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1、六年级上册英语学习指导六年级上册英语学习指导第一单元一. 重点单词:ask问 make做,制作 eat吃 carefully认真地,仔细地 should应该 early早 go去,走 home家 look out 小心,当心wait等待 must必须,应该 good好的,令人满意的词汇拓展:一般情况下,单词词尾有ly的就是副词,有些形容词通过加ly变成副词。如:care(n.名词) careful(adj.形容词)carefully(adv.副词) act(v.动词)active(adj.形容词)actively(adv.副词)quick(adj.形容词)quickly(adv.副词)love

2、(v.动词)lovely(adj.形容词) kind(n.名词)-kindly(adv.副词)二. 重点词组:1. make a mess 乱扔乱放东西2. go home too late 回家太晚3. take good care of 好好照顾4. keep off不进入5. obey the rules 遵守规章(制度)6. come to school来学校7. make noise 发出噪音(make a mistake犯错 ,make the bed铺床, make faces做鬼脸,make friends with sb. 跟某人交朋友 make a living谋生,mak

3、e a telephone call 打电话,make oneself at home别客气 ,make up ones mind下决心)8. a group leader 一个小组长9. make a list of rules(names) for class 为班级制定一张规则表(花名册) 10. at school 在学校11. at home 在家12. hand in上交hand out分发13. help to set the dinner table 帮忙摆餐桌14. watch TV the whole evening 整晚看电视15. read in bed在床上看书16.

4、 keep your desk clean保持你的桌面整洁(keep+sb.+sth.+形容词是固定用法,意思是“保持某人或某物怎么样”。)17. cross the road 过马路18. wait for the green light 等绿灯(wait for sb./sth.等待某人/某物)19. respect old people and help them 尊敬老人并帮助他们20. take good care of young children 好好照顾小孩子21. keep off the grass不要践踏草坪22. play on the street 在大街上玩23.

5、spit on the ground 随地吐痰24. pick the flowers摘花25. hold up a sign举起一个牌子26. in front of 在前面(后常跟某地点、人或物)三. 四会句型:1. Listen to the teacher carefully 认真听老师讲课。2. You should go to bed early. 你应该早点休息。3. Look out! You must wait. 小心!你应该等等。4. You must wait for the green light.你必须等绿灯亮。5. You mustnt pick the flowe

6、rs. 你不能摘花。四重点句型: 1. Ask questions actively. 积极提问。 2. Dont make noise. 不要弄出噪音。 3. Be quiet. 安静。 4. Dont eat in class. 课堂上不要吃东西。 5.Dont draw on the wall. 不要在墙上乱画。 6. Dont be late for school/class. 上学/上课不要迟到。 7.You mustnt litter. 你一定不要乱扔垃圾。 8.What is wrong with Micky? 米奇怎么了?9.Mimi, Micky and their clas

7、smates are going on a social studies field trip.咪咪,米奇和他们的同学正在进行一次社会研究野外旅行。(go on a trip进行一次旅行,也可用take a trip或have a trip )五语法知识: 1.用动词原形表达“应该做”或“不应该做”什么,也就是我们平常所说的祈使句以及它的否定形式。祈使句用来表示请求、命令等,没有主语,动词用原形。否定的祈使句要在动词前加dont构成 (1)应该做:动词原形+其它. 常用的词有:Ask, Make, Eat, Keep, Go, Respect, Look, Wait, Listen, Watc

8、h, Help, Read.(2)不应该做: Dont +动词原形+其它. 2. 表达“应该做”和“不应该做”的事情的句子。这里讲的是情态动词should的用法。should在课本中表示应该;必须,用于表示忠告、建议等。如果是否定句,在should后面加上not缩写为“”shouldnt;如果是疑问句,把should放在主语前,should没有人称和数的变化。 如: You + should/ shouldnt +动词原形+其它.你应该/不应该做3.告诫别人“必须做某事”和警告别人“一定不要做某事”的句型。(1)You+ must +动词原形+其它.你必须 Must是情态动词,表示“必须”、“

9、一定要” 可用于肯定句或疑问句。如: You must finish it today. 你一定要在今天完成它。You must see the doctor. 你一定要看医生(2) You+ mustnt +动词原形+其它.你一定不要做must用于否定句时,mustnt 的意思是“一定不要”、“不能”,而不是“不必”。如: You mustnt litter. 六、语音: oo u: cool afternoon moon school food room zoo spoon too goose tooth balloon noodle rooster kangaroo u good foo

10、t look cook book classroom (字母组合oo除在t,k,d前发/u/,food除外,其余很多字母都发/u:/) ur在重读音节发 : turkey turn nurse Thursday purple Saturday ch t chip chop cherry chicken much China Chinese chick chocolate chair children ch d sandwichch k school Christmas headachech machine 同音词:four-for two-to-too no-know where-wear I

11、-eye son-sun meat-meet 反义词:in-out far-near up-down front-back small-big 对应词:this-that 名词复数:child-children foot-feet woman-women goose-geese 第 二 单 元一. 四会词汇:go to school 去上学 morning早晨,上午 in the morning(AM)在早上 get up起床 in the evening在晚上 usually通常(副词) office办公室 at在时刻 afternoon下午 in the afternoon(PM)在下午词

12、汇拓展: interest(v.)intereted(adj.)interesting(adj.)有趣的 help(n.&v.)helpful(adj.) happy (adj.)happily(adv.)高兴地 friend(n.)friendly(adj.) art(n.)artist(n.)write(v.)writer(n.)二. 重点词汇:1. an e-mail from Lucy 一封露西的电子邮件2. be from 来自3. daily life 日常生活4. have classes 上课5. half past eight八点半6. fromto从到7. have bre

13、akfast/ lunch/dinner吃早饭(午饭/晚饭)8. go to bed 去睡觉9. watch TV 看电视10. after dinner 晚饭后11. get home 回到家12. eat out外出吃饭13. do ones homework做作业(这里的ones 是指形容词性的物主代词,根据主语的不同,选用合适的物主代词)14. be glad to do sth. 很高兴做某事15. be kind to sb.对某人友善16. one of the good students好学生中的一个17. by bus坐公共汽车18. some questions about

14、 your school life一些关于你学校生活的问题19. go to the cinema 去看电影20. take a walk 散步21. every morning 每天早晨22. read the newspapers 看报23. water the flowers 浇花24. play the piano 弹钢琴25. go shopping去购物26. stay up very late熬夜到很晚27. a famous scientist 一个著名的科学家28. have meals in the office 在办公室里吃饭29. talkwith sb. 和交谈30.

15、 have a quick lunch 快速吃午餐31. learn from 向学习(learn English from your father从你父亲那儿学英语)32. begin to work开始工作33. meet other scientists 会见其他科学家34. want to do sth.想要做某事35. talk about 谈论36. know about 了解37. go on 继续38. the whole morning 整个早晨39. play with sb./sth.和某人或某物玩40. best wishes (祝你)万事如意三. 四会句型:1. I

16、go to school at 7:00 in the morning. 我早晨七点去上学。2. I get up at 7:00 in the morning.我早晨七点起床。3. He gets up at 6:00 in the morning. 他早晨六点起床。4. He usually works in the office.他通常在办公室工作。四. 重点句型:1. What are you doing ?你在干什么? Im reading an e-mail from Lucy. 我正在看露西写给我的电子邮件。2. Let me tell you something about m

17、y daily life.让我告诉你有关我日常生活的一些事情吧。3. I uaually go to school by bike. 我经常骑车上学。4. I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.晚上我九点睡觉。5. I was glad to get(read) your e-mail.收(读)到你的邮件我很高兴。6. I dont go out in the evening.我晚上不出去。.7. My grandpa is very kind to me.我爷爷对我很好。8. These photos are about his daily life.这些照片

18、都是关于他日常生活的。9. He takes a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00. 他从6:15到7:00走很长的路散步。10. He/She doesnt go out in the evening.他/她晚上不出去。11. He always has meals in his office. 他总是在办公室里吃饭。12. How hard he works!他工作多努力呀!13. I bring a luch box to school.我带午餐饭盒去学校。(bring.to把带到)五. 语法知识:1. 一般现在时的肯定句经常使用的频度副词有: often经常, a

19、lways总是, usually通常, sometimes有时候, seldom 很少, never从不句型一: 主语+频度副词+动词原形+其它.句中的主语是指第一、二人称及复数主语。(I我,We我们,You你/你们,They他/她/它们,Peter and Tom彼得和汤姆)例如:I uaually go to school by bike. We often go shopping on Sundays.句型二: 主语+频度副词+动词第三人称单数形式+其它.句中的主语是指第三人称单数主语。(人称代词he他/she她/it它单个人名、地名或称呼作主语)例如:He uaually goes t

20、o school by bike. Lucy often goes shopping on Sundays.动词如何变第三人称单数规则动词直接加S 如:playplays work-works 以字母s、x、ch、sh、o结尾的动词加-es 如:go-goes teach-teaches do-does watch-watches wash-washes 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y变i加-es 如:study-studies carry-carries fly-flies特殊变化 have-has2. 一般现在时的否定句主语+dont /doesnt +动词原形+其它.某人不做某事。 Sh

21、e doesnt do her homework at school.3. 一般现在时的一般疑问句Do/Does+主语+ often+动词原形+其它? 某人经常做某事吗?如:Does he often go shopping?4. 询问某人通常做什么的句型:What do/does+主语+ usually+do+其它? 如:What does he usually do in the afternoon?5. 介词at的用法:在几点用at,如at eight在八点在小地方一般用at,如at the cinema在电影院6. 怎样表达时间(1) 表示整点时,用“钟点数+oclock或直接用具体数

22、字”来表示。如:8:00或eight oclock(2) 表示几点几分时。当数字不超过三十分钟,用“分钟数+past+钟点数”来表示,如:8:20 twenty past eight 当分钟数超过三十分钟时,用“分钟数+to+下一个钟点数”来表示,如:9:55 five to ten(3) 15分钟和半点有自己的表达方式:15分钟用a quarter,30分钟用half(4) 还有一种最简单的方式,即依次读出数字。如:3:15three fifteen7. 弹奏乐器有the,打球时没有the.如:play the piano(violin, drum, guitar) play basketb

23、all(football,volleyball,rugby,hockey,table tenins)8. 感叹句的四种类型:(1) What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!(2) What+形容词+不可数名词或可数名词复数+主语+谓语!(3) How+形容词+主语+谓语!(4) How+副词+主语+谓语!例如:What a beautifuldaughter she has!她有个多漂亮的女儿啊! What nice weather it is!多好的天气呀!How interesting it is!它多么有趣啊!How well he plays!他打的多好啊!反义词:fre

24、e-busy wrong-right always-never复数:family-families knife-knives第 三 单 元一. 四会词汇:basketball篮球 football足球 flower花 enjoy享受的乐趣;喜欢hobby爱好;兴趣 farming耕种 grandpa(外)祖父 red红色的paint(用颜料)绘画;颜料 yellow黄色的 green 绿色的 拓展词汇:colour(n.)-colourful(adj.)鲜艳的 cook(v.)-cooker(n.)炊具 collect(v.)搜集-collector(n.)收藏者-collection(n.)

25、收藏品slow(adv.)-slowly(adj.)慢的 discuss(v.)-discussion(n.)讨论 conclusion(n.)-conclude(v.)结论 different(adj.)-difference(n.)区别 二重点词汇:1. collect stamps 集邮2. be interested in listening to music 对听音乐感兴趣3. a new type of toy car一款新型的玩具小汽车4. an interesting hobby 一个有趣的爱好5. my book of candy paper我的糖纸册6. picture c

26、ards 图片卡7. play table tennis 打乒乓球8. on a farm 在农场9. planting flowers 种花10. growing vegetables 种植蔬菜11. keep animals 喂养动物12. enjoy fishing 喜欢钓鱼13. be good at 擅长于(同义短语为do well in,后接名词、或动名词)14. making tools 制造工具15. raising animals喂养动物16. get a piece of paper 取一张纸17. trace the shape of the leaf 描绘出叶子的形状二

27、. 四会句型.1. I like listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。2. He like playing football. 他喜欢踢足球。3. My grandpa enjoys farming. 我爷爷喜欢耕种。4. My hobby is painting. 我的爱好是绘画。三. 重点句型:1. Im interested in collecting stamps.我对集邮感兴趣。2. Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?3. Ill show you how to do it. 我要给你展示怎样做它。4. We have a nice picture

28、.我们有一幅漂亮的画了。5. I have an interesting hobby, too. 我也有一个有趣的爱好。6. So many types of candy paper! 这么多种糖纸!7. So colourful and so nice! 如此丰富多彩如此好看!8. Sometimes he goes fishing for the whole day but catches nothing.有时他出去钓鱼一整天,但是什么也钓不着。9. My grandpas hobby is fishing.我爷爷的爱好是钓鱼。10. He often makes interesting

29、things by painting.他经常画一些有趣的东西。11. Ill show you how to make them.我将让你们看怎样做它们。12. You can paint then in different colours.你可以给他们涂上不同的颜色。13.Glue it into the yellow paper.把它粘在黄色的纸上。14.Dip your finger in the paint.把你的手指蘸上颜料。15. Press your finger on the paper to make a print.把你的手指按在纸上做个印记。16.The animals

30、are talking about their hobbies.动物们在谈论他们的爱好。五、语法解析 1. type和kind的区别:(1). kind可以译作“种类”,一般指属于同种性质和特质的东西,以便把一个种类的事物与其它种类的事物区分开。例如:Acowisakindofanimal.牛是一种动物。(2). type则指比kind更具体的东西,译作“型”“类型”。 例如:Thisisanewtypeofdictonary.这是一种新型词典。 2. like to do sth.和 like doing sth.的区别: (1). like doing sth. 表示某人的爱好或经常性的动

31、作,具有抽象的概念。(2). like to do sth. 则表示某种临时性的动作,强调具体的某一次行为,指想干某事。例如:My father likes swimming, but he doesnt like to swim now. 我父亲喜欢游泳,但他现在不愿意游。Do you like to have a cup of tea or coffee? 你想喝杯茶还是咖啡?类似的还有:stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事stop to do sth. 停止一件事去做另一件事forget doing sth. 忘记做过的事情forget to do sth. 忘记要做的事情remember doing sth. 想起做过的事情rem

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