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外研版八上《Module 2 Experiences》word全模块教案.docx

1、外研版八上Module 2 Experiencesword全模块教案Module 2 Experiences全模块教案I. Teaching objectives 模块教学目标Skill Focus听Listen for experiences described in present perfect tense说Talking and asking about experiences读Reading passages talking about experiences写Write about experiencesLanguage Focus功能句式Asking and talking ab

2、out travel experiencesIve always wanted to has / have flown all over the world.has / have never been to Ive never Have you ever ?Yes, I have. / No, I havent.Has he / she ?Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she, hasnt. 词汇1. 重点词汇Experience, ever, competition, airport, captain, country, before, wonderful, p

3、rize, sound, someone, kind, western, abroad, fantastic, anywhere, delicious, sandwich, sell, seat, beside, only, yet, stone, climb, palace, time, name2. 认读词汇cabin, steward, reckon, brilliant, dream, Chinatown, Italian, pizza, musician, dagger, taste, roast, another, seafood, entertainment3. 短语take o

4、ff, come true, more than重点句子Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day.Has she visited China before?No, she hasnt. But I sent her a DVD and shes watched it.Have you ever entered a competition?No, I havent.语法The present perfect tensehave / has been doneII. Teaching materials analyzing教材

5、分析Module 2以Experiences为话题, 将Tony 和Lingling准备参加报纸举办的竞赛并赢得去伦敦旅游的机会作为导入,让学生在听、说、读、写技能训练的过程中学会通过正确使用现在完成时询问并讨论有关经验、经历的话题,并能根据课文以及所给出的提示,结合自己的实际,写一篇有关自己经历的短文。Unit 1以Have you ever entered a competition为话题, 通过听、读、说的技能训练让学生学会如何运用现在完成时讨论和询问自己和他人的经历。其中Listening and vocabulary包括6个Activities。 1&2 要求学生通过听力训练,结合图

6、片掌握本单元的生词与表达。3以Tony 和Lingling准备参加报纸举办的竞赛并赢得去伦敦旅游的机会为载体,通过听读训练, 让学生熟悉运用现在完成时态询问并讨论与经验有关的话题。4要求学生通过填表格准确理解和把握阅读文章所提供的信息。5 要求学生根据课文内容运用现在完成时,就Lingling和Sally是否做过某事,结对询问。6要求学生根据所给问题的提示,通过回答问题,正确理解所给生词的意义。Pronunciation and speaking包括2个Activities。7&8通过听说训练,培养学生正确的语音、语调,学会如何询问经历。Unit 2以Wei Ming has been all

7、 over China by plane为话题,通过读写训练让学生学会讨论自己和他人的经历;并能根据所学内容和提示,通过结对讨论,书写有关经历的内容。Reading and vocabulary 包括5个Activities。1 要求学生围绕所给主题:音乐会、西餐、梦想的实现、乘坐飞机、出国结对进行讨论。2呈现了5段有关经历的描述。3要求学生在正确理解课文内容的基础上在Activity 1中找出与Activity 2内容相匹配的问题。4要求学生通过阅读,正确理解划线部分代词所指代的事物。5 要求学生通过回答问题,正确理解所给生词的意义。Writing包括2个Activities。要求根据所学内

8、容和提示,通过结对讨论,以书面形式呈现有关经历的讨论内容。Unit 3 通过14个Activities的练习,对学生在模块2中所学内容进行复习巩固。1&2要求学生根据所给关键动词和图片以及提示,运用现在完成时态完成明信片。旨在训练学生运用现在完成时正确描述并询问经历。3&4要求学生就所给内容,运用提问经历的相关句型:Have you ever? 完成一份调查报告,并在此基础上结对进行对话练习。5要求学生对所给单词进行分类,帮助学生归类记忆单词。6 &7通过听力活动培养学生运用英语获取细节信息的能力; 8让学生通过对话,熟练掌握询问别人经历的句型,同时学会正确运用have / has;9 要求学

9、生在正确理解句意的基础上选填短语。Around the world为学生讲解了迪士尼乐园的概况;Mould task要求学生用问卷的形式完成对同学有关经历的调查。10 要求学生根据所提供的主题,运用现在完成时态对生活经历进行提问;11要求学生小组活动, 选出自己认为最佳的问题,培养学生合作学习的能力。这两个活动可以看作是小组活动的准备阶段;12要求学生根据所给提示完成一份问卷调查;13要求学生提问并记录下其他同学的经历。14要求报告调查内容,训练学生输出信息的能力。 III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and rea

10、ding Period 2 Reading and writingPeriod 3 Integrating skills (1)Period 5 Integrating skills (2) IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and readingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇和短语experience, ever, competition, airport, captain, country, take off, before, problem, wonde

11、rful, prize, sound2. Key structures 重点句式 Has she visited China before?Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.And Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day.仙, Have you ever entered a competition?Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to get familiar with the words and expr

12、essions about experience Enable students to know how to use the present perfect tense.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, reading and discussing。Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder, a projector and some slides.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-in & Speaking Arouse students interests in talk

13、ing about their experiences and some of the new words.T: How is it going, everybody?S: Fine!T: Good! I think that is helpful for you to guess. Well, listen carefully. Here we go:It is in London and very famous.It was completed between 1858-59.It is named probably after Sir Benjamin Hall.It is a 320

14、foot high Clock Tower.Show students the above items one by one. And make them to guess what it is according to the specific information given.S: Its Big Ben!T: Great! Show students the picture of the Statue of Liberty.T: Its Big Ben! Its one of the most famous places of interest in London. And do yo

15、u know any others?S: Yes! The London Eye. / Buckingham palace. / Fleet Street. / Parliament House / Madame Tussauds & The London Planetarium. / Sunset House. / The London Dungeon / British Museum. / Tower of London. / Tate Modern. / Westminster Abbey. / Hampton Court Palace. / Dali UniverseS: Cambri

16、dge and Oxford,T: Great! London is such a beautiful place. And I hope one day all of you can visit there. And that will become your unforgettable experience (Show students the word.). So you see, traveling around the world is a kind of experience. Can you give me other kinds of experience?Here give

17、students some hints if necessary. For example: having a picnic, hiking, holding a party, joining a party, and even staying with parents during the weekend are kinds of experience. Encourage students to share theirs with other students simply and help improve their ability in communicating gradually

18、and also further understand the word experience.T: Good job! Can you tell me what your most exciting experience was?Ask students to share their most exciting experiences with others using the past simple. Make them further understand what experience is and learn to talk about experience. T: Wonderfu

19、l! You have had so beautiful experience! So, here Ill tell you my secret. Do you want to know? (Say to students secretly.)S: Of course!T: My favorite place isAfter a moment, ask students to concentrate and listen to the teacher carefully. And then show them a picture of Swiss.T: Do you know where it

20、 is?S: Swiss.T: Great! Your geography must be perfect! (Show them the thumb to show your praise.) It is a very beautiful place! I want to go there in the day time. And even when I go to sleep (Act as if the teacher is sleeping.), I often dream about going there. Its holiday of my dreams. Repeat what

21、 the teacher has said or done to make sure that students understand the nature and meaning of dream. And then show the sentence: When you go to sleep, what do you dream about? Where do you want to go for your dream holidays? And ask them to say something about that.T: Wonderful! I do hope someday yo

22、ur dream can come true! Well, some of you said that London is holiday of your dream, right?S: Yes!T: Do you know how to get there?S: By plane. / By hot balloon! / By shipT: Marvelous! But Tony and Lingling have a different way. Do you want to know?S: Yes!T: OK. Next listen carefully!Step II Listenin

23、g Get students to listen to the conversation for the first time and answer the following questions to get familiar with this conversation. T: Now, close your books. Listen to the tape carefully, and then ask the following questions. Clear? S: Yes!Show students the following questions.1. Who is Lingl

24、ings pen friend?2. What did Lingling send to her pen friend?3. How can they go to London?4. Whats Linglings problem?Ask students not to pay much attention to the tense and words they dont know, just listen for the detailed information.T: Are you ready? OK. Here we go.Play the tape recorder. After li

25、stening, ask students to talk with their partners about these questions.T: Well, next, tell me the answers.Ask students to give the answers to these questions.Sample answers:1. Sally Maxwell2. A DVD about China3. Enter a competition4. The problem is the prize of the ticket.T: Well done! They can vis

26、it London by winning the competition. Well, in China, there are many competitions, like this one: show students the following picture.T: If you win the game, or become No.1, (Show the forefinger which means number 1.) youll get the prize - traveling abroad. (Here teacher should pause, in case some s

27、tudents know the answer. If not tell them the answer.)Clear?S: If the students cannot understand at once, repeat or find other examples until they really understand that. T: Well, what competitions are there on television, in newspaper or at school? And what kind of prizes are there for these compet

28、itions? Encourage students to talk about the competitions they are familiar with, interested in and even they have heard of. Teacher can guide them to answer in the following aspects:Samples: 1. School: Sports meeting hold in winter or autumn; Talent competition for all kinds of subjects; Competitio

29、n for hobby or strong suit, like creating, drawing, singing, dancing 2. Television: Talent show, family competition, Super girl, Dream China3. Newspaper: writing, photograph, news4. Prize: Cash, certificate, chance of traveling, training, good post, higher salary. T: From the conversation we know, L

30、inglings problem is the price of the ticked. So, the price is expensive or cheap for her?S: Expensive!T: Right! Because of the high petroleum price, the price of a plane ticket is much higher at present.2. Ask students to listen to the conversation again and complete Activity 4.T: Lingling and Sally

31、 are so far away from each other, right?S: Yes!T: But they can share the experience with each other. Now, listen again and finish Activity 4. Ready?First ask students to look through Activity 4 before listening. After that ask students to check the answers with their partner and then check the answe

32、rs together.T: Good! Now, close your book, Ill check you, listen carefully: Has Sally visited China?S: No, she hasnt. If students can not give the correct answer, guide them by showing them.T: Well done! Now, look at Activity 4, practice with your partner, clear?S: Yes! Leave students enough time to practice this part, walk around and give t

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