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1、牛津初中英语7A词组整册Unit One This is me!1. Whats your name?2. This is3. an instruction book4. look after5. make friends with6. introduce oneself to each other7. a profile of oneself8. welcome to + n.9. at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School10. Good morning (afternoon, evening, night)!11. 12 years old=12-year-

2、old12. live in (a flat)13. be clever at (be good at = do well in)14. in the school basketball team15. in the Reading Club16. call sb. + name17. come from = be from18. be born in (on)19. at school (compare with: at the school)20. have hair in a ponytail (have hair in bunches)21. like doing sth. (love

3、 doing sth, enjoy doing sth.)22. listen to (music, teacher)23. look at24. work hard (compare with: hard work)25. wear glasses26. play computer games27. want to do sth.28. make notes about29. know each other30. the Class 1, Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 731. help sb. do sth.32. Its

4、 time for sth. =Its time to do sth.33. PE class34. football boots35. tennis racket36. football field37. tennis court38. swimming pool39. playwith sb.40. talk to sb.41. at lunchtime42. take sb. for a walk43. after school你叫什么名字?这是(用于介绍人或物)一本说明书照料,保管与交朋友相互间进行自我介绍一份某人自己的档案欢迎到来在北京阳光中学早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)12岁住

5、在(公寓里)在方面聪明(在很擅长)在校篮球队在阅读俱乐部称某人为来自,地方人出生于在校学习班(在学校里)将头发扎成马尾辫(扎辫子)喜欢做某事听(音乐,老师讲课)看努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作)戴眼镜玩电脑游戏想要做某事做有关的记录相互了解七年级一班的学生帮助某人做某事是该做某事的时候了。体育课足球鞋网球拍足球场网球场游泳池和某人一起玩和某人交谈在午餐时间带某人去散步放学后44. walk home = go home on foot45. take the bus46. a picture of ones family47. the best in the world48. a member o

6、f (the Reading Club)49. write to sb.50. at the weekend51. go running (shopping)52. watch games53. in a restaurant54. Write soon!55. a favourite football player56. a news article57. on the sheet58. Sports News59. the Huanghe Football Team60. score goals61. the World Cup62. look strong (nice, etc.)63.

7、 play football forTeam64. find out65. useas a model66. the underlined words (parts)67. leave sth. at home68. need to do sth.69. borrow sth. From sb.70. How do you say that in English?71. I dont understand.72. Ill start /begin now.73. I am sorry, I dont know.74. at the beginning of75. have to do76. l

8、ots of = a lot of77. talk on the phone with sb.78. live with sb.79. look for sth. on the Internet80. a computer programmer81. grow up82. write down83. remember to do sth.84. want to be步行回家坐公共汽车一张全家福世界上最好的(阅读俱乐部的)一个成员写信给某人在周末去跑步(购物)看比赛在餐馆请回信一个受欢迎的足球运动员一则新闻报道在纸上体育新闻黄河足球队进球世界杯看起来很强壮(很漂亮)效力于足球队找出,发现将当作范

9、例来用划线的词(部分)将丢在家里需要做某事向某人借某物这在英语里怎么说?我不懂。我就要开始了。对不起,我不知道。在的开始不得不做某事许多通过电话与某人交谈(煲电话粥)和某人住在一起在因特网上查找电脑程序员长大写下记住做某事想成为,想当Unit Two My day1. wake up2. have fun3. its time for sth. (n.) = its time to do sth.4. its time for sb. to do sth.e.g.Its time for me to do my homework.5. what are you going to do?6. a

10、fter breakfast7. go to sleep/ go to bed8. have/ eat lunch9. keep a diary10. daily activities11. have assembly12. have lessons13. do after-school activities14. write to sb.15. it is called sb./ sth. is called16. more than/ less than17. in the playground18. play volleyball19. practise + n./ practise d

11、oing sth.e.g. I practise English/ practise playing football20. talk to each other21. spend +time +doing sth.e.g. I spend about an hour a day doing my homework. Spend + money + on sth. (n.)e.g. I spend 10 yuan on the book.22. a lot of things to do23. twice a weekonce/ twice/ three times/ four times/2

12、4. listen to the radio25. make model planes26. read newspapers27. watch films28. take the dog for a walk = walk the dog29. go home together30. news/ information 不可数名词31. win the first prize in the football match32. all the time33. be pleased with34. comic books35. meet up with sb.36. on Mondays = ev

13、ery Monday37. have much time to do sth.醒来,叫醒寻找乐趣是干某事的时候了是某人干某事的时候了你打算干什么?早饭后上床睡觉吃中饭记日记日常活动进行集会上课进行课外活动写信给某人被称作多于/少于在操场上打排球练习干某事相互交谈花费时间干某事我每天花一个小时做家庭作业。买东西花多少钱我买这本书花了十块钱。有许多事要做一周两次一次/两次/三次/四次/听收音机做飞机模型看报纸看电影带狗去散步一起回家消息,新闻/信息在足球比赛中获得第一名一直对感到满意,高兴喜剧书籍和某人约见每个星期一有许多时间干某事38. chat with sb.39. be busy doin

14、g sth.40. write back to sb.41. thanks for/ thank you for sth. (n.)/ doing sth.42. like doing/ like to reade.g. like reading/ like to read43. get some information about44. next Monday45. would like to do sth.e.g. I would like to go to Beijing Zoo.46. look forward to + n./ +doing sth.e.g. Im looking f

15、orward to a great day out.Im looking forward to seeing you.47. turn on/ off lights48. the E-friendship Clubs website49. it is fun to do sth.50. finish doing sth.51. Im not tall enough (to do sth.)52. the answer to the question和某人闲聊忙于干某事给某人回信谢谢你喜欢干某事收集有关的资料下周一乐于干某事,想干某事期待开灯/关灯网上友谊俱乐部的网址干感到有趣完成/结束干不够高

16、问题的答案Unit Three Lets celebrate!1.Lets celebrate!2.What are you doing?3.dress up as4.make a display5.different festivals around the world6.have to do sth.7.Chinese New Year8.Dragon Boat Festival9.Mid-Autumn to do sth.12.a list of13.get ready for14.a letter from sb. to s

17、b.15.thank sb. for doing sth.16.tell sb. about sth.17.celebrate Christmas18.have a party19.on October sth. for21.a game called “trick or treat”22.knock on/ at23.give sb. sth. as a a trick on sb.25.special costumes with masks26.make pumpkin lanterns27.cut out28.on the evening o

18、f October, drinks30.Happy Halloween!31.the meaning the back33.look like34.days of the year35.want to do sth.36.New Years Day37.Childrens Day38.Teachers Day39.National Easter41.rice breakfast (lunch/ supper)43.start to do/ doing sth.让我们来庆祝!你在干什么?装扮成样子展示,展出世界

19、各地不同的节日不得不做某事中国的新年(春节)端午节中秋节在万圣节喜欢做某事一张的清单为做准备一封由某人寄给某人的信感谢某人做某事告诉某人有关某事庆祝圣诞节举行晚会在十月三十一日为做某事一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏敲(门或窗)以招待某人对某人使恶作剧带面具的特别服装制作南瓜灯切、割在十月三十一日的晚上热饮万圣节快乐!的意义在后面看起来像一年中的节日想要做某事元旦儿童节教师节国庆节在复活节粽子在吃早餐(午餐/晚餐)的时候开始做某事 Canada45.on winter47.tade sb. for a walk48.have a long holiday49.go

20、 to see the doctor50.during the first the pencil to do/ doing sth.53.go on the kitchen55.Christmas on the packets58.Chinese New Year celebrations59.traditional Chinese food60.lion dance61.listen to the radio programme62.Chinese Community C

21、entre63.plan to do sb. do much68.make flash cards69.ask sb. to do sth.70.a piece of card71.on the other side of72.give sb. a hint73.10-minute study time74.try to do sth.75.writing sth. in many the library78.on the Internet79.dream a

22、bout80.Dragon Boat race81.Easter chocolate eggs82.put upon the the weekend84.make a plan85.remember to do sth.在加拿大在周一在冬天带某人去散步度长假去看病在第一周在铅笔盒里爱做某事去度假在厨房圣诞礼物在网上聊天室聊天红包庆祝新年的活动传统的中国食品舞狮子听广播节目华人社区活动中心计划做某事帮助某人做某事在夜晚在唐人街如此(多),这么做卡片叫某人做某事一张卡片在另一边提示某人,给某人以暗示十分钟的学习时间努力做某事写作计划用许多方式做某事在图书馆在网上梦到赛龙舟复活节

23、彩蛋把挂在墙上在周末制定计划记住做某事Unit Four Food1. Lets have a hamburger.2. be hungry/ be full3. a lot of energy4. walk to = go toon foot5. many times a day6. What is your favourite food? =What food do you like?7. 12 years old = 12-year old8. want to do sth./ want to be9. get tired10.need sth. to do sth.11.It is +

24、 a. + for sb. to do sth.12.change the diet13.sweet snacks14.between good for have sth. for breakfast/ supper/ lunch17.notany more18.a top student19.after with sb.21.on the Internet22.twice a week/ once a food/ home cooking24.a healthy often2

25、6.get energy form27.cook healthy food28.a spicy dish from Sichuan29.find out30.Get Fit Club31.give advice on32.go roller skating33.the differences between A and B34.eating sb. do sth.plete the sentence37.refer to38.make a shopping liste for dinner40.of course41.countable nouns/ uncount

26、able nouns42.start with让我们来吃汉堡。饥饿/饱许多能量走到地方去一天多次你最喜欢的食品是什么?十二岁想要干某事/想成为感到疲劳需要做某事对某人来说做某事是改变饮食习惯甜食两餐之间对某人有好处早餐/午餐/晚餐吃一再最好的学生课后与某人交谈在网上一周两次/一月一次快餐/家常菜健康餐多久一次从获取能量烹调健康食品四川辣菜找出,发现健身俱乐部对提出建议去滑冰A和B的不同饮食习惯帮助某人做某事完成句子指列一张购物单来吃晚餐当然可数名词/不可数名词从开始 front of44.a glass of/ a bowl of/ a cup of/ a kilo of/ a pa

27、cket the kitchen46.cook for sb.47.It takes sb. some time to do sth.48.would like to do sth.49.keep fit50.log online interview52.listen to53.notat all54.try to do sth.55.Congratulations! much58.a report on sb./ sth.59.feel well/ healthy60.Good luck with sb.61.ask fo

28、 the end of63.go to the many (bananas)65.healthy eating66.stay healthy67.check for mistakes68.get fat69.different kinds of70.taste sour71.on the tree/ in the tree在前面一杯/一碗/一杯/一公斤/一包在厨房为某人烧花费某人时间做某事想/愿意做某事保持健康进入系统网上访问听一点也不努力做某事祝贺你多长时间多少/问价钱一份有关某人或某事的报告感觉好/健康祝某人好运寻求,要求在的末尾/尽头去超市如此多的(香蕉)健康饮食保持健康查找错误变胖不同种类的/各种各样的尝起来很酸在树上Unit Five Going shopping1.go shopping/ swimming/ skating/ fishing2.want sb. to do a lot of free/ be busy5.carry all the bags6.a shopping mall called Sun

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