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1、药学英语课本药学英语课本Developing Drugs from Traditional Medicinal PlantsOver three quarters of the worlds population relies mainly on plants and plant extracts for health careApproximately one third of the prescription drugs in the US contain plant components,and more than 120 important prescription drugs are

2、 derived from plantsMost of these drugs were developed because of their use in traditional medicineEconomically,this represents $800010,000M of annual consumer spendingRecent World Health Organization (WHO) studies indicate that over 30 per cent of the worlds plant species have at one time or anothe

3、r been used for medicinal purposesOf the 250,000 higher plant species on Earth,more than 80,000 species are medicinalAlthough traditional medicine is widespread throughout the world,it is an integral part of each individual cultureIts practice is based mainly on traditional beliefs handed down from

4、generation to generation for hundreds or even thousands of yearsUnfortunately,much of this ancient knowledge and many valuable plants are being lost at an alarming rateThe scientific study of traditional medicines and the systematic preservation of medicinal plants are thus of great importanceFor qu

5、ite a long time,the only way to use plant medicines was either direct application or the use of crude plant extractsWith the development of organic chemistry at the beginning of this century,extraction and fractionation techniques improved significantlyIt became possible to isolate and identify many

6、 of the active chemicals from plantsIn the 1940s,advances in chemical synthesis enabled the synthesis of many plant components and their derivativesIn western countries,it was thought that chemical synthesis of drugs would be more effective and economical than isolation from natural sourcesIndeed,th

7、is is true in many casesHowever,in many other cases,synthetic analogues are not as effective as their natural counterpartsIn additio,some synthetic drugs cost many times more than natural onesInspired by these realisations,coupled with the fact that many drugs with complex structures may be totally

8、impossible to synthesis,there is now a resurgent trend of returning to natural resources for drug developmentImportant prescription drugs from plantsEphedrine is the oldest and most classic example of a prescription drug developed from a traditional medicinal plantIt is derived from Ma Huang,a leafl

9、ess shrubUsed to relieve asthma and hay fever in China for over 5000 years,it was introduced into western medicine in 1924 by Chen and SchmidtEphedrine is an alkaloid closely related to adrenaline,the major product of the adrenal glandPharmacologically,Ephedrine is used extensively to stimulate incr

10、eased activity of the sympathetic nervous systemIt is used as a pressor agent to counteract hypotension associated with anaesthesia,and as a nasal decongestantThe drug action of this medicine is based both on its direct effect on and adrenergic receptors and on the release of endogenous noradrenalin

11、eDigitalis is one of the most frequently used medications in the treatment of heart failure and arrhythmiaIt increases the contractility of the heart muscle and modifies vascular resistance It also slows conduction through the atrioventricular node in the heart,making it useful in the treatment of a

12、trial fibrillation and other rapid heart rhythmsDigitalis is found in the leaves and seeds of Digitalis purpurea and Digitalis lanata, commonly known as the foxglove plant Foxglove has been used in traditional medicine in many parts of the world-by African natives as arrow poisons,by the ancient Egy

13、ptians as heart medicine, and by the Romans as a diuretic, heart tonic, emetic and rat poison The Chinese, who found this ingredient not only in plants but also in the dry skin and venom of the common toad,used it for centuries as a cardiac drugIn the western world,the foxglove was first mentioned i

14、n 1250 in the writing of a physician, Walsh,and it was described botanically in the 1500sDigitalis is a glycoside containing an aglycone,or genin,linked to between one and four sugar molecules The pharmacological activity resides in the aglycone,whereas the sugar residues affect the solubility and p

15、otency of the drugThe aglycone is structurally related to bile acids,sterols,sex hormones and adrenocortical hormonesd-Tubocurarine and its derivatives are the most frequently used drugs in operating rooms to provide muscle relaxation and prevent muscle spasm These agents interrupt the transmission

16、of the nerve impulse at the skeletal neuromuscular junction Curare, the common name for South American arrow poisons, has a long and interesting history It has been used for centuries by Indians along the Amazon and Orinoco rivers for hunting It causes paralysis of the skeletal muscles of animals an

17、d finally results in deathThe methods of curare preparation were a secret entrusted only to tribal doctorsSoon after their discovery of the American continent,European explorers became interested in curare In the late 16th century,samples of native preparations were brought to Europe for investigati

18、onCurare,an alkaloid,was found in various species of Strychnos and certain species of ChondrodendronThe first use of curare for muscle relaxation was reported in 1942 by Griffith and JohnsonThis drug offers optimal muscular relaxation without the use of high doses of anaestheticsIt thus emerged as t

19、he chief drug for use in tracheal intubation and during surgeryVinblastine and Vincristine are two of the most potent antitumour drugsThey are obtained from Catharanthus roseus,commonly known as the rosy periwinkleThis plant,indigenous to Madagascar,is also cultivated in India, Israel and the USIt w

20、as originally examined for clinical use because of its traditional use in treating diabetesThe leaves and roots of this plant contain more than 100 alkaloidsFractionation of these extracts yields four active alkaloids:Vinblastine,Vincristine,Vinleurosine and VinresidineThese alkaloids are asymmetric

21、 dimeric compounds referred to as vinca alkaloids, but of these,only Vinblastine and Vincristine are clinically important antitumour agentsThese two alkaloids are cell-cycle specific agents that block mitosis (cell division)Vincristine sulphate is used to treat acute leukaemia in children and lympho

22、cytic leukaemiaIt is also effective against Wilms tumour,neuroblastoma,rhabdomyosarcoma (tumour of voluntary or striped muscle cells),reticulum cell sarcoma and Hodgkins diseaseVinblastine sulphate is used in the treatment of Hodgkins disease, lymphosarcoma,choriocarcinoma,neuroblastoma,carcinoma of

23、 breast,lung and other organs,and in acute and chronic leukaemiaEmerging plant medicinesArtemisinin is the most recent anti-malaria drug developed from plant-based traditional medicine It is isolated from the leaves and flowers of Artemisia annua L(Compositae),commonly known as the sweet wormwood, a

24、 cousin of tarragonIndigenous to China,the extract of this plant is traditionally known as the Qinghao It has been used to treat malaria in China for over 2000 yearsIts active component,Artemisinin,was first isolated in the 1970s by Chinese scientistsUnlike Quinine and Chloroquine,this compound is n

25、on-toxic rapid in effect,and safe for pregnant womenFurthermore,it is effective against chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria and in patients with cerebral malariaIt kills the parasites directly so parasitemia is quickly controlledThis work was confirmed by the WHO in Africa and other

26、parts of Southeast AsiaArtemisinin is an endoperoxide of the sesquiterpene lactoneThe structure of this compound is too complex to be synthesised effectivelyArtemisia is also found in many parts of the US,abundantly along the Potomac River in Washington DC,but the drug content of these varieties is

27、only about half that of the Chinese varietyCurrently,the WHO and the US are jointly engaged in the cultivation of Chinese Artemisia for worldwide useThis recent development offers renewed hope for using traditional medicine to provide new drugs for future medicines 1.prescription n.处方,药方,规定2.World H

28、ealth Organization 世界卫生组织 (缩写为WHO)3.adrenergic a肾上腺素的,类似肾上腺素的,释放肾上腺素的4.Artemisinin 青蒿素 5.antimalaria n抗疟疾,防疟疾6.fractionation n分馏 7.counterpart n配对物,副本,极相似的人或物8.resurgent a复活的,苏醒的,恢复活力的 9.asthma n哮喘 10.adrenal n.肾上腺; a. 肾上腺的11.gland n. 腺 12.pharmacologically ad药理地,药学地, 药用地13.pressor n 升高血压的物质 a.有使血压增

29、高的,收缩血管的14.hypotension n低血压 15.anaesthesia n麻醉(法),感觉缺乏,麻木16.nasal a鼻的,护鼻的,鼻音的 n鼻音,鼻音宇 17.endogenous a. 内生的,内长的 18.noradrenaline n. =norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素19.digitalis n洋地黄 20.arrhythmia n心律不齐 21.contractility n收缩性,缩小性,伸缩力22.vascular a脉管的,血管的,有脉管的 23.atrioventricular a房室的,心房与心室的24.node n结 25.atrial a心

30、房的,有关心房的26.fibrillation n纤维性颤动 27.Digitalis purpurea 紫花毛地黄 28.Digitalis lanata 毛花洋地黄 29.foxglove n毛地黄 30.diuretic n利尿剂; a利尿的31.a heart tonic 强心药 32.venom n毒液 33.toad n蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆34.cardiac n强心剂,强胃剂; a心脏的,(胃的)贲门的35.botanically ad植物(学)地36.glycoside n苷,配糖类,配糖物37.aglycone n配质,配基,(苷的)非糖部38.genin n配质,配基 39.sol

31、ubility n溶(解)度,溶(解)性,(可)溶性40.potency n效力,效验,能力,潜力,力量41.bile acid 胆汁酸 42.sterol n甾醇,固醇 hormone 性激素44.adrenocortical hormone n肾上腺皮质激素45.digoxigenin n异羟基洋地黄毒苷,地谷新配质46.digitoxigenin n毛地黄毒苷配基,户(丁烯酸内酯)-14-羟甾醇47.d-tubocurarine nd-管箭毒碱48.relaxation n松弛,缓和,减轻,放宽49.spasm n痉挛,一阵发作 50.skeletal a骨骼的,骸骨的51

32、.neuromuscular a神经肌肉的52.curare n箭毒,马钱子属植物,马钱子(也叫番木鳖)53.paralysis n瘫痪,麻痹54.entrusted vt.委托,托管,信托55.Strychnos nS-马钱子属,毒鼠碱56.Chondrodendron n.南美防己属57.tracheal a气管的,导管的,呼吸管的58.intubation n插管,插管法59.Vinblastine n长春碱60.Vincristine n长春新碱61.antitumour n.抗癌的,抗肿瘤的62.Catharanthus roseus 长春花63.periwinkle n长春花属的植物, 玉黍螺64.indigenous a本土的65.Madagascar n马达加斯加岛(非洲岛国)66.diabetes n糖尿病,多尿症67.Vinleurosine

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