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1、关于法律的英文演讲稿关于法律的英文演讲稿篇一:有关法律的英语演讲稿一、since last few weeks, i have been constantly checking my weibo and paying muchattention to the case of zhuling. she was poisoned by thallium, and that brought herpermanent paralysis. chinese people want the poisoner punished and justice done. yetuntil this moment,

2、the criminal is still at large. to fight for zhulings interestsand everyones interests as well, over 130,000 users have signed a petition at thewebsite of white house, demanding the us investigate a suspicious woman. it may beueasonable; but this is actually an outlet for the publics long-termdissat

3、isfaction at the absence of justice.二、while some guilty people are free, some innocent people are prisoned for last few months, the press highlighted the events that several men spent a longtime of their life in prison as a result of miscarriages of justice. what is worseis we dont know exa

4、ctly how many people are still suffering from it at the moment,and how many people doubt if justice is still alive in china, we wonder if the law still protectsour peoples life and property, we question if there is still anyone who fights forour fundamental rights.三、however confused or inexperienced

5、, i, a freshmenmajoring in law, try to figure out these questions. the word justice is usually associated with courts of law. people might say thatjustice has been done when a mans innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt.however, the reality is: we usually undertake an arduous journey seekin

6、g the truthbut we can never be sure that we will find it. and judges, however wise or eminent,are human and can make mistakes. such disappointing reality must frustrate somepeople, especially who know little about law, who naively think law cant go, when something does go wrong, their faith

7、fulness is suddenly shattered and theywill never believe in law again.四、but i believe that law can make differences. i admit chinese judicial system is way far from perfect, but i can also see theremarkable progress of it. the transformation is undertaken and more rights areentitled to people. an in

8、creasingly transparent, just and efficient image ofjudicature is clearer. a proper legal framework is starting to replace the habit ofpersonal relationships as the principle weapon and defense the peoples interests.all these above show that we are stepping believe in law, and i believe it is better

9、to fight for justice than to railat the truth be told, i am not really proud of it. during the economic takeoff, weface great challenges, such as food safety, environment protection and disparitybetween rich and poor. our beautiful country and our childrens futures are too higha price to pay for eco

10、nomic healthier and sustainable economic development is based on good order. and sincelaw is order, we should exert the influence of law on economic fields to boost theeconomy andprotect peoples interests at the same time.二、a series of reports on poisonous food, especially the melamine scandal, hasa

11、roused much panic among us. in china today, laws are generally found to be nets ofsuch a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and themiddle-sized are alone entangled in. such laws can hardly prevent our people, ourchildren from harms. laws concerned food safety should be st

12、rengthened. and peoplewho produce poisonous food should be punished heavily. law should act as a nightwatchman to protect our health.三、china today, you can see gdp increasing, carbon emission increasing, and withthat the increase of damage to the environment. we must admit that our effort to saveour

13、 beautiful country is not enough. our environmental laws are far from perfect,and still, such laws are never enforced strictly. if legal regulation works, we donot have to sacrifice environmental interests for economic growth.四、do anyone use “shanzhai” phone here china is famous for its shanzhai pro

14、ducts.sure, copy is much easier and way moreconvenient than invention. and thanks to loopholes of intellectual property law,shanzhai industry is rapidly developing. at the same time, innovation is ideas and new products lose market. and changing “made in china” to “createdin china” will

15、merely be a dream. chinese legal people should spare no effort toclose loopholes in the regulations of intellectual property and let law cease to bea mere abstract concept, but truly encourage always plays an important role in a countrys economic development. in amarket economy, people seek for thei

16、r own interests. and sometimes, they could damageothers to make profits. on these occasions, law is a fence preventing individualinterests from harming public ones.篇二:英语演讲 美国的法律 the american lawwhat does it mean to obey the law that depends on where you are. differentcultures have very different vie

17、ws of obeying the law. in some cultures, law-abidingcitizens try to keep the letter of the law. that is, whatever the law says, they other cultures, good citizens live by the spirit of the law. they see the law onlyas a general guideline. often they obey the law only when someone official is l

18、ooking.the situation in america fits into the first category. that doesnt mean all americanskeep the law. but american culture teaches people to respect the law-even to thesmallest reason is about americas s heritage文化遗产 has shaped howpeople view the law. for one thing, the bible reveals

19、gods unchanging laws which peoplemust obey. it also teaches people to respect human authority as established by example,driving habits illustrate american respect for the law. a driver willusually stop for a red light, even when there are no other cars around. people treatthe lines marking streets a

20、nd roads as definite明确的 boundaries, not justdecorations. vehicles机动车 yield让出 to those with the right ofway-particularly pedestrians行人. actually, though,drivers dont always keep traffic rules. for example, many drivers ignore freewayspeed limits. but americans generally drive with careful attention t

21、o the course, not everyone in america abides by the law. crime is a growing ,skilled lawyers sometimes use minor issues to get their clients委托人 set free. and prison inmates may live even better than many poor citizens. anyway,no one believes a perfect legal system is possible. yet every society hasl

22、aws. whether people follow the letter of the law or just the spirit of the law, theyrecognize the need for laws to keep order in society. without them, the society wouldbe chaotic混乱. if every man were a law unto向,对 himself, no man would be free.篇三:有关法律的演讲稿 有关法律的演讲稿其实在座的列位,不时刻刻在考虑很多的事情,尤其是工作方面的事情,我组要

23、谈得内容肯定也在诸位的思考范围之列了,可是为了很好的把本次作业完成,只能先把我组不成熟的点想法分享给大家,希望互帮忙一路进步。 大家都知道大多的说法都是基于某种前提展开的。我组的这点小想法也不例外。咱们的假设是,咱们每一个人都掌握了充沛的法律等理论知识。问题是咱们在以后的学习和工作中还需要学习些什么一、先看案例和农村社会中存在的现象: 首先是,咱们上周看到的江西卫视金牌调解的那个谁来帮帮我,咱们撇开很多东西,从另一个方面来思考,是不是乡村的“无法”社会造成的第二是,大家都知道我国的农村,尤其是偏僻的,比较掉队的西北和西南的农村,宗教观念,社会分化,体面观念等等特别的严重。比如,在村落修的最好的

24、建筑是庙宇或是教堂,比如家族修家谱、建祠堂而要游街,然后引发另姓家族的不满引发的群殴,比如,异姓村子间的群殴,或家族与家族因为先辈子说不清楚的土地引发的斗殴等等。例子很多,时间关系不细展开。二、通过度析,在以后工作中咱们应该: 费孝通说过,“中国乡土社会是个“无法”社会,假设咱们把法律限于国家权利所保护的原则,可是“无法”并非影响这个社会的秩序,因为乡土社会是“礼治”的社会。而礼却不需要这有形的权利机构来保护礼这种规范。” 很显然,在以后的工作中咱们只用法律理论跟农村当事人理论是理论不来的,尤其像我们多数在偏远的、掉队的、农村工作同志来讲,咱们还要掌握更多的“社会常识”。我组先列举几点:一是,

25、若咱们在工作中考察宗教因素,将宗教的代表人物正确引导,让其树立对咱们工作有利的态度,可能在很多时候,咱们碰到的纠纷就可以够利用人们对宗教的认同和责任感来保护秩序。二是,体面观念和熟人社会是咱们大家都知道的,假设,咱们把“长老统治”遗留下来的老人代表道德权威和舆论权威,很灵活的运用这对于咱们工作中也是有利的。 三是,中国人是有很大的从众心理和随大流的心理,用梁漱溟的话说,“中国人彼此互以对应为重,一个人不以自己而存在,乃恍如互为他人而存在。”这方面咱们也可以在很多时候在工作中可以利用。三、小结:中国特色社会主义法律体系已经成立了,可是在以血缘、乡缘、学缘、业缘为基础的人情文化传统深厚的中国社会中

26、,大多说的单个个体在面对利益采取策略时,往往选择了潜规则而不是法律,尤其在农村,这是咱们所面临的工作环境。咱们要依法,但也要依情理,让法律慢慢深切人心,这个进程无疑是很艰难复杂的,需要进程。谢谢!篇四:与法律有关的演讲稿大集合 在成长中与法同行正如咱们所知,法律是规范人们日常行为的准绳,依法治国也是咱们国家坚持的治国政策之一。咱们生活在社会主义法治国家当中,法律是与咱们的生活密切相关的。咱们国家的根本大法是宪法,在此基础上派生出了治安管理惩罚法等行政法规,其中未成年人保护法是国家专门为咱们青少年所设立的。那么,在咱们的成长道路上如何与法同行?有人说你多虑了,咱们仍是未成年人,只要不杀人不纵火,


28、精神。在现今这个信息时期,在这个经济社会,道德的约束在不断的被人们所淡忘,乃至开始讨论起一些传统美德是不是过时的问题。这促使咱们加倍呼吁法律来保护咱们社会的秩序。纽约,这个世界最繁华的都市,却也是犯法率最高的恶源。有统计表明,每5分钟,就有一场抢劫上演。犯法,无疑永远在要挟着咱们安宁的生活。可是,咱们应当坚信的是,法律永远保护的是正义。 诚然,就我国现阶段的法律体制而言,的确存在一些疏漏和不完善。也不可否定,有一些人背离职业道德,背离良心,钻法律的空子。为的只是金钱,只是一个“利”字。但我仍要说,咱们的法律正在不断的健全,完善中。咱们应当毫不动摇的坚信法律的正义性。并学会捍卫它,这也是在捍卫国

29、家的尊严,捍卫自己的尊严。而作为中学生咱们常常讲要遵纪遵法。可见,遵纪是基础。从认真听课做起,从保证每一节自习课纪律开始。从同窗之间的彼此监督,到能够做到严格自律。从被动的受约束到主动的养成遵纪的习惯。从杜绝剽窃作业开始到自觉抵制社会不良思想。!“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”此刻小小的放松极可能会酿成未来一次大的失足。何必要等到体会到法律制裁的威严才悔恨呢?因此,让咱们从小做起,从身旁做起,尽力学习科学文化知识,有法律武装自己的头脑,树立正确的法律观念,让咱们大家一路携手,在成长取得律上与法同行吧!高一二班XX年12月21日 今天,我演讲的题目是:成长路上与法同行。 “办法”,“身法”,“

30、写法”咱们的生活中处处有法。法制生活的时期已经来临。那么,什么才是“法”呢?法就是由国家制定或认可的,受国家强制力保证执行的行为规范。法律时刻提示着我们,约束着咱们,衡量着咱们的行为。 有些“法”是需要强制执行的。这里有个例子。南京有一家鸭店,生意是红红火火,正当人们蜂拥而至购买鸭子时,一队城管队员却冲了进来。人群迷惑不解,但很快就知道了答案,原来,黑心老板不仅收购的是病鸭,而且又在鸭子里注水,这种“注水鸭”外表看来白白净净,嫩嫩滑滑,但金玉其外,败絮其中,吃过鸭子不多久,就会出现腹泻、头痛症状。在执法队员取证进程中,另外也发现了销售病鸭的基地,并一并“端掉”。现在的社会纷繁复杂,所以同窗们,

31、身处其中的咱们,不仅要懂法,还要学会对一切触动法律的陷阱与诱惑说:“no!”有些“法”是没有确切规定的。只是当你捡起一片纸屑时,他人会用赞许的目光望着你;当你扶起跌伤的孩子,孩子会永远记住你一生因为有法可依,咱们身处的这个社会才变得有序。不过,对有些人来讲,法律却像捆仙索,时常动用它的咒语,让人们尝到它的苦涩,有些人乃至付诞生命的代价。这些人中,很大一部份是未成年人,他们法律意识淡薄,只顾物质上的享受,一次又一次淡忘法律,漠视法律,在不知不觉中误入邪路,受到了法律的审判和制裁,以致在牢狱中浪费了太多大好光阴,为人们敲响了警钟。 所以,作为21世纪的中学生,咱们也应该思考:在咱们的成长道路上如何与法同行?有人说你多虑了,咱们仍是未成年人,法律约束不到咱们,只要遵守校纪就行。我说不,法律离咱们很近

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