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最新k6联赛试题word版本 16页.docx

1、最新k6联赛试题word版本 16页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = k6联赛试题篇一:河南省K6联赛201X年试题 英语 一首字母填空1. When I jump into the water, I shall be a w_.2. What do you have for b_?3. This is Peters h_life.4. Maths is _ for me. I think its very interesting.5. Lucy borrows a book from

2、 school l_ every week.6. You had better take an u_ with you. It is raining now.二单项选择1. Is_ dictionary on the desk yours?-No, I dont have _ English Chinese dictionary.A. the, some B. a, theC. the, anyD. a, any2. There is _ “u” and _ “f” in useful.A. an, an B. a, a C. an, aD. a, an3. _is it from the a

3、irport to the city center?A. How much B. How longC. How farD. How often4. I made this cake by _. Help _, Tom. Thanks, Jane.A. me, yourself B. myself, yourself C. me, yourselvesD. ourselves, yourselves5. Do you the boy between Peter and _.A. me B. I C. hisD. she6. Dont be angry. He is only a _boy.A.

4、eight-year-oldB. three-year-oldC. two-year-oldD. four-years-old7. We planted _ trees last year.A. hundreds ofB. hundred ofC. five hundredD. five hundred of8. I am not _ to lift the heavy box.A. very strongB. enough tall C. healthy enoughD. strong enough9. Must I do the shopping at the moment? -No, y

5、ou _A. mustnt B. must notC. dont D. neednt10. He speaks English _ his aunt.A. as well as B. as good asC. as better asD. as best as三按划线部分的读音将下列单词分类Army yum tryrainysunny yard yesterdaycry1. j_2. ai_3. i_四,用方框中词的适当形式填空, 每空一词,请将答案写在提后横线上for interestother they peoplehaveEverybody has a home. We people h

6、ave homes. Animals have homes, too. Some animals live under the ground. The wood chuck lives in holes under the ground. His home_ two doors. If anyone comes into one door, he goes out from the _ door. Some birds live in holes in trees. They come out _food in the daytime and go back to sleep at night

7、. But many birds live in the trees. Its quite_ that turtles carry their homes on their back. Bees work hard to make _own homes. There are many, many, small rooms in their house. Cats, dogs and rabbits live in_ homes.We see all kinds of animals in the zoo. It is a big home for lots of animals. 1. _ 2

8、. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _一 阅读理解Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on it? With e-mails you can just do that. Using computer you can send an e-mail quickly and easily. The post is much slower than e-mails. An e-mail can send its

9、 message to the other side of the world in seconds. An e-mail is easy to use and it saves time and money. The differences in some parts of the world do not matterwhen sending E-mails. It is twenty-four-hour service that you can send an e-mail at any time of the day or night. No one has to be there t

10、o receive e-mails. It doesnt matter if your friends are in bed when to send e-mails to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send e-mails back. 1. How can you send a letter to your friend without putting a stamp on it?_2. Which is much quicker, posting or sending an e-mail?3. Why ca

11、n you send an e-mail at any time?4. People will not live _water. (4,5题用文中的单词或短语填空)5. Mr. White has two sons. One is a driver, _ is an English teacher.二 用下面的信息,写一篇50个单词左右的短文Name: BillAge: 13 Favorite sports: tennis, soccer, basketballClothes: black T-shirt, blue pants Phone number: 5352375_ _ 篇二:河南省K

12、6联赛201X年试题英语一 词汇填空1. This math problem is not d_ for the children who are good at math.2. Our Spring Festival is always in January or F_3. Americans usually visit others home with some flowers or chocolate as a small g_.4. Let me tell you s_ about the new school.5. Its r_ outside now. Do you have an

13、 umbrella or a raincoat?二 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空6. We wan to study _( happy) in the next three years.7. You had better brush your _(tooth) twice a day.8. Mo Yan is the _(one) Chinese writer to get the Nobel Prize for Literature.9. _( drink) enough water will help you keep healthy.10. If he doesnt have a di

14、ctionary, I dont mind sharing _(me) with him.三 短文填空。 阅读短文,从方框内选择合适的单词填空, 使短文意思完整。 每个词只能用一次,每空只限填一词,其中有两个多余选项。learn, terrible, unlucky, anything, thanked, tasty, because, nothing, ate, better, invite, easyTom is a famous chef and he has the best restaurant in the city. But Tom knew _ about cooking wh

15、en he left home at the age of 18. He didnt even know how to cook an egg, He _ take-away food and ready-make food from the supermarket. One day, he _ some friends to have a barbecue( 烧烤). He thought it was _ to cook some food on the hot charcoal( 炭火). But the food was too _ to eat. The guests were st

16、ill hungry when they left. The next month, Toms friend Kate, one of the _ guests at the barbecue, gave him a cookbook for his birthday. Though Tom liked books about cars and football, he _ her and put the book on the bookcase. One evening, when he was eating a pizza, he saw some pictures in the cook

17、book. The food cooked much _ than what he was eating. He began to think that it could be a good idea to_ how to cook. Tom says he gets all his success _ of Kate, who is now his wife.四 阅读理解Homework for teachersWhat is your favorite book? Do you want your teacher to read it?Recently, students at a mid

18、dle school in Shanghai recommended (推荐) books to their teachers. They made a list of about 1,000 books!Sun Mingjie, 14, chose “ Look at Those Pretty Girls” by Yang Hongying, a Chinese writer. It tells the story of some schoolgirl.“ This story is similar to our lives,” said Sun. “Teachers may underst

19、and us more by reading the book”Chen Zhijie, 14, chose “ Who Is the NBA to 1?” by a US writer. There are stories about NBA stars in the book.“ Many of my teachers are women. They dont understand why we boys are so crazy about basketball. I hope after reading the book, they will know why,” said Chen.

20、 从文中选择合适的单词或短语, 以其适当的形式填空使句子通顺正确,每空不超过3 个单词1. You can _ of things you want to buy before you go shopping.2. Look! Her new schoolbag is _ yours.3. Some parents are worried that their children are _ computer games.4. Some children think their parents dont _ them.5. My parents want me _ more books.A tr

21、aditional ( 传统的) English breakfast is a very big meal, but many people today just have a small breakfast. For m any people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are lots of sandwich shops. Office workers can buy sandwiches they like. School children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take

22、 a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home. Many people have afternoon tea. They enjoy sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea.They usually have the evening meal quite early, between six and eight, and often all the family members eat together. Dinner is the most important mean in they day.On Sundays

23、many families have a traditional lunch. They have many different kinds of meat and vegetables at this bigmeal.The Englishmen also like food from other countries, especially French, Chinese, Italian and Indian food. Eating in England can be quite international.根据上文, 判断下列句子的正误,正确的T,错误的F( )6. Now Engli

24、shmen usually have a big breakfast.( )7. English people have a quick meal at noon on Sundays.( )8. All the children can ha ve a hot meal at school.( )9. Dinner is usually the biggest meal on weekdays.( )10. Office workers dont spend much time on lunch.五 现学现用。同学们,请认真观察下面的例句, 你能发现什么规律吗? 请仿照例句完成后面的句子Ho

25、w clean our school is!How fast he runs!What a lovely girl Lisa is!What beautiful songs they are!1. _ handsome boys the TF boys are!2. _ happy she feels at the new school!例句1:The girl is our monitor. He is talking to the girl.The girl who he is talking to is our monitor.例句2:I met the boy. The boy liv

26、es next to your house.I met the boy who lives next to your house.3. I love the teacher. The teacher is friendly to everyone.I love the teacher _is friendly to everyone.4. My mother likes my friend. My friend can speak English very well._篇三:全国 化学 竞赛初赛模拟试卷3 全国化学竞赛初赛模拟试卷(三)(时间:3小时 满分:100分)一(7分)红磷在KOH溶液

27、中的悬浊液和KOCl作用,可以生成K6P6O12的钾盐。该盐酸根(P6O126)结构式中磷元素和氧元素的化学环境完全一样。K6P6O12用稀酸酸化则生成H6P6O12,H6P6O12在强酸性条件下可以水解,生成含单个磷元素的含氧酸。请回答:1写出K6P6O12生成的化学方程式: 。2P6O126中P元素杂化类型 ,其中的大键类型 ,画出P6O126的结构式:3写出K6P6O12两步酸解的反应方程式:二、(5分)平衡常数KC的数值大小,是衡量化学反应进行程度的标志。在25时,下列反应的平衡常数如下:N2(g)O2(g)2NO(g) K111030 2H2(g)O2(g)2H2O(g)K2210812CO2 (g)2CO(g)O2(g) K3410921常温下,NO分解产生O2反应的平衡常数的表达式为K 。 2常温下,水分

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