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1、最新上海四年级牛津英语练习卷汇总学习-好资料、听录音选出你所听到的内容。(播一遍)10%()1.A. thisB. theseC. thatD. those()2.A. manB. postma nC. policema nD. woma n()3.A. whereB. whatC. howD. who()4.A. thinB. thi nkC. three D. tha nk()5.A. woma nB. walkma nC. worker D.wi ndow()6.A. teachersB.peachesC. stude nts D.:sweaters()7.A. withB. which

2、C. white D.where()8.A. all rightB. that right C;.you racight D.that aSright()9.A. in the parkB. i n the treeC. in the bookD. in the bus()10.A. come inB. come hereC. come dow nD. come on 、听录音选择正确应答。(播两遍) 10%()1.A. Theyfarmers. B. They reulers.C. They resixty.()2.A. 1 m waiter. B. Sheacook. C. Hes a d

3、river.()3.A. HesMr Black. B. She Srs Black. C;.He Miss li.()4.A. Thank you . B. Some pears , please.C. Yes , please()5.A. Ten yua n ,please . B. Here you are . C. Three kilos , please四年级英语下册测试卷 听力部分(40 分)选出你所听句子的中文意思。(播两遍)10%二、听录音,1.A你几岁了?B.他几岁了?C.她几岁了?2.A.那些是桃子。B.这些是菠萝。C.这些是桃子。3.A.我想要些苹果。B.我想要些香蕉。C

4、.我想要些橘子。4.A.她的职业是什么? B.她们的职业是什么?C.她们是护士吗?5.A.她是一个教师吗? B.那个女孩是一位教师吗?C.那个女孩是一位教师。四、听录音,补全对话。(播两遍) 10%A : Is that your B: Which one?A: The one in the 学习-好资料B: Yes, is.A: How old is B: thirty.A: Whats B: A .一、判断下列各组单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的打力,不同的打“ X”。1. applecat ()2.sister white( )3. whatwho ()4.some stude nt(

5、)5. blackclock ()二、找出不同类的单词。5%( )1.A . teacherB. nurseC. boyD.stude nt( )2.A . heB. IC . sheD . they( )3.A. whereB. whatC. thisD.who( )4.A . clockB. jacketC . sockD.dress( )5.A. ora ngeB.grape C. peach D. fruit三、翻译词组。10%1.下来2.一个新学生3.几岁4.大眼睛的女孩笔试部分(60分)5%一些桃子5.6.the boy in the tree10. their jobs9. ho

6、w many kilos四、选择填空。15%()1.There isora nge, aB. the,, the()2.Ia boy. My n, is,B. am, is,, am,()3.Tom, what are ?A.thatB. thisC.these( ) 4. Whats job? Shesa nurse.A. his B. she C. her( ) 5. Is that your father? A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isn t. C. Yes, I am.( ) 6. Loo

7、k that old woman.A. in B. at C. for( ) 7. the woman? Shesa teacher.A. Whos B. Whats C. Wheres( ) 8. climb trees again.A. Do B. Dont C. Aren t( ) 9. Can I help you? A. No, I mnot. B. I dlike some grapes. C. No, I am free.( ) 10. We relate for the party. A. It ssix o clock. B. We rein the car. C. Yes.

8、 Let hsurry.五、从栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句。 7%nA. It esleven .B. No ,they preachesC. They reHelen s.D. Thank you .E. A teacher.F. I mfive.G. Yes, sir.I( )1. How old are you ?( ) 2. What do you want to be ?( ) 3. Are they pineapples ?( ) 4. Whatseight plus three ?( ) 5. Welcome to our school .( ) 6. Dontclimb tree

9、s again.( ) 7. Whose bananas are they六、连词成句。, a, you, excuse, are, teacher, (?)2.eyes, whosb, ig, boy, with, the, (? )3.a, doctor, father, his, is, (. )4.for , we , school , are , late (.)七、阅读短文,判断对错。对的打“V”,错的打“ X”。 10%Mike is my friend. Hesthirteen. He is English. We are in the same( 同一个 ) s

10、chool. We are not in the same class. His father Mr Black is a driver. He is forty. His mother is not a driver. She is a nurse. She is forty -hree. Mike has (有)a sister. Her name is Alice. She is twenty -wo. She is a new teacher at our school.( )1. Mike is thirteen.( )2. Mike and I are in the same cl

11、ass.( )3. Mr Black is a worker.( )4. Mikesmother is a driver.( )5. Alice is English.3根据中文写单词。1 That (女人) is his mother.2 He wants to be a . (警察)3I ldike some , please(. 苹果) 4 My brother is a .(厨师)5They re th_i,nI k. (香蕉) 6 His is very old. (奶奶)4选择填空( ) 1.The boy a big nose is new here.A. with B. in

12、C.on( ) 2.Are you a teacher? No, .A. I am B. I mnot C.I m() 3. I can see the girl the tree. A. in B.with C. on( ) 4. that girl? ShesYang Ling.A. Whos B. Whose C What s( ) 5.The girl is the red sweater.A. on B. in C. with( )6. It nine o clocklt late the partyA. to B. for C. in( )7.He is your mother f

13、ather. He yourA father B:gra ndfather C: sister( )8. -Ca n I help you? -Some , please.A:pearsB: pear C: a pear) your sister Hele n.A. HeB. You C. She)10.-It cold today, it? A: is B: isn Ctaren t五从B栏中选出A栏中句子的答案A()1.What sour name?A.Nice to meet you, too.()2. Nice to meet you.B.They are apples()3.

14、 We re late for the party.C.He s one.()4.What Ser job ?D.Yes. Let s hurry.()5.What are these?E.My n ame is David.()6.How old is he?F.She s a waitress.()7. Good eve ning.G.He s Mike.()8. Whosthat boy?HGood eve ning.六把下列单词连成句子1 . you, are , a , nurse(?)(?)2. are, how, you, old3.your,boy,brother,is,tha

15、t (?)4.job,what s,your(?)5.trees,don t,aga in,climb(.)七阅读理解A:Let go to Nancy birthday (生日) party,Mike .B:OK,Ben,Who theboy with big ears?A:He my brother, David.B:Oh,look at the girl in the white skirt.Is she Su Yang?A:Yes,she is. .And the short boy is Wang Bing.He is twelve. B:Oh,I see.A:Now it six

16、o clock.Let go. sB:OK,let s.根据短文内容,判断正(v)误(冷。( )1.David is the boy with big ears.( )2 Su Yang is in the white sweater.( )3.Wa ng Bing is short.( )4.Mike is twelve.3B期末词汇复习卷班级 姓名 一、单词中译英3、斑马1、老虎2、熊猫4、苹果5、梨6、桃子7、芒果8、外套,上衣9、短裙10、(男式)衬衫11、T 恤衫12、蛋糕,饼13、鸡蛋14、茶15、牛奶16、果汁17、白色的18、蓝色的19、书20、钢笔21、铅笔22、圆珠笔23、


18、80、游泳81、钓鱼82、跑步83、慢跑84、攀登85、溜冰86、滑雪87、划船二、单词英译中1.m onkey2.elepha nt3.ora nana5.p in eapple6.watermelo ncil-sharpe ner15.rubber nema17.supermarket18.the Great Wall19.fridge20.bookcase 21.w in dow22.cray on23.stapl

19、er24.camera25.gra ndfather26.brother27.sister28.daughter29.frie nd30.thirteen31.di nnin g-room32.kitche n33.sitti ndwich35.soft-dri nk36.trousers37.volleyball38.basketball39.accord ngry41.thirsty三、词组中译英1、一只黑色的猫 2、一条棕色的狗 3、一支白色的钢笔 4、一件红色的连衣裙 5、一张绿色的课桌 6、一扇蓝色的门 7、一位高个男子&一位矮个妇女9、一

20、个胖男孩10、一个瘦女孩11、一架小飞机12、一个大公园13、一把长的尺14、一支短铅笔15、一辆玩具火车16、四只鸟17、六只书柜18、十八辆公共汽车19、我的自行车20、你的短裙21、他的床22、她的新外套23、一杯茶24、一杯牛奶25、七点钟26、二点零五分27、九点十分28、三点十五分29、看电视30、在卧室里31、在浴室里32、一些面包33、一些鸡蛋34、十五兀35、踢足球36、打棒球37、弹吉它38、拉小提琴39、红色的那一个 学习-好资料四、词组英译中1.get up2.go to school3.go home4.go to bed5.go to the cin ema6.go

21、 to the supermarket7.have lunche in9.a glass of ora nge juice10.a cup of coffee11.a n En glish girl12.a n En glish book13.a Chinese boy14. a nice teleph one15.some cakes16.from London17.big eyes18. lo ng photo20. family members21.ope n the basket22.close vour bookcase23. turn on the Wa

22、lkman24.tur n off the computer25. eight plus eleve n26.twe ntv minus twelve27. on the chair28.i n mv school ntfi nd the kitche n31.what colour32.twe ntv vua much34.plav vollevball35.plav the accord basketball37.go and plav swimmi skii ng

23、 skat ing41.go fishi ng42.go row ing43.go climbi ng44.a good idea45.a bar of chocolate46.a cart on of milk牛津小学英语4B期中试卷班级 姓名 成绩 听力部分(30%一听录音,找出你所听到的单词。 (两遍)10%1 ( ) A teacher B doctor C worker D farmer2 () A thisB thatC theseD those3 () A thinB thi nkC tha nkD tha nks4 () A fourtee nB fortyC f

24、iftyD fifteen5 () A policema n B manC policewoma n D please6 () A sockB clockC blackD worker7 () A heB hisC sheD her8 ()A kiloB keyC kiteD kitchen9 () A peachB pleaseC pearD pen10() A n urseB noseC knowD no听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,用或表示。(两遍)5%1( ) A He sy brother. B She my sister.C They reny friends.2( ) A

25、Yes, I mdoctor. B I m doctor.C Yes, you re doctor.3( ) A Yes, he is. B Yes, she is.C She a policeman.4( ) A It two. B Two kilos, please.C Two yua n, please.5 ( ) A The one with a big nose. B She Yang Ling.C Yes, she is.四、听录音,补全对话。(听三遍)10%A : Is that your ?B: Which on e?A: The one in the .B: Yes, is.

26、A: How old is ?B: thirty.A: Whats ?B: A 笔试部分(70%)五、判断划线部分读音是否相同,打 “V或“X/12%1. tree dress ( )2. black jacket ( )10%)3.three there ( )5.cook book ( )六、根据中文写单词。(4.worker woma n ( brother (1.2.这些学生 4.穿一件白色毛衣 e dow n 8. which one 1O.the woma n with long hair 买一些葡萄 3.她的朋友 5.他们的职业 many kilos 9.l

27、et hurry 七、选择填空。(10%)( )1.The boy a big nose is new here.A. with B. in C. on( )2.Are you a teacher? No, .A. I am B. I mot C. I m( )3. I can see the girl the tree.A. in B. with C. on( )4. that girl? Shes Ya ng Lin g.A. Who s B. Whose C Whats( )5.The girl is the red sweater.A. on B. in C. with( )6. It nine o clockJt late the partyA. to B. for C. in( )7.He is your mother father. He your A father B gra ndfather C sister( )8. -

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