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1、12不定式出奇制胜非谓语动词不定式不定式动名词分词(现在分词、过去分词)他们的功能特别强大,在句中除了不能独立当谓语之外,可充当句子的任何成份。因此得名:“非谓语动词”。不定式的基本结构肯定:to+动词原形否定:not+to+动词原形The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.新技术的目的是使生活变得简单,不是变得复杂。不定式可以直接作主语,比如:To talk with you is a pleasure.和你谈话很愉快。注意,不定式作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。但是

2、它也可以用另外一种形式表达,若作主语的不定式较长时,常用it代替不定式作形式主语,使句子结构平衡。it本身并没有实际意义。 give up a bad habit.A.Bob is difficult B.It is not difficult for me C.John it is easy D.It impossibleTo talk with you is a pleasure.换成由it作形式主语的句子。It is a pleasure to talk with you.在“It is+不定式”结构中,可以用for sb.或者of sb.来强调不定式动作的发出者。在“It is

3、 +形容词+for/of sb.+不定式”结构中,如果for/of sb.中的sb.是形容词的逻辑主语,则用介词of,如果不是,就用介词for.2.It is very hard_ two foreign languages.A.for you to study B.of you to study C.of your studying D.for your studying例:Its very nice of you to help me.你来帮助我,真是太好了。我们可以说You are nice.也就是说形容词nice 的逻辑主语是you.而It is very hardto study t

4、wo foreign languages.好像不能说You are hard.你很难,而是学习两门外语很难。hard的逻辑主语不是you,而是不定式。在“It is +形容词+for/of sb.+不定式”结构中,如果for/of sb.中的sb.是形容词的逻辑主语,则用介词of,如果不是,就用介词for.他们太笨了,那“他们”就是foolish的逻辑主语了,用介词of.It is foolish of them to make such a mistake.不定式可以在句中作宾语,它常跟在某些及物动词的后面。3.We agreed_ here,but so far she hasnt tur

5、ned up yet.A.having met B.meeting meet have met这道题正说明了不定式可以在句中作宾语,它常跟在某些及物动词的后面。不定式在句中可以作宾语补足语。4.Father will not allow us _ on the street.A.from playing play C.playd D.play此题中allow sb. to do sth.中的不定式可不是作宾语,宾语是sb.是对宾语的补充说明,所以叫宾语补足语,不定式在句中可以作宾语补足语。而且也是在某些特定的动词后面可以用不定式作宾补。类似allow sb. to

6、 do sth.结构的动词有:不定式作主语时,我们可以用it代替它,作形式主语,那作宾语时有没有这样的用法呢?我们也可以用it 代替不定式作形式宾语,如5.I think it a good habit _ early in the get up up C.getting up getting upit作形式宾语,把不定式后置。在实际意义上,“我认为”(I think)显然是主谓语,而早上早起to get up early in the morning是宾语。可是这个不定式作宾语并不是句子的全部,不定式还带有自己的成分,对它本身进行补充说明,也a

7、 good habit这部分,在这种情况下,我们常用it作形式宾语,把不定式后置。it是形式宾语,而不定式是真正的宾语。在这个it 作形式宾语的句了中,a good habit就是宾语补足语。主谓itn./adj.不定式我认为在一天之内完成这么多的作业是不可能的。I think itimpossibleto finish so much homework in a day.6.Please show us to do that that be done to be done that to be done在某些动词后面常跟一个带疑问词的不定式

8、作宾语或宾语补足语。show是谓语,us是宾语,不定式结构当然是宾语补足语了。There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I cant decide which to buy.which to buy 作decide的宾语疑问词加不定式可以作宾语补足语,这两种情况比较常见。eg:When to turn the corner is a difficult problem.Another problem is where to stop the car 请告诉我为什么要这么做Please tell me why to do it.

9、(错)我们所说的疑问词包括how, what ,when ,where ,whether 和which等,但是没有whyplease tell me why I should do it.不定式作定语通常要放在被修饰的词的后面。如果还有其它的后置定语,不定式要放在最后。eg: I have a lot of work to do Do you have anything new to tell us ?这里new放在anything之后,不定式只有放在最后了,也修饰anything.7.Please give me some paper to _.A. write B. be written

10、C. wrote D.write on虽然是不定式作定语,但当不定式作定语时,有时需要在动词后面放上一个适当的介词,当不定式是不及物动词时,或者所修饰词是不定式动作发生的地点或使用的工具时。please give me some paper to write There is no chair to sit on I have no pen to write with 这些介词都不可以省略。但是如果所修饰的词是place,time,way时,不定式后的介词也可以省略。He has no place to live(in).他没地方住。This is the best way to

11、 travel(by).这是最好的旅行方式。另外,不定式还可以在句中作状语,比如它可以作目的状语:I opened the window to let some fresh air in.我把窗户打开好让新鲜空气进来。8.Tom kept quiet about the accident_ lose his not as to as not to order to not D.not in order to在作目的状语的不定式前加上in order或so as,可以加强语气。他们的区别是in order to 可以放在句首,so as to 不能放在句首。

12、再比如:In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work.为了赶火车,她匆匆做完了她的工作。在这个句了里,为了强调目的状语,in order to 被放在了句首,这时候它就不能用so as to 来代替了。另外不定式还可以作其他形式的状语。9.We hurried to get to the railway station_ that the train had find order to find C.only to find Dso as to find不定式常和only,never连用,作结果

13、状语,表示失望或意外的情绪。如果选A.B,D都是说我们匆忙赶到火车站,为了发现火车开了,好像不通呀,应该说“结果却发现火车开了”才合逻辑呀。不定式作结果状语还可以用tooto这种形式。比如:She is too young to go to school.她太小了,不能上学。不定式也常常在句中作表语,比如:My dream is to be football player.下面我们继续学习关于不定式的一个重要部分,是一些省略不定式符号to或者省略不定式动词的情况。10.Paul doesnt have to be made_.He always works hard.A.learn

14、learn C.learned D.learning不定式在感官动词和使役动词后作宾补时,要省略to,但在变为被动语态时不可以省略to.比如:The workers were made to work day and night.工人们被迫日日夜夜干活。11.Tom did nothing but_ back what he had said.A.taken B.took C.taking D.take.当介词but,except,beside前面有一个实义动词do或do的其他形式时,其后的不定式要省略to.只要有do就省略to.介词后面常常跟不定式,如:那个迷路的孩子想回家。我们可以说:Th

15、e lost child desired nothing but to go home.除了看电视,你还想做什么?What would you likd to do besides watch TV?另外还有一种情况,就是当不定式在系动词be后作表语时,如果主语部分有实义动词do,不定式中的to也可以省略。刚才是介词前面有do省略to,现在是主语有do省略表语的to.The only thing I could do was obey his order.我唯一能做的就是听从他的命令。还有一种情况也很常见,当两个不定式并列时,尤其是它们用and或or连接时,第二不定式中的to 可以省略。I p

16、romise to finish my homework and hand it in on time.我保证完成作业并按时交上。后半句to hand it in 就是省略了to的用法。也就是三种情况下要省略to,第一是在使役动词和感官动词后,第二是有do省略to,第三就是用and,or连接省略后to.不过在另外一些情况下,我们也会保留不定式符号to.而省略后面的动词。如:12.-Does your brother intend to study German?-Yes, he intends_.A./ do D.so作宾语的不定式第二次出现时,为避免重复,不定式动词往往要

17、省略,只保留不定式符号to.如:如果你想去那儿,你可以再去一次。You can go there again if you want to go there.不对应该是You can go there again if you want to.同样为避免重复,在have to(不得不),be able to(能够),be going to(将要)等之后的不定式动词也可以省略,只保留to.I dont want to go there,but I have to.如用be able to 说一个句子,如:I planed to go ther,but I wasnt able to.我计划去那儿

18、,但却没有去成。下面我们来学习不定式的时态的语态。刚才我们说的都是不定式的一般式,不定式一般式表示的动作与句子谓语表示的动作同时发生或在其后发生。不定式的时态:一般式、进行式、完成式13.Robert is said_ abroad,but Idont know what country he studied have studied study be studying have been studying据说罗伯特出国学习过,但我不知道他在哪个国家学习的。要判断不定式的时态,就要把不定式动词发生的时间和谓语动词的发生时间做比较,看哪个发生在前。如

19、果要表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前就应该用不定式的完成式,强调动作的完成或结果。也就是to have done 的形式。那这道题就应该是Robert is said to have studied abroad可是如果要表示不定式的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,并强调动作的进行,就要用不定式的进行时,to be doing这种形式。The boy seems to be sleeping.这男孩好像正在睡觉。是的,不定式除了有时态的变化,还有语态的变化,也就是说还有不定式的被动语态。当不定式动作的逻辑主语是这个动作的承受者时,不定式一般要被动式。14.He spoke in such

20、a high voice_ at the farther end of the to be heard be heard to hear hear像这道题里他说话大声是为了让别人在远处听到他的声音,听到这个动作就应该是被动的。不定式的被动形式to be doneIt is an honour for me to be invited to attend the meeting.我很荣幸能够被邀请参加这个会议。可是在一些情况下,时态和语态交错运用,比如可以构成不定式的完成被动形式这样的情况,别看名字复杂,其实道理不是刚才那些。据说这事昨天就有人做

21、了。可以先分析时态和语态的关系吧。It is said to have been done yesterday.It is very kind of you to help me . My pleasure.趣味练习:1, My parents often tell me _ fish that isnt fresh.A.not eat not eat C.not eating D.not to eat2, We found_ important to study English well.A.that B.this D.the3, Last summer I took a

22、 course to make dresses dresses be made to be made dresses dresses to be made4, Peter doesnt know_ to stay or not.A.whether B.if C.which D.what5, -The housework is too much for me,Jack. -Sorry,but I cant help it,Joan.Ive got something important_,you B.doing

23、 do D.having done不定式作something的定语。6,He advised_ but I didnt listen to going going C.for me to go to go 7, It was foolish_ you to give up what you rightly owned.A.for B.of C.about D.from8, The chair looks rather hard,but in fact it is very comfortable to _.A.sit B.sit on sat D

24、.be sat onsit 是不及物动词,此处需要加上介词on构成不定式短语。9. I remember _ the light when I left last night .A. turning off B. turn off C. have turned off D. to turn off remember doing表示“做过的事情”,remmber to do 表示“未做的事情”10,Have you settled_ for your holidays? go where B.going where C.where going D.where to gowhere to

25、go 意为“去何地”,它的作用相当于一个名词性从句,在本句中作settle的宾语。11,I regret_ your advicee,or I would have succeeded.A.not to take B.not take C.not taking D.not taken12,I dont think_ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A.this B.that C.its D.it13,She reached the top lf the hill and stopped_ on a b

26、ig rock by the side of the have rested B.resting rest D.rest14,He finished his homework and then went on_ me.A.helping B.with help C.with helping help15,-She seems_ already.-Yes,she_.Ato have got well,does get well,has have got well ,has get well,does16,Mr.White ea

27、rns little but he has a large B.supporting be supported D. to support17,It was very clever_ in the young ladys room.A . for Holmes to stay B. Holmes staying C. of Holmes to stay D. of Holmes staying 18.He could do nothing but _ for the bus _.A. want ,to come B. wait , come C.

28、waiting ,coming D. waited ,came19.He went there in a hurry only_ that everybody had left A. finding B. to find C. having found D. to have found 20.This novel is said _ last year.A. to have been published B. to be publicshed have published D.having been publicshed 21.Zhou Lan doesnt have to be m

29、ade _.She always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned 22.Id like to buy an expensive sports car. Well, sir. Weve got several models_.A. to be chosen from B. to choose c. to choose from D. for choosing 23.Will you have anybody_ the flowers ?-Yes, I will have the flowers _.A. plant ,

30、 planted B. to plant , planted C. plant , to be planted D. to plant ,plant 24.If you want to improve your _English, you must try _English everyday.A. spoken, to practices speaking B. spoken , practicing speaking C.speaking, to practice to speak D.spoken, to practice to speak25.I am sorry_ you about in the other day.A. telling B. no having told C. to not have told D. not to have told 26.Tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 27. I have a lot of let

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