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1、重庆市开州区学年七年级下学期期末英语试题重庆市开州区2020-2021学年七年级下学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Remember to take umbrella with you when you go outside in England.Aa Ban Cthe D/2Which_does your sister like best?Summer Its a good time for swimming.Amonth Bseason Canimal Dsubject3There_a sofa, two desks and some books in the r

2、oom.Abe Bam Cis Dare4Do you like to study in the living room?No, its too noisy. I need to study in a_place, like my bedroom.Aquiet Bnoisy Cmagic Dscary5When we see Picture_, we should not turn right.A B C D6What do you usually do in the evening?I usually play basketball, but last night I_TV.Awatch B

3、watches Cwatching Dwatched7Judy play the guitar now, but she play it two years ago.Acould, can Bcan, could Ccouldnt, can Dcan, couldnt8There are _ floors in my building and I live on the_floor.Aseven: six Bseventh: six Cseven: sixth Dseventh; sixth9Look! Jim_musicAlistening to Bis listening to Cis l

4、istening Dlistening10Mom, where are my shoes?They are under the desk. Please_Aput it away Bput them away Cput away them Dput away it二、完型填空Dear Tom,Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. I 11 a wonderful day. In the morning my parents 12 with me. They bought a beautiful dress 13 me Its yellow. I like

5、it very much. Then they 14 me to a restaurant. We had lunch there. The food was 15 After lunch we went to a pet shop. My mother 16 me a little dog. It has big black eyes. Its very cute. In the evening, I had a birthday 17 with my friends. They bought me a birthday cake They also 18 me a lot of prese

6、nts. We sang, danced and played games. All the shows were very 19 and I was so happy.Wish you 20 my birthday party one day. Write to me soon!Yours,Helen11Ahave Bhas Cam having Dhad12Awent shopping Bgo shopping Cgoes shopping Dgoing shopping13Ato Bfor Cat Dof14Atake Btakes Ctook Dto take15Adelicious

7、Bhappy Csunny Dwell16Afound Bbought Cwanted Dput17Aclass Bpresent Cparty Dmeeting18Abrings Bto bring Cbrought Dbring19Ainteresting Blate Cearly Ddifficult20Acome Bcoming to Cto come Dto come to三、阅读单选Li Ming 13years old, ChinaThe Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite festival. It is on the 5th day of t

8、he 5th month of the Chinese lunar calendar. We can enjoy many interesting activities, such as the dragon boat race. I like eating zongzi very much.David,12 years old, EnglandMy favorite festival is Christmas Day. It is on December 25th. We always put a Christmas tree in our house. In the evening, my

9、 family usually have a big dinner. My favorite Christmas food is turkey.Tmsuk, 11 years old, JapanMy favorite festival is Childrens Day. It is on June 1st. On that day, parents wish their children health (健康). We always eat a kind of rice cakes.21At the Dragon Boat Festival, Li Ming likes eating_.Ad

10、umplings Bzongzi Cturkey Deakes22Of the three festivals,_is in December.AChildrens Day Bthe Dragon Boat FestivalCChristmas Day Dnone(一个也没有)23Tmsuk comes from_.AChina BEngland CJapan DAmerica Mr. Smith is 40 years old. He teaches English in PECMiddle School. Jack and Jim are his Linda is his daughter

11、.Today is June 20th. Tomorrow is Mr. Smiths birthday. His children buy some things for Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith likes apples very much. Jack buys his father some apples. Mr Smith likes playing basketball. Jim buys a basketball for his father. Mr. Smith often plays it with his sons in the afternoon. Lind

12、a buys a big white cake for her father. Its his favorite color.On his birthday, Mr. Smith will have a birthday party at home in the evening. Every year, Mr Smiths friends come to his birthday party. They give some cards to Mr Smith. Mr. Smith likes them very much. The day after tomorrow, the Smith f

13、amily will have a picnic in a park. It will be great fun for them to eat there.24Mr. Smith is_.Aa worker Ba doctor Ca teacher Da policeman25Jim buys_for his father.Asome apples Ba basketball Ca big cake Dsome cards26Mr. Smiths birthday is _.Aon June Bon June 21st Con July 20th Don July 21st27The und

14、erlined(划线的)word “them” refer to(指代)_in the last paragraph(段落)Athe kids Bthe apples Cthe family Dthe cards In Junior High School in America, kids study English, writing, math, science, biology, music and art.At 12 oclock, the students have lunch at school. They have meat, vegetable fruit,bread and a

15、 drink, but they like hot dogs and hamburgers best. American kids like sugar (糖). After lunch,they can have a small piece of cake.Students never sleep after lunch. They begin classes at 1: 30 in the afternoon. They go to school on weekdays and have classes for six hours every day and then return home.Parents let their

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