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1、积木英语第一季字幕打印版1We can laugh ha-ha We can sing la-la-la-la我们可以笑哈哈,我们可以唱啦啦啦啦啦We can make anything我们可以做任何事情Hold my hand 拉着我的手Make a magical land创造一片神奇的土地When letters get together we go alakazam当字母聚在一起,我们去We can run, we can slide We can hide in a box我们可以跑,我们可以滑动我们可以藏在一个盒子里Are you ready for some fun with t

2、he Alphablocks? Alphablocks!你准备好用字母表玩了吗? Alphablocks字母积木讲解(所有字母介绍)Ah. Ah!Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh Buh-buh-buh. Ca! Ca!Duh-duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh-duh, duh-duh-duh DUH-DUH!- Eh! - ECHOES: 回声 - Eh-eh-eh!Ffff! Ffffff! Ff! Ff! Ffffffff!Guh-guh-guh-guh-guh-guh.- PANTING: 喘气的- Hah-hah-hah-hah. Haaaah. Haaaah.

3、I-I-iy-iy-iy! Juh! Juh! JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU-JU!Kuh! Kuh! Kuh! KUH! Kuh!Luh-luh-lu-uh-uh! Llll. Llll.Mmmm! Mm-mm-mm-mm! Mmm-mm!Nn-hn. Nuh. Nnnnn!Oh? Oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.Puh-puh. Puh-puh. Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh.Kwu-kwu-kwu-kwu-kwu! Kwu-kwu-kwu!Arrrrrrr! Rrrrr? Rrrrr!Sssssssss. Ss-ss-ss-ss-ss-ss

4、!Tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh!U-UGH! Uh? Uh!Vvvvvvv! Vvv-vvv-vvv! Vvvvvv.Wuh-wuh-wuh. Waaaah!Xs! Xs-xs! XS!Yee. Eee-yuh!Zzzzzz. Zzzz. Zz? Zzz? Zzz. Zz! Bee 元音e及其组合 Alphablocks Bee字母积木讲解(元音e及其组合)Eh! Eh! Eh! ECHOING回声Look at me, 看我my name is EBet you havent met a better letter yet我打赌你还从来没有遇到一个更好的字母Im the busiest l

5、etter in the alphabet我是字母表中最忙的一个字母。E - thats me! Buh, buh, buh, buh Duh 表示犹豫、不快或轻蔑等咄duh-duh de duh-duhWe can make a B-E-D Bed床!B! R! He can make it R-E-D Red红色!Eh! Look at me No, look at me!- Hes another E - Hes just the same 完全相同的as me!BOTH: We can live together in harmony我们可以一起和谐相处Double E - you a

6、nd me 两个E,你和我E ECHOING回声 Buh! E! Lets make a. B-EE! ALL: Bee!小蜜蜂Everybody - one, two. T-R-EE! ALL: Tree!树 One, two, tree?- PANTING喘气: - Huh, huh, huh. Sorry! One, two, TH-R-EE! ALL: Three! Another E A brother EHes the quiet one in the family他是家里很安静的人。He doesnt say much He does it silently他说不多,默默做E n

7、umber threeAnd with three Es We can make youS-N-EE-ZE. ALL: Sneeze! 喷嚏、打喷嚏Ah, ah, ah, ah-choo! Bee!Eek! Eep! Er! We need more Es! More Es? More Es? Yes, quickly. 马上Eeee! B-EE-K-EE-P-ER ALL: Beekeeper养蜂人!Did you ever see So many Es? 你看到过这么多的E吗?Youve really never met A better letter yet你真的从来没有遇到过更好的字母

8、Were the busiest letter in the alphabet我们是字母表中最繁忙的字母E - thats me! Ehh! Top 元音aiou Alphablocks Tea字母积木讲解(元音aiou)Tuh, tuh, tuh. I was hoping to find a place for a nice cup of tea. 我想找个地方好好的喝喝杯茶Oh! Somewhere with a view. 找个风景好的地方。 Oh!- Puh! Perhaps或许 - I - can help. - Tuh! - Oh! - Puh! ALL: Top! 高耸、顶上、

9、山顶 Perfect! 极好的- Oh! - Tuh! Be careful. 当心,小心 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!Tuh! Typical特有的或特别的. Now were stuck. 现在我们两个被困住了Im not. Im puffing off. 我会喷着气离开 Puh!Tuh. Ahh. Ehh. - Eee. - Ohh. - 81. - K. - 82. - K. - 83. - K. - 84.- 85. - K. - Hey! Thats my sound. - Stop copying me. - Im not.Im kicking my football

10、to. K. .keep it in the air. K.不让它掉下来Well, cant you make a different sound?No! You cant k-keep it for yourself.- K! - .96, 97, 98. - 99. - Copycat! - Oh!- Rrrr! - HISSING发嘶嘶声,蔑视- Crumbs(表示惊讶)哎呀! Sorry. - This alphabet isnt big enough for the two of CKs.容不下两个CKsTheres only one way to sort this out.- Y

11、ou mean.? 你的意思是? - Correct. 对的 A contest! 一个比赛!C versus(表示两队或双方对阵)K. c和k的对决赛OK. Beat this. 打败这个 EY - Key!钥匙 Oh!C - thats nothing! I can make. - C. - A. - G. ALL: CAGE. 笼子Clearly, my C is the best. Lovely, could you let us out now?Lucky Ive got the key then. 幸好我有钥匙So get us out!Looks like Im the King

12、 of the Ks. K!No keyhole锁眼,钥匙孔!This is not cool.You two got us into this mess混乱; 搞砸.你们两个造成了这个乱糟糟的局面。S-S-S. Now you can both get us out!CK!- S. - O. - CK! ALL: SOCK袜子! Oh! - SNIFFS - Oh, rrrrr!Whats that rotten 恶臭的 smell气味?哪里来的臭烘烘的味道?Worry not, shipmates同船水手! 船员- Rrrr! - O. - CK. ALL: Rock岩石! 摇晃、摇滚 A

13、LL: Oh!GIGGLING咯咯地笑A-aaah!Listen, leave交托 this to me. 把这个交给我吧 - L. - O. - CK. ALL: LOCK锁! Oh-ho!Maybe two CKs are better than one. Hey, C, catch! 接住 Glow 元音O Alphablocks Glow字母积木讲解(元音o)Fffff. Fffff. Fff-fffff! Oh! - Ffff. - Oh-oh!Faster更快, faster!快点 Fffff! Fffff! - Fff-ffff. - Oh.- BOTH: - Fff. Off!

14、关灯OWL猫头鹰 HOOTS咄,啐;猫头鹰叫声 Oh! Oh-oh!- Fabulous太奇妙了,极好的. - Fantastic! 好极了No, no, no! I cant see. 我看不见了 - Oh. - Nnn. - BOTH两者都: - On!打开Oh. - Oh. - Fff. - BOTH: - Off.No, no, no! - Oh. - Nnn. - BOTH: - On!- Oh. - Fff. - BOTH: - Off. Ohhh! Fffff!Uh. Unbelievable. (由于太好或太糟而)令人难以置信的;Who turned the lights of

15、f? 谁关了灯- Fff. - Uh. - Nnn. ALL: Fun! 有趣 Fun? Whats fun?Uhhh! This is fffffun! ALL: Whoa! Ohh!W.Whats going on? 发生什么事BOTH: Ow! Ow. Ow! Ow, ow. W-w-w-waaaah! Wheeee!L:Twinkle twinkle little star小星星 How I wonder. Where you are. - BOTH: - Wheeee! 哮鸣音- Guh. - Lll. - BOTH: - Ow. ALL: Glow! 发光喜形于色 Ohhh!Lov

16、ely. 好美啊。可爱的;令人愉快的 Gee! Great galaxies银河系;星系,一群.好棒的银河系Wonderful极好的,精彩的. Make a wish. 许个愿吧I wish for希望得到fun. 我希望很有趣 ALL: Fun, fun, fun娱乐活动!Ssssuper! 超级的 - Sss. - Uh. - Nnn. ALL: Sun!太阳Ohhh!THEY ALL LAUGH他们都笑了 Sing hnd选元音 Alphablocks Sing字母积木讲解(bnd选元音)De-de da dum dum. D on drums鼓!D来打鼓 De-de da dum du

17、m. Ba-ba buh-buh ba-ba ba buh-buh. B on bass低音乐器!B当贝斯手We need a singer歌手. Definitely.Nnn-nnh nah-nah nnh-nnh Nnh-nnnnh nnnh! N, what are you doing? Nnn, nothing.So, what was that noise声音? 刚才是什么声音? Nn-not me.Show us whats be-hind your back后面. Nn-nn.A banjo班卓琴! No. A didgeridoo迪吉里杜管(澳洲土著人的乐器). No!Bagp

18、ipes风笛? Nnh-nnh nnh-nnh! Nn-nnh nn-nnh nn-nnh! Guitar吉他! New guitar! Beautiful!漂亮极了Do you want to join my. OUR band乐队? No. No!Er, is that a yes? Yes! Brilliant! 很成功的 太棒了You can be lead领导guitar吉他! 你可以做首席吉他手 Nice!But we still need a singer.Ah. Ee. Ih. Oh. Uh-hu-uhhh. Ah. Ee. Ih. Oh. Uh. Hey-hey! Were

19、The Bnd. The what?The Bnd. Were looking for a singer. Who wants to join us?Uh-uh. No way! Uh! So unfair不公平的! - Beh. - Uh. - Nnn. - De.TOGETHER: Bund同盟! 码头 Uh! How utterly embarrassing. 这太尴尬了吧Eh, excuse me, everyone. - Beh. - Eh. - Nnn. - De. TOGETHER: Bend! 弯曲 ALL: Urgh.Dont just stand there. 不要只站在那

20、 Do something!做点什么 Oh! Oh-oh! Oh!Oh. Oh! Eh! Ah! - Beh. - Ah. - Nnn. - De. TOGETHER: Band! 乐队De de duh de de. Buh-bah buh-bah. Nnh nnh nnnnnh. BND: Sing, A! Aaaah ah-ah ah-ah Ah aaahWe are The Band! Band Alphabloks band字母积木讲解(band)Buh, buh-buh-buh buh-buh buh. Ah, a-a-a-a-a-a-aah.- N-n-n-n-n.! - D-d

21、-d-d-d. Be quiet! Please be quiet.请安静- I said, be. - ALL SING TOGETHER一起唱歌- QUIET! - Theres no need to shout. 没有必要大喊大叫Brother兄弟, we can barely仅仅,勉强,几乎不hear ourselves play!We need to make some noise if we want to be a rock band摇滚乐队.WE dont. We want to play pop流行音乐! Disappointing. 这太让人失望了Well play our

22、 music - - and you play yours. - No. Yes!We can have a battle比赛of the bands! Done!成交So - who wants to be in our band? Mm?Jump over. Let me join. J. A. B. - ALL: - Jab! Jab. 刺、击Jab! Jab! Jab! - Jab! - Stop! This isnt going to work.这样可不行。Fear not不要害怕. Ill make the band FABULOUS极好的.- F. - A. - B. - ALL

23、: - Fab奇妙的!绝妙的 Lets boogie快速摇滚, blocks!- ALL: - Were fab Fab, fab, fab Were fabWere so fab, were fab Fab, fab Fab, were fab. And we.are DIN! - ALL: Din, din, din! - Din. - Din, din, din! - Din!喧闹- Din, din, din! - Din. Din, din!Were making a din! Were fab, fab. - Din! Din! Din! - Din!Din! Din! Din! Din. Greeti

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