熄灭后扔到垃圾筒内。违反每次。罚款50元。9.

7、 Smoking is not allowed in the workshop, smoking must go to the designated smoking areas, cigarette ends shall be thrown into rubbish bins after extinguished. If break the rule each time pay a fine of RMB 50.10. 严禁随意动用消防器材,违者。给予严重处罚,造成的损失由当事人负责。10. Non-random use of fire-fighting equipment, offender

8、s will be given serious punishment, and shall be responsible for the losses which caused.11、特别工种工作时,必须按安全操作规则的要求做好相关的劳动保护,违者。给予严重处罚,造成的损失由当事人负责。11. In particular types of work required to obey safe operating rules and be well protected, offenders will be given serious punishment, and shall be respon

9、sible for the losses which caused.12、操作电动工具时必须按安全操作规则的要求正确使用并做好劳动保护,禁止未经培训的员工使用电动工具。如有违反,造成的损失由当事人负责。主管人员应负连带责任。12. Must be well protected when operating a power tool and obey safe operating rules, its prohibited untrained staff to use electric tools. Any violation will be responsible for the damage

10、 caused. Supervisor shall be taken joint liability.13、因使用不当、违反操作规则、野蛮操作造成办公设施、电器设备、电动工具等公司财产损坏的情况,造成的损失由当事人负责。13. Due to improper use, in violation of operating rules, or break office facilities, electrical equipment, power tools and other company property, shall be responsible for the damage caused

11、 by.14、上班时间不得睡觉、擅自离岗、串岗、闲聊、玩手机、戴耳机听音乐等与工作无关的事情,一经发现前三次。罚款100元,三次。以上开除处理。各级负责人发现违规现象不及时制止的,前三次。罚款50元,三次。以上严肃处理,直至除名。14. Working hours shall not sleep, unauthorized to leave job, chat, play cellphone, wearing headphones to listen to music and do other not work-related things, the first three times wil

12、l be a fine of RMB 100. More than three times will be fired. Supervisor and manager find the case and didnt stop them, first three times a fine of RMB 50, more than three times will be serious treated, or fired.15、未经库房管理人员同意,任何人不得擅自进入库房。领货时,须经库房管理人员许可方可进入,如有违反,每次。处以50元罚款。15. Not allowed to enter int

13、o warehouse without the consent of warehousing man. When picking up goods shall get permission of warehousing man before entering, or will be a fine of RMB 50 each time.16、各组工作区域内电脑、电器、电动工具、照明设施等,用完毕后须及时关闭电源。员工在下班前5分钟提前检查所有电源是否关闭妥当,部长下班前须进行再次。检查,如有违反,处以当事人和本部部长各50元罚款。16. The computers, appliances, p

14、ower tools, lighting, etc., must be power off after using. Staff shall check five minutes before work to see all power is turned off, supervisor shall double check before off duty. Any violation, both the party and supervisor shall pay a fine of RMB 50. 17、所有住宿员工段保管好个人物品和财物,以防损坏和丢失。如有损坏丢失,责任自负。All d

15、ormitory staff shall take good care of personal items and belongings to prevent damage and loss. If damage or lost, at your own risk.18、不得带外来人员来宿舍住宿,如有特殊情况,须征得同宿舍人员同意,并告知主管。18. Shall not bring outside workers to the dormitory for accommodation, if special circumstances, need to get the consent of th

16、e roommate, and inform supervisor.19、自觉保持宿舍安静,不得大声喧哗,同事之间和睦相处,不许吵架、打架、酗酒。19. Shall keep quiet at dormitory and not make much noise, harmony among with colleagues, not allowed to quarrel, fight or alcoholism.20、员工应热爱自己所从事的事业,要有拼博敬业精神,工作中要不断努力学习,积极开拓进取,不怕吃苦,没有业务和任务的时候要努力学习新的技术,不断加强自身的竞争能力。20. Employee

17、s should love their own undertakings, have dedication, hard work and keep learning, not afraid of hardship, should strive to learn new techniques when not busy, and constantly enhance his competitiveness.21、员工应该在工作上互帮互助、协调配合,生活在上互相关心照顾。员工应该爱护工厂财物,保持工厂环境卫生,关心和爱护其他员工的身体健康,不得在办公区域内吸烟。21. Employees shou

18、ld help each other in their work, and take care of each other. Employees should take good care of the company property, keep the plant clean, care for health for other employees, shall not smoke in the office and workshop area.22、工厂员工如因个人原因提出辞职,须提前一个月提交书面辞职申请,由部门主管批准,原则上在批准之日后一个月离职。在提出辞职申请至批准、离职期间,当

19、事人仍须遵守公司和工厂的各项规章制度,不得借故推脱工作安排。如发现违规情况,工厂领导有权按规定给予相应处罚。22. Factory workers must submit a written application for resignation a month in advance because of his resignation for personal reasons, and approved by the department head. Can leave one month after the approval date. During submitted his resig

20、nation period, must still comply with company rules and regulations, cannot refuse related work arrangement, or manger have the right to punish according to the rules.23、因不服从领导安排被工厂开除的员工,工厂领导有权按情节轻重给予相应处理。以上规定在通知之日起实行,望各位员工共同遵守,如有违反,工厂有权进行处罚。 23. If not obey the leadership arrangements and fired by

21、company, factory leader has right to give the appropriate treatment. From the date of notification of these regulations will be put into practice, hope employees abide by the rules, if violated, will be punished.考 勤 管 理 制 度Regulations of attendance management1、 员工应按作息时间规定。按时上下班,不得迟到、早退、旷工。1. Employe

22、es shall work on time, cannot be late, leave early or absenteeism.2、 迟到15分钟内,每次。扣工资5元,迟到15分钟至30分钟扣工资10元,迟到30分钟至2小时扣半天工资。迟2小时至半天按旷工半天处理。迟到半天至一天按旷工一天处理。一月内累计迟到5次。加扣一天工资。2. Within 15 minutes late will be deducted RMB 5 each time; late for 15-30 minutes deduct RMB 10; late for 30 minutes to 2 hours dedu

23、ct half-day salary. Late for two hours to half day will be treated as absenteeism half day. Late for half day to one day will be treated as absenteeism for one day. Late five times within a month, deduct one day salary.3、 旷工按扣双售工资处理,一个月内连续旷工三天或累计旷工五天,予以开除处理。 3. Absenteeism will be deducted double sa

24、lary, continuous or cumulative absenteeism five days a month, will be fired.4、 早退者。一律按扣半天工资处理。4. Leave early will be deducted half day salary.5、 请假须提前写请假条交本部部长、主管签字方可生效。特殊情况须在上班前15分钟通知本部部长及主管批准方可生效。请假三天以上须提前两天写请假条交本部部长、主管签字方可生效,以上情况如有违反,按旷工处理。5. The request for leave shall be written in advance and

25、get approval from supervisor or manager. Special circumstances is required to notify supervisor 15 minutes before on duty. Leave more than three days is required to get approval two days in advance. Any violation of the above, will be regarded as absenteeism.6、 下班铃响后方可停止工作,不得未打下班铃响前等待下班,如有违者。按早退处理,主

26、管人员应负连带责任。6. Work is finished after the bell rang, those who is off duty in advance will be handled as leave early, and supervisor will be taken joint liability.7、 加班时,上下班应本人到主管处签到、签退,不得过后补签。7. Work overtime, on duty and off duty shall check in and out with supervisor and sign, cannot sign afterward

27、s.8、 任何人员在工厂范围内严禁因私上网和玩电脑游戏、玩手机、戴耳机听音乐等与工作无关的事情,一经发现,前三次。每次。罚款100元,三次。以上开除处理。如主管发现违规现象不及时制止的,前三次。每次。罚款50元,三次。以上开除处理。8. Every staff is not allowed to surf on internet, play computer games, play cellphone, listen to music with headphone etc. is not related to work within the factory, once discovered,

28、the first three times will be a fine of RMB 100. More than three times will be fired. If the supervisor is not found in time to stop the violations, the first three times every time will be a fine of RMB 50. More than three times will be fired.9、工厂考勤方式:工厂考勤方式分为:上班、加班、特殊加班、请假、休息、补休。上班及补休按日工资计算。加班工资按工

29、作效率及工作能力等综合情况计算。特殊加班后可以补休。请假、休息不记工资。9. Way of attendance record:1 factory attendance modes: work, overtime, special overtime work, request for leave, rest, compensatory for rest. The salary of work and compensatory rest is calculated as per day salary. Overtime pay is calculated according to the wor

30、k efficiency and ability of work. Special overtime work can be compensatory for rest. Request for leave and rest is no salary.2 在正常作息时间内的工作时间都按上班记入考勤。2 The normal working hours is calculated as working salary. 3 当天上班时间在9个小时内的按上班记入考勤。 Nine hours at work will be credited into attendance.4 当天上班时间超过9个小时

31、的这一部分至第二天正常上班时间前9个小时的这一部分时间按加班记入考勤。5 Work hours over nine hours of the day till first nine hours of 2nd day will be credited by overtime work.10. 第二天正常上班时间的前9小时的这一部分时间按特殊加班记入考勤,当月可补休,如当月未补休的,则按上班记入考勤。The working hours before the first nine hours of 2nd day will be credited by special over time, can

32、be compensatory for rest of the month, if not compensatory, will be credited into attendance.防火防盗安全制度Regulation of fire prevention and anti-theft security 为了确保工厂员工的生命财产安全,保证各项工作有序地顺利进行,特制订如下防火、防盗的安全制度。To ensure the safety of lives and property of the factory staff and ensure the smooth and orderly of the work, the following regulations of fire prevention and anti-theft security is made.1、 各部门的主要领导责无旁贷的各部门防火防盗安全工作的第一责任人,负有教育培训本部门工作人员和落实各项安全措施的责任。1, The principal leaders of va

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