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1、最新剑桥少儿英语二级上册重点句型和词汇整理剑桥少儿英语二级上重点句型和词汇Unit 1 Ive got many new friends重点句型:Ive got many new friends.I like to do sth.My Chinese name isMy English name isCan I help you?What do you like doing? I like swimming.What do you like to do? I like to swim.What have you got? I have got a new pen.重点词汇:Chinese, E

2、nglish, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, strong,Weak, fat, thin, gardenUnit 2 Is this book yours? (人称,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词)重点句型:Is this book yours? Yes, its mine. No, its not mine.This book is not yours.Which one is different?This is my bike. The bike is mine.His bre

3、ad is short, but his is long.重点词汇:Mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, scarf, sweater, pet, socks, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, handUnit 3 Our school is beautiful.重点句型:This is our school.Its very beautiful.Weve gotWhere do you often play sports? Where isWhere do you often learn English? I oft

4、en learn English in my classroom.This is the place where children can play soccer.This orange is round.重点词汇:beautiful, library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, dining room, classroom, swimming pool, sports centre, playground, round, square, quiet, hungry, thirsty, tiredUnit 4 Miss, can I ask you a questio

5、n?重点句型:Can I ask a question?What does this word mean? What does it mean? It means happy.Whats the English for?Whats the Chinese for?Excuse me! Can I use the bathroom for a minute?Who wants have a try?Can I open the window? Yes, you can. No, you cant.May I sit there?I can draw a horse.Whats English f

6、or “Chengshi”? Its town.重点词汇:question, sure, riddle, picture, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony,town, laugh, enjoyUnit 5 How about coming with us?重点句型:How about coming with us? Id love to. Id love to, butWhere are you going? I am going to Xidan.Which pla

7、ce would you like to go to? Id like to go to the island. Where is the cinema? Opposite the market.重点词汇:market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, beach, forest, waterfall, lake, island, village, mountain介词:on, under, in front of, behind, next to, by, beside, near, o

8、ppositeUnit 6 He likes reading picture books.重点句型:He likes reading picture books.Its time to get up.Come and play with us.What does Bob like doing best?What kind of books do you like to read?What do you do every day? I do homework everyday. I dont do homework everyday.What does he do everyday? He pl

9、ays the piano everyday. He doesnt play the piano everyday.What do you like doing? I like swimming.What dose he like doing? He likes taking pictures.What kinds of books do you like reading? I like reading comic books.重点词汇:get up, picture book 单词:story book故事书, games book游戏书comic book笑话书, toy book玩具书p

10、icture book图画书,music book音乐书sports book体育运动类书, cookery book烹饪书animal book动物类书动词短语:read a newspaper看报纸read a book读书ride a horse骑马eat fruit吃水果eat an ice cream吃冰激凌take pictures拍照draw a picture画画drink tea喝茶do math做数学题watch TV看电视wash up洗刷go shopping去购物cook food做饭clean the floor擦地板skate滑冰sing and dance唱歌跳

11、舞play the piano弹钢琴play games做游戏Unit 7 You mustnt drop litter in the park!介词短语:in the water在水里in the boat在船上in the park在公园里on the grass在草地上动词短语:throw food at animals扔给动物食物stand and shout站着大喊drop litter扔垃圾pick flowers摘花sit on the grass坐在草地上句型:You mustnt throw food at animals in the water.你不可以往水里给动物扔吃的

12、。You mustnt stand and shout in the boat.你不可以站在穿上大叫。You mustnt drop litter in the park.你不可以在公园里扔垃圾。You mustnt pick flowers in the park.你不可以在公园里摘花。You mustnt sit on the grass.你不可以坐在草地上。You must drive here. You mustnt drive here.There be句型:There is a hen standing on the football.有一只母鸡站在足球上。There is a b

13、ird standing on the book.有一只鸟站在书上。There is a cat sleeping on the bed.有一只猫躺在床上睡觉。There are two frogs swimming in the river.有两只青蛙在河里游泳。There are two mice eating fruit.有两只老鼠在吃水果。There are two sheep eating grass.有两只绵羊在吃草。There is a hippo in the river.There are some people in the boat.There is a parrot s

14、tanding on a book.There are two cats sleep in a big shoe.补充词汇:drive开车, draw画画, swim游泳, sleep睡觉 fish钓鱼, wash洗, kick踢, talk谈话jump跳, climb爬, bounce拍, paint涂色Unit 8 Who is the winner?一、复习must, mustnt 句型。二、多义词:fly 放(风筝);苍蝇 match 比赛;火柴ring 戒指;电话room 空间;房间stick 木棍;贴 There be句型:there is +单数名词 there are +复数名

15、词单词:lamp台灯, kite风筝, doll布娃娃, CD player CD机tank 鱼缸, bag书包, clock钟表, spider 蜘蛛parrot鹦鹉, TV=television句型:What have you got in your bag?你书包里有什么?Ive got a book and a pencil case. 我有一本书和一个笔袋。Ive got a CD player in my bag.How many + 名词复数+are there? 有多少.?There are.例: How many flowers are there in your hand?

16、 你手里有多少朵花?There are 5.有5朵。How many books are there? There is one. There are two.I can sing and dance. You can not sing and dance.You must speak English.其他知识点:play with sb. 和某人玩play with sth. 拿某物玩lots of =a lot of 许多Unit 9 Sally is taller than Ben复习:What do you like doing best?你最喜欢做什么?I like cooking

17、food best.我最喜欢做饭。You must study hard.你必须努力学习。You mustnt throw food at animals.你不可以把食物扔给动物们吃。There is a hen standing on the football.有一只母鸡站在足球上。There are two frogs swimming in the river.有两只青蛙在河里游泳。What have you got? 你有什么东西?Ive got a football.我有一个足球。How many books are there? 有多少本书?There are 6.有6本。形容词比

18、较级:1. 一般情况下+er.2. 以不发音e结尾的直接+er.3. 辅音加y结尾的,变y为i,再加er.4. 重读闭音节的双写结尾字母,再加er.5. 多音节词的比较级,前面加 +形容词的比较级+thanIm taller than you. 我比你高。She is younger than him.她比他小。Youre stronger than her.你比她强壮。句型:Which ruler is longer? 哪把尺子更长?The yellow ruler is longer than the green ruler.黄色的尺子比绿色的尺子长。Who is young

19、er, Kara or Lily?谁更小?Lily is younger. 莉莉更小。 和一样as red as an apple 和苹果一样红as white as snow 像雪一样白as quiet as a mouse 像老鼠一样安静as cold as ice 像冰一样凉I am tall, but Yao Ming is taller.Yao Ming is taller than I/me.Which pen is longer, the blue one or the red one? The blue one is longer than the red one.

20、Who is younger, Tom or Apple? Tom is younger than Apple.Unit 10 Did you know?复习:The shirt is as white as snow.这件衬衫像雪一样白Mary is as happy as a bird.玛丽的像小鸟一样高兴Her face is as red as an apple.她的脸像苹果一样红The girls voice is as quiet as a mouse.女孩的声音像老鼠一样安静His hand is as cold as ice.他的手像冰一样凉形容词变最高级的规则:1.一般情况+

21、est2.以e结尾的形容词+st3.辅音加y结尾的形容词,变y为i,+est4.重读闭音节的形容词,双写结尾字母+est5.多音节的形容词,在该词前面+ the most例词longest, shortest, finest, nicest, happiest, easiest, biggest, hottestthe most beautiful, the most interesting不规则的变化:good-better-best bad-worse-the worst many-more-the most much-more-the most句型:Which ruler is the

22、longest of the three? 三把尺子中哪把最长?The yellow ruler is the longest of the three.黄色的尺子最长。Which girl is the thinnest of the four? 四个女孩中哪个女孩最瘦?Xingtong is the thinnest of the four.星彤最瘦。Which boy is the strongest of the five? 五个男孩中哪个男孩最强壮?Jiahui is the strongest of the five.嘉辉最强壮。How tall are you? 你多高?Im o

23、ne hundred and thirty two centimeters tall.我一米三二(132厘米)。补充词汇:moustache八字胡lift电梯balcony 阳台basement 地下室shoulder肩膀coat大衣hundred 百thousand 千metre米centimeter厘米kilometer 千米per hour每小时Which boy is tallest in the class? Leo is the tallest boy in the class.Who is the best student in your class? Tom is the be

24、st student in our class.In this picture, there are two trees, but in this picture there are four trees.Unit 11 I went to the zoo yesterday.一般过去时?用来表示发生在过去的动作或状态!标志词:yesterday(昨天),last week(上周),an hour ago(一小时前),in 2003(在2003年)等等,这些时间一定是过去了的动词变成一般过去式时,要不要遵守一些规则呢?1. 通常情况就加ed例如: listen-listened, cook-c

25、ooked2. 动词后面要是已经有一个字母e了,直接加d例如:dance-danced, like-liked3. 动词结尾是辅音字母加y的,把y变成i,再加ed(注意y前面的那个字母一定不能是a,e,i,o,u噢!)例如:try-tried, study-studied4. 动词若是重读闭音节了,就把结尾的辅音字母双写,再加ed!例如:hop- hopped, stop-stopped别把be动词忘了呀!is和am的过去式是was; are 的过去式是were.加了ed后不知道怎么读?1. 清辅音后读t. (摸摸喉咙,不振动的叫清辅音)2. 浊辅音和元音后读d. (摸摸喉咙,振动的叫浊辅音)

26、3. 以t和d 结尾的单词,加了ed 后读id. 特殊see-saw, give-gave, ride-rode, buy-bought,speak-spoke, take-took, can-could, do-did,think-thought, have-had, catch-caught, find-found,learn-learnt, say-said, sit-sat, stand-stood,mean-meant, run-ran, sing-sang, drink-drank,swim-swam, know-knew, fly-flew, throw-threw,draw-d

27、rew, give-gave, ride-rode, eat-ate,write-wrote, go-went, wear-wore, choose-chose.句型:Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo yesterday.What did you do yesterday? I played soccer with my friend yesterday.My mother is a doctor. My mother was a doctor.Unit 12 Has your school got a swimming pool?现在

28、完成时: 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的结果或影响构成:have/has+过去分词(主语是单数用have,复数用 has)标志词:already(已经), yet(还,尚且), never(从不), ever(曾经)(天气都变成现在完成时了,动词穿的衣服也要变成过去分词喽!好“过分”啊!)1. 听话的动词(规则动词)还是会按规矩办事的,跟过去式一样,按照加ed的规则进行。2. 不听话的动词(不规则动词)就让我们用超强记忆力来征服它们吧! hit-hit-hit,hurt-hurt-hurt, put-putput have-hadhad buy-bought-bought, catch- ca

29、ught-caughtfind-found-found, learn-learnt-learnt, mean-meantmeant say-said-said, sleep-slept-slept, spell-spelt-spelt sit-sat-sat, think-thought-thought, stand-stood-stoodcome-came-come, run-ran-run, sing-sangsung drink-drank-drunk, swim-swam-swum, know-knewknown fly-flew-flown, throw-threw-thrown, draw-drew-drawngive-gave-given, ride-rode-ridden, eat-ateeaten write-wrote-written, go-went-gone, see-saw-seenwear-wore-worn, choose-chose-chosen句型:1. What have you done? 你已经做了什么?I have seen a tiger.我已经看过老虎了。2. What has she done? 她已经做了什么?She has ridden a horse.她已经骑过马了。3. H

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