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1、人力资源管理Unit英文习题与标准答案人力资源管理-Unit-英文-习题与答案 作者: 日期: Chapter 2: Equal Opportunity and the LawMultiple Choice1. Every time you advertise a job opening, interview, test or select a candidate or appraise an employee, you should be aware of: a. equal employment opportunity lawb. anti-discrimination lawc. cri

2、minal lawd. both a and b e. both a and c (d; moderate)2. The _ Amendment to the US Constitution states, “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law.”a. Firstb. Fifthc. Tenthd. Thirteenthe. Fourteenth(b; moderate)3. The _ Amendment to the US Constitution

3、 makes it illegal for any state to “make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.”a. Firstb. Fifthc. Tenthd. Thirteenthe. Fourteenth(e; moderate)4. Which Amendment to the US Constitution is generally viewed as barring discrimination based

4、 on sex, national origin, or race?a. Firstb. Fifthc. Tenthd. Thirteenthe. Fourteenth(e; moderate)5. In the US, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on all of the following characteristics except _.a. raceb. sexual orientationc. colord. religione. national origin(b; modera

5、te)6. In the US, the _ made it unlawful to discriminate in pay on the basis of sex when jobs involve equal work, require equivalent skills, effort, and responsibility, and are performed under similar working conditions. a. Title VII b. Equal Pay Act c. Executive Order (US President) d. Age Discrimin

6、ation in Employment Act e. 13th Amendment to the US Constitution(b; moderate)7. Which of the following factors is not an acceptable basis for different pay for equal work under the US Equal Pay Act?a. genderb. seniority systemc. merit pay systemd. quality of production e. all are unacceptable factor

7、s(a; moderate)8. The US EEOC guidelines define sexual harassment as: a. unwelcome sexual advancesb. requests for sexual favorsc. verbal sexual conduct d. physical sexual conducte. all the above(e; moderate)9. In the US, when is sexual harassment a violation of sex harassment law? a. when such conduc

8、t has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with a persons work performanceb. when such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environmentc. when a crime of violence is motivated by genderd. both a and be. all of the above(d; moderate)1

9、0. In the US, _ exists when an employer treats an individual differently because that individual is a member of a particular race, religion, gender, or ethnic group.a. Disparate treatmentb. Disparate impactc. Unintentional discriminationd. Adverse impacte. Prima facie(a; easy)11. In the US, _ refers

10、 to the total employment process that results in a significantly higher percentage of a protected group in the candidate population being rejected for employment, placement, or promotion.a. disparate treatmentb. disparate impactc. unintentional discriminationd. adverse impacte. prima facie(d; easy)1

11、2. In the US, employers primarily use bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) as a defense against charges of discrimination based on _.a. raceb. sexual orientationc. aged. gendere. all of the above(c; easy)13. In the US, religion may be used as a BFOQ if _.a. a religious organization requires e

12、mployees to share its religionb. an employer does not want to honor an employees religious holidaysc. hiring a person to teach in a nondenominational schoold. all of the abovee. none of the above(a; moderate)14. Which of the following characteristics could serve as a BFOQ depending on the nature of

13、the job requirements?a. ageb. genderc. national origind. religione. all of the above(e; easy)15. Organizations can measure diversity by using _.a. equal employment hiring metricsb. employee attitude surveysc. management and employee evaluationsd. focus groupse. all of the above(e; moderate)16. Diver

14、sity management includes the following step(s):a. provide strong leadershipb. assess the situationc. provide diversity trainingd. a and b e. a, b and c (e; moderate)17. In providing strong leadership in diversity management, the CEO of a company musta. take a personal interest b. become the role mod

15、elc. talk to every worker d. a and be. a, b and c(d; moderate; )18. In a company, the tools to measuring diversity include the following:a. equal employment hiring and retention metrics b. employee attitude surveyc. employee evaluationd. a and be. a, b and c(e; moderate)19. The objectives of diversi

16、ty training include the following:a. make employees aware of value differences b. build self esteem of the different ethnic groupsc. create a friendly atmosphere in the companyd. a and be. a, b and c(e; moderate)20. In Australia, employees are protected against discrimination at the workplace by law

17、s at the:a. federal levelb. state levelc. company leveld. a and b e. all of the above(d; moderate)21. In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employer may complain to the:a. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissionb. Ministry of Laborc. Prime Ministerd. Parliament e. A

18、ll of the above(a; easy)22. In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers the following: a. work situationb. non-work situation c. special situation d. a and be. a, b and c(d; easy)23. In Hong Kong, the Equal Opportunities Commission provides employers with a code of practice on: a. job adve

19、rtisementsb. job titles c. compensation d. promotione. all of the above(e; moderate)24. In Indonesia, under the employment law, pregnant women have the following rights:a. they cannot be dismissedb. they can return to their job after maternity leavec. they can have six months of maternity leaved. a

20、and b e. a, b and c(d; moderate)25. In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits the following:a. discrimination based on nationalityb. discrimination based on creed c. discrimination based on social status d. a and be. a, b and c(e; easy)26. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices

21、 encourages self-regulation on the part of employers in: a. recruitmentb. selectionc. appraisald. traininge. all of the above(e; easy)27. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices recommends that employers should not discriminate employees based on: a. raceb. religionc. aged. gender

22、e. all of the above(e; easy)28. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is recommended by: a. Singapore National Employers Federationb. Singapore Business Federationc. National Trades Union Congressd. The governmente. a, b, and c(e; moderate)29. Candidates for employment should be

23、 selected based on the following:a. meritb. experiencec. capability d. a and be. a, b, and c(e; easy)30. Selection criteria should be consistently applied to the following aspect(s) of employment:a. recruitmentb. training c. appraisal d. a and be. a, b, and c(e; easy)31. In South Korea, the Labor St

24、andards Act prohibits employers from discrimination against workers by: a. genderb. nationality c. religiond. social statuse. all of the above(e; easy)32. In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, it is recommended that companies with over 300 workers should have a minimum _ percent o

25、f their workers in the above-55 age group.a. Threeb. Fivec. Tend. Fifteene. Twenty (a; moderate)33. In Malaysia, under the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace, the Ministry of Manpower has:a. special division to deal with harassment casesb. the powe

26、r to jail any person accused of sexual harassmentc. the power to fine any person accused of sexual harassmentd. the power to compensate the victim of sexual harassmente. all of the above(a; easy)34. In Thailand, under the Labor Protection Act, women may:a. sue employers for passing sexist remarksb.

27、sue colleagues for passing sexist remarksc. seek compensation from the governmentd. a and be. none of the above (d; easy)True/ False35. Managers in non-U.S. companies must be aware of equal employment opportunity laws in the US and in countries where they do business. (T; easy)36. U.S. citizens work

28、ing overseas for U.S. companies do not have the same equal employment opportunity protection as those working within U.S. borders. (F; easy)37. In the U.S., equal employment opportunity laws were only introduced a few years ago. (F; easy)38. Managing diversity means maximizing diversitys potential a

29、dvantages while minimizing the potential barriers that can undermine the functioning of a diverse workforce. (T; easy)39. Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because of legal requirements. (T; easy)40. Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because of g

30、lobalization. (T; moderate)41. Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because of changes in workforce demographics. (T; moderate)42. In most countries, the workforce consists of people from different ethnic origins. (T; moderate)43. Global companies actively recruit and maintai

31、n a diverse workforce to tap the talents from different ethnic groups (T; moderate)44. Managing diversity implies that companies are exploiting workers from different ethnic groups (F; difficult)45. Managing diversity involves only compulsory management action. (F; moderate)46. Managing diversity involves only voluntary management action. (F; m

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