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高一英语北师大版必修一教学案Unit 2 Section 4 Word版含答案.docx

1、高一英语北师大版必修一教学案Unit 2 Section 4 Word版含答案.根据词性及汉语提示写出单词1Olympicadj.奥运会的2dead_(right)adv. 完全地,绝对地3crewn. 全体机组人员4bearvt. 忍受5impactn. 影响,效果6admireadmirationn. 钦佩,羡慕7divedivern. 潜水员8absolutelyabsoluteadj. 完全的,绝对的9explorationexplorev. 探险,冒险10tragedycomedyn. (反义词)喜剧11losslosev. 丧失12daringdarev. 敢13universeu

2、niversaladj. 普遍的,全体的.用所给词的适当形式填空1A bomb exploded in a nearby supermarket. The explosion was very powerful, bringing over 20 deaths and many injuries.(explode)2The dancer was tall and graceful. She moved with the natural grace of a ballet dancer.(grace).补全短语1come off it别胡扯2get a point(体育或游戏比赛中)得分3ide

3、ntify with sb. 与某人(在思想感情上)有共鸣;与某人(尤指故事中的角色)有同感4rescue .from . 解救,援救,救出5in the course of 在的过程中;在期间6share .with . 与分享(共用)7manage to do sth. 设法做成某事,努力完成某事1Yet, it is not a job without risk and 20 of those people have died while in space or in space programme training.然而,这并不是一项没有冒险的工作,其中二十人在太空或太空项目训练中牺牲

4、。句式分析while后省略了they are。佳句赏析在伦敦的时候,我游览了一些著名景点。When in London, I visited some famous places of interest.2Among them was Sharon MacAuliffe, a high school teacher, who was to be the first teacher in space.莎伦麦克奥里弗就在其中,她是一位高中老师,即将成为第一个到太空去的老师。句式分析介词短语among them在句中作状语,置于句首引起主谓完全倒装。佳句赏析床上躺着个病人。On the bed la

5、y a patient.3For the families of the seven, we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy.对于这七位英雄的家庭来说,我们也像你们一样,不能接受这次悲剧的突然降临。句式分析as you do为插入语,在句中作方式状语。佳句赏析像你一样,我也不想拒绝他的邀请。I dont want to refuse his invitation, as you do.4Give me a challenge and Ill meet it with joy.给我一项挑战,我将欣然接受。句式分析本句

6、为“祈使句and陈述句”句型。佳句赏析努力学习,你就会成功。Study hard and youll succeed.考点1dead adv.完全地,绝对地教材原句You are dead right.你十分正确。辨析比较adv.adj.dead完全地死了的deadly极度;非常致命的He was dead drunk yesterday evening, unable to drive.昨晚他烂醉如泥,不能开车。The hunter fired and the tiger fell dead.猎人开枪,老虎倒地而亡。The shock was deadly to him.这次打击对他是致命的

7、。He looks deadly serious.他看上去极其严肃。1选词填空: dead, deadlyNick was found dead in his car with a hole through his head.You can be dead sure of my honesty.The disease is deadly difficult to cure.The man suffered from a deadly disease.2完成句子我绝对肯定他会来帮我忙的。Im dead_sure that he will come here to help me.屋子里充满了死一

8、般的寂静。A deadly_silence filled the room.考点2bear v容忍;忍耐;支撑,承担(责任)教材原句For the families of the seven,we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy.对于这七位英雄的家庭来说,我们也像你们一样,不能接受这次悲剧的突然降临。put up with (doing) sth.容忍/忍受(做)某事She was afraid she wouldnt be able to bear the pain.她担心自己不能忍受疼痛。I cant bear

9、 having(have) cats in the house.我不能忍受家里有猫。名师指津bear作“忍耐,忍受”讲时,通常与can, could连用,用于疑问句及否定句中;其过去式、过去分词分别为bore, borne。1单句语法填空Some people cant bear travelling/to_travel(travel) by sea.When I was young, I couldnt bear being_punished/to_be_punished/punishment (punish) in public. 2一句多译我无法忍受别人那样嘲笑我。I_cant_bear

10、_being_laughed_at_like_that.I_cant_bear_to_be_laughed_at_like_that.I_cant_stand_being_laughed_at_like_that.I_cant_put_up_with_being_laughed_at_like_that.考点3come off it别胡扯教材原句Oh, come off it!噢,别胡扯了!come about发生come across 偶尔遇到come off 离开,脱落come in 进来;到达(船、飞机、火车等到港进站);流行起来come out 出版;发芽;开花come on 快来(c

11、ome along),进行;进步;成长;跟随come up 走过来;上升,上来;提出Come off it! We dont have a chance.别胡扯了!我们现在没有机会。He told me to come off it, as I had no right to give him orders.他叫我住口,因为我无权命令他。How did it come about that he left school?他为什么会离开学校?The sun has come up.太阳升起来了。介、副词填空(2013全国卷)Would you like to come along with us

12、 to the film tonight?Theres a good play coming on next week.Come off it! Tell us the truth.How would you let it come about?The question came up at the meeting.考点4share . with .与分享(合用)经典例句Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group?你愿意把你的经验与组里其他人分享吗?(1)share with sb. in sth.在某物

13、方面与某人分享share in . with sb. 与某人分担(2)share n. (分享到的或贡献出的)一份v. 分配,均分It helps to share your sorrow with someone else.向他人诉说你的痛苦对你是有益的。Id like to share with you in the dinner cost.我想与你分担就餐费用。I shared in the cake with all my friends present.我与在场所有朋友分享蛋糕。I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把我的小部分财产分给了他。1

14、单句语法填空Yes, I want to share life with you.We have shared in our sorrows as well as joys.Sara also pays a share (share) of the gas bills.2完成句子Robert is the only person who_shares_my_opinion(和我意见相同的人)He still has 500 shares(股) of the company.考点5manage to do sth.设法做成某事教材原句Shes lived a hard life but stil

15、l manages to be cheerful and kind to others.她一直艰难地生活着,但仍然设法保持快乐而且对别人友好。I managed to pull myself up onto a wet rock.我终于爬上了一块潮湿的岩石。The box was heavy but he managed to carry it.箱子很重,但是他设法搬动了。名师指津manage to do sth.与try to do sth.含义不同:类似用法的短语还有:I tried to help him, but I was too busy.我努力帮助他,但我当时太忙。I manag

16、ed to borrow some money from him.我设法从他那借了些钱。She advised me to give up smoking, but failed.她建议我戒烟,但失败了。 He persuaded me to take exercise which was of great help to me.他说服我进行体育锻炼,这对我是很有帮助的。1选词填空: manage, try Ill try to do what I think is right.He managed to pass the driving test on the fifth attempt.2

17、单句改错He managed to go, but failed.managedtriedI persuade him to give up, but he wont listen.persuadeadvise1Among_them_was_Sharon_MacAuliffe,_a high school teacher, who was to be the first teacher in space.莎伦麦克奥里弗就在其中,她是一位高中老师,即将成为第一个到太空去的老师。(1)介词短语among them位于句首,引起主句全部倒装。On the wall hangs a large map

18、 of China.墙上挂着一幅大的中国地图。Inside the temple lives an old monk.庙里住着一位老和尚。(2)英语中表示方位的介词短语位于句首时,引起句子全部倒装。使用全部倒装的结构还有:在以here, there, now, then等副词开头的句子中。Here is a letter for you.这有你一封信。在以in, out, away, off, up, down, below等表示方位的副词开头的句子中。Out rushed the children.孩子们冲了出去。名师指津全部倒装句的主语为名词,谓语动词常为go, come, stand,

19、lie, rush等。代词作主语时则不倒装。Here you are.给你。The door opened and in he came.门开了,他走了进来。1单句改错Here is it!is_itit_isThere is standing a big tree.is_standingstands2完成句子去北京的火车来了。Here_comes the train to Beijing.我们村坐落于山脚下。At the foot of the mountain lies_our_village2Give_me_a_challenge_and Ill meet it with joy.给我一

20、项挑战,我将欣然接受。(1)“祈使句and陈述句”,这一句式中的祈使句相当于条件句,陈述句表示结果,用来叙述肯定的情况。Follow the advice of the doctor, and youll be well very soon.听从医生的建议,你很快就会好起来的。Use your head, and you will find a way. If you use your head, you will find a way.动动脑筋,你就会想出办法的。(2)这一句型的另外两种形式“名词词组and陈述句”。名词词组中通常含有more, another, further, earli

21、er等词,用来叙述肯定的情况。Another step and the child will fall into the well.如果再迈一步,这个小孩儿就掉进井里了。One more effort and you will make it.再努力一点,你就会成功的。“祈使句or (else)/otherwise陈述句”。or (else)/otherwise表示“否则,要不然”,用来叙述否定的情况。Take the chance, or you will regret it. If you dont take the chance, you will regret it.抓住机会吧,否则你

22、会遗憾的。1句型转换If you give me one more chance. Ill do better.Onemorechance,_and Ill do better.Hurry up or we will be late.Ifyoudont hurry up, we will be late.2完成句子多进行体育锻炼,你的身体就会健康。Take more exercise and_youll_become_fit当心,不然你就会有危险的。Be careful, or_you_will_be_in_danger如何写叙事记叙文技法指导写叙事记叙文的常用方法是组织段落法。组织段落的常见

23、方法有:时间顺序;空间顺序;重要性顺序;熟悉度顺序。我们将着重讨论第一种组织方法时间顺序法。1时间顺序法组织段落的最简单最常见的方法是时间顺序法(time order organization)。时间顺序通常用于叙述和过程分析先发生什么,然后怎样,再然后怎样等。在生活中,我们经常运用这种方法。你也许曾经告诉你父母在学校里发生的事情;你也许向老师和同学叙述过你是怎样做一个实验的。这些用的都是时间顺序法。2如何用时间顺序段落写叙事记叙文(1)写下你要记录的事件或步骤,然后按照时间顺序排列;(2)确定你的写作目的,然后写出带有中心思想的主题句;(3)从你列举的事件或步骤中删除与中心思想无关的细节;(

24、4)使用first, then, the next step等表示时间顺序的词或短语把细节连接起来。黄金表达1One Saturday, our family went to climb the beautiful West Hill.那是一个星期六,我们全家去美丽的西山游玩。2After a long walking,I was as hungry as a wolf and helped myself to the roast beef and chicken.长时间的步行之后,我很饿,狼吞虎咽地吃掉了烘烤的牛肉和鸡肉。3Until late into the night, I could

25、nt fall asleep, thinking about the happiness I had in the day.夜很深了,我还不能入睡,想着白天的快乐时光。4Hardly had I done this when I realized that I had done something bad to our environment.我刚一这样做,马上意识到自己的所作所为破坏了我们的环境。5No sooner had I thought about it than dad ended the game with his victory.我刚想到这些的时候,爸爸已经赢了。6I turn

26、ed off the TV as fast as possible.Meanwhile, I pretended that I was reading Chinese.我以最快的速度关掉电视,同时假装读语文书。7The result was that I was not allowed to watch TV for the following two weeks.结果是接下来的两个礼拜,我被禁止看电视。写作规范题目要求昨天我们参加了一场由宇航员所作的报告,宇航员讲到“玉兔号”月球车和神舟十号的成功发射表明我们在探测太空中取得了巨大成就。我们认为他们是超级英雄,同时坚信中国今后会取得更加不寻常

27、的成就。请你将昨天听的报告的内容及感想叙述一下,可适当发挥,词数100左右。参考词汇:飞行flight ;发射launch;卓越的brilliant;超级英雄superhero;事业career;不平常的unusual;在某人看来in ones opinion三步作文法第一步搜索词汇1宇宙飞船:spaceship2.宇航员:astronaut3令人惊异的:amazing4.探测:explore5熟练地:skillfully6.就自己而言:personally7勋章:medal 8.绝对地:absolutely9自信的:confident 10.独立地:on_ones_own11开始认识到:co

28、me_to_realize第二步由词造句1He said Jade Rabbit and Shenzhou were launched successfully. We can do it by ourselves and have made amazing and brilliant achievements in exploring the space quite skillfully.In_his_opinion,_the successful launch of Jade Rabbit and Shenzhou showed that we can do it on_our_own a

29、nd have made amazing and brilliant achievements in exploring the space quite skillfully.2I think all the astronauts are superheroes.Personally,_all the astronauts are superheroes.3After it, we gradually realized the importance of this career. I do believe China will make greater and more unusual achievements later.After it, we came_to_ the importance of this career and we are absolutely_confident_ that China will make greater and more unusual achievements in_the_future第三步连句成篇Yesterday, we attended a report on the flight of spaceship by an astronaut. In his opinion, the successful launch of

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