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Unit 10 语言点新供参习.docx

1、Unit 10 语言点新供参习Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked ( cause great shock and surprise to) the World1. run through 1) 跑着穿过Running through the forest in the dark, the boys were greatly afraid.孩子们在黑暗中穿过树林, 心里非常害怕。2) (使)在流过The river runs through several underground caves which store the water for the citys use.

2、这条河流经几处贮存城市用水的地下蓄水池。3)匆匆查阅Please run through these names again from the top of the list.请将这些名字从头至尾再看一遍。4)贯穿A feeling of sadness runs through his poetry.一种悲伤感贯穿于他的诗歌。Place: take ones place 就座, 入座; 占有 地位take place 发生, 举行take sb.s place 代替某人; 接替某人的位置a place in the sun有利的地位, 显要的地位He has been struggling

3、to achieve a place in the sun these years. 这些年来,他一直在为改善境遇而拼搏。feel out of place 感到拘束不自然, 不自在As a result,you feel out of place without a beverage in your hand. 结果是,你觉得手中没酒就很不自在。go to ones own place 婉回老家, 死去court: 1)庭院, 院子The court is very dirty.这个院子非常脏。2) 法庭, 法院The matter is still pending in court.这案子

4、还在法院中悬而未决。3) 宫廷, 宫室He was said to have served at court for years.据说他曾在宫廷中任职多年。4)球场Are the players on court yet?球员都上场了吗?5)求爱, 献殷勤He has been courting Jane for six months.他追求简已六个月之久。Sweltering: 1)闷热的a sweltering room 闷热的房间2) 热得没气力的sweltering athletes. 中暑的运动员2. counsel 1) 辩护律师, 法律顾问The judge asked coun

5、sel for the defense to explain.法官要求被告的辩护律师做出解释。2) 忠告, 劝告Listen to the counsel of your elders.听从长辈们的劝告吧。Good counsel does no harm. 忠言有利无害。hold counsel together 协商take counsel with sb. 征求某人意见Seventy times seven did I take counsel with my soul. 我在内心深处不知考虑了多少次。counsellor 顾问morminee被提名者, 被任命者He is the pa

6、rty leaders nominee for the post. 他是党的领导人提名任此职的人。Examinee投考者,应试者The examinee is then directed to fix on the examiners right eye. 接着就叫被检查人注视检查人的右眼。trainee接受训练的人;受训者employee雇工, 雇员They are government employees.他们是政府雇员。referee裁判员The referee blew his whistle,and the game stopped. 裁判吹响哨子,比赛停止了。Movement: 1

7、) 运动, 开展运动的团体The trade union movement is concerned with working conditions.工会运动关注工作条件。2) 乐章This is a beautiful movement.这是一篇优美的乐章。3) 动向, 趋向, 倾向He could not yet tell where the movement of his thought would take him.他还不敢说他的思想发展趋势会把他引向何方。4)动作, 姿势We were amused at his funny movements in doing morning ex

8、ercises.他做早操时的滑稽动作使我们觉得好笑。in the movement 跟着潮流前进, 不落后, 符合时代潮流Bring about:造成, 引起导致(某事)Gambling had brought about his ruin.赌博终于毁了他。bring together 使和解;使相识; 使坐在一起; 使会面The opposing forces on the island have been brought together for peace talks.岛上的敌对势力已经坐下来进行和平磋商。Bring up: 1) 教育, 养育(孩子)My aunt brought up

9、 four children.我姑姑养了四个孩子。2) 提及提出Mr. Chairman, I should like to bring up the question of the reorganization of the committee.主席先生, 我想提出改组委员会的问题。3. trial 1) 审判, 审理Hes standing trial for thieving.他正因涉嫌偷窃而接受审判。2) 测试, 试验, 考验We shall put the machine to further trial.我们将进一步试验这部机器。3)讨厌的人事物, 忧虑麻烦的原因The recor

10、der next door is a great trial to us.隔壁邻居的那台录音机响得真是让人受不了。trial and error 反复试验, 从失败中找到解决办法They didnt know how to put in a central heating system, but they managed it by trial and error.他们不知道怎样安装集中供暖设备, 但是经过反复试验终于安装好了。4.unknown 1)未知的An unknown man has stolen all her money.一个陌生人把她的钱偷光了。2)不出名的, 知名度不高的Un

11、til last year he was still an unknown singer, but now his name has become a household word.去年以前他还一直是位默默无闻的歌手, 可如今他的名字已家喻户晓了。3) n.不知名或不出名的人或事物There are many unknowns in science.科学上还有许多未知之处。unknown condition 未知条件unknown quantity 难以预测的人事To her the outside world was a totally unknown quantity.对她来说, 外部世界

12、完全是个未知数。be involved in 涉及,专心We do not want to be involved in any war,we wish for everlasting peace. 我们不希望被卷入战争,我们期待永久的和平。Deal with: 论述, 涉及Here the subject may be dealt with under four headings.这个题目可以分四点来谈。touch upon 简单涉及In this connection, we will touch upon an interesting fact. 关于这一点,我们要谈到一个有趣的事实。t

13、reat of 论及The essay treats of the progress in cancer research.这篇文章讲述了癌症研究的进展情况。5. testify 作证; 证明The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial.指纹专家应邀出庭作证。testify about 就.作证Lay witnesses are constrained to testify only about matters they have directly observed. 外行证人被限制在仅就他们直接观察到的事物作证。testif

14、y against 作不利于.的证明Two witnesses testify against her and one in her favour. 有两个证人的证词对她不利,另一个人的对她有利。testify under oath that . 发誓证明attest:证明;证实Witnesses attested his account.几名证人都证实了他的陈述是真实的。Prove: 证明They were not able to prove these suspicions.这些怀疑他们无法证实。bear out 证明, 证实The prisoners story was borne ou

15、t by his wife.囚犯的陈述被他的妻子证实了。6. behalf 方面, 利益, 赞同Bill accepted the championship award on behalf of the team. 比尔代表他的队接受了冠军奖。in behalf of 现罕用美为了.的利益The President signed the treaty in behalf of his government. 总统代表他的政府在条约上签了字。on behalf of 1)为了的利益He spoke on behalf of the plan.他为这项计划辩护。2)代表, 为了Im writing

16、 on behalf of my mother to express her thanks for your gift.我代表我母亲写信, 对你的礼物表示感谢。more than 1) 超过His insolence is more than I can stand.我受不了他的无礼。2) 很, 非常I was more than a little angry when I saw how theyd ruined it.当我见到他们是怎样把它破坏时, 我不禁大为愤慨。3)不只是His report is more than a survey.他的报告不只是一份调查。7.on hand 在手边

17、, 在附近; 在场Mr. Blakes secretary is always on hand when he appears in public.布雷先生在公开场合露面时, 他的秘书总在场。at hand 在手边, 在附近, 即将来临Soon school will end and the vacation will be at hand.学期快结束了, 假期即将到来。by hand 用手的, 亲自的We received a typewritten letter with a note added by hand.我们收到一封用打字机打出的信, 附有手写的一张字条。Even adv.1)甚

18、至, 即使2) adj.平的, 平坦的In the end we arrived at the even ground at the top of the mountain.最后我们登上了山顶上的平地。3) 均匀的;稳定的有规律的;He cut the bread into even slices.他把面包均匀地切成片。4)双数的, 偶数的Thirteen is not divisible by any even number.13不能被任何偶数除尽。Broadcast: 1) n.广播; 播音Do you listen to the broadcast?你听广播吗?2) 广播节目He gav

19、e a number of broadcasts.他进行过多次广播节目。3) vt. & vi.广播, 播放They broadcast this hour every day.他们每天这个时间播音。current affairs broadcast 时事广播educational broadcast 教育广播, 教学广播outside broadcast 实况广播, 实况转播pre-recorded broadcast 重播, (预)录(广)播trick: 1) 戏法, 把戏An old dog cannot learn new tricks.老狗学不会新把戏。2)计谋, 诡计, 花招Don

20、t be fooled by any of her cunning tricks.不要被她的任何诡计所骗。3) 诀窍, 技巧, 技艺Patience is the trick in doing a job well.耐心是做工作的诀窍。4) vt.哄骗; 欺骗A clever lawyer should be able to trick the prisoner into an admission of guilt.聪明的律师应能诱使罪犯认罪。get the trick of it 学会诀窍, 知道做法None of your tricks ! 别耍花招!Trickle滴, 淌, 细流Bloo

21、d trickled slowly down his cheek.血从他的面颊上缓缓地淌了下来。Brick: 砖, 砖块The old man stood on a pile of bricks almost as high as a house.那位老人站在一堆跟房子差不多高的砖上。Throw: 投; 掷; 扔; 抛throw a chest 挺胸而立throw a fit 口大发脾气;大为烦恼Your father will throw a fit when he hears what you have done. 你父亲要是听说了你的所作所为,一定会大发雷霆。throw a lie in

22、 sb.s face 当面戳穿某人说谎throw a mist before sbs eyes 使某人模糊, 使某人眼花缭乱Dick was a juggler, who threw mists before your eyes.迪克是个骗子, 他在你面前故弄玄虚。throw a party 口举行宴会,酒会等We are going to throw a party to celebrate my new job next Sunday evening. 下星期天晚上我们将举行舞会,庆祝我有了新工作。Shoulder: 1) 肩, 肩部, 肩膀I feel a dull ache in th

23、e shoulder.我的肩膀感到隐约疼痛。2) 承担The oldest son should shoulder the burdens of the family.长子该担负起家庭的重担。a shoulder to cry on 口能提供慰藉的人; 所祈求的同情Dont cry on my shoulder,this failure is all your fault. 别向我诉苦,这次的失利完全是你的过错。be up to ones shoulders 深深地陷着, 工作忙得不可开交get the cold shoulder 受到冷遇, 讨个没趣If you invite her to

24、a party, youll just get the cold shoulder. 如果你邀请她参加晚会,你只会自讨没趣。have broad shoulder 能挑重担look over ones shoulder 小心提防rub shoulders with 和.接触; 并肩; 协力shift sth. from ones shoulder 推卸某事square ones shoulders 挺胸(以示轻蔑)Kids,you should square your shoulders and go to see it. 孩子们,你们应鼓起勇气去看看它。shoulder to shoulde

25、r 肩并肩地, 同心协力地They marched along shoulder to shoulder.他们肩并肩地前进。wait for 1) 等待, 等候Ive been waiting for the bus for half an hour.我等车已等了半个小时了。2) 观望形势后再作决定, 见风使舵She waited for the cat to jump before she made up her mind.她观望了形势以后才作出决定。8, Case:1)事例, 实例Could you give us a concrete case?你能不能给我们举个具体事例?2) 实情,

26、情况Actually, it is not the case.实际上, 情况不是这样的。3) 病例, 病症, 患者Cases of smallpox are becoming rare.天花病例日益罕见。4) 案件;诉讼In this case Im acting for my friend Mr Smith.我在这次诉讼中代表我的朋友史密斯的利益。The case was settled out of court.这案件在庭外解决。5)语法格 the nominative case主格in case以防;可能;倘若Take a hat with you in case the sun is

27、very hot.倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。in case of如果;万一 In case of rain they cant go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。Erupt:1)突然发生Laughter erupted from the audience.笑声从观众席上爆发出来。The demonstrations erupted into violence.示威游行爆发成暴力行为。2)爆发, 喷发No one knows when the social volcano below modern society will erupt. 谁也不知道埋在现代社会下的社会火山何时爆发。3) 出

28、疹Rashes have erupted all over my back.我背上出满了疹子。Corrupt: 堕落的, 腐败的The corrupt police chief turned a blind eye to the open gambling in the town. 这个受贿的警察局长对镇上的公开赌博佯装不见。interrupt打断Youd better not interrupt him. He is sleeping.你最好别打扰他, 他在睡觉。disrupt使混乱, 扰乱An accident has disrupted railway services into and

29、 out of the city.一场事故使得进出该城市的铁路交通陷入混乱。abrupt突然的, 意外的I dont know the cause of his abrupt leave.我不知道他突然离去的原因。Coach:1)教练, 指导He is a football coach.他是一位足球教练。2)长途客运汽车We usually go by coach.我们通常坐长途汽车去。poach侵入他人地界偷猎He has been poaching on her land for years, poaching mainly fish and rabbits.数年来他一直在她的土地上偷猎,

30、 主要捕鱼和偷猎兔子。roach(欧洲)石斑鱼clash:1)冲突There is a clash between two classes at 2 p.m.on Thursday.星期四下午两点有两堂课是冲突的。2) (金属等的)刺耳的撞击声The pot came down on the stone floor with a clash.锅“当”地一声掉到石地上。Slash: 挥砍; 鞭打; 割破Dont slash your horse in that cruel way.不要那样残忍地鞭打你的马。Splash 溅泼声He fell into the water with a splash.他扑通一声跌入水中。flash闪耀, 闪现His eyes flashed a smile.他眼里闪现出微笑。Lash: 鞭打He lashed the horse cruelly.他残暴地鞭打那匹马。9. build up 1)逐步建立, 增进, 增强The pressure on the enemy is building up.对敌人的压力在不断加强。2) (在某个地方)盖满了建筑物The area has been built up since I lived h

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