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1、100个英语好句子100个英语好句子导读:本文是关于100个英语好句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、嫁给我是你唯一的赌注,我怎么舍得让你输。Marry to me is the only thing you bet, I how willing to let you lose.2、会不会有人,就算把命丢掉也不会把我丢掉。Will someone, even if to lose our lives will not lose me.3、到最后,心这样空了,美好的都叫做了曾经。In the end, the heart empty, so wonderful is called once

2、.4、青春的爱情,我们要如何守护才能不被终结。Love of youth, how do we protect can not come to an end.5、何必多情,何必痴情,花若多情,早已凋谢。If why affectionate, why spoony, spend affectionate, already die.6、春雨绵绵,像花针,如细丝,密密的斜织着。The spring rain, like fancy stitch, such as filaments, rampant inclined to knitting.7、你就像风,我都来不及追赶,你却匿了踪迹。You ar

3、e like the wind, I all too late after, you are unseen.8、回忆如同破碎的琉璃,粉碎在明媚的幽蓝里。Memories are like broken glass, pieces in a bright blue.9、人生就像杯水,孤独,孤独,一杯子就没了。Life is like a glass of water, lonely, lonely, did not have a cup.10、我住的城市从不下雪,记忆却堆满冷的感觉。The city never snow, I live in the memory is full of cold

4、 feeling.11、我不知道未来会怎样,只要跟着你我就会笑。I dont know what the future holds, as long as follow you I will laugh.12、很想很想告诉你,我所爱的人就是这样的你。Very want very to want to tell you, the person I love is you.13、把事情变复杂很简单,把事情变简单很复杂。It is simple to complex, the simple things complicated.14、我就是这样的倔强,不肯低头,也不肯回头。Thats how I s

5、tubborn, refused to bow and refuse to return.15、爱情是一首美好的歌,但它不容易谱写成功。Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write.16、人要去做自己渴望的事,内心才能真正平静。People to do what you desire, the heart can really calm.17、我会将有关你的所有记忆,都封尘在岁月里。I will give you about all of the memories, all dust seal in the years ahead.

6、18、失去了就是失去了,为何苦苦的去折磨自己。Lost is lost, why struggling to torture yourself.19、你只是路过我的世界,从未参与过我的生活。You just pass by my world, my life has never been involved in.20、我能经得住多少诋毁,就能单得起多少赞美。I can stand much vilified, can afford much praise.21、我很好,能哭能笑能奔跑,你说这是有多好。Im very well, can cry can smile can run, you sa

7、y how good it is.22、总是太容易相信别人,所以被骗得心甘情愿。Always too easy to believe others, so be fraudulent willingly.23、有谁的笑笑出了泪水,有谁的哭哭出了笑容。Who laugh out of tears, who is crying out of the smile.24、不是我不知道,我只是想看你如何对我演戏。No, I dont know, I just want to see how you act to me.25、路还是灯火通明,可是我们却不在路的两边。Road or lights, but

8、we are not on both sides of the road.26、初遇你,大概是这辈子心脏跳得最快的一次。First met you, is probably the fastest heart jump in my life.27、我拳头大的心,已经承受不了巴掌大的事实。I fist big heart, already cannot afford the fact of life.28、后来我回忆青春,全都是你的模样再无他人。Then I recall the youth, is all you like no other people.29、他给的爱,渺小的如尘埃,却让我一

9、直怀念。He gave the love, the small dust, but let me have been missed.30、等到受伤了还是坚持爱着,那么就是真爱了。Wait for pain or adhere to love, that is the true love.31、只怪我太轻易相信别人,最后被玩得团团转。Only blame me too easily trusting, was finally getting.32、我永远都不会浪费每一秒钟能用来陪你的时间。I will never waste every second can be used to accompa

10、ny you.33、我想知道你说的爱我,是经过口腔,还是心脏。I want to know what you said to love me, is through the mouth, or heart.34、你说过,你要娶我的,可为什么你却把我丢了。You said that you want to marry me, but why you lost me.35、我的明天会很快乐,这是你永远也体会不到的。I tomorrow will be very happy, this is you never feel less than.36、期待着我们的明天。憧憬着和你在一起的微笑。We lo

11、ok forward to the future. Look forward to with you smile.37、最好的时光就是和你在床上嬉戏胡闹的小时光。The best time is in bed with you play mischief hours of light.38、时光让我遇见你,却没教会我如何跟你走下去。Time to let me meet you, but didnt taught me how to go with you.39、淡淡的微笑,柔柔的语调,沉醉在爱的每一秒。Faint smile, soft intonation, drunk in love e

12、very second.40、是你的手不够温暖还是不够容纳我所谓的寂寞。Is your hand warm enough or not enough to accommodate what I call lonely.41、我喜欢你这件事,太直接了,没办法拐弯抹角。I like you in this matter, too direct, dont beat around the bush.42、爱,就是让你自私的只为一个人书写壮志豪情。Love, is to make you selfish writing have high aspirations for one.43、做你害怕做的事情

13、,然后你会发现,不过如此。Do what you are afraid, then you will find that just so so.44、记忆可以剥离出心底的温暖,让歌声只剩悲凉。Memory can be warm from the bottom of my heart, let the song only sad.45、时间洪流中,唯一不变的就是青春的那些情感。The flow of time, the only constant is the youth of those feelings.46、也许只要多坚持一分钟,我们便能够继续相爱。Perhaps as long as

14、more than a minute, we can continue to love each other.47、把你遗忘在我的心底,找一个明媚的角落安放。Forgot you in my heart, to find a beautiful corner place.48、思念不能自已,哀痛不能自理,幸福不能自予。Miss not from already, grief cannot provide for oneself, happiness can be.49、我情愿在你的记忆里淡忘,也不愿你为我受伤。I would rather in your memory forget, also

15、 dont want to you for my hurt.50、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。When the tears streaming down, just know, separate is another understand.51、时光侵蚀着残存的青春,为什么我们要挥霍它?Time erodes the remaining youth, why should we spend it?52、所有的结局都已写好,所有的泪水也都已启程。All ending have been written, all the tears have set off.53、不哭泣并不代表我幸

16、福,不言语不代表不在乎。Dont cry doesnt mean I happiness, no words do not represent dont care.54、干了不少傻逼的事情,最不后悔的就是爱上你。Do a lot of silly force, dont regret most is falling in love with you.55、最讨厌和前任纠缠不清的人,真的,祸害别人。People hate and former entanglements, true, the scourge of others.56、人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。Life is im

17、portant is not the station position, but towards direction.57、原来每部潸然泪下的影片,或多或少都讲昨天。Each original tears film, more or less all speak yesterday.58、几年后,你依然是你,而我不再是单纯的我了。A few years later, you are still you, and I am no longer a simple me.59、从前现在直到永远,你就像是心跳陪在我身边。Once upon a time now until forever, you l

18、ike a heart to accompany in my side.60、你对我好,我自然也会对你好,就是这么简单。You are good to me, I will also to hello nature, is so simple.61、记忆底层的、伤感和孤独,只是需要你来读懂。At the bottom of the memory, sad and lonely, just need you to read.62、曾听人说,回忆是一座桥,却是通向寂寞的牢。ve heard it said that memory is a bridge which only leads to th

19、e prison of loneliness.63、今天又下雨了,你在我身边我很开心也很幸福。Its raining again today, you by my side I very happy also very happy.64、从此不再寻觅,只愿与感情做一个朋友,足以。Henceforth no longer searching for a friend only willing to do with feelings, is enough.65、你与我的距离无法丈量,毕竟谁都没有走近谁。You and I cant measure the distance, after all,

20、no one who approached.66、一杯清茶,醉了心,伤了神,忧了思,迷了灵魂。A cup of green tea, drunk heart, hurt, god worry the thought, she lost her soul.67、若是我带着醉意出生,或许我会忘掉所有的悲伤。If I take slightly drunk was born, maybe Ill forget all the sadness.68、我不会在乎你的曾经,因为我要的只是你的以后。I wont care about you once, just because I want you lat

21、er.69、以后,我会做一个美好的女子,不美,但要善良。Later, I will do a good woman, not beautiful, but be kind.70、你总是能让我带着每天的晚安,把梦做到最感动。You can always let me take a day of good night, the dream to do the most moving.71、有些人并不渴切陪伴,因为自己的道路注定孤独。Some people do not thirsty cut company, because of its own path was destined to lone

22、liness.72、你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans.73、你的明天一定要幸福,这是我永远也不能给你的。Tomorrow you must be happy, this is I cant give you forever.74、有些话,我一说出来就后悔了,可惜却不能收回。Some words, I will regret it once you say it, but unfortunately cannot take back.75、天空有天空放晴的理由,你我

23、有你我不同的借口。The sky has a sunny reason, I have you your excuse me different.76、有些人注定是要爱着彼此的,时间和心没有关系。Some people is doomed to love each other, time and no relationship.77、当你不了解一个人的时候,不要轻易的去爱或恨。When you dont know a person, do not easily to love or hate.78、你笑我没有朋友,我同情你的朋友都说不认识你。I have no friends you laug

24、h, I sympathize with you friends said dont know you.79、多年以后,你仍记得我语气字迹,与你佳日共度。After many years, do you still remember my tone script, good days with you together.80、把别人看得太重,结果却被别人看成什么都不是。The others too seriously, but the results be as nothing.81、我喜欢紧紧的抱住你那一刻,就像得到了全世界。I like to tightly hold you at tha

25、t moment, like all over the world.82、受了伤,迷失了自己,才发现,我不是你的唯一。Injured, lost themselves, only to find that, Im not your one and only.83、我不能忘记你,因为忘记你,我就不再是我自己。I cant forget you, because forget you, I will no longer be myself.84、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happend.8

26、5、说不清,道不明,是覆水。它牵着我的心,乱走。Couldnt say for sure, above, is water. It took me by the heart, wandering.86、我当年也是个痴情的种,结果下了场雨,淹死了。I was also a spoony kind, as a result, under the rain, and was drowned.87、你若将过去抱的太紧,怎么能腾出手来拥抱现在?If you hold the past too tight, how can make hand to embrace now?88、我的人生只是一道直线,转弯

27、就是因为想遇见你。My life is just a straight line, its just around the corner because he wanted to meet you.89、如若相爱,便携手到老;如若错过,便护你安好。If love each other, hand in hand to the old; If miss, and protect you well.90、自从和你分手以后,我发现追我的人越来越多了。Since breaking up with you later, I found more and more people are chasing m

28、e.91、我深知你一直在我的身边就好,这样我会很安心。I know you always by my side, so I will be very comfortable.92、真正的爱情是明明知道没有结果,却还想着继续。True love is clearly know no results, but also thinking about to continue.93、爱情是糖果,甜到悲伤。友情是水泡,一碰即碎。Love is candy, sweet to sad. Friendship is a bubble, a touch namely broken.94、我们想把我们的温暖全部

29、给你,哪怕只有一点点。We want to give you our warm all, even if only a little.95、我知道,一切都是我的错,是我乎虐了你的感受。I know, everything is my fault, is I abused you feel.96、假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。If one day we are not together, also like together.97、你说的话,那么的美好,让我分辨不出是真是假。What you say, so beautiful, let I could not tell the difference between is true or not.98、我们都习惯在有人的地方微笑,无人的地方流泪。We are all used where someone smile, no tears.99、当世界约好一起下雨,我们在心里约好一起放晴。When the world about good rain, together we Rio good heart together to clear up.100、如果有一天我不理你,不是不爱你,而是我累了。If one day I ignore you, not dont love you, but Im tired.

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