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本文(环境设计专业室内装饰中英文对照外文翻译文献.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、环境设计专业室内装饰中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述附件1:外文翻译译文室内装饰简述一 室内装饰设计要素 1 空间要素空间的合理化并给人们以美的感受是设计基本的任务。要勇于探索时代、技术赋于空间的新形象,不要拘泥于过去形成的空间形象。 2 色彩要求室内色彩除对视觉环境产生影响外,还直接影响人们的情绪、心理。科学的用色有利于工作,有助于健康。色彩处理得当既能符合功能要求又能取得美的效果。室内色彩除了必须遵守一般的色彩规律外,还随着时代审美观的变化而有所不同。 3 光影要求人类喜爱大自然的美景,常常把阳光直接引入室内,以消除室内的黑暗感和封闭感,特别是顶光和柔和的散射光,使室内

2、空间更为亲切自然。光影的变换,使室内更加丰富多彩,给人以多种感受。 4 装饰要素室内整体空间中不可缺少的建筑构件、如柱子、墙面等,结合功能需要加以装饰,可共同构成完美的室内环境。充分利用不同装饰材料的质地特征,可以获得千变完化和不同风格的室内艺术效果,同时还能体现地区的历史文化特征。 5 陈设要素室内家具、地毯、窗帘等,均为生活必需品,其造型往往具有陈设特征,大多数起着装饰作用。实用和装饰二者应互相协调,求的功能和形式统一而有变化,使室内空间舒适得体,富有个性。 6 绿化要素室内设计中绿化以成为改善室内环境的重要手段。室内移花栽木,利用绿化和小品以沟通室内外环境、扩大室内空间感及美化空间均起着

3、积极作用。 二 室内装饰设计的基本原则 1 室内装饰设计要满足使用功能要求 室内设计是以创造良好的室内空间环境为宗旨,使室内环境合理化、舒适化、科学化;要考虑人们的活动规律处理好空间关系,空间尺寸,空间比例;合理配置陈设与家具,妥善解决室内通风,采光与照明,注意室内色调的总体效果。 2 室内装饰设计要满足精神功能要求 室内设计的精神就是要影响人们的情感,乃至影响人们的意志和行动,所以要研究人们的认识特征和规律;研究人的情感与意志;研究人和环境的相互作用。设计者要运用各种理论和手段去冲击影响人的情感,使其升华达到预期的设计效果。室内环境如能突出的表明某种构思和意境,那末,它将会产生强烈的艺术感染

4、力,更好地发挥其在精神功能方面的作用。 3 室内装饰设计要满足现代技术要求 建筑空间的创新和结构造型的创新有着密切的联系,二者应取得协调统一,充分考虑结构造型中美的形象,把艺术和技术融合在一起。这就要求室内设计者必须具备必要的结构类型知识,熟悉和掌握结构体系的性能、特点。现代室内装饰设计,它置身于现代科学技术的范畴之中,要使室内设计更好地满足精神功能的要求,就必须最大限度的利用现代科学技术的最新成果。 4 室内装饰设计要符合地区特点与民族风格要求 由于人们所处的地区、地理气候条件的差异,各民族生活习惯与文化传统的不一样,在建筑风格上确实存在着很大的差别。我国是多民族的国家,各个民族的地区特点、

5、民族性格、风俗习惯以及文化素养等因素的差异,使室内装饰设计也有所不同。设计中要有各自不同的风格和特点。要体现民族和地区特点以唤起人们的民族自尊心和自信心。 三 室内装饰设计要点 室内空间是由地面、墙面、顶面的围合限定而成,从而确定了室内空间的大小和形状。进行室内装饰的目的是创造适用、美观的室内环境,室内空间的地面和墙面是衬托人和家具、陈设的背景,而顶面的差异使室内空间更富有变化。 1 基面装饰-楼地面装饰 基面-在人们的视域范围中是非常重要的,楼地面和人接触较多,视距又近,而且处于动态变化中,是室内装饰的重要因素之一,设计中要满足以下几个原则:2 基面要和整体环境协调一致,取长补短,衬托气氛

6、从空间的总体环境效果来看,基面要和顶棚、墙面装饰相协调配合,同时要和室内家具、陈设等起到相互衬托的作用。 3 注意地面图案的分划、色彩和质地特征地面图案设计大致可分为三种情况:第一种是强调图案本身的独立完整性,如会议室,采用内聚性的图案,以显示会议的重要性。色彩要和会议空间相协调,取得安静、聚精会神的效果;第二种是强调图案的连续性和韵律感,具有一定的导向性和规律性,多用于门厅、走道及常用的空间;第三种是强调图案的抽象性,自由多变,自如活泼,常用于不规则或布局自由的空间。 4 满足楼地面结构、施工及物理性能的需要 基面装饰时要注意楼地面的结构情况,在保证安全的前提下,给予构造、施工上的方便,不能

7、只是片面追求图案效果,同时要考虑如防潮、防水、保温、隔热等物理性能的需要。 基面的形式各种各样,种类较多,如:木质地面、块材地面、水磨石地面、塑料地面、水泥地面等等,图案式样繁多,色彩丰富,设计时要同整个空间环境相一致,相辅相成,以达到良好的效果。 四 墙面装饰室内视觉范围中,墙面和人的视线垂直,处于最为明显的地位,同时墙体是人们经常接触的部位,所以墙面的装饰对于室内设计具有十分重要的意义,要满足以下设计原则: 1 整体性进行墙面装饰时,要充分考虑与室内其它部位的统一,要使墙面和整个空间成为统一的整体。 2 物理性 墙面在室内空间中面积较大,地位较主要,要求也较高,对于室内空间的隔声、保暖、防

8、火等的要求因其使用空间的性质不同而有所差异,如宾馆客房,要求高一些,而一般单位食堂,要求低一些。 3 艺术性在室内空间里,墙面的装饰效果,对渲染美化室内环境起着非常重要的作用,墙面的形状、分划图案、质感和室内气氛有着密切的关系,为创造室内空间的艺术效果,墙面本身的艺术性不可忽视。 墙面的装饰形式的选择要根据上述原则而定,形式大致有以下几种:抹灰装饰、贴面装饰、涂刷装饰、卷材装饰。这里着重谈一下卷材装饰,随着工业的发展,可用来装饰墙面的卷材越来越多,如:塑料墙纸、墙布、玻璃纤维布、人造革、皮革等,这些材料的特点是使用面广,灵活自由,色彩品种繁多,质感良好,施工方便,价格适中,装饰效果丰富多彩,是

9、室内设计中大量采用的材料。 五 顶棚装饰 顶棚是室内装饰的重要组成部分,也是室内空间装饰中最富有变化,引人注目的界面,其透视感较强,通过不同的处理,配以灯具造型能增强空间感染力,使顶面造型丰富多彩,新颖美观。 1 设计原则 要注重整体环境效果。 顶棚、墙面、基面共同组成室内空间,共同创造室内环境效果,设计中要注意三者的协调统一,在统一的基础上各具自身的特色。 顶面的装饰应满足适用美观的要求。 一般来讲,室内空间效果应是下重上轻,所以要注意顶面装饰力求简捷完整,突出重点,同时造型要具有轻快感和艺术感。 顶面的装饰应保证顶面结构的合理性和安全性。 不能单纯追求造型而忽视安2 顶面设计形式 (1)平

10、整式顶棚这种顶棚构造简单,外观朴素大方、装饰便利,适用于教室、办公室、展览厅等,它的艺术感染力来自顶面的形状、质地、图案及灯具的有机配置。 (2)凹凸式顶棚这种顶棚造型华美富丽,立体感强,适用于舞厅、餐厅、门厅等,要注意各凹凸层的主次关系和高差关系,不宜变化过多,要强调自身节奏韵律感以及整体空间的艺术性。 (3)悬吊式顶棚在屋顶承重结构下面悬挂各种折板、平板或其它形式的吊顶,这种顶往往是为了满足声学、照明等方面的要求或为了追求某些特殊的装饰效果,常用于体育馆、电影院等。近年来,在餐厅、茶座、商店等建筑中也常用这种形式的顶棚,使人产生特殊的美感和情趣。 (4)井格式顶棚其是结合结构梁形式,主次梁

11、交错以及井字梁的关系,配以灯具和石膏花饰图案的一种顶棚,朴实大方,节奏感强。 (5)玻璃顶棚现代大型公共建筑的门厅、中厅等常用这种形式,主要解决大空间采光及室内绿化需要,使室内环境更富于自然情趣,为大空间增加活力。其形式一般有圆顶形、锥形和折线形。 总之,室内装饰设计是一门综合性很强的学科,涉及到社会学、心理学、环境学等多种学科,还有很多东西需要我们去探索和研究。本文主要阐述了室内装饰设计的基本原理和设计方法,不管什么风格同属于室内设计门下,此篇文章让大家对室内设计有个更加深入的理解和感悟,如有不足之处让批评指正。 附件2:外文原文On interior decoration1 Interio

12、r design elements1 Elements of the spaceAnd the rationalization of space for people to the United States and the feeling is the basic design. We must have the courage to explore the times, technology giving a new image of space, not to rigidly adhere to the past to form the image of the space.2 Colo

13、r requirementsIn addition to the interior color of the visual impact on the environment, but also a direct impact on peoples emotional and psychological. The use of color science in favor of work, contribute to health. Color can properly deal with the functional requirements of the United States can

14、 achieve results. In addition to the interior color must be in general compliance with the law of color, but also with the era of aesthetic variation.3 Lighting requirementsEnjoy the beauty of human nature, often directly into the sun room, to eliminate the dark room and feeling a sense of closure,

15、especially the top-ray scattering of light and soft, warm indoor space is more natural. The transformation of light and shade, so that the room more colorful, in order to give people a variety of feelings.4 Decorative elementsIndoor space as a whole an indispensable building components, such as colu

16、mns, walls and so on, need to be combined with decorative features, together constitute the perfect indoor environment. Make full use of the different characteristics of the texture of the decorative materials, can change a thousand different styles and the End of the effects of indoor art, but also

17、 reflects the regions historical and cultural characteristics.5 Elements of the displayIndoor furniture, carpets, curtains and so on, all the necessities of life, his style has often display characteristics of the most decorated play a role. Both decorative and practical co-ordination should be, and

18、 the function and form of unity and change, so that appropriate and comfortable interior space, full of personality.6 Green elements.Green Interior Design in order to improve the indoor environment has become an important tool. Indoor shift flowers planted trees, the use of small-scale afforestation

19、 and communication between the indoor and outdoor environment in order to expand the indoor space and a sense of space for landscaping are to play an active role.二 Interior design of the basic principles1 Interior design to be used to meet the functional requirementsInterior design is to create a go

20、od environment for the purpose of the indoor space, so that the rationalization of the indoor environment, comfort and scientific; people have to consider the activities of the law deal with the relationship between space, space size, the proportion of space; rational distribution of furniture and f

21、urnishings, indoor proper solution Ventilation, lighting and lighting, interior color attention to the overall effect.2 Interior design to meet the functional requirements of the spiritThe interior design is to affect the spirit of the peoples feelings, and even affect the peoples will and action, s

22、o to study peoples understanding of the characteristics and laws; study of human emotions and the will; study of the interaction between people and the environment. Designers to use a variety of theories and methods to the impact of human emotion to achieve the distillation of the effectiveness of t

23、he design. If the indoor environment to highlight the mood and show some kind of idea, then it will have a strong artistic appeal, the better play in the spirit of its functions.3 Interior design to meet the demands of modern technologyConstruction of the space for innovation and structural design i

24、nnovations are closely linked, the two should be harmonized to achieve, give full consideration to shape the structure of the image of China and the United States, the arts and technology together. This requires the interior designer must have the necessary structure of the types of knowledge, famil

25、iar with and master the structure of the system performance characteristics. Modern interior design, it is outside the scope of modern science and technology, interior design to better meet the requirements of the spirit of the function, it is necessary to maximize the use of modern science and tech

26、nology, the latest results.4 Interior design to take into account local characteristics and requirements of national styleAs the regions people, geography and climate differences between various ethnic groups and lifestyles of different cultural traditions, in the architectural style there are indee

27、d very different. China is a multi-ethnic country, in all areas of national characteristics, national character, customs and cultural factors such as differences so that the interior design is different. Design have different styles and characteristics. To reflect the ethnic and regional characteris

28、tics in order to arouse peoples sense of national pride and self-confidence三 Interior design elements:Interior space is on the ground, wall, top of the tube together by qualify in order to determine the indoor space the size and shape. For the purpose of interior decoration is to create the applicat

29、ion, the appearance of the indoor environment, indoor space on the ground and the walls are set off and furniture, furnishings background, and the differences so that the top surface of the indoor space more changes.1 surface-decorated ground floor, decorated Face in peoples view of the scope of it

30、is very important, on the ground floor, and people who have frequent contacts, and the last line-of-sight, and in the dynamic changes in interior decoration is one of the important factors, to design Meet the following principles:2 attention to the pattern of division on the ground, color and textur

31、e characteristics.Ground design can be divided into three types: the first is to emphasize the independent integrity of the design itself, such as conference rooms, the use of cohesive pattern to show the importance of the meeting. Color should be coordinated and conference space, made a quiet, conc

32、entrate on the effect; The second is to emphasize the continuity of the design and a sense of rhythm, a certain sexual orientation and the law, lobby for, and used the aisle space; third Is the emphasis on abstract patterns, free and varied, lively and comfortable, or used in the irregular distribution of free space.3, to meet the ground floor of the structure, construction and physical properties.Surface-decorated ground floor, pay attention to when the structure, on the premis

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