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1、船舶驾驶员实用英语口语 Lesson Three Tug Assistance: 拖带协助Dialog A: Tug Ordering对话1: 叫拖船Yong Men/BOCV: Avonport Port Control. This is M/V Yong Men. I am anchor at Lambs Roadstead. I require tugs. Over.“永门”船: 爱汶港调度,我是“永门”船。我在莱姆斯港外 开敞锚地抛锚。我需要拖船,请讲。Avonport P.C: Roger. How many tugs do you require? Over.爱汶港口调度: 信息已

2、清楚。你需要多少拖船?请讲。Yong Men/BOCV: I will order two tugs. When will tugs expect to meet me? Over.“永门”船: 我要两艘拖船,拖船几点到,请讲。Avonport P.C: The tugs expect to meet you in half an hour. Out.爱汶港口调度: 拖船半小时内到,完毕。Dialog B: Tug Operation对话2: 拖船在工作M/V Eternal Glory: Hold on your towing line. Make fast please. Forward

3、tug. Over.“永恒光荣”船: 请拉紧拖缆,绑牢,前拖船。请讲。Forward tug: M/V Eternal Glory. This is tug forward. The current is too rough. I suggest the aft tug single up. Over.前拖船: “永恒光荣”船,这是前拖船。水流太不平稳了, 我建议后面的拖船单绑,请讲。Eternal Glory: Affirmative. Single up. Aft tug. Over.“永恒光荣”船: 同意,后拖船单绑,请讲。Aft tug: Yes, sir. Single up.后拖船

4、: 遵命。单绑。Dialog C: Completion Work对话3: 结束工作Chang Ting Bridge: Chang Ting. Let go fore and aft. Over.“长亭”驾驶台: “长亭”船注意。前后松绑,请讲。Chang Ting aft: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug aft. I will let go. Over.“长亭”船尾: 驾驶台,这是船尾拖船,我将松绑,请讲。Chang Ting forward: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug forward. I will let go. Ov

5、er.“长亭”船头: 驾驶台,这是船头拖船,我将松绑,请讲。Tug 1: Let go my towing line. Chang Ting aft. Over.拖船1: 解开我船拖缆,“长亭”船尾,请讲。Chang TingSecond Officer: OK. Just a moment. Its done.“长亭”船二副: 好了。请等一下,完成了。Tug 2: Chang Ting Bridge. We finished our job. Are we permitted to leave now? Over.拖船2: “长亭”驾驶台,我们结束了工作。我们可以离开了吗?请讲。Chang

6、Ting Bridge: I will sign the tugage paper. Thank you for cooperation. Out.“长亭”驾驶台: 我船将签拖船付费单。感谢合作,完毕。Practical Expressions 实用表达方式1. Let go fore and aft. 船首尾松绑。2. Single up. 单绑。3. Slack down on tug towing line. 松拖船拖缆。4. How many tugs do you require? 你船需要几艘拖船?I require two tugs. 我船需要两艘拖船。5. Heave on t

7、he towing line. 绞拖缆。6. Am I compulsory to take tugs? 我船必须要拖缆吗?Yes, you are compulsory to take tugs. 对,你船必须要拖船。No, you need not take tugs. 不,你船不需要叫拖船。7. How many tugs am I manadatory to take? 我船必须要几艘拖船?You are manadatory to take two tugs according to Port Regulations.根据港口规则你船必须要两艘拖船。You are manadator

8、y to take a tug fore and a tug aft. 你船必须前面叫一艘,后面叫一艘。8. I intend to order tug(s). 我船准备叫拖船。9. In what position will tug(s) meet me?拖船在什么位置和我船汇合?Tug(s) will meet you in position 3345N,10117E at 1200 local time.当地时间1200时在3345N,10117E处与拖船会合。Wait for tug(s) in position 0316S,12115E.在0316S,12115E处等拖船。10. A

9、m I manadatory to take my towing lines?我船必须带拖缆吗?You are manadatory to take your towing lines.你船必须带拖缆。No, you are not manadatory to take towing lines of tug.不,你船可不用拖船的拖缆。11. Tug services suspended until April 20th 1200 local time.在4月20日当地时间1200时以前拖带业务中止。12. Tug services resumed on April 20th at 1200

10、local time.拖船业务在4月20日当地时间1200时恢复。13. We will take 2 tugs. 我们船将用两艘拖船。14. Tug(s) will pull. 拖船将拖带。Tug(s) will push. 拖船将顶推。15. Stand by for making fast tug(s). 准备绑牢拖船。16. Standing by for making fast tug(s). 已准备绑牢拖船。17. Use centre lead. 使用中间导缆孔(轮)。 Use Panama lead. 用巴拿马导缆孔(轮)。Use fairlead amidships. 使用船

11、中导缆孔(轮)。Use fairlead on port bow. 使用左舷船头导缆孔(轮)。Use fairlead on port quarter. 使用左舷船尾导缆孔(轮)。Use fairlead on starboard bow. 使用右舷船头导缆孔(轮)。Use fairlead on starboard quarter. 使用右舷船尾导缆孔(轮)。Use open chock. 用开口导缆钳。Use close chock. 用闭口导缆钳。Use cleat. 用羊角桩。Use padeye. 用小缆孔。Use bullnose. 用船首导缆孔。18. Sending heavi

12、ng line to tug. 把撇缆打给拖船。19. Lower towing line(s) to tug. 把拖船拖缆降低。20. Slack away towing line(s). 松拖缆。21. Lower towing line(s) 5metres from water. 松拖缆距水面5米。Lower towing line 3metres above water. 松拖缆距水面3米。22. Slack away towing line(s). 解拖缆。23. Make fast tug(s). 绑牢拖船。24. Make fast tug(s) forward. 绑牢前拖船。

13、Make fast tug(s) on port bow. 把左舷船头拖船绑牢。Make fast tug(s) on starboard bow. 把右舷船头拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs aft. 把后面两艘拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs on port quarter. 把左舷后面两艘拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs on starboard quarter. 把右舷后面两艘拖船绑牢。Make fast forward tug alongside on port side.把停靠左舷的前拖船绑牢。Make fast forward tug a

14、longside on starboard.把停靠右舷的前拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs on each bow. 把每舷船首两艘拖船绑牢。Make fast two tugs on each quarter. 把每舷船尾两艘拖船绑牢。25. Put eyes of towing lines on bitts. 把拖缆琵琶扣套到缆桩上。26. Keep well clear of towing line(s). 远离拖缆。27. Stand by for letting go tug(s). 准备解拖船所有缆(送出拖缆)。Standing by for letting go t

15、ug(s). 已准备解拖船所有缆(送出拖缆)28. Let go tug(s). 解掉拖船。Tug is let go. 拖船已解。Tugs are let go. 拖船已解。29. Towing line broken. 拖缆已拉断。 Lesson Sixteen Ship Manoeuvering 船舶操纵Dialog A: Overtaking对话: 追越M/V Uthai Navee: I, M/V Uthai Navee, will overtake you on your starboard side. Over.“尤特海奈维”船: 我船,“尤特海奈维”号,准备从你的右舷追越,请讲

16、。M/V Wan Tong: I can not locate you on my radar. What is your present course and speed now? over.“万通”船: 我不能在雷达上识别你,你现在的航向和航速是多少?请讲。M/V Uthai Navee: Course 175 degrees, speed 20 knots. Over.“尤特海奈维”船: 航向175,速度20节,请讲。M/V Wan Tong: I identified you on my radar. Advise you make course 200 degrees. Shallo

17、w water ahead of you.“万通”船: 我已在雷达上识别你了,建议你航向200,你前方有浅水区。Dialog B: Restricted Visibility对话2: 视线不良Captain: The visibility is expected to decrease to 1,000 meters in the next 4 hours. Chief Mate and Second Mate keep a watch on bow and stern immediately.船长: 视线在4小时后要下降到1000米。大副,二副分别瞭头,瞭尾。马上行动。Chief Mate:

18、 Yes, sir. I will tell Second Mate as soon as possible.大副: 遵命,我将尽快告诉二副。Captain: (on the bridge) Dead slow ahead.船长: (在驾驶台)微速前进。Third Mate: Dead slow ahead. Now engine dead slow ahead. (Write down logbook)三副: 微速前进。现在微速前进。(填写航海日志)Captain: A long blast to warn the vessels in vicinity.船长: 一长声警告附近的船只。Chi

19、ef Mate: The bow is not clear. Fishing boats ahead. Advise hard-a-starboard. (on VHF)大副: 船头不清爽。前方有渔船,建议右满舵。(在VHF上)Dialog C: Proceeding down River对话3: 沿河而下Yuan Ji/BJVL: Newharbour Pilot Station. This is Chinese M/V Yuan Ji. Call sign BJVL. My destination is Avonport. My ETA at Pilot Station is 1330 l

20、ocal time. Draft forward 6 meters. Draft aft 6.9 meters. I have a list to starboard of one degree. Over.“远吉”: 新港引航站,这是中国“远吉”船,呼号BJVL,目的港是安汶港。预抵引航站时间是当地时间1330时,前吃水6米,后吃水6.9米,1右倾,请讲。Newharbour Pilot Station: M/V Yuan Ji. Visibility is reduced by fog. Visibility is expected to decrease to 2,000 meters

21、in one hour. There are salvage operations in position south side of fairway. Navigate with caution. Over.新港引航站: “远吉”船,由于雾,视线减弱,视线在一小时后下降到2000米,在航道南端有打捞工作,谨慎航行,请讲。 (after a while 一会儿后)Newharbour Pilot Station: M/V Yuan Ji. Newharbour Pilot Station. Vessel Lima will turn at the Refinery Quay ahead of

22、you. Advise you stay clear of the fairway. Over.新港引航站: “远吉”船,这是新港引航站,“利马”船在Refinery码头也就是在你前方掉头,建议你等待清让航道。请讲。Yuan Ji/BJVL: Newharbour Pilot Station. M/V Yuan Ji. I am proceeding at reduced speed. I will wait for M/V Lima to clear before entering fairway. Over.“远吉”船: 新港引航站,“远吉”船,我正减速航行,我在“利马”船进入航道前等待她

23、让开,请讲。New harbour Pilot Station: Stand by on VHF channel 16, out.新港引航站: 守听VHF16频道,通信结束。Practical Expressions 实用表达方式Part A: Position 位置1. You are entering fairway. 你船正进入航道。2. Your position 4215N, 14218E. 你船的位置是4215N, 14218E。Your position 170 degrees 3 nautical miles from Lao Tie Shan lighthouse.你船的位置

24、是170距老铁山灯塔3海里。3. We are in sight. 我们船处于互见。4. You are passing fishing area. 你船正通过渔区。5. You are in centre of fairway. 你船在航道中间。6. You are on reference line. 你船在参照线上。7. You are not on reference line. 你船不在参照线上。8. You are in middle of fairway. 你船在航道中间。9. You are on east side of fairway. 你船在航道的东部。10. You a

25、re on reference line of fairway. 你船在航道参照线上。11. You are approaching starboard limit of fairway.你船正接近航道右侧边缘。12. You are approaching port limit of fairway.你船正接近航道左侧边缘。13. You are approaching reference line of fairway.你船正接近航道的参照线。14. Your position buoy No.3, distance 3 cables to port side of reference l

26、ine.你船的位置在3号浮,距左侧参照线3链。15. Your position buoy No.2, distance 4 cables to starboard of reference line.你船的位置在2号浮,距右侧参照线4链。16. Your position distance 400metres from intersection of reference line. 你船的位置距参照线交点400米。17. Your position distance 500metres from intersection of reference line A and reference l

27、ine B and distance 700metres to port side of reference line C.你船的位置是参照线A和B交点处500米,在距参照线C左侧700米。18. M/V Fuji Maru has reported at way point “C”.“富士丸”船已报告进入“C”点。19. You are getting closer to vessel ahead.你船正与前面船接近些了。20. Vessel on opposite course passing your port side.对驶船正从你船左舷驶过。21. Vessel on opposit

28、e course passing your starboard side.对驶船正从你船右舷驶过。22. M/V Tian Jang 10 cables ahead of you on your port bow.“天江”船在你左舷船头10链。23. M/V Tian He 2kilometres ahead of you on your starboard.“天河”船在你船右舷船头2公里。24. M/V Tian Huai ahead of you on opposite course.“天淮”船与你船对遇。25. M/V Tian Shan following you will overt

29、ake you on your portside.“天山”船跟随你船并将从你船左舷追越。26. M/V Tian Hua following you will overtake you on your starboard side.“天华”船跟随你船并将从你船右舷追越。27. Vessel anchored ahead of you in position 4645N, 00634W.有船在你船前方4645N, 00634W处抛锚。28. You will meet crossing traffic in position 3224N, 15506E.你船将在3224N, 15506E处遇横向

30、交叉船。We are in close-quarters situation.我们两船正处于紧迫局面。29. Vessel ahead of you obstructing your movement.你前面的船阻碍了你船的航行。30. Vessel entering fairway at buoy No.2.船在航道2号浮处进入航道。31. Vessel leaving fairway at buoy No.6.船在6号浮处离开航道。32. Buoy No.3 distance 500metres ahead.3号浮在前方500米。33. Vessel ahead of you turnin

31、g.在你船前方的船正在转向。Vessel astern of you anchoring.在你船后面的船正在抛锚。Vessel port of you increasing speed.在你船左舷处的船正在加速。Vessel starboard of you decreasing speed.在你船右舷处的船正在减速。Vessel ahead of you not under command.你船前方的船失控。Vessel astern of you overtaking you.你船后面的船正在追越你船。Vessel ahead of you not comply with TSS.在你船前方的船违反了分道通航制。I am stand-on vessel.我船是直航船。34. Traffic clearance required before entering the fairway.在进入航道前必须等航道让清。35. Do not enter traffic lane.不要进入航道。36. Proceed to emergency a

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