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1、一词多义的高频词汇初高中英语一词多义1.accept1vt. 接受 accept the proposal / invitation2vt. 承担 accept the loss / responsibility2.acco unt1cn. 账户 open an account; bank account2n. 解释,理由 on account of = because of3v.认为We all acco unt Tu Youyou a great chemist.3.actvi.行动act as担任vi.起作用act on对起作用vt.扮演act out表演n.行为,动作catch sb.

2、 in the act of doing sth.抓住某人干某事5n.(戏剧)一幕Act II 第二幕6n.法令,条例education act 教育法4.address1n. 地址 make out the address 认出地址2n.演讲deliver an address to . 向.发表演讲3v.向讲话5.admit1v. 承认 admit sth. / doing sth. / that .2v.允许进入,录取 be admitted to3v.可容纳The hall admits only hun dreds of people.6.adopt1vt.采纟内 adopt an

3、idea2vt.收养 adopt a child7.affect1vt.影响,感动2vt.(疾病)侵袭,感染be affected with high fever 发高烧8.aga inst1prep.反对 be aga inst2prep. 倚靠 aga inst the wall3prep.以为背景The hill looks grey aga inst the blue sky.9.age1n. 年龄 be of the same age 同龄2n. 年代,时代information age 信息时代3n.很长时间 (常pl.) for ages 多年4v. 变老 We grow up

4、quickly, and our parents age quickly.10.agree1v.同意I could nt agree more. 我完全同意。(口语交际常考)2v.(气候、饮食等)适合 Seafood does nt agree with me. 我吃不了海鲜。3v. 一致、相符 What he does does nt agree with what he says.11.aim1n.目的 Whats your aim?2v.瞄准 aim . at .12.appear1vi.出现=turn up2link v. 显得,好像 It appears that .13.appea

5、ra nee1n.出现2n.夕卜表 Never judge a man by his appearanee. 不要以貌取人。14.appetite1n. 胃口 have a good appetite2n.欲望appetite for 对的渴望15.applicati on1n. 申请 application for 对.的申请2n. 申请书 application form 申请表3应用软件n.应用 application softwareapp store16.apply1v. 申请 apply for a job 求职2v.适用于apply to3v.涂抹、敷药17.appreciate

6、1v.感激 appreciate doingI would appreciate it if you .2v. 欣赏 appreciate the music / novel3v. 意识至 U appreciate the dan ger18.approach1v. 临近 Mothers Day is approaching.2n. 方法 an approach to .19.area1n.面积 a total area of . 总面积为.2n. 区域parking area 停车区3n.领域in the area of . 在领域20.arm1n. 手臂 arm in arm 臂挽臂地wi

7、th ope n arms 张开双臂欢迎2n.武器(pl. ) lay down arms 缴械投降3v.用武器装备be armed to the teeth 全畐寸武装21.around1prep. 在周围 around the world 全世界2prep. 大约 I will visit you around 9 oclock.3prep. 绕过 around the corner4adv. 四处地go around22.article1n. 文章 an article on economy2v.东西,商品 duty-free articles 免税商品3n.冠词 the Definit

8、e Article 定冠词23.ask1v. 问,请求 ask the way 问路ask sb. for advice 征求意见if you ask me, . (口语)依我看.ask for leave 请假2v. 让 ask sb. to do sth.3v.招惹ask for trouble 自讨苦吃24.attack1v. 攻击 attack the opponent 攻击对手2n.攻击 air attack 空袭un der attack 受至U攻击3n.(疾病)发作heart attack 心脏病发作25.atte nd1v.出席,参加 attend the class / pa

9、rty2v.照料,看护 attend on / to sb.3v.招待,接待 Are you being attended to?(口语)有人招呼您么?4v.注意,倾听 Attend to me carefully.26.bachelor1n.单身汉 bachelor party 单身舞会2n.学士 bachelor degree 学士学位27.bala nee1n.平衡keep / lose on es bala nee 保持 / 失去平衡out of bala nee 失去平衡ecological bala nee 生态平衡2n.天平,秤 spring balanee 弹簧秤3n. 余额a

10、ccount balanee 账户余额4v.使平衡 bala nee on eself28.ball1n. 球ball game 球赛beef ball 牛肉丸hit the ball 成功,做得好2n.舞会masked ball = masquerade假面舞会,化妆舞会29.band1n.乐队rock band 摇滚乐队2n.带,带状物elastic band 松紧带3n.波段 wave band30.bankn.银行blood bank 血库bank acco unt 银行账户2n. 河岸 along the bank of river 沿着河岸31.bar1n.酒吧in ternet

11、bar 网吧 sn ack bar 快餐店2n.条chocolate bar 巧克力棒bar code 条形码3n.吧台32.bear1n.熊 Teddy bear2v. 承受,忍受 =put up with = stand = tolerateI ca nt bear that. 我受不了了。3v.产生,生产bear fruit 结出果实,奏效4v.承担bear the cost of. 承担费用bear the resp on sibility 承担责任33.bill1n.账单 pay the bill2n.钞票 5 dollar bills3n. 议案 pass a bill34. bl

12、owv.刮风,吹blow away刮走v.爆炸blow up 爆炸 n. 打击 a heavy blow沉重的打击35.board1cn. 板 chess board 棋盘 notice board 布告板2un. 伙食 board and lodging 食宿3cn.甲板 on board 上船4n. 董事会 school board 校董事会36.book1旅行指南n. 书本 hand book 手册 guide book2v.预订book a ticket 订票37.bown.蝴蝶结tie a bown.弓n.鞠躬make a bowv.鞠躬bow to sb.38. bran chn.

13、树枝cut dow n bran chesn.支流a branch ofn.部门branch office分公司39.build1v. 建造 build a railway2v. 建立 build (up) con fide nee 树立信心3v. 培养 build interest and enthusiasm for reading培养阅读兴趣和热情40.burn1v.燃烧burn up 烧起来 burn down 焚毁be burnt to ashes 烧成灰烬2v.晒黑3v.点着41.bus in ess1n.商业,生意 on bus in ess 出差bus in ess permi

14、t 营业许可证bus in ess card 名片2n.事物,职责none of your bus in ess 与你无关42.capital1n.首都,省会 capital of China2n.大写字母 capital letter3n.资本working capital 流动资金43.capta in1n. 上校,上尉 navy / army captain2n.船长,队长,机长,首领Capta in America 美国队长44.case1n. 箱子 case 的一系列衍生词 briefcase, cardcase, suitcase )2n.事例,病例,案件an emerge ncy

15、 case 急诊3n.情况as is ofte n the case 情况常常是这样的in any case 无论如何in no case 绝不in that case 那样的话in case 如果,以免,以防,也许in case of 万一It is not the case. 并非如此45.cha nge1cn. 变化 change for the better 好转2un. 零钱 have no small change3v. 改变 cha nge on es mi nd 改变主意4v.兑换change A for B 用A换B46.character1n.性格strong charac

16、ter 性格坚强n.特点n.角色play a character扮演角色n.人物main character主要人物n.文字Chin ese character汉字47. chargen.费用free of charge免费n.管理take charge of负责be in charge ofv.充电charge the battery给电池充电V.指控charge sb. with sth.控告某人某事48.check1v.检查,核对check out 查明,结账离开check in 报到;检票2n. 支票=cheque49.coat1n.外套 mink coat 貂皮大衣2v.覆盖,涂层

17、be coated withpa ny1n. 公司 in sura nee compa ny 保险公司2n. 陪伴keep sb. company 陪伴某人51.con diti on1n.条件 living conditions2n.状况 traffic condition3n. 环境,形势(pl.) economic conditionsair con diti on 空调on con diti on that 只要52.content1n.内容 ma in content2n.目录3n.含量fat content 脂肪含量4adj. 满意的 be content with 对.满意53.

18、cook1n.厨师chief cook 大厨,主厨2v.做饭 cook dinner54.cost1v. 花费 It costs sb. some money to do sth.2n.成本at the cost of. 以为代价55. countv.计数count dow n倒数,倒计时v.看作,认为 count as算作v.依赖count on / upon指望56. covern.封面cover girl 圭寸面女郎n.盖子engine cover引擎盖v.覆盖be covered withcover 3 miles 走了三英里57.cross1n.十字 Red Cross 红十字会2v

19、. 穿过 cross the street 过街3adj.易怒的be cross with (at) sb. 生某人气58.date1n.日期fix a date 约定个日期2n. 约会 make a date with sb.3v.追溯到date back to59.degree1n. 度数zero degree 零度2n.学位graduate degree 研究生学位3n.程度by degrees 逐渐地60.deliver1v. 投递,送 deliver a letter2v. 发表 deliver a speech61.depend1v.依靠 depend on2v.取决于It dep

20、ends. (口语)看情况62.desert1n.沙漠cultural desert 文化沙漠2v. 遗弃 desert ones post 离职63.develop1v.发展develop tourism 发展旅游业2v. 开发develop technique 开发技术3v. 养成 develop the habit of .4v.冲洗(胶卷)develop film64.draw1v.画 draw a line 画线2v. 拉 draw ones attention 吸引注意3v.提取draw blood 抽血draw a con clusi on 得出结论draw less ons 吸

21、取教训draw ahead 领先,超前4平局65.drink1n.饮料 soft drink2v.喝drink to . 为干杯66.drive1v.开车 drive a car2v.驱使 drive sb. to do3v.逼迫 drive sb. mad / crazy 逼得某人发疯4n.开车10 minutes drive 10 分钟车程67.drop1v. 落下 drop out of school 退学2n.滴 a drop ofdrop sb. a line 给某人写信drop in sb. 顺便拜访68.due1adj.预期的,预定的They are due to arrive

22、at 6.2adj.适当的,合适的in due time 在适当时机3adj.应给的,应支付due reward 应得的报酬4adj.到期的The rent is due. 该付房租了。5prep. 因为,由于 due to69.dutyn.责任,义务on duty 值班2n.税duty free shop 免税店customs duties 关税70. easyadj. 容易的 so easyadj.舒适的easy life 安乐生活adj.随和的easy goi ng 好相处 adj. 无约束的 free and easy adv. 另廿急,慢些 take it easyEasy come

23、, easy go. 来的容易,去的快。71.excuse1n. 借口 make an excuse 编个理由2v. 原谅 excuse me for doing sth.72.exercise1cn. 练习 do some exercises2un.运动 take exercise73.expectv.期待expect too much of sb.对某人期望过高2v.料想as might have bee n expected.正如所料3v.预计可能发生to be expected 可能发生,相当正常74.experie nee1un.经验have experie nee in sth.

24、有.经验be of experie nee = be experie need2en.经历memorable experie nee 难忘的经历pers onal experie nee 亲身经历3v.体验experienee life 体验生活75.express1v.表达express best wishes 表达良好的祝福Words cant express what I feel.我的感觉无法用语言来表达。2n.快递by express 通过快递3n. 快车 by the midnight express4adj. 高速的 express highway 高速路express deli

25、very 快递EMS的全称Express Mail Serviee76.expressi on1n.表达bey ond expressi on 无法形容的=bey ond deseripti on2en.表情,神色without expressi on 毫无表情的3en.词语,表达方式Praetiee makes perfeet. is a familiar expression.77.face1n.脸lose face 丢脸make a face 做鬼脸come to face with sb.=meet sb. face to facetake on a new face 面貌一新2n.面

26、容,表情with a serious face 神情严肃地3n.表面,正面the east face of the buildi ng 楼东面on the face of it 表面看来4v.朝向,面对face up to 勇敢面对,正视be faced with 面临78.failure1n.失败Failure is the mother of success.2n.失灵,故障 power failure 停电system failure 系统故障3n.失败者,失败的事Tom is nothing but a failure.4n. 衰退kidney failure 肾衰竭79.fall1n

27、.秋天in fall 在秋天2n.落下,没落rise and fall 兴衰3n.瀑布Niagara fall 尼亚加拉大瀑布4v.下落,下降prices fall 物价下跌5v.发生Night falls. 夜幕降临。6v.进入某种状态fall ill 生病fall beh ind 落后fall in love with sb. 爱上某人80.fair1adj.公平的fair play 公平的比赛2adj.晴朗的fair weather (天气预报中常用)3adj.(头发)金色的 a fair lady 金发美女4adv.公平地 fair and square5n.博览会,展览会world

28、fair 世博会6n. 集市night fair 夜市81.fat1adj.胖的 a fat lady2n. 脂肪,肥肉 put on fat = put on weighta fat cat 大款82.favor1cn.帮助do sb. a favor = give sb. a handdo sb. the favor to do favor of 赞成,支持,有利于in on es favor 有禾 U于2un.偏爱,欢心 out of favor 失宠win on es favor 赢得好感3v. 赞同,支持 favor sb. with sth.83.field1n.田地

29、 in the field2n.场地battle field 战场3n.领域 in the field of84.figure1n.数字official figure 官方数字2n.人物a key figure 关键人物3n.体形keep ones figure 保持体形4n.图形,图表Figure 1 图表15v. 估计 figure on 料想,估计6v.计算figure out 想出,算出,断定85.fine1adj.晴朗的fine day2adj.身体好 Are you fine?3adj.精细的fine art 精细工艺4v. 罚款 fine sb. for sth.5n.罚金 pay a fine of $5086.fire1un. 火 catch fire 着火 be on fireset o n fire 焚烧,使情绪激昂No

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