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1、学年人教版九年级英语初中初三上学期期末英语试题及答案丰台区2015-2016学年度第一学期期末试题初 三 英 语 2015.1考生须知1本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。2在试卷和答题卡上认真填写学校名称、班级、姓名和准考证号。3试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其它试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。听力理解(共26分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1 A B C 2 A B C 3. A B C4 A B

2、C 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. What does Mike often do in his spare time?A. He goes swimming. B. He reads books. C. He plays basketball. 6. What does Mike like to do during the trip?A. To buy presents. B. To take photos. C. To taste food.

3、 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。7. How long has the woman learned English? A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years. 8. What problem does the man have in his English study? A. Grammar. B. Pronunciation. C. Listening. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. When will the visitors come? A. At the end of May. B. In the m

4、iddle of June. C. At the beginning of July.10. How many days will the visitors spend on the visit? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. Whats the matter with Tom in fact?A. He cant sleep at night. B. He is overweight. C. He catches a bad cold. 12. What does Tom probably do?A. A studen

5、t. B. A writer. C. A player. 13. What does the doctor advise him to do? A. Get up a little earlier and have breakfast.B. Stay in bed and take the medicine on time.C. Do exercise and eat less food with high fat.请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 14. What is the speaker doing? AMaking a plan. BGiving an introduction

6、. C. Leading a discussion.15. What activity can everyone do in the evening? A. Play games. B. Play tennis. C. Go swimming.16. Who can get a special price in the family this month? A. The adults. B. The kids. C. The grandparents.3、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) 知识运用(共25

7、分) 四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。22. This is my sister. _ name is Jane.A. My B. Its C. Her D. His23. When is the school sports meeting this term, Ann? Its _ September 30th. A. on B. in C. of D. at24. _ do you visit your grandparents, Mike? Once a week. A. How soon B. How long

8、 C. How often D. How far25. Tom missed the school bus, _ he was late for class. A. or B. so C. because D. but26. My friends and I _ going to Happy Valley this weekend. A. be B. am C. is D. are27. _ from your office phoned you. Here is the message. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Anybody D. Everybody28. My

9、sister is good at sports. She can jump _ than me.A. high B. higher C. highest D. the highest 29. Can you ride a motorbike, Peter?No, I _.A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt30. My father _ newspapers after dinner every day instead of watching TV.A. reads B. read C. will read D. is reading 31. Tel

10、l me something about the new library. It _ last year and it has a lot of books.A. builds B. built C. is built D. was built32. We _ in the same school since three years ago. A. study B. were studying C. have studied D. will study 33. My mother _ dinner when I got home yesterday. A. cooks B. will cook

11、 C. is cooking D. was cooking34. Could you tell me_? Two hours ago.A. when you finish your work B. when you finished your work C. when do you finish your work D. when did you finish your work五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。I am sitting in front of the computer. I need

12、 to 35 what I am going to do during the beautiful fall coming up in New York. I am nervous because I think that my life at this moment depends on how much I learnt in the intensive English during the last four months. All my life I have been a fighter. When I was 5, I had a very 36 convulsion (痉挛) w

13、ith high fever. I had the wrong medicine, which caused me to 37 my speech. The doctor told my mother that I would never be able to speak well again or to learn another language. My mother, 38 , was a fighter. She sent me to a lot of 39 . Finally, she sent me to Maria. She was a very nice person. She

14、 believed in me, and thought that I would speak again. The most amazing thing was that she taught me to read by mouth. I remember that I spent hours in front of the mirror and tried to 40 every word that I learnt. Imagine losing your speech and having to learn everything again. For me it was like be

15、ing 41 again. I learnt to talk and speak my native language: Spanish. Now, I am studying English in New York. I cant believe that I am learning another 42 . But, I am! I am crying because studying here makes me feel 43 , and it makes me smile when I remember what the doctors said to my mom: “She wil

16、l never be able to speak well again or to learn another language.” Ill always remember the beautiful words my mom said to me when I was a child and learnt to speak again after all. “You did something that nobody 44 you could do. You made an impossible dream that people said you would never do come t

17、rue. I will always be proud of you, and you will always be my 45 .”Now, Im thinking about the beautiful fall leaf that is coming and what is going to happen to me. Just as every leaf is going to fall from the trees, I am going to take every 46 in my studies and in my life. I try to think about this

18、and be a grateful person.35. A. draw B. write C. watch D. explain36. A. serious B. strange C. important D. interesting 37. A. improve B. change C. lose D. end 38. A. luckily B. maybe C. suddenly D. however 39. A. doctors B. teachers C. reporters D. friends 40. A. repeat B. find C. copy D. record 41.

19、 A. saved B. born C. taught D. raised 42. A. language B. method C. subject D. skill 43. A. nervous B. sad C. happy D. comfortable 44. A. imagined B. thought C. remembered D. expected 45. A. future B. child C. hero D. honor 46. A. chance B. exam C. class D. step 阅读理解(共48分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B

20、、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共30分,每小题2分) A 47. What is the hotel like? A. Very new. B. Very old. C. Very small. D. Very dirty.48. What can people try in the village nearby? A. Meat. B. Milk. C. Soup. D. Tea.49. The bedrooms probably dont offer_. A. heating B. computer C. TV D. showerB Tony loved basketball. On

21、e afternoon on his way to a basketball game, he was walking anddreaming about playing collegebasketball the next year. Suddenly a car hit him and he was thrown threemeters into the air. Tony woke up in ahospitalroom. When the doctor told him that both his legs were broken, heknew his college basketb

22、all dreams were over. Tony did what the doctors told him, but it didntwork. After he left the hospital, Tony was sent to a health center A week after he arrived there, he met Sunny Chen. Sunny used to be a coachHis legs werehurtbadlyin a skating accidentThough he couldnt move his legs,Sunny became a

23、 coach of abasketballteam called the SunsIt was an on-wheelchair basketball team,becauseeverybody on theteam played from a wheelchair. Sunny invited Tony tojoin the game. Tony played badly,butfor thefirsttime since the accident, he stopped feeling sorry for himself After becoming a part of the Suns,

24、Tony improved quicklyBasketball was likemedicine for himTony was much better than beforeWhen Tony became sad orangry,Sunny was thereto be with himThe daybefore Tony left the center, he had dinner with SunnyHe asked Sunnyhow he could be so happy, even with his broken legs Sunnysmiled and said, “Its r

25、eally quite easyWhen you keep your face to the sun,theshadows fall behind.”50. From the passage, we know that _. A. Tony was hit by a bus B. Tony was hit by a carC. Tony was hit by a basketball D. Tony was hit by a football51. Where was Tony when he woke up after the accident? A. In a hospital. B. I

26、n a health center. C. In a college. D. In a sports center. 52. How did Sunny help Tony? A. By teaching him how to play basketball. B. By giving him some medicine in the game. C. By having dinner with him in the health center. D. By inviting him to join the Suns and being with him.53. According the p

27、assage, we can know that Sunny was _. A. shy and careful B. humorous and patient C. helpful and hopeful D. serious and hardworking C American nutrition expert Professor Barry Popkin says that the number of overweight people in the world is now bigger than the number of people who dont have enough to

28、 eat. A billion people worldwide now weigh too much and the number of obese people is now more than 300 million. “Obese” means at least 15 kilos heavier than you should be. However, there are also 800 million people in the world who dont have enough to eat. Professor Popkin said that the number of h

29、ungry people is falling slowly but the number of overweight people is rising fast. The main reasons for this are: people are doing less hard physical work more people worldwide now eat too much fatty food too many people are driving cars instead of walking people spend too much time in front of a te

30、levisionThe United States has the highest rate of obesity in the developed world and Japan has the lowest. Professor Benjamin Senauer is absolutely certain of the reasons for this. “Japanese people are fit. They use public transport and walk,” he said. “The average American drives to work and drives

31、 to supermarket. When he gets home, he sits on a couch in front of the TV and eats junk food.” In Britain and many other European countries, there are three times as many obese people as there were 20 years ago. About two thirds of British adults are overweight or obese. “The effects of this are clear,” said London doctor Elena

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