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1、小学五年级竞选生活委员发言稿完整版小学五年级竞选生活委员发言稿小学五年级竞选生活委员发言稿第一篇:小学五年级竞选生活委员发言稿敬爱的老师亲爱的同学们:大家好!新一轮的改选班干部工作已经开始了,在此次改选中, 我将竟选我班的生活委员。在班级中,它为同学营造良好环 境起着至关重要的作用,是学校生活中不可缺少的一个职 务。 从上小学起,我就特别爱参与家庭大扫除。三年级时, 我就经常帮助妈妈洗一些材质较轻的衣物。上小学以来,一 直都是我自己整理书包,清洗笔袋等,并且做得尽然有序。 日常的劳动与自理能力使我养成了爱生活,有责任心的好习 惯。因为我热心帮助别人、性格随和、品德优良,使我赢得 了较好的人缘。

2、这些将有利于我今后的工作发展及组织管 理。 如果我的竞选得到大家的信任,我将会井然有序地带领 值日生做好课上课下及卫生区的保洁工作。也会协助班长检 点同学们的生活习惯,使每位同学带好红领巾、语言文明、 不追跑打闹,!积极发扬不怕苦、不怕累的精神,脏活累活 先担当。保证地面时时都整齐、干净,保证公共物品能回到 自己“家”。争取每周得奖章,使我班获得“优秀班集体” 的称号。我相信,我一定能用努力来换取大家的健康与微笑。营 造出文明、卫生的环境!如果竞选不成功,我也会积极配合, 为了良好的生活环境贡献出自己的努力! 我的发言结束,谢谢大家!第二篇:五年级小学生竞选生活委员发言稿尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学

3、们:大家好!我是五年五班的xx。我之所以要竞选生活委员,是因为妈妈想给我一次锻炼毅力的机会。我在家时,经常帮助妈妈做家务,做饭、洗衣服、洗碗、拖地我样样精通。有时妈妈早上上班,下班时,我已经把家打扫得焕然一新了,妈妈夸我是她的得力干将。每当家里有什么坏了的东西时,我都会修好:鼠标坏了,我把主机后面的插头拔下,看到里面有一些纸;车子的链条掉了,我会像变魔术似地把链子装上 我的理财能力很强,经常看理财的书,我还把零用钱给妈妈,做了一个存折,把收入支出写的明明白白;我的美术也很好,我们美术班的老师一年只招五六个学生,老师经常说:在这个班里,大为的画仅次于我从小带大的女儿。 如果我当上了生活委员,我一

4、定会替大家做好我该做的一切事情,请大家支持我,谢谢大家!第三篇:五年级小学生竞选生活委员的发言稿敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学:你们好!新学期,新气象!我们又踏向又一级的台阶,我想同学 一定长高了不少吧!在新学期里,我们班要改选班干部啦!这么好的机会,我当然不会错过,我的目标是一个小官 生活委员。为什么?哦-这你可不懂了,我以前从来不当班里的 官儿 ,这次我决定尝尝当 官儿 的滋味怎样,这只是其一;其二,我是一个对生活不是很了解的人,平时很少接触它,这次如果当上了,就可以体验生活了!我如果当上了生活委员,可不能坐哪儿闲着,当然得给同学做点事。首先,我要把同学放我这儿的班会费,用黑袋子包起来,像宝贝似的

5、保存着,绝不能让那个 神偷 给偷了;然后,如果班级里缺什么东西,我会以最快的速度把东西买回来,今天要,明天就到!不让同学就等;最后,如果同学在生活中遇到什么问题,我会帮他去解决。最后,我希望同学支持我,老师支持我,让我如愿以偿地当上生活委员吧!祝大家身体健康!万事如意!第四篇:五年级小学生竞选生活委员发言稿五年级小学生竞选生活委员发言稿尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:大家好!我是五年五班的xx。我之所以要竞选生活委员,是因为妈妈想给我一次锻炼毅力的机会。我在家时,经常帮助妈妈做家务,做饭、洗衣服、洗碗、拖地我样样精通。有时妈妈早上上班,下班时,我已经把家打扫得焕然一新了,妈妈夸我是她的得力干将。每当



8、要以身作则,处处为班级和同学们着想,积极参加学校和班级组织的各项有意义的活动,为班级争光。让自己的班级成为全校最好的班级。请同学们多多支持我,并在生活中看我的实际行动吧!铁岭市昌图县古榆树镇中心小学五年级:陈奕名附送:小学五年级英语演讲稿小学五年级英语演讲稿第一篇:小学五年级英语话题演讲稿i like sportsgood morning, everone!i ill talk about sports. i am a lovel bo. i like man kinds of sports, suh as alking, running, simming, limbing, ling and

9、skipping. sports give me a good health and bring me a lot of, i ill tell ou about m ling sport. i often ride m bike hen i am free. i like to ride m bike on a road. there are no ars and fe people on the road. it is not ver long. it is ver good for ling. hen i ride don the slope, the bike runs

10、ver fast, and i feel like fling. its ver good for me. ling gives me a lot of fun. sports give me a strong bod and bring me a lot of fun. if ou ant to be strong, please do sports; if ou ant to enjo a happ life, please do sports, too.thank ou!m famili have a happ famil. there are three members in m fa

11、mil, the are m father, m mother, and i. m parents are teahers.m father is ver tall and strong. he is 40 ears old. he is a phsis teaher. he orks ver hard. he like his student but he is ver strit. he likes reading books. he likes sports, he often plas basketball. he goes to ork b bike. he athes tv in

12、the evening.he often ooks for me, suh as hiken, vegetable, fish and so on.m mother is ver beautiful. she has long blak hair and big ees. she likes singing. she orks ver hard. she is a ver exellent teaher. she is verkind.i love m parents. and the love me too. m famil is ver friendl ele to m home. tha

13、ts all, thank ou!m das of the eekhello, everone!toda i am ver happ, beause i an talk ith ou.i go to shool from monda to frida. e have hinese and math everda. e have three english lasses ever eek-on monda , ednesda and frida.ednesda is m favorite da. beause e have puter and musi. and e have potatoes

14、for lunh. potatoes are m favorite food.on eekends e have no lasses. i usuall read books and ath tv. i usuall stud ping pang on saturda . sometimes i go to a park and limb mountains. i an have hiken ,fish ,hamburger, hotdog, piXXa and so on . i like m eekends.our shoolgood morning everone!toda, i am

15、ver happ to be here. m topi is “our shool”.ele to our shool! m shool is ver beautiful! it has a big plaground. e an pla there. near the plaground, there is a garden. man trees and floers are there. e an hear birds singing in the trees. it is so onderful.our teahing buildings are around the garden. e

16、 an dra pitures in the art room and read stor-books in the librar. m lassroom is ver lean and bright. e like to stud in it. e an sing and dane in the musi room. hat a lot of fun!in our shool, our teahers ork hard. e stud ver hard. after lass, our teahers pla ith us and e feel ver happ.our shool is s

17、o nie and our teahers are so kind. e all love them. dear friends, do ou like them ?thats all. thanks!第二篇:小学五年级英语话题演讲稿02小学五年级英语话题演讲稿m das of the eeki go to shool from monda to frida. e have hinese and math everda. e have 3 english lasses ever eek-on monda,ednesda and frida. ednesda is mfavourite da.

18、beause e have puter and musi. and e have potatoes for lunh. potatoes are m favourite food. on eekends e have no lasses. i usuall read books and ath tv.sometimes i go to a park and limb mountains. i an have hiken, fish and beef for dinner. i like m eekends.afieldtripits a sunn da.the students are hav

19、ing a good time.the are going on a field trip. look_is olleting leaves._are plaing hess under a big tree._is athing butterflies._is listening to musi._is draing pitures.ho happ the are!hat are m famil doing?its 6:00 in the evening.e are at home.and everone is bus.mum is ooking dinner in the kithen.d

20、ad is riting an e-mail in the stud.grandpa is athing tv in the living room.grandma is atering the floers in the garden.i am doing m homeork.ho happ e are!hat an m famil do?i have a happ famil.i am helpful.i an lean the bedroom,empt the trash and ater the floers.m mother is good.she an ook dinner and

21、 ash the lothes.m father an seep the floor and do the dishes.i like m parents and the love me.birthdasm birthda is ot. 14th.on m birthda i often go to a park.i eat a big birthda ake and mom ooks dinner for me.e have hiken,fish,pork,beef,tofu and vegetables.its a big dinner.i am ver happ on that da.m

22、 mothers birthda is jan 4th.m fathers birthda is ma 10th.mfamili have a happ famil.there are 3 people in m famil-father,mother and me.m father is a orker.he is 35.he is tall and strong.hes ver strit.he likes hiken and fish.beause the are tast.he likes summer. beause he an sim in the river .m mother

23、is a teaher.shes 3shes oung and prett.shes short and thin.shes ver kind.she likes red.she likes fruit she likes spring.beause she an limb mountains.i am a 11.i am tall.i like hamburgers. beause the are tast. i like inter.beause i an make a snoman.i love m parents and the love me.e are hap

24、p everda.mfriendm friend is_ .shes a girl.shes 11.she studies in ziling primar shool.shes in lass1,grade 5.shes tall and thin.shes ver ative.she likes english and hinese ver muh.her favourite food is potatoes.she likes bananas.beause the are seet.but she doesnt like grapes.beause the are sour.she li

25、kes sports.her favourite sport is pingpong.she likes singing and daning.she is helpful.she an lean the bedroom and ater the floers.i like her ver muh.mroomi have m on room.its small and nie.there is a mirror,a bed and a big loset.the mirror is over the bed.the loset is near the door.there are to end

26、 tables near the bed.there are green urtains.there is a ne air-onditioner.its near the indo.its ool.the trash bin is behind the door.i love m room ver muh.mvillagem name is_ .this is m village.its in the mountains.there are man small houses and a river.there is a bridge over the river.there are man

27、fish in the river.there is a road beside the river.there are man floers near the road.there is green grass and man trees.e an run on the grass.there is a lake near m village.the ater is lean.its a beautiful village.ele to m village.abeautifulparkthis is a beautiful park.its name is longquan park.its

28、 in xiangshan road of jingmen. there is a river.seasonsthere are 4 seasons in a ear-spring,summer,fall and inter.spring is beautiful.its ind and arm.but it often rains.e an see man floers in the garden.e an fl kites,go hiking and limb mountains.i love summer its usuall ver hot,and i an sim

29、 in the fall its ind and ool.i an pik apples.i like apples.the are seet in fall.i an go hiking ith usuall snos in inter.i like sno.hen it snos,i an skate and make a snoman. i love all the seasons.the are all beautiful.m favourite seasonm favourite season is spring. its alas ind a

30、nd spring e an seeman beautiful floers in the garden.e an fl kites and plant trees.i usuall limb mountains ith m friends.sometimes e go hiking.e ear jakets and jeans in spring. spring is beautiful. i like spring.第三篇:五年级英语口语演讲稿1、the thirst pigeon口渴的鸽子a pigeon, oppressed b exessive thirst, sa a

31、 goblet of ater painted on a signboard. not supposing it to be onl a piture, she fle toards it ith a loud hir and unittingl dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribl. having broken her ings b the blo, she fell to the ground, and as aught b one of the bstanders.zeal should not outrun disr

32、etion.有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。2、the ind and the sun one da the ind said to the sun, “look at that man alking along the road. i an get his loak off more quikl than ou an.”“e ill see about that,” said the sun. “i ill let ou tr first.”so the ind tried to make the man take off his loak. h

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