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GRE ISSUE Sample 范文.docx

1、GRE ISSUE Sample 范文GRE ISSUE SAMPLEFrom American GRE Preparation WebsiteIssueWe learn through direct experience; to accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing at all.The greatest teacher is experience. It is only through first-hand experience that any new knowledge can get fixed in

2、the mind. It is rightly said that experience is the best teacher. Anything learnt virtually is only half learnt. Nevertheless, having an experience of the thing puts you at a better position when it comes to learning the concept.It is the natures way of teaching things to animals as well as humans.

3、A bird would never be able to learn how to fly unless it flaps its wings. Similarly, when a baby comes to this world, he is absolutely new to the world. As he grows up, he begins to observe and incorporate things that he sees in his life. Once he picks up a thing by observing it, he begins to imitat

4、e it and thus learn from it. Unless he touches something hot, he would never know what it is to get burnt. Unless he gets cut from a sharp object, or trips from a higher place, he would never understand the meaning of these things and thus will never learn that he should stay away from such things.A

5、ccepting a theory without experiencing it is to remain passive in life. Without experience, one can never know the nature and the extent of any theory. As the famous saying goes, only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches, it can be understood that it is only when one indulges that one comes to kn

6、ow about the difficulties of a task. Whether the task is easy or difficult is a question that can be answered only when it is undertaken. For example, while preparing for an exam, if a student goes by just what is told to him by his tutor, there is no surety of his having learnt his lessons properly

7、. On the other hand, if the student has practiced and solved the lesson on his own, he will have a first-hand experience of the problems. He would solve on his own and find out his capabilities, his weaknesses, and thus get a chance of improving himself. This is learning in the real sense.However, i

8、t is also true that everything cannot be experienced. To learn about the moon and its nature, it is not essential to go on the moon. The only way a common man can learn about such far reached things or imaginary theories is when someone tells them something about them. That means you may not have an

9、 experience of going on the moon, but it can be understood and perceived by the human mind. Thus, experience cannot be called the sole teacher. Learning happens in an environment where the student is ready to learn what is available to him. Thus, the most important factor in learning is the interest

10、 of a student in the subject.The first step towards learning is made only with the help of a guide. Thus the importance of learning by getting inspired cannot be ignored. It would be an extreme statement to say that without experiencing there is no learning. Learning is a continuous process. It goes

11、 on in the subconscious mind, without ones knowledge of it. Since the mind is always working and absorbing things, it has the capacity of picking up ideas and developing them as well. Thus, before you actually experience something the mind has already worked over the issue and prepared a base for it

12、.Thus, learning cannot be restricted to a particular manner. Learning requires a participation of the mind and body. Thus, not only is it important to experience the theories, but it is also important that the learner has a mindset for learning and grasping the things he sees.IssueLaws should not be

13、 rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.Laws are a system of rules that are formulated to bring order in a society. Thus, laws help in bringing a system, country or society under one rule which everyone must obey and accept

14、. Laws are therefore enforced upon people without making any distinction between them so that there is discipline and peace in a society. Since the whole society that comes under one rule is subject to the same laws of the society, it is the responsibility of the governing authority to make sure tha

15、t the laws pertain to the general public and are not against them. For this purpose while formulating laws the government must look into the needs of the society. Moreover, since the needs of a society as a whole are not fixed and are subject to time, place and circumstances, laws should also not be

16、 fixed. It would be wrong to say that laws once formulated will never change. Such governance where laws are not flexible and are rigid takes the form of dictatorship. Therefore, for the purpose of forming a healthy democratic society, it is important that the requirements of people should be taken

17、into consideration, and correspondingly changes introduced in laws.The needs of people change with changing times. What was required in the past is different from the requirements of the present. Moreover, with the passage of time the success of laws can be judged. Thus, according to the present nee

18、ds, a change should be made in laws. For example, in the past, there were restrictions put the merchants to practice free trade keeping in mind the upliftment of small scale industry and public sector. However, with the passage of time, it was observed that such a restriction has only alienated the

19、country and thus has put hurdles in the way of progress. The private sector forms a large part of the society and their needs must also be taken into consideration. With the removal of such rigid laws and the practice of free trade coming into existence, the economy has become stronger than ever. Th

20、us, laws formed according to the needs of the changing times not only bring in development but also peace and harmony in a society.Similarly, there can be changes in circumstances that require a change in laws. For example, in case of violence or attack, it becomes essential to put restriction over

21、the common man keeping in mind the interests of the society. Thus, a curfew or a state of emergency can be declared to bring the circumstances back to normalcy. However, such laws are not required when the circumstances do not allow and there is peace everywhere. A change in place can also see a cha

22、nge in laws. According to laws and rights, a citizen of a country may be free to move, settle or buy property in any part of the country, but there can be restrictions put on such liberty according to the place as well. Some places need to be protected by the government for various purposes, like se

23、curity, upliftment of poor and minority etc. Thus, the laws must also be subject to change in place.However, the change in laws should not be made at the click of a finger. In such a system the importance of laws is diminished. There has to be a predefined and proper procedure of amendment of laws w

24、hich takes into consideration every aspect of the society that would get affected with the change. Thus, laws must be flexible but not weak so that they can be bent and twisted to every desired way. Only strong laws that take into consideration the interests of the society as a whole are the ones wh

25、ich form a healthy and peaceful society.IssuePeople are too quick to take action; instead they should stop to think of the possible consequences of what they might do.There are many ways of looking at a thing. Similarly, there are many consequences of a particular thing. You can reach the desired go

26、al according to the path you choose. It is thus a matter of choosing the correct path at the correct time. If the right time is over, then there is no way to turn back and mend your ways. That is why you must be very cautious of your actions and think before you leap. The benefits of thinking and pr

27、oceeding with any job are many. Not only does it involve calculations and planning, but it also turns out to be the wisest thing possible. When you spare some time to ponder over the issue and the plan of action, it involves looking deep into the issue keeping in mind all its aspects. Thus, the poss

28、ibility of any hurdles and shortfalls is previously thought over. In case there are some hurdles that are met later during the course of action, one can deal with it in a better way. This is because thinking of all the possibilities prepares you for all situations.Jumping to conclusions is just an a

29、ct of impulse. When you are subject to impulse, you have a strong and sudden wish to do something without thinking about its results. It is likely that what you do in such a case leads to the result that is expected. However, there are great chances that it leads to the opposite or even a disastrous

30、 end. To avoid any such chances, the best thing to do is to think of all the possible consequences and then act according to requirement.I had heard of an incident when a group of school boys had gone out in the country side for a small picnic. The idea was to have fun and enjoy the day playing arou

31、nd in the open. That is why on seeing a beautiful stream some of them decided to jump in for a swim. Without thinking about any safety measures, they jumped into the stream. To their surprise the stream was flooded and the current was too much for them to fight against. Sooner than they realized the

32、y were being washed away by the powerful stream. It was only with the thoughtful and timely action of the other boys that a rescue team could be called and the boys could be rescued. It can be seen that the boys did not think that their activities of deriving fun would take such a dangerous turn. Th

33、e lesson from such an incident is for everyone to learn. Had the boys thought over the possibility of such a thing, they would not have probably thought of going for a swim. Alternatively, probably to satisfy their wish of swimming, they could have chosen a better time when the stream would not be so flooded, or a bett

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