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本文(西安市人教精通版小升初英语阅读理解50题篇训练题含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、西安市人教精通版小升初英语阅读理解50题篇训练题含答案解析西安市【人教精通版】小升初英语阅读理解50题篇训练题(含答案解析)1( A )NameWhere are you?Hows it going?What are you doing?Hows the weather? Judyin Germany Not bad.I am studying English.Its cold and dry.Its snowing outside. Chen MingHainanPretty good.Im talking to my good friend on the phone.Hainan is s

2、unny and hot.1How is the weather in Germany?AIts snowy. BIts rainy. CIts sunny. DIts cool.2Who is in China, Judy or Chen Ming?AJudy BJudy and Chen Ming CJudy or Chen Ming DChen Ming3Is Judy talking to her good friend on the phone?AYes, she is. BNo, she isnt. CYes, I am. DNo, Im not.4Hows it going wi

3、th Judy?AGood. BNot bad. CPretty good. DTerrible.5Where are Judy and Chen Ming?AThey are in Germany.BThey are in Hainan.CJudy is in Germany, and Chen Ming is in Hainan.DJudy is in Hainan, and Chen Ming is in Germany.【答案】1A2D3B4B5C【解析】【分析】本文使用表格形式为我们介绍了Judy,陈明的四方面的情况,包括他们现在所在的国家,生活的情况,正在做的事情,以及所在地方的天

4、气。1根据问题,询问在德国的天气情况,定位到信息句,Its cold and dry.Its snowing outside.可知外面正在下雪。故答案为:A.2根据问题,谁在中国,定位到信息句:Chen Ming在中国的海南。故答案为:D.3根据问题,是否Judy正在和朋友使用电话聊天,定位到信息句:Im talking to my good friend on the phone.可知是陈明在这样做,故答案为:B.4根据问题,询问Judy过得怎样?定位到信息句:Not bad.可知Judy最近过得还不错。故答案为:B.5根据问题,询问Judy和陈明现在在哪里,定位到信息,Judy在德国,陈明

5、在中国海南。故答案为:C.2People in New Zealand have a very special way of greeting(问候) people. Its called Hongi(碰鼻礼).When people meet, they always greet each other by pressing ones nose against anothers nose. When a visitor is greeted in this way, people there wont see the person as a visitor any more, but one

6、 of the people of the land. Of course, during the visitors stay, he has to share all the duties(职责).At meetings or important ceremonies(典礼) people always greet in this way. And its just like the handshake in our country.根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。1Hongi is a way of greeting people in New Zealand.2A vis

7、itor cant be greeted in this way.3When a man is greeted in this way, he has to stay there.4People in New Zealand always greet in this way at meetings.5The handshake isnt often used in China now.【答案】1T2F3F4T5F【解析】【分析】文章讲诉了New Zealand的特殊的礼节,碰鼻礼。1句意:碰鼻礼是New Zealand的人们的问候方式。根据People in New Zealand have

8、a very special way of greeting(问候) people. Its called Hongi(碰鼻礼).故选T2句意:游客不会用这种方式被问候。根据When a visitor is greeted in this way,故选F3句意:当一个人被用这种方式问候了他必须呆在那里。根据When a visitor is greeted in this way, people there wont see the person as a visitor any more, but one of the people of the land. Of course, duri

9、ng the visitors stay, he has to share all the duties(职责).故选F4句意:New Zealand的人在会议上通常用这种方式问候。根据At meetings or important ceremonies(典礼) people always greet in this way.故选T5句意:现在中国不经常使用握手。根据At meetings or important ceremonies(典礼) people always greet in this way. And its just like the handshake in our co

10、untry.故选F3MorningAfternoonMorningAfternoonSundayThursdayMonday FridayTuesdaySaturdayWednesday1On what day is it windy all day(整天)?AMonday BWednesday CThursday DSaturday2What can you do on Friday?ARun in the park. BSwim in the pool. CMake a snowman DRide a bike.3Hows the weather on Sunday afternoon?A

11、Cloudy. BSunny. CRainy DWindy.4Hows the weather on Thursday morning?AWindy BSunny. CRainy DSnowy.5What season(季节) is it?ASummer. BSpring(春天). CWinter. DAutumn(秋天).【答案】1B2C3A4B5C【解析】【分析】试题分析:本文是一篇天气预报,预报了周日至周六的天气情况。1题意:哪一天刮一天风?考查细节理解题。根据最后一栏Wednesday的图片信息,可知周三早上和下午都有风,故选B。2题意:星期五你能做什么?考查细节理解题。A. Run

12、in the park. 在公园里跑步;B. Swim in the pool. 在游泳池游泳;C. Make a snowman堆雪人;D. Ride a bike.骑车。根据Friday一栏的图片信息,可知早上和下午都有雪,故选C。3题意:星期日下午的天气怎么样?考查细节理解题。A. Cloudy多云的;B. Sunny晴天的;C. Rainy下雨的;D. Windy有风的。根据Sunday一栏的图片信息,可知下午多云,故选A。4题意:星期四早上天气怎么样?考查细节理解题。根据Thursday一栏的图片信息,可知早上是晴天,故选B。5题意:这是什么季节?考查综合理解题。A. Summer夏

13、天;B. Spring春天;C. Winter冬天;D. Autumn秋天。根据表格内的图片信息,可知是冬天,故选C。4Spanish DancingSpanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place:John Smiths Date:July 131 Price:¥60Time:7:30pm9:30pm Tel:3012768Live Pop MusicEnjoy the music from Jay Chou(周杰伦),the famous pop si

14、nger. Place:The music hall Date:July2022Price¥200¥250Time:8:00pm10:00pmShows_Daqian MuseumDaqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display here. Come and see the whole of Chinese history!Place:Daqian Museum Date:July1_August 31 Price:¥50(half for students)Time:Monday to Friday:8:30am5:30pmWeekends:9:0

15、0am8:00pmTel:27113991If you want to learn dancing, you can call .A2711399 B4886888 C2312899 D30127682You can enjoy Jay Chous music at in the music hall.A9:00 pm on July 23 B8:00 pm on July 20C7:30 pm every day D9:30 pm on July 13You can learn at John Smiths.AAmerican Jazz Bpop songsCthe whole of Chi

16、nese history DSpanish dancing4There is a big show on history at .ADaqian Museum Bthe music hall CJohn Smiths Dthe meeting hall5If Mr. Zhong wants to go to the museum with his wife and ten-year-old daughter, how much should he pay for it?A¥70. B¥100 C¥125 D¥200【答案】1D2B3D4A5C【解析】【分析】本信息是关于三个方面的广告宣传,第一

17、栏是西班牙的舞蹈介绍,地点、时间、价格与联系电话都说明了。第二栏信息是现场流行音乐,是著名的歌手周杰伦的演唱会,具体的时间与事项均表明。第三栏是博物馆的介绍,关于中国的历史。票价以及开放的时间等都详细进行了介绍。1题意:如果你想学跳舞,你可以拨打_。分析第一栏信息是关于学习跳舞的,并且给出电话号Tel: 301-2768,故选:D2题意:你可以在_在音乐厅欣赏周杰伦的音乐。分析第二栏信息,音乐会的开始的时间Date: July 20-22; Time: 8:00 pm- 10:00 pm。故选:B3题意:你可以在约翰.布莱克那里学习_。根据广告第1栏信息Spanish Dancing(西班牙舞

18、蹈)Place:John Blacks可知在约翰.布莱克那里学习西班牙舞蹈,选D。4题意:_有一个大型的历史展览。根据广告第3栏信息Come and see the whole of Chinese history! (来看看中国的历史吧!)Place:Daqian Museum(地点:大千博物馆)可知“大千博物馆有一个大型的历史展览。”故选A。5题意:如果王先生想和他的妻子和十岁的儿子一起去博物馆,他应该付多少钱?计算及细节理解题。 分析第三栏信息大人是每人50元,学生是半价。因此为50+50+25=125元。故选:C。点睛:本文是广告类阅读。此类文章主要考查考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,既

19、注重特定细节的筛选、类比、综合(细节理解能力),又注重推理判断题的考查,题目设置较容易。答题时没有必要把每一句话弄清楚,只要重点理解和题目有关的信息就可以了。首先正确理解题意,根据题目要求到文中找出相关内容,有重点有目的的仔细阅读,结合选项选出正确的选项。5Name: KarishmaAnimal type: Asian elephantAge: 11Weight(重量): 2,300 kgFavorite food: fruit and cakesName: LumpurAnimal type: Asian tigerAge: 11Weight: 130 kgFavorite food: c

20、hickenName: EllishAnimal type: African giraffeAge: 4Weight: 750 kgFavorite food: grass and leavesName: SpikeAnimal type: African lionAge: 7Weight: 200 kgFavorite food: beef1Where does Karishma come from?AAsia. BAfrica. CAustralia. DSouth America.2Whats Lumpurs favorite food?ACakes. BFish. CBeef. DCh

21、icken.3How old is Ellish?A3. B4. C7. D11.4What animal is Lumpur?AA tiger. BA lion. CA giraffe. DAn elephant.5Whats the weight of Spike?A130 kg. B200 kg. C750 kg. D2,300 kg.【答案】1A2D3B4A5B【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了几只动物的类别,年龄,体重和最喜欢吃的食物。1题意:Karishma来自哪里?A. Asia.亚洲;B. Africa. 非洲;C. Australia. 澳大利亚;D. South America

22、. 南美洲。 根据左一图Animal type: Asian elephant可知Karishma来自亚洲,选A。2题意:Lumpur最喜欢的食物是什么?A. Cakes.蛋糕; B. Fish鱼;C. Beef.牛肉;D. Chicken.鸡肉。根据右一图中Favorite food: chicken可知Lumpur最喜欢的食物是鸡肉,选D。3题意:Ellish几岁了?根据左二图Age: 4可知Ellish4岁了;选B。4题意:Lumpur是什么动物?A. A tiger老虎;B. A lion.狮子;C. A giraffe.长颈鹿;D. An elephant.大象。根据右一图中Anim

23、al type: Asian tiger可知Lumpur是老虎;选A。5题意:Spike的重量是多少?根据右二图中Weight: 200 kg可知Spike中200千克。选B。6When you go to the US, someone often says “give me five”. What should you do? Do not get five dollars from your pocket! It will make them laugh! They are not asking for your money, but your fingers. In the US, “

24、give me five” or “give me the high five” is a popular gesture(手势). You can see it often in movies or on TV. It means hitting each others right hands together.People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens(发生). For example, when a student gets good grades in tests. If a foo

25、tball team wins a game, the players will give the high five to everyone around to celebrateThis gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising(举起) the right arm for the king. This showed the person raising his arm did not have a sword(宝剑) in his hand.Why not try to give the high five to your

26、 friends?1“Give me five” is a gesture to _Amake people laugh Bshow happinessCask for money Dask for help2When you _, you can give your friends high five.Alose your money Bhave a swordCwin a football game Dwatch movies3The gesture may start in _ARome BAmerica CChina DEngland4.The underlined word “cel

27、ebrate” in the second paragraph means “_” in Chinese.A聚会 B领奖 C庆祝 D纪念5The Romans raised the right arm for the king to show that _Athey were afraid of the kingBthey were happy to see the kingCthey wanted to show the sword in the handDthere was no sword in the hand【答案】1B2C3A4C5D【解析】【分析】这篇文章讲述了“Give me

28、five鼓掌,加油”的意义和起源。1题意:“Give me five(击掌,加油)”是一个_的手势。A. make people laugh让别人笑;B. say hello to others向别人打招呼,问号;C. ask for money向别人要钱;D. ask for help,B.请求帮助。根据第一段第1句When you go to the US, someone often says “Give me five”.结合下文及最后一句It means hitting each others right hand together.可知Give me five是向别人打招呼,用右手

29、击掌。故选B。2题意:当你_,你可以给你的朋友高举起手而击掌。A. ask for money要钱;B. have a sword拥有一把剑;C. win a football game赢得足球比赛;D. watch movies看电影。根据第2段最后一句If a football team wins a game, the players will give the high five to everyone around to celebrate(如果一个足球队赢了一场比赛,球员们会高举手手给周围的人击掌来表示庆祝。)结合题意可知选C。3题意:手势可能起源于_。A. Rome罗马;B. A

30、merica美国;C. China中国;D. England英国。根据第三段第1句This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising(举起) the right arm for the king.(这个手势可能来自古罗马人为国王举右臂的手势。)结合题意可知选A。4题意:第2段中单词“celebrate”中文意思是_。根据第2段最后一句If a football team wins a game, the players will give the high five to everyone around to celebrate(如果一个足球队赢了一场比赛,球员们会把手高举给周围的人击掌来表示庆祝。)的句意和语境(胜利会庆祝)可知选

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