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1、英语教学法复习题英语教学法复习题一、填空题 1The theory of learning is referred to as behaviorism, which has three major stages, “stimulus, response, and reinforcement” 2The behaviorist theory of language learning is that language is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of the teacher 3The term cognitivis

2、m is often used loosely to describe methods in which students are asked to think rather than simply repeat. 4There are a variety of elements that contribute to the qualities of a good language teacher. These elements can be categorized into 3 groups: ethic devotion, professional qualities and person

3、al styles.5. Three different views on language are the structural view, the functional view and the interactional view.6. Language theories can be divided into two groups:1)process-oriented theory 2)the condition-oriented theory7.The ultimate aim of foreign language teaching is to enable the learner

4、s to use the language in real life. 8.The goal of CLT is to develop students communicative competence.9.Communicative competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom.10.The goal of CLT is to use language for communicative purpose11.The adoption of CLT is to develop learne

5、rs language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing.12.CLT has not replaced the previous approaches or methodologies. It has only expanded the areas: language content, learning process and language product.13.Littlewoods classification of communicative activities: Functional communi

6、cative activities and Social interaction activities.14. Language learning and teaching should be as close as possible to language USE IN REAL LIFE.15.Lesson planning should be done at two levels: Macro planning and Micro planning16.The first thing to do in lesson planning is to decide the aims of a

7、lesson. 17.The most popular teaching stages are three Ps model, which include: presentation, practice and production.18.Lesson planning means making decision in advance about what techniques, activities and materials used in class.19.There are four major principles behind good lesson planning: varie

8、ty, flexibility, learnability, and linkage.20.The aim of a lesson includes language points to present, communicative skills to practice, activities to conduct, and materials and teaching aids to be used. 21.In the skill-oriented lessons, that is, in a reading or listening lesson, a 3-stage model is

9、frequently adopted: pre-reading/listening, while- reading/listening and post- reading/listening. 22.5-step model is more familiar to the middle school teachers: revision, presentation, drill, practice and consolidation.23.Classroom management is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroo

10、m.24.An instructor passes on knowledge by variety of means.An organizer organizes the class so that learning activities can be carried out. 25.A linguist named Harmer defined the teachers roles as: controller, assessor, prompter, participant and resource provider.26.Ur reminds us not to hurt the stu

11、dents feelings by: 1) Deal with it quietly; 2)Dont take things personally; 3)Dont use threats27.There are many different ways to teach a sound. Its better to teach from Perception Practice(认知) to Production Practice.28.One way to teach grammar is by 3P Model: Presentation,Practice and Production.29.

12、The deductive method relies or reasoning, analyzing and comparing.30.In the inductive method, the teacher induces the learners to realize grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation. 31.Grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, Mechanical practice and Meaningful practice.32

13、.By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used in mechanical practice.33.Generally speaking, there are three stages in listening activities for language learners: 1.pre-listening 2.wh

14、ile-listening will listen in two different ways: 1.Intensive listening (for details) 2.Extensive listening (for general ideas)35.Listening in real life has the following characteristics: Spontaneity, Listeners response, Speakers adjustment, Context and Visual clues.36.Character

15、istics of successful speaking tasks can be: 1.Maximum foreign talk 2.Even participation 3.High motivation 4.Right language level37.The process approach focus on what students do before /while /after their writing.38.Not everything can be purely communicative. Some writing activities can be between “

16、writing for learning” and “writing for communication.39.The process of writing should be from controlled to guided writing and to free writing40. Teaching reading in the classroom divides reading activities into basically three stages in which bottom-up and top-down techniques are integrate to help

17、students in their reading comprehension and in increasing their language efficiency in general另附.Generally, lesson presenting mainly includes four aspects: Presenting teaching materials; Presenting teaching methods; Presenting learning strategies; Presenting teaching process二、简答题1Why are people lear

18、ning English? They have to pass the examinations. They can help foreign visitors. Its necessary if they want to enter university. Learning a foreign language is an intellectual challenge. They can use computers more easily. They need to keep in touch with what is going on in their profession worldwi

19、de. English will be very important to get a job in trade. English will be useful for them to travel abroad. They will be able to read and listen to in English. This can improve their knowledge of the world.2What is language?Language is a means of communication with other people.3What is the aim or p

20、urpose of language teaching?Communication4How many language teaching methods or approaches do you know?l the grammar-translation methodl the direct methodl the audio-lingual methodl the situational language teachingl the cognitive approach l the silent wayl the total physical response methodl the co

21、mmunicative approachl the natural approachl the functional-notional method, etc.5How can you become a good language teacher? Language training: a sound command of English Learn from others experience Learn received knowledge, such as language theories, methodology, education, psychology, etc. Learn

22、from ones own experience Practice makes perfect Keep on reflecting on work, etc 6What is the challenge the language teacher is confronted with?People learn a foreign language1. For different reasons2. In different ways3. Having different understanding about language learning4. Having different capab

23、ilities in language learning 5. Different language levelsThus the challenge that the language teacher is confronted with is how teaching methodology can cater for learners who have more differences than commonalities.7What is the question that all approaches of language teaching should answer?The qu

24、estion is “What is language?”Language is a means of communication with other people.8What are the three different views of language that language teaching and learning practice have been influenced by? They are the structural view, the functional view and the interactional view.9 How does the struct

25、ural view see language? The structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.10How does the functional view see language? The functional view sees language

26、 as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with functional activities.11How does the interactional view see language The interactional view considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and main

27、tain social relations between people. The learner has to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech context. 12 What are Process-oriented theories concerned with? How the mind processes new information13 What do Condition-orien

28、ted theories emphasize?The nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place14 What is “pseudo practice”?It is a short period of time assigned for student teachers to do teaching practice as part of their education, usually under the supervision of their instructors.15

29、What does linguistic competence mean?Competence simply means knowledge of the language system: grammatical knowledge in other words. 16 What does Communicative Competence mean?Not only the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation. To be sh

30、ort, communicative competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom.17 What is lesson planning?Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class.18 In how many ways do language teachers benefit from

31、proper lesson planning? l Make the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lessonl Help the teacher to distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them l Think about how the students can be fully engaged in the lessonl Become aware of the teaching aids that are neededl Think about the relative value of different activitiesl Think about how much time should be spent on the activitiesl Judge le

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