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1、广东省惠州市高三英语第一次调研考试试题惠州市2017届高三第一次调研考试英语试题 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分120分(最终成绩按总分135分进行折算),考试用时120分钟。第I卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThere seems to be some truth in the old saying: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A new study in the Chinese po

2、pulation said Wednesday that people who eat fresh fruit on most days are at lower risk of heart attack and stroke than people who rarely eat fresh fruit. The findings, published by the New England Journal of Medicine, came from a seven-year study of half a million adults in China, where fresh fruit

3、consumption is much lower than in countries like the U.K. or the United States. Researchers from the University of Oxford and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences conducted a large, nationwide study of 500,000 adults across China, tracking health for seven years through death records and electronic h

4、ospital records of illness. The participants did not have a history of cardiovascular (心血管)diseases or anti-hypertensive (抗高血压)treatments when they first joined the study. The study found that eating a 100-gram portion of fruit per day was associated with about one-third less cardiovascular mortalit

5、y(心血管死亡率). The association between fruit consumption and cardiovascular risk seems to be stronger in China, where many still eat little fruit, than in high-income countries where daily consumption of fruit is more common, study author Huaidong Du of the University of Oxford said. Also, fruit in Chin

6、a is almost exclusively consumed raw, whereas much of the fruit in high-income countries is processed, and many previous studies combined fresh and processed fruit, said Du. Senior author Zhengming Chen, professor at the University of Oxford, noted that its difficult to know whether the lower risk i

7、n people who eat more fresh fruit is because of a real protective effect. If it is, then widespread consumption of fresh fruit in China could prevent about half a million cardiovascular deaths a year, including 200,000 before age 70, and even larger numbers of non-fatal strokes and heart attacks, Ch

8、en added.21. According to the passage, we can learn that _. A. The study was conducted internationally among 500,000 adults. B. Daily consumption of fruit is less common in low-income countries . C. Chinese will not die of cardiovascular diseases if they eat enough fresh fruit. D. It knows for sure

9、that the lower risk in people eating more fresh fruit is because of a real protective effect.22. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. It is suggested to eat processed fruit rather than raw fruit. B. Male are more likely to suffer from heart attack and stroke than female. C. Research findings link

10、 lower heart diseases to more fresh fruit eating. D. The government needs to prevent people from heart attack and stroke .23. Where does this passage probably come from? A. A book review. B .A health report. C. A class presentation. D. A medical advertisement.B A man walked into a small Irish pub an

11、d ordered three beers. Bartender was surprised, but he served that man three beers. One hour later the man ordered three beers again. The very next day that man ordered three beers again and drank quietly at a table. This repeated several times and shortly after the people of the town were whisperin

12、g about the man, who was ordering three beers at once. A couple of weeks later, the bartender decided to clear this out and inquired: “I do not want to pry, but could you explain, why do you order three beers all the time?” The man replied: “It seems strange, isnt it? You see, my two brothers live a

13、broad at the moment, one in France and another in Italy. We have made an agreement, that every time we go to pub each of us will order extra two beers and it will help keeping up the family bond ”. Soon all the town have heard about the mans answer and liked it a lot. The man became a local celebrit

14、y. Residents of the town were telling this story to newcomers or tourists and even invited them to that pub to look at Three Beer Man. However, one day the man came to pub and ordered only two beers, not three as usual. The bartender served him with bad feeling. All that evening the man ordered and

15、drank only two beers. The very next day all the town was talking about this news, some people pray for the soul of one of the brothers, others quietly grieve. When the man came to pub the next time and ordered two beers again, the bartender asked him: “I would like to offer condolences to you, due t

16、o the death of your dear brother”. The man considered this for a moment and then replied: “Oh, you are probably surprised that I order only two beers now? Well, my two brothers are alive and well. Its just because of my decision. I promised myself to give up drinking.”24. The man ordered three beers

17、 all the time because _. A. people were fond of drinking beers in this pub. B. he missed his two brothers living abroad very much. C. it was an agreement with his brothers to keep up the family bond. D. this would help him become a local celebrity.25. We can infer from the passage that_. A. news tra

18、veled fast in the town. B. the man became famous in the town because he was a heavy drinker C. the mans brothers liked drinking beer very much D. the man was strong-minded to give up drinking26. The bartender served the man with bad feeling because _. A. he would earn less money B. he thought the ma

19、n should order three beers C. he thought one of the mans brothers had passed away D. the man decided to drink two beers27. The underlined word “condolences” in the last paragraph can be replaced by_. A. gratitude B. appreciation C. surprise D. sympathy C Many fruits and vegetables would disappear fr

20、om grocery store shelves if it werent for honeybees. Almonds, for example, are a $2.5 billion industry in California, and almond growers depend on honeybees to pollinate(授粉) the crop. No honeybees would mean no almonds. Many berries (like blackberries and strawberries) need bees, as do vegetables li

21、ke cucumbers and squash. And dont forget tree crops like apples, oranges and peaches. Watermelon and cantaloupes depend on bees, too. In fact, approximately 15 percent of the food Americans eat comes directly from honeybee pollination. Another 15 percent comes from animals that eat foods that bees p

22、ollinate. In other words, close to a third of the food that Americans eat currently requires honeybee pollination. Honeybee pollination is so important that bee farmers actually truck their bees from orchard to orchard and farm to farm to help pollinate crops. A honeybee starts the honey making proc

23、ess by visiting a flower. With luck, the flower contains nectar, and the bee sucks some of the nectar up with a little straw built into its mouth. Most flower nectars are like sugar water; there is a little sugar mixed with water. Nectars can contain other beneficial substances as well. To make hone

24、y, two things happen. The first thing uses enzymes. One enzyme that bees produce turns the sucrose in the nectar into glucose and fructose. Another enzyme turns some of the glucose into an acid and hydrogen peroxide. By making honey acidic, it kills any bacteria that get into the honey. The second t

25、hing uses evaporation to get rid of the extra water. Most of the moisture has to be evaporated, so that honey is only about 18 percent water. Bees evaporate the extra water by putting little drops of nectar in the hive and fanning it with their wings. Honey is a very stable food. It naturally resist

26、s molds, fungi and other bacteria, allowing it to last for years without refrigeration.28. Bees are always trucked between different places in order to _.A. lay eggs in all the orchards to farmsB. mate with bees living in different zonesC. help bee farmers deal with harmful insectsD. to pollinate fl

27、owers or plants grown in different places.29. How does a honeybee suck the nectar from flowers?A. through a little straw built into its mouth.B. with the help of the bee farmer.C. by drinking the water that contains nectar.D. by fanning it with the wings.30. Which one is the way mentioned in the pas

28、sage to make honey?A. to evaporate most of the moisture in the nectar. B. to kill all the bacteria in the nectar.C. to expose it to sunlight for some time.D. to mix the nectar with some sugar.31. Why honey can be kept for a long time without being cooled?A. Because there is no bacteria in it.B. Beca

29、use it can stand bad weather conditions.C. Because it protects itself against bacteria naturally.D. Because it is well-preserved in containers. D When Andrew was born in Jiangsu, China, his father opened Panda Inn, a sit-down restaurant in Pasadena, California, serving family foods fast and hot. And

30、rews father had taught him to take on a new challenge only after mastering the previous one. It took ten years before Andrew felt he was ready to deal with the all-American challenge: the fast-food industry. The first Panda Express opened in a Southern California mall in 1983. As Pandas began to inc

31、rease, Peggy, who has a PhD in electrical engineering, gave up her career to join the company full-time, first as president, then as CEO. Today, Peggy and Andrew share the title of chairman. They are big fans of Stephen Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a book they require all job appl

32、icants to read before their interview. “Success is a byproduct of our habits,”says Andrew. “Were very focused on learning how to do the right things well and completely so that what all of us do actually makes an Impact.” Doing the right thing includes paying more than the minimum wage and part of health care for all 17,300 employees, including part-timers. Some warned that this would cause financial problems. But not for the Panda Expre

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