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1、中考英语完成句子专练1中考英语完成句子专项训练题1.没时间再紧张了。 No time .2每个人都很大方,我们获得了很多当地商业部门的支持。Every and we a lot of .3在演出结束时,观众们热烈鼓掌并兴奋喊叫,因为演员们表演得很好。 of the show, the audience and because the very well.4埃米和我自愿去搭建舞台。Amy and I the stage.5他们家里没有钱,因此这些孩子们不得不去工作,而不是去上学。Their families the children go to work to school.6主持人不断地把来宾

2、介绍给观众。The host the audience.7必须做些什么来帮助保护大熊猫。Something must the giant pandas.8我们应该发传单叫人们捐款。We should ask people money.9请注意听我所讲的话。Please .10当组织者们选我当主持人时,我感到非常高兴。I very happy the the host.11渐渐地,一切都变得有点儿简单。 , everything became .12我们的职责之一就是学会如何快乐地生活。One of our learn live .13我希望我能当主持人。 I I be the host.14练

3、习得越多,你的英语就说得越好。 you practice, you speak English.15他因粗心而失败了。He failed his .16你的职责包括接听电话并打扫卫生。Your duties and .17我相信我的女儿已经做了个好的决定。I that .18你还有其他事情要和我们的读者说吗?Is there youd like our ?19我多么希望我能像鸟儿一样飞翔。 How I that I a bird.20一切看起来发生得如此之快,现在一切都结束了。Everything and now it .21昨天晚上大雨阻止了我们参加晚会。The heavy rain the

4、 party last night.22你最好把它当成玩笑。 Youd better a joke.23老师告诉我不要花太多的时间玩电脑游戏。The teacher too much time computer games.24我过去常常住在上海,但现在我习惯于住在北京。I in Shanghai, but now I in Beijing.25她不喜欢课后讲英语,她害怕出错。She English after class, for she mistakes.26奶牛为我们提供牛奶。Cows milk and cows milk.27史密斯医生过去每天只做两三个手术。Doctor Smith

5、only operations every day.28我们所需要的是足够的钱来继续我们的工作。All we need to our work.29请集中注意听老师在课上讲。Please to the teacher in class.30我希望人们将通过捐款给奥比斯支持我们的工作。We people our work by ORBIS.31许多孩子因为没有钱放弃上学而去工作。Many children go to work to school 32儿童基金会想为孩子建造一个更好的地方在这世界上。UNICEF wants place for children.33儿童基金会是一个提高儿童生活的

6、机构。UNICEF is an works children.34他喜欢他的工作并且习惯于空中大夫的生活方式。He loves his job and he the lifestyle doctor.35他不习惯于乘飞机旅行。He plane.36我过去常常把我所有的零花钱花在买衣服和零食上。I all my clothes and snacks.37Daniel是个优秀的学生,他总是第一个完成作业。Daniel is student, He always homework.38那儿过去有个教堂。There a church there.39医生将对她动手术来医治她的疾病。The doctor

7、 will her for her ill ness.40为什么不去尽力去帮助需要中的人呢? help people ?41看不起那些失明者是错误的。It is some people blind people.42我认为她可能解决这个问题。I think it is the problem.43咱们轮流打扫教室吧!Lets the room.44记住尽可能使活动有趣以便更多的人会参加。Remember the event more people will join it.45中国绝大部分城市都广泛使用因特网和移动电话。The Interent and mobile phones in Chi

8、na.46妈妈叫我不要在雨天骑车。Mother me the bike days.47爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家而著称。Einstain a great scientist.48每天保持快乐很重要。 is important every day.49我非常感谢你邀请我参加你的生日晚会。I am you me to your birthday party.50要赢得这场比赛学会团队精神很重要。 important if you want to win the match.51请尽力跑完你的最好成绩将被记录下来。Please try your best result .52因为污染严重,许多动物失

9、去了他们的家园。Lots of animals the serious pollution.53老师在学校里应该关心孩子们。TTeachers the children at school.54它是来自山谷公园传来小提琴的声音。It was the from vally park.55电脑可以用来学英语。Computers can English.56Sandy的爸爸是中国医疗队的成员,他经常去非洲。Sandys father is a . He often goes to Africa.57他们似乎对拍照片不感兴趣。They didnt seem photos.58汤姆不知道他的光盘被他妈妈

10、藏在哪儿了。Tom doesnt know where his CD his mother.59主持人手里拿着话筒走上舞台。The host a microphone in her hand.60她只想着自己,从不关心他人。She only_ _ herself and doesnt_ _ others.61我们欢迎来自世界各地的游客到常熟来参观。We welcome _ from all over the world _ _ Changshu.62下星期我们不去野营因为我们要准备考试。We are not going _ next week because we are_ for exams

11、.63除非你认真学习,否则你不会学好英语的。You can learn English well_ you _ _.63班长正在发作业本。The monitor is_ _ the exercise books.64因为寒冷的天气,许多人患病了。Many people got sick_ _ the _ _.65他没有足够的钱进行医疗诊治。He doesnt have _ money_ _ _.66医生将对她动手术来医治她的疾病。The doctors will _ _ _ _ her for her illness.67教练告诉他们继续训练。The coach told them to_ _

12、 _ the _.68我们把英语老师当作我们的好朋友。We_ our English teacher_ our good friend.69黄色能使你想到温暖并充满阳光的日子。Yellow can_you _ _warm and sunny day.70穿着红色能使你更容易采取行动。_red can make _ _for you to _ _.71Danial情绪很差,整个下午都不想和任何人谈话。Daniel was _a bad _and didnt talk to _ _ the afternoon.72红色与白色是很好的搭配,因为充满力量的红色可以平衡冷静的白色。Red and whi

13、te are a good _,as the _red _the _white. 73相同星座的人往往有相似的特点。People _ _ the same star sign have _ characteristics.74我希望这条建议能对你有帮助。I hope this piece of advice will be _ _ you.75.Lily只能放弃她的爱好,以便集中精力做作业。Lily has to _ _her hobbies and _ _her homework.76如果你容易被吓坏,你不要看恐怖电影!_you _ _easily,do not watch it ! 参考答

14、案:1. to be nervous any more 2. was very generous had support from local businesses3. At the end clapped shouted excitedly performers performed4. have volunteered to set up 5. have no money so have to instead of going6. kept introducing the quests to 7. be done to help protect8. give out leaf lets to

15、 to donate 9. pay attention to what Im saying10. felt when organizers chose me to be 11. Slowly a little bit easier12. duties is to how to happily 13. wish could 14. The more the better 15. because of carelessness 16. include answering the phone cleaning17. believe my daughter has made a good decisi

16、on18. anything else to say to readers 19. wish could fly like20. seemed to happen so fast is all over 21. prevented us from joining22. treat it as 23. told me not to spend playing24. used to live am used to living 25. doesnt like to speak was afraid of making26. provide for us provide us with 27. us

17、ed to do two or three28. is enough money carry on with 29. pay attention to listening30. hope will support sending donations 31. instead of going because of32. to make the world a better33. organization that to improve the lives of 34. is used to of a flying35. isnt used to traveling by 36. used to

18、spend pocket money on37. an excellent is the first to finish 38. used to be39. perform an operation on 40. Why not try your best to in need41. wrong that look down on 42. possible for him to work out43. take turns to clean 44. to make as interesting as possible so that45. are widely used most of the

19、 cities 46. tells not to ride on rainy47. was known as 48. It to keep happy49. grateful to for asking 50. Its to learn team spirit51. to finish running will be recorded 52. lost their living areas because of53. should care about 54. sounds of violins coming 55. be used to learn 56. member of the Chi

20、nese medical team57. interested in taking 58. was hidden by59. went on the stage with60. think of care about 61. visitors to visit62. unless study hard63.handing out64. because of cold weather65.enough for medical treatment66.perform/do an operation on 67.carry on with training68.regard/treat as69.remind of a 70.Wearing it easier take action71. in mood anybody all 72. match powful balances calm 73.born under similar74.helpful to 75.give up focus on76.If get scared

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