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1、初三英语专项复习doc不定式初三英语专项复习动词不定式一、动词不定式是一种非谓语形式(不能作谓语),动词不定式在句子中用法灵活,作用很大,是中考中重要的考查项目之一,大家一定要学好吆!二、动词不定式的基本形式肯定式:to + 动词原形 否定式:not to + 动词原形(to是不定式符号、标志,无意义,可以不翻译)三、动词不定式的特征动词不定动式是一种非谓语动词形式,它没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语,但可以作除谓语之外的其它任何句子成分(主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语);动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,同时还保持动词的某些特点,既可以有自己的宾语和状语,动词不定式和它

2、的宾语和状语构成不定式短语。四、动词不定式的用法动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。1.作主语:To see is to believe.1).To learn English well is important. 口语中,常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语(不定式)后置。 即:Its important to learn English well. 记住常用句型。Its easy to get lost in a big city like Tokyo在东京这样的大城市容易迷路。It is terrible to see the

3、 ship sinking into the sea目睹轮船沉入大海,真是太可怕了。It takes/took/will take some time to do sth.It took me two hours to write the letter.2).It is +adj.+(for/of sb.)+to do sth.如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,则在不定式前加一个for引起的短语,即不定式的逻辑主语。如:Its easy for people to do good things.如果在以表示人的品质、特征等形容词(如good,kind,nice ,wrong,clever,r

4、ight等)作表语时,不定式前常加一个of引起的短语,说明不定式指的是谁的情况。如:Its kind of you to help me. Its not polite of him to speak to old people like that.2.作宾语1)、不定式作宾语能跟不定式作宾语的动词(及物动词)很多,常见的有want to do, like to do, wish to do, hate to do, hope to do, prefer to do, try to do, ask to do, start to do, begin to do, decide to do, l

5、earn to do, choose to do, agree to do, expect to do, remember to do, forget to do,等。Vt.(及物动词)+ to do sth. He wanted to borrow my CD player.His brother is learning to drive. I hope to speak English well.2)Vt.(及物动词)+ to do sth. He wanted to borrow my CD player. His brother is learning to drive. I hope

6、 to speak English well.动词不定式作宾语其后又有补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而把不定式后置。I fond it difficult to learn physics. 3作宾语补足语a可以用带to的不定式作宾补的动词常用的有ask,tell,order,invite,beg, get,allow,wish,want,encourage,advise, warn等。例如:The teacher asked us to finish our homework老师叫我们完成家庭作业。She wanted him to sing for her friends她想让他为她的朋友

7、唱歌。The policeman told the boys not to play in the street警察告诉孩子们别在街上玩耍。b在动词think,believe,know,find, understand,take等之后,作宾补的不定式多由“to be adj”构成。例如:They find the Chinese people to be happy and cheerful他们发现中国人都很幸福快乐。He believed the earth to be a globe他相信大地是个球体。c在某些短语后也可跟带to的不定式作宾补。这类动词短语常见的有:wait for,cal

8、l on,depend on,care for,long for等。例如:The crocodile waited for the monkey to come down again鳄鱼等着猴子再下来。The chairman called on Mr Brown to speak主席请布朗先生讲话。I shouldnt care for that man to be my doctor我不要那人给我看病。B不带to的不定式作宾补动词不定式在使役动词(make,let, have)或感官动词(feel,listen to,hear, look at,see,watch,notice)之后作宾补

9、时不定式需省去to。为了便于记忆,我们可以这样记“一感”(feel)、“二听”(listen, hear)、“三让”(let,make,have)、“四看”(look at,see,watch,notice)。例如:Ifeltsomeone open my door我感觉有人开了我的门。Please listen to me sing the song again请听我把这首歌再唱一遍。You cant letthe boy stand in the sun你不能让那孩子站在太阳底下。You must watch me carefully do everything你必须仔细观察我所做的一切。

10、注意:感官动词后既可跟省略to的不定式作宾补,也可跟现在分词作宾补。其区别是:前者强调动作的全过程或经常性;后者则强调动作在进行(片断)。试比较:I heard her sing我听见她唱了歌。I heard her singing我听见她在唱歌。C带to或不带to的不定式作宾补在动词help后可以跟带to的不定式作宾补,也可以跟不带to的不定式作宾补。例如:He often helps me(to)clean the room他经常帮助我打扫房间。We helped him(to)mend his bike我们帮他补自行车胎。不定式作宾语补足语动词不定式位于及物动词的宾语后,补充说明宾语,作

11、补足语。常用带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有want sb to do, ask sb to do , tell sb to do, order sb to do, get sb to do, wish sb to do, allow sb to do, invite sb to do, teach sb to do, encourage sb to do, beg sb to do 等。Vt. + sb. + (not) to do sth. The teacher told us to read the text. Who taught you to play the music.

12、He asked me not to tell you the news. His parents didnt allow him to play常用省去to的动词不定式作补足语的动词有:一感(feel)、二听(hear, listen to)、三让(make, let, have)、四看(look at, see, watch, notice) Please listen to me sing this song again. I felt someone open my door. The boss made the girl work ten hour a day. You must w

13、atch me carefully do everything.跟省to的还有:had better,why not?why dont you?will you please?shall,will,would及其他情态动词之后。注意:感官动词、使役动词let,have,make等后面不定式省to,还有had better,why not等后面不定式省to感官动词后既可跟省to的不定式作宾补,也可跟现在分词作宾补,其区别是:跟现在分词强调动作的情景(正在进行),跟不定式强调动作的全过程(表示动作已完成)。e.g. I often heard her sing when I walked past

14、 her home.I heard her singing just now. When I looked out of the window, I saw the boys playing basketball. On my way home, I saw the accident happen. 在动词think,believe,know,find, understand,take等之后,作宾补的不定式多由“to be adj”构成。例如:They find the Chinese people to be happy and cheerful他们发现中国人都很幸福快乐。He believ

15、ed the earth to be a globe他相信大地是个球体。在某些短语后也可跟带to的不定式作宾补。这类动词短语常见的有:wait for,call on,depend on,care for,long for等。例如:The crocodile waited for the monkey to come down again鳄鱼等着猴子再下来。The chairman called on Mr Brown to speak主席请布朗先生讲话。I shouldnt care for that man to be my doctor我不要那人给我看病。注意:感官动词后既可跟省略to的

16、不定式作宾补,也可跟现在分词作宾补。其区别是:前者强调动作的全过程或经常性;后者则强调动作在进行(片断)。试比较:I heard her sing我听见她唱了歌。I heard her singing我听见她在唱歌。C带to或不带to的不定式作宾补在动词help后可以跟带to的不定式作宾补,也可以跟不带to的不定式作宾补。例如:He often helps me(to)clean the room他经常帮助我打扫房间。We helped him(to)mend his bike我们帮他补自行车胎。4、作状语,可作目的、结果、原因状语。She came here to borrow an Eng

17、lish book.(目的)Lets stop to have a rest. She is too young to go to school.(结果)He runs fast enough to catch a horse. Im sorry to make you wait here so long.(原因)5、不定式作作定语时,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后,作后置定语。I want to get something to read during the holiday. We have a lot work to do . She is the first person to thi

18、nk of the idea. Theres nothing for us to worry about 6、疑问词 + 不定式 结构疑问词 + 不定式构成不定式短语在句子中可作主语、宾语、表语,相当于一个名词性从句,常常可用来简化从句。宾语从句的简化1).当主句的谓语动词是hope,decide,wish,agree等,其后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句主语一致时,可以简化成动词不定式结构。如:Wei Hua hopes that she will be back soon. Wei Hua hopes to be back soon.2).当know,learn,remember,forg

19、et等动词其后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句主语一致时,可以简化成疑问词+不定式结构。如:I dont know what I should say. I dont know what to say. 3).当tell,learn,show,teach等动词其后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句的间接宾语一致时,可以简化成疑问词+不定式结构。如:Could you tell me how I can get there?(句子中的 me 和I指的是同一个人)可以改写为: Could you tell me how to get there?4).动词后的宾语从句,也可以用不定式来简化,但主语要发生

20、变化。如:It seemed that the boys were going to play ganes. The boys seemed to play games.7.1)疑问词who, what, which, where, when, how加to do可构成不定式短语,在句中可用作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语等。When to start has not been decided .I dont know what to do。He can tell you where to get the book. The question is who(m) to ask.2)不定式之前的t

21、o与介词to不同。介词to之后要跟名词、代词或相当于名词的短语作宾语;而不定式to之后必须跟动词原形。3)介 词to: to+名词/代词/动名词不定式to: to+动词原形判断下面句子中to是介词还是动词不定式On the way to school 。on the way to see a film。 I want to borrow a dictionary. Turn to Page32. Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?They began to read and write. He is used to getting up early. Hel

22、p yourself to some fish . She asked me to speak a little louder. She found him to be a very good pupil. Her boss made the girl work ten hour a day. You must watch me carefully do everything.81)动词疑问词带to的不定式结构。此类动词有:find out ,decide,know,tell, forget,understand,wonder等。如:He doesnt know which one to bu

23、y他不知道该买哪一个。We must decide how to do with them我们必须决定将如何处理他们。2)另外,动词不定式用作宾语时,如果后跟有形容词作宾语补足语,在这样的复合宾语中,我们常把it放在宾语的位置作形式宾语,而把不定式放到句尾平衡句子。如:They found it impossible to get everything ready in time他们发现及时准备好一切是不可能的。巩固训练做做下面中考题检测一下吧。1I told Bob _ the TV since it was too lateAturn off Bturns off Cturning off

24、 Dto turn off2My parents asked me _ home earlier yesterdayAget Bgetting Cto get Dgot3The greedy inn-keeper once made the poor hero _ twice a dayAdance Bdances Cdanced Dto dance4Is Wei Fang good at singing?Yes,she isWe often hear _ her in the next roomAto sing Bsings Csing Dsinging5作定语动词不定式作定语时,要放在它所

25、修饰的名词或代词后面。例如:In my dreams I always have very difficult jobs to do我在梦里总是做一些艰难的工作。Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat他每天叫一个小动物给他带来吃的东西。6作状语不定式作状语常用来表示动词行为的目的。常见结构为:in order to do sth如:She explained the word again with some examples in order to make herself understo

26、od她又用了一些例句解释了这个字,以使别人明白她的讲解。不定式也可用在作表语用的形容词(或过去分词)后作状语,说明“产生这种情绪的原因”或是“在哪方面存在谓语所表示的情况”等。其结构为:主语be形容词to do sth如:Im sorry to hear that your mother is ill听说你妈妈病了,我很难过。不定式作结果状语的句型有两种:1too形容词副词to do sth如:Kate ran too slowly to catch up with Rose凯特跑得太慢,赶不上罗丝。2名词形容词副词enough to do sth如:Have you got enough m

27、oney to buy a computer?你有足够的钱买台电脑吗?动词不等式不带to 的情况1在情态动词can,may,must,dare,need等后的动词不定式不可带to。例如:那个男孩会说一点英语。误:That boy can to speak a little English说明:need可用作情态动词,后跟不带to的动词不定式,也可用作行为动词,后跟带to的动词不定式。试比较:You neednt talk so loud你不必这么大声讲话。You didnt need to tell him the news;it just made him sad你无需告诉他这一消息,那只会

28、使他悲哀。2在had better后应跟不带to的动词不定式。例如:今天她最好呆在家里。误:Shed better to stay at home today3在Why not?后应跟不带to的动词不定式。例如:为什么不和他一起去动物园?误:Why not to go to the zoo with him?4在感官动词see,hear,watch,look at,listen to,feel,notice等以及使役动词make,let,have等后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语时应省去不定式符号to。例如:我们老师让我们把这些单词抄写十遍。误:Our teacher made us to copy

29、 these words ten times注意:将此句改为被动句时,省去的不定式符号to应加上。例如上句若改为被动语态应是:We were made to copy these words ten times by our teacher在动词help后跟不定式作宾语或宾语补足语时,既可带to,也可不带to。例如:Jim helped(to)finish the work吉姆帮着完成了那项工作。Father helped us(to)decorate the Christmas tree爸爸帮我们装饰了那棵圣诞树。5在Will(Would)you please(not)?句型中,please

30、后应跟不带to的动词不定式。例如:请把你的收音机音量调低点好吗?误:Will you please to turn down your radio?6两个或更多的动词不定式连用时,如果它们在句中的语法功能相同或相似,通常只需在第一个动词不定式中用上符号to,其余的动词不定式都不带 to。例如:我们没有人知道什么时候开始,什么时候结束。误:None of us knows when to start and to end加载中,请稍候.【中小学教育网 - 中考试题】:1. Dont forget _ the letter.A. to send B. send C. sending D. bein

31、g sent2. The chair looks very old, but in fact it is very comfortable to _.A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on3. Is _ necessary to return the book tomorrow?A. this B. that C. it D. which4. Im afraid they would not allow him _ here.A. to smoke B. smoking C. smokes D. smoke5. Mother told me _ the water before I drank it.A. boiling B. boiled C. boil D. to boil6. On my way home,

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