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Unit4Wheres my backpack.docx

1、Unit4 Wheres my backpack新目标英语七年级上Unit 4一 课题:Unit4 Wheres my backpack?二 分析单元教学内容,确定单元教学目标。 本单元的主要目标是让学生能用“Wheres / Wherere ”句型来对物品方位进行提问,并能用方位介词:in, on, under, between 等来陈述物品的方位,以及人称代词they的用法。以 the things around the house 为话题,设计了几个任务,如:Section A-1c (Wherere the pencils), Section A-4 (Find the differe

2、nces), Section B-4 (Draw your ideal) 来谈论本单元的目标语言“Wheres / Wherere ?”, Its / Theyre on . No, theyre not. I dont know.题材颇具现代气息,贴近学生日常生活,内容丰富,词汇量大,通过描述物品位置、找寻物品、设置理想化居室等系列活动,让学生在听、说、读、写、做中学习语言知识,培养运用语言知识的能力,激发创新精神。本单元的学习内容(target language)有:名词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, backpac

3、k, CD, plant, Alarm clock, math book, video cassette, hat . 介词:in, on ,under, between .动词:can, take, bring 等,还有句型语法如下:本单元Section A 部分学习活动有: Section A: 听说为主,感受语言,运用基础语言(通过听音、看图确定或描述物品位置)重点掌握和运用Where is/are the backpack/the books/.? Its/ Theyre on/in/under the bed/dresser/和Is it /Are they on/in/under

4、the table?及其答语等句型。目的:Section A从学生的认知实际出发,以学生日常学习生活所接触的物品为内容,通过用图片、听对话等不同方式来描述物品位置、找寻物品等的一系列活动,激发学生学习英语的积极情感态度,让学生在听、说、读、写、做中学习掌握语言知识,培养学生准确、熟练运用本单元语言知识的能力。(这一活动通过看图表达与写的方式复习旧知巩固新知,目标是能说写物品的名称)(这一活动充分利用学生的听觉来刺激大脑加强对所学单词的记忆,同时通过听力练习来呈现新的句型Wheres/Wherere?Its/Theyre in/on/under和方位介词 in / on / under)(这一活

5、动将所输入的内容通过口语练习进行输出,不仅口头练习了target language的表达,而且培养了学生的交际能力)活动1a1c应视为一个整体,通过听说读写的方式呈现并练习主要词汇和目标语言,Wheres my backpack? Its under the bed. 介词:in / on / under 的用法,代词they的用法,并梯度性的验证了教师在pre-task中所做的铺垫是否成功。(2a与2b主要目的是练习听力,培养学生听的能力。2a是通过听说的方式复习巩固了key words,而2b通过听力训练检测学生对介词的理解情况。并通过听力练习来呈现目标语言“Is the baseball

6、 on the sofa? No, it isnt. Its under the chair. Are my books on the chair? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 为2c的pair work埋下伏笔 )Grammar focus是语法的归纳和总结(这一活动通过指导性阅读来练习目标语言,是2c的延伸,并适时呈现新的目标语言:“I dont know., 通过将对话排序来降低难度,给成绩稍差的学生创造了机会)(3b与3c的目的是通过口语练习来输出已学的目标语言, 培养学生的交际能力。)( 这一任务通过对比的方式让学生理解方位介词,通过听说方式,使用t

7、arget language找出不同之处,体现了 Learn by doing / Do sth. by language 任务型教学思想。)本单元Section B 部分学习活动有: Section B: 强调知识拓展,重视读写,设置了要求运用所学语言完成的的各种任务,使学生能够对上述已学的目标句型运用自如,培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力。B部分是A部分的拓展和延伸, 如词汇的拓展,主题的延伸,话题从单纯的谈论物品到需要什么物品,如何来设计自己理想的房间,使主题更贴近生活,体现了跨学科学习能力。)(这一活动通过看图表达与写的方式复习巩固了主要词汇,目标是能说写拓展词汇。)(加深记忆the k

8、ey words)(通过pair work巩固和加深对目标语言和词汇的理解与使用,并是2a,2b听力练习的一个铺垫。)(2a和2b不仅锻炼了学生听的能力,巩固目标语言,加强词汇和介词的理解,而且话题也从单纯的问方位延伸到我需要-,从而谈到方位,出现了动词need,为3a埋下了伏笔。)(让学生设计房间,体现跨学科学习能力)Self check: 词汇知识的评价,语言运用能力的评价。根据本单元的教学内容,确定以下教学目标:1) Language goals:A: Enable students to master the sentence pattern: where is / are? Its

9、/ Theyre in, on, under . Is it / Are they? Yes, it is / they are. No, it isnt / they arent. I dont know. B: Enable students to master the new words.2) Ability goals:A: Enable students to describe the position of the things around correctly; B: Enable students to ask the position freely; C: Enable st

10、udents to describe and design the room properly.3) Moral goals: Encourage the students to have a good habit of making things tidy. 三 学生学情分析(学生的知识/生活背景,学习兴趣,习惯等)确定教学重难点重点:A: 方位介词 in, on, behind, between 的用法。 B: Wheres的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的肯定,否定回答。 C: 学习名词bed, dresser, bookcase, backpack. . . 难点:A: 能够准确运用方位介词描

11、述物品所在的位置; B: 能够运用Where问句找到物品位置。四 课时划分及其教学内容Period 1: Section A 1a 1cPeriod 2: Section A 2a 3c Period 3: Section A 4, Section B 1a 2bPeriod 4: Section B 3a 4, self-check五 各课时教案 Period One一 教学内容: 1a, 1b, 1c二 教学目标: 1 知识目标: A. 学会一些表示家具的名词以及学习用品的单词; B. 学会方位介词,如:in, on, under的用法; C. 学会运用方位介词和Where句型表述物品的正

12、确位置。 2 能力目标: 能运用目标语言询问自己或他人物品的具体位置 培养学生语用能力,让学生真正做到用中感悟,把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化。 3 情感目标: 培养学生积极,主动的学习态度。三 课前准备 教师:准备一个带有家具的房间的多媒体课件和奖品 学生:彩笔,学生用品,大白纸, 四 教学过程:Step 1: Warming up1 Enjoy a song. 2 Then ask: “Do you want to listen once, oh, wheres the controller? Help students answer: Its on the des

13、k?Step 2: Pre-task1. Show pictures of the things in different positions.T: Wheres the cat ?S: Its on / under / in the case. ( Learn the new prepositions “in, on, under”)2. T: Now, look at the screen, where is the girl in picture1? Look at the pictures on the screen, put the prepositions on the right

14、 pictures.3. Show two pictures on the screen to compare the differences between the single form and the plural form.4. Practice the drills. (use the school things around you to practice the conversation.)5. Learn the new wordsSay, “Do you want to know about my book, desk and my room?”Show a picture

15、about a room with some furniture on the screen, use the target language to teach the new words.T: Wheres my sofa?S: Its on the floor.T: Wheres my ?S: Its .6. Chant 7. Memory challengeDivide the class into four groups to have a competition and see which group can remember the most words.Step 3 While

16、task1. Deal with 1a and 1b2. Show pictures on the screen and practice the target language in pairs.3. Fill in the song and singStep 4 Post task1. Guessing gameT: Wheres the clock?S: I think its . (Have a competition between boys and girls, and see who can guess the most.)2. Make a surveyInterview on

17、e of their classmates, fill in the form, then give a report. Whats in your room ? Where is it ? NameThingsPlacesHomework: 1. Copy the new words two times;2. Draw your room and write new words on the proper things;3. Write some sentences about the things.教学反思:本节课的第一个任务属于引入部分。教师通过歌曲让学生迅速进入学习状态,并为下一个任务

18、的完成做铺垫。当学生的学习积极性被调动起来后,让他们逐渐平静下来整理刚刚涉及到的内容是十分必要的。对于程度较差一些的同学,可以他们一些例句让他们对于本单元所学的方位介词有一个直观的认识。在必要的时候提醒学生注意名词单、复数的变化对于句子中BE动词的影响。课堂设计的三个任务从简单的句型练习到与实际相联系的任务,现实意义逐渐突显。使学生能够将课堂中所学习的内容自然地与现实生活相结合,帮助学生认识到英语学习的重要作用。本节课主要练习学生的听说能力,任务设计也以听说为主,任务能够贴近学生生活,吸引她们的兴趣,最后进行必要的小结。整个课程设计完整,气氛活跃,同时重视学生对基础知识的掌握。 Period

19、Two一 教学内容: 2a 3c二 教学目标: 1 知识目标: A. Recycled language: There is / are. Where is / are the . B. Structure: Is / Are the in / on / under? I dont know. C. 学会运用方位介词和Where句型表述物品的正确位置。 2 能力目标: 能运用目标语言询问自己或他人物品的具体位置 培养学生语用能力,让学生真正做到用中感悟,把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化。 3 情感目标: 培养学生积极,主动的学习态度。三 课前准备 教师:准备一个带有家具的

20、房间的多媒体课件和奖品 学生:学生用品,大白纸,四 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1. chant2. Group work: make a chant, (作品最压韵、朗读最熟练的小组胜出)1. Step 2 Pre-task1. Show pictures on the screen, and ask: -“Whats this ? - Its.2. Listen to the recording and look at 2a, number the things from 16.3. Guessing game T: Wheres the ?Help students an

21、swer: I dont know.T: Is it on the table ?S: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.T: Are they near the sofa ?S: Yes, they are. / No, they arent.4. ListeningSay now lets listen and find out where the things are. 5. Practice the drills Look at the picture T: Is the baseball on the chair S: No, it isnt. Its under

22、the chair Then let them practice in pairs as many as they can to improve their oral ability.Step 3 While-task1. Deal with 3a. Put the sentences in order, then check the answers and read the dialogue2. Pair work Show some pictures on the screen and ask students to make their own conversations, practi

23、ce in pairs, then ask some pairs to act them out.Step 4 Post-task1. Play a game : Find out the gifts (students need to put their gifts somewhere and try to write down the clues. so their partners can find out the gifts with the help of clues given. We will find which group is the winner.)The languag

24、e needed: 1. Wheres your gift ? 2. Is / Are on / in / under ?3. The pencil case is on the second desk.2. Group work学生四人一组,其中一位学生拥有老师给他的有关房间的信息,其他三位学生用“where is/are? Is it /Are they.”进行询问,根据所得到信息画出相应的图画,展出成果并评出各个奖项。Homework: Finish off the exercises in the exercises book.Imitate the dialogue in Secti

25、on A 2a & 2b. Act out the dialogues. (Section A 2a & 2b) Write a short passage about the drawing 本节属于活动课类型。在教学过程中要求学生说和做的任务很多,一方面是巩固学生在第一节课所学的重要内容,而重要的是希望学生能够根据课堂的一系列活动达到让学生对本章内容的一个感官上的认识,使他们真正理解所学内容。课堂中的三个任务都与描述位置与画出相应的示意图有关。学生通过自己画图和描述增加了感性上的直观认识,帮助他们对语言本身的理解,学生习语言知识的同时,能够将方位的知识真正用于实践,解决学生所遇到的问题。另

26、外,在活动课中还能运用到一些英语学科以外的内容,促进学科间的相互融合。Period Three一 教学内容:(Section A 4,Section B1a-2b )二 教学目标: 1 知识目标: A. Language focus: Tell the differences between the two pictures B. Vocabulary: alarm clock; video cassette; CD; math book; computer game C. Language: Structure The book is on the table. The keys are i

27、n the drawer 2 能力目标: 能运用目标语言来描述房间 培养学生语用能力,让学生真正做到用中感悟,把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化。 3 情感目标: 培养学生整齐的摆放自己物品的生活习惯。三 课前准备 教师:准备一个带有家具的房间的多媒体课件和奖品 学生:学生用品,预习新课 四 教学过程:Step 1: Warming up1. Play a game (divide the class into four groups, have a competition among them, and find out which group is the winner

28、.)2. Revision Show a picture and ask students to practice in pairs with the following sentences: Where are they ? They are . Are they ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.Step 2 Pre-task1. pair work: Show a picture of room, ask and answer in pairs about the picture. Use the following sentences: - What

29、can you see in the picture? - I can see a video cassette . - Where is it / are they ? - Its / Theyre .Teach new words: math, CD, alarm oclock, video cassette Step 3 While-task 1.Deal with 1a, match the words with the things in the picture, then check the answers.2.Task 1: Guessing game Use the sente

30、nces structure: Is /Are ? to guess the positions of the things 3.Task 2: Find out the differences T: Student A looks at Picture 1 (Textbook P21, 4) student B looks at Picture 2 (Textbook P19, 1a) ,ask and answer in pairs. Sample:1. S1: Where is the backpack? Is it under the table ?S2: No, it isnt. I

31、ts on the table.2. S1: Where are the books ? Are they on the sofa ?S2: No, they arent. They are on the bed. Then fill in the chart according to the pictures.ThingsPicture 1Picture 2The clockThe baseballThe math bookThe keys4. Say: I bought a new house, what do I need for my room? Help students answer: Y

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