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1、新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案Electronic Teaching Portfolio Book ThreeUnit Two: LovePart I Get StartedSection A Discussion Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.1) Do you think love and marriage are important matters in our life? Why or why not?2) Dating and courtship is a common sc

2、ene at college now. What do you think of it?3) What do you think are the most important factors that contribute to a stable love relationship? Give your reasons. Answers for reference:1)Yes. It is human nature to feel attraction and affection between different sexes. A life without love is often reg

3、arded as imperfect. Those who are in love would long to stay together, and families resulting from love usually lay the foundation for a stable society. 2)Its OK to start dating at college, because college students are already grown-ups in the legal sense. No one has the right to interfere in such p

4、rivate matters. However, students top priority at college is to study and acquire knowledge and skills for their future careers. Dating and courtship will interfere with their studies. Therefore, some students tend to hold themselves back even if there are opportunities to start a romantic relations

5、hip.3)Many factors may contribute to a stable love relationship. Wealth, social status, appearances, family background, etc. may be considered as the external factors, which may help promote a love relationship. Wisdom, knowledge, character, personalities, etc. are the internal factors. Love based o

6、n external factors alone may not last long. Love based on the internal factors will survive whatever challenges or crises it may encounter. When two persons are in love, they should respect each other and be honest and faithful to each other. In essence, trust and understanding are the key factors t

7、hat contribute to a successful love relationship. Section B Quotes Study the following quotes about love. Which quote(s) do you like best? Why? The course of true love never did run smooth. William Shakespeare Interpretation:Shakespeare believes that a true relationship is not easy to establish. Peo

8、ple have different personalities, concepts of value, preferences of life style, etc. When two persons of the opposite sex develop a love relationship, they have to try their best to understand each other and reconcile with each other. William Shakespeare About William Shakespeare:William Shakespeare

9、 (1564-616): an English writer of plays and poems, who is generally regarded as the greatest of all English writers. His many famous plays include the tragedies Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶), Hamlet (哈姆雷特), Julius Caesar (裘力斯凯撒), Macbeth (麦克白), Othello (奥瑟罗), and King Lear (李尔王); the comedies A Midsumm

10、er Nights Dream (仲夏夜之梦), Twelfth Night (第十二夜), and As You Like It(皆大欢喜).To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. Bertrand Russell Interpretation:Here Russell emphasizes the importance of an active attitude towards love. We should not be afraid to fall in lo

11、ve just because it is not easy to find true love or just because of any possible setbacks. A life without love is as dull as a dying man because he lacks the energy and passion to enjoy life.Bertrand Russell About Bertrand Russell:Bertrand Russell (1872-970): a British philosopher and mathematician

12、who developed new ideas connecting mathematics and logic. He is also known for being a pacifist (和平主义者). He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950.Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl no superior alternative has yet been found. Sir Winston Chur

13、chill Interpretation:The quotation emphasizes that true love is the only basis upon which a happy family is built. Only when the man and the woman love each other dearly and devotedly can they endure trials and tribulations in their common effort to build up a happy family. Sir Winston Churchill Abo

14、ut Sir Winston Churchill:Sir Winston Churchill (1874-965): a British statesman, soldier, and author who was Prime Minister during most of World War II and again from 1951 to 1955. He is remembered and admired by most British people as a great leader who made possible Britains victory in the war. He

15、is also famous for the many speeches he made during the war. In 1953 Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his writing and oratory (演讲术).It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving. Mother Teres

16、a Interpretation:The quotation tells us the significant role that love plays in everything we do in life. Whatever we do, we should put adequate love into it so that others can feel our love and be affected by our love. What we can offer to others may be insignificant, but as long as there is love i

17、n it, the benefit will be significant. Here, love is understood in a broad sense. Mother Teresa About Mother Teresa:Mother Teresa (1910-997): an Albanian (阿尔巴尼亚) Roman Catholic nun (修女) who lived in India, where she worked to help the poor and the sick in the city of Calcutta (加尔各答). She won the Nob

18、el Prize for Peace in 1979, and people think of her as a typical example of someone who is kind, unselfish, and morally good.Section C Watching and Discussion Hes Just Not That Into Youis a 2009 romanticcomedyfilm about how nine people in Baltimore deal with their romantic problems. Watch the follow

19、ing video clip extracted from this film and then complete the tasks that follow: 1.Pay attention to what the woman says in the video clip and fill in the missing words.I. See, you cant keep being nice to me and I cant keep pretending like this is something that its not. Weve been together over seven

20、 years. You know me. You know who I am. You either wanna marry me or you dont.II. for every woman that has been told by some man that he doesnt believe in marriage and then six months later, hes married to some twenty-four-year-old that he met at the gym.III. Its coming from the place that I have be

21、en hiding from you for about five years. About five years because I havent wanted to seem demanding, and I havent wanted to seem clingy or psycho or whatever. So I have never asked you.2.What can you infer from the conversation between the man and the woman in the video clip?Answers for reference: (

22、Open.)Script:BETH:Now. I want you to stop doing anything nice.NEIL: This feels like a trick.BETH: No. No. I just, I just need you to stop being nice to me unless youre gonna marry me after. (Neil laughs.)BETH: Is that funny? Do you think thats funny?NEIL: No. I guess it is not funny.BETH: See, you c

23、ant keep being nice to me and I cant keep pretending like this is something that its not. Weve been together for over seven years. You know me. You know who I am. You either wanna marry me or you dont.NEIL: Or there is the possibility that I mean it when I say I dont believe in marriage.BETH: Bullsh

24、it! Bullshit! Come on! Bullshit for every woman that has been told by some man that he doesnt believe in marriage and then six months later, hes married to some twenty-four-year-old that he met at the gym. Its just its Bullshit. (Beth tries to hold back her tears. Neil looks stunned and goes to her.

25、)NEIL: Where is this coming from? BETH: Its coming from the place that I have been hiding from you for about five years. About five years because I havent wanted to seem demanding, and I havent wanted to seem clingy or psycho or whatever. So I have never asked you. But I but I I have to. I mean, are

26、 you are you ever going to marry me?Part II Listen and RespondSection A Word Bank (无)Section B Task One: Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1) Where did the woman see the three old men?A

27、) In front of her store.B) In her front yard.C) In her dream.D) In her doorway. 2) Who were the three old men respectively?A) Success, Hope and Wealth.B) Faith, Hope, and Love.C) Wealth, Faith and Success.D) Love, Success and Wealth.3) Whom did the family invite in?A) Wealth. B) Love.C) Success. D)

28、All of the above.4) How many of the old men would like to go into the house?A) One.B) Two.C) Three.D) Four.5) What is the main idea of the passage?A) Where there is love, there is wealth and success.B) One cannot live without wealth, love and success.C) Love is as important as wealth and success. D)

29、 Wealth and success are what people pursue most eagerly. Answers for Reference: 1) B 2) D 3) B 4) C 5) ASection C Task Two: Zooming in on the DetailsListen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.1) The woman thought that the three old men must be _, so

30、 she invited them to come in and have something _.2) The old men said that they did not go into a house _.3) The husband wished to invite _, but the woman did not agree and wished to have _ , while their daughter suggested: “_?”4) The woman came out and asked: “Which one of you is_? Please come in a

31、nd be our_.”5) The other two old men also got up and followed, which_ the woman. 6) One old man told the woman: “If you had invited _ or _, the other two of us would _.” Answers:1) The woman thought that the three old men must be hungry, so she invited them to come in and have something to eat.2) The old men said that they did not go into a house together.3) The husband wished to invite Wealth, but the woman did not agree and wished to have Success, while their daughter suggested: “Wouldnt it be better to invite Love?”4) T

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