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FDC Act Chapter III Prohibited Acts and Penalties 禁止行为及罚则.docx

1、FDC Act Chapter III Prohibited Acts and Penalties 禁止行为及罚则FD&C Act Chapter III: Prohibited Acts and PenaltiesSEC. 301. 21 USC 331 Prohibited actsNote: revisions were posted to this section in February 2008.The following acts and the causing thereof are hereby prohibited: 1(a) The introduction or deli

2、very for introduction into interstate commerce of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded.(b) The adulteration or misbranding of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic in interstate commerce.(c) The receipt in interstate commerce of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic that

3、 is adulterated or misbranded, and the delivery or proffered delivery thereof for pay or otherwise.(d) The introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of any article in violation of section 404, 505 or 564.(e) The refusal to permit access to or copying of any record as require

4、d by section 412, 414, 416, 417(g), 504, 564, 703, 704(a), 760, or 761; or the failure to establish or maintain any record, or make any report, required under section 412, 414(b), 416, 417, 504, 505(i) or (k), 512(a)(4)(C), 512 (j), (l) or (m), 572(i), 2 515(f), 519, 564, 760, or 761 or the refusal

5、to permit access to or verification or copying of any such required record.(f) The refusal to permit entry or inspection as authorized by section 704.(g) The manufacture, within any Territory of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded.(h) The giving of a guaranty or und

6、ertaking referred to in section 303(c)(2), which guaranty or undertaking is false, except by a person who relied upon a guaranty or undertaking to the same effect signed by, containing the name and address of, the person residing in the United States from whom he received in good faith the food, dru

7、g, device, or cosmetic; or the giving of a guaranty or undertaking referred to in section 303(c)(3), which guaranty or undertaking is false.(i) (1) Forging, counterfeiting, simulating, or falsely representing, or without proper authority using any mark, stamp, tag, label, or other identification dev

8、ice authorized or required by regulations promulgated under the provisions of section 404 or 721.(2) Making, selling, disposing of, or keeping in possession, control, or custody, or concealing any punch, die, plate, stone, or other thing designed to print, imprint, or reproduce the trademark, trade

9、name, or other identifying mark, imprint, or device of another or any likeness of any of the foregoing upon any drug or container or labeling thereof so as to render such drug a counterfeit drug.(3) The doing of any act which causes a drug to be a counterfeit drug, or the sale or dispensing, or the

10、holding for sale or dispensing, of a counterfeit drug.(j) The using by any person to his own advantage or revealing, other than to the Secretary or officers or employees of the Department, or to the courts when relevant in any judicial proceeding under this Act, any information acquired under author

11、ity of section 404, 409, 412, 414, 505, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 518, 519, 520, 571, 572, 573 , 3 704, 708, or 721 concerning any method or process which as a trade secret is entitled to protection; or the violating of section 408(i)(2) or any regulation issued under that section. 4 This paragr

12、aph does not authorize the withholding of information from either House of Congress or from, to the extent of matter within its jurisdiction, any committee or subcommittee of such committee or any joint committee of Congress or any subcommittee of such joint committee.(k) The alteration, mutilation,

13、 destruction, obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part of the labeling of, or the doing of any other act with respect to, a food, drug, device, or cosmetic, if such act is done while such article is held for sale (whether or not the first sale) after shipment in interstate commerce and resu

14、lts in such article being adulterated or misbranded.(l) Deleted 5(m) The sale or offering for sale of colored oleomargarine or colored margarine, or the possession or serving of colored oleomargarine or colored margarine in violation of sections 407(b) or 407(c).(n) The using, in labeling, advertisi

15、ng or other sales promotion of any reference to any report or analysis furnished in compliance with section 704.(o) In the case of a prescription drug distributed or offered for sale in interstate commerce, the failure of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor thereof to maintain for transmittal,

16、or to transmit, to any practitioner licensed by applicable State law to administer such drug who makes written request for information as to such drug, true and correct copies of all printed matter which is required to be included in any package in which that drug is distributed or sold, or such oth

17、er printed matter as is approved by the Secretary. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to exempt any person from any labeling requirement imposed by or under other provisions of this Act.(p) The failure to register in accordance with section 510, the failure to provide any information requi

18、red by section 510(j) or 510(k), 21 USC 360(j) or (k) or the failure to provide a notice required by section 510(j)(2).(q)(1) The failure or refusal to (A) comply with any requirement prescribed under section 518 or 520(g), (B) furnish any notification or other material or information required by or

19、 under section 519 or 520(g), or (C) comply with a requirement under section 522.(2) With respect to any device, the submission of any report that is required by or under this Act that is false or misleading in any material respect.(r) The movement of a device in violation of an order under section

20、304(g) or the removal or alteration of any mark or label required by the order to identify the device as detained.(s) The failure to provide the notice required by section 412(c) or 412(e), the failure to make the reports required by section 412(f)(1)(B), the failure to retain the records required b

21、y section 412(b)(4), or the failure to meet the requirements prescribed under section 412(f)(3).(t) The importation of a drug in violation of section 801(d)(1) , the sale, purchase, or trade of a drug or drug sample or the offer to sell, purchase, or trade a drug or drug sample in violation of secti

22、on 503(c), the sale, purchase, or trade of a coupon, the offer to sell, purchase, or trade such a coupon, or the counterfeiting of such a coupon in violation of section 503(c)(2), the distribution of a drug sample in violation of section 503(d) or the failure to otherwise comply with the requirement

23、s of section 503(d), or the distribution of drugs in violation of section 503(e) or the failure to otherwise comply with the requirements of section 503(e).(u) The failure to comply with any requirements of the provisions of, or any regulations or orders of the Secretary, under section 512(a)(4)(A),

24、 512(a)(4)(D), or 512(a)(5).(v) The introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of a dietary supplement that is unsafe under section 413.(w) The making of a knowingly false statement in any statement, certificate of analysis, record, or report required or requested under secti

25、on 801(d)(3); the failure to submit a certificate of analysis as required under such section; the failure to maintain records or to submit records or reports as required by such section; the release into interstate commerce of any article or portion thereof imported into the United States under such

26、 section or any finished product made from such article or portion, except for export in accordance with section 801(e) or 802, or with section 351(h) of the Public Health Service Act 42 USC 262(h); or the failure to so export or to destroy such an article or portions thereof, or such a finished pro

27、duct.(x) The falsification of a declaration of conformity submitted under section 514(c) or the failure or refusal to provide data or information requested by the Secretary under paragraph (3) of such section.(y) In the case of a drug, device, or food (1) the submission of a report or recommendation

28、 by a person accredited under section 523 that is false or misleading in any material respect;(2) the disclosure by a person accredited under section 523 of confidential commercial information or any trade secret without the express written consent of the person who submitted such information or sec

29、ret to such person; or(3) the receipt by a person accredited under section 523 of a bribe in any form or the doing of any corrupt act by such person associated with a responsibility delegated to such person under this Act.(z) Terminated 6( aa) The importation of a prescription drug in violation of s

30、ection 804, the falsification of any record required to be maintained or provided to the Secretary under section, or any other violation of regulations under such section.(bb) The transfer of an article of food in violation of an order under section 304(h), or the removal or alteration of any mark o

31、r label required by the order to identify the article as detained.(cc) The importing or offering for import into the United States of an article of food by, with the assistance of, or at the direction of, a person debarred under section 306(b)(3).( dd) The failure to register in accordance with sect

32、ion 415.( ee) The importing or offering for import into the United States of an article of food in violation of the requirements under section 801(m).(ff) The importing or offering for import into the United States of a drug or device with respect to which there is a failure to comply with a request of the Secretary to submit to the Secretary a statement under section 801(o).(gg) The knowing failure to comply with paragraph (7)(E) of section 704(g); the knowing inclusion by a person accredited under paragraph (2) of such section of false information in an inspection report under paragr

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